Are Turner Blackbirds For Real And Is Anyone Riding One?

Turner Summer Ski Slalom Boards

Moderators: Peggy Turner, Christopher Bara

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Wesley Tucker
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Post by Wesley Tucker » Wed Jul 16, 2003 2:38 am

Ok, time to get provocative.

Is ANYONE riding the new Turner Blackbirds? Is anyone racing these boards? Is any member of the general public riding these boards? As in, someone other than Team Turner? Not that I don't respect their opinion, but, hey, maybe a "third party's" opinion would have some impact.

I've heard a lot about the blackbirds Bobby put together in the late '80s but never seen or, naturally, ridden one. So what's the lowdown on these new SR-71s Turner has for sale?

Once again, I'm seriously threatening the purchase of a new stick. I've bought ONE recently and might consider another. The only problem with sinking more than $380 into a deck is they are completely anonynmous. They'be been on the website as available now since March, but I haven't seen where ONE has been to a race or seen any action.

What's the verdict?

P.S. Please don't forget how far out in the country I live. If I don't read about it here, then I don't know anything. And I HATE being ignorant! :smile:

Adam Trahan
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Post by Adam Trahan » Wed Jul 16, 2003 5:52 pm

I have inquired about the company straight to Peggy with no reply. Inquired about the cone sale and boards as well.

Nothing returned.

Who knows, could be growing pains or "spam" e-mail filter. I've nothing but respect for the Turner Summer Ski and it's organization but it seems that their drive is not what it used to be.

I still can't view so I don't know what is going on over there, perhaps things are different in that neck of the woods.

On any account, if anyone hears anything about the "BLACKBIRDS" or anything else from the current Turner Summer Ski camp, please pass it on here.

Turner and anyone else into the sport is welcome here!


Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Thu Jul 17, 2003 1:10 pm

We bought some of the Turner Downhill boards from Peggy a few months ago, but at that time it was too early to talk about any of the new boards (at least we thought so). We were only interested in the current line up of GS and Fatboys (none left).

As far as I know regarding the cones it was a one time offer. In the US buy your cones from Howard at 3dm. In UK/Europe buy them from or from In Italy you can buy cones from

Joachim Leonhardt
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Post by Joachim Leonhardt » Thu Jul 17, 2003 7:53 pm

... and in Europe/Germany, Austria, ... you can buy TurnerSummerSki boards and cones from

Michael Stride
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Post by Michael Stride » Thu Jul 17, 2003 11:47 pm

Octane Sport no longer distribute Turner decks, which became Turner Summerski. We updated our Turner web page ( to take the changes at Turner into account, and we advise potential purchasers to contact Turnersummerski direct if they want to order direct. We would love to offer Turners once again to stores in the UK.

Wesley Tucker
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Post by Wesley Tucker » Fri Jul 18, 2003 12:19 am


We know where Turners are sold . . . or not sold, as the case may be. Has anyone sold or not sold a Blackbird? Anyone in Europe seen the new Blackbird? Any retailers in Europe had an inquiry concerning the new Blackbird?

Is anyone riding one of these new decks and willing to offer a little feedback? I guess the next question would be: Even though Turner offers the new Blackbird on its website, has it manufactured one yet? Is there one in the shop available for testing?

Joachim Leonhardt
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Post by Joachim Leonhardt » Fri Jul 18, 2003 8:24 am

Have had several inquiries, but no definite order yet.

About a month ago I was told (from a 'secret'-partner shop) that they are really existing - no fake offer.

Michael Stride
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Post by Michael Stride » Fri Jul 18, 2003 9:26 am

I have no doubt that you can order Turner Summerskis, and that Vince and Peggy will be happy to make them.
Sales of slalom decks are directly related to race results, and who is riding them at competitions. And I know that UK racers do look at US results before deciding what to ride. Another big factor recently was Richie Carrasco (Pocket Pistol) and Michael Dong 9(Roe) appearing at UK comps. Best marketing ever. However the classic Summerski shape will always sell as it is heartachingly beautiful.

David Eye
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Post by David Eye » Fri Jul 18, 2003 5:25 pm

At the Breckenridge FCR race, Steve Sherman,
Mike Maysey, Paul Dunn and (I think) other members of the La Costa Boys Racing crew;
(T. Williams, Lynn Kramer, B. Brown ?) were riding the new Turner "skunk works proto- types". It seems I over-heard (if I am remembering correctly) one was refered to as the new Blackbird shape. I might be wrong there, tho.
My first impression of the boards was that they look very much like a Pocket-pistol in shape and overall construction, and alot less like the Turners of the past. Others (Mike Maysey, for instance) has echoed this same observation.
The only other thing I have been hearing about the new boards is that they are proto-types and that the final designs are forth-coming. Also, Paul Dunn, I believe is playing a big role in the manufacture of these new boards.
The new decks certainly looked like they were performing very well, Steve Sherman, was smoking fast in the GS on his, placing 3rd in the Pros.

David Eye
Fort Collins, Colorado
(a Turner fan / rider who hopes that Bobby's spirit and designs live on.)

Wesley Tucker
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Post by Wesley Tucker » Sat Sep 06, 2003 3:13 am

Yeah, they're real. I got one.

John Gilmour
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Post by John Gilmour » Sat Sep 06, 2003 4:14 am

I got a real one too. But it is now 11 years old.

I remember meeting Jani and showing him my Classic Turner. He said..."Well I could never get one of those to work for me, I prefer my S-camber."

So Paris comes and what does Jani ride at the event? A Turner- a hybrid. And I might add he posted a very fast raw time in the straight slalom on it. Though the course was looser than what he would normally run his s-camber on.

I did speak to Peggy and talked about the old construction so she might be able to get that elusive ride back. Hopefully she will cut up an old one and try to duplicate the ride.

One thing Bob and I always talked about was integrating a bumper into the decks. He felt the tooling would have been expensive for it....but with all the gaskets available today I'm pretty sure you could find one that would fit or you could tailor the circumference of a deck to fit a pre-existing gasket. Bob and I both thought if the decks were more durable - owners of the decks would be less apprehensive about letting a newbie or intermediate rider try it. IF you try an advanced buy it. Then a little later you might cut up a desk drawer after your skills are honed...but I think a flex deck for many courses is still the way to go.

It always seems WHENEVER I get a new foam deck and let a newbie try it......whooosh it goes into a curb...never fails...

But you gotta let them try it.

My attitude.., At least I didn't do it. :wink:

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: John Gilmour on 2003-09-05 22:16 ]</font>

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