cone size norm

Cones and Placement

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Etienne de Bary
Posts: 400
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Post by Etienne de Bary » Fri Nov 01, 2002 11:51 am


Getting Turner cones here in Paris, if you pay port and taxes comes to a ridiculous price, so we should have the proper cones, but we don't
Usually we cut heads of traffic regulation cones, 9"-23cm cones like that make a big and heavy bag, so we would be very interested in an alternative norm (like famous Chaput proposed for different reasons)
So: what about 6" ?
15cm seems a good norm-like possible size, it's different enough from the regular to avoid confusion as much as possible, and it's still big enough not to slip under the deck

Glenn S
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Post by Glenn S » Fri Nov 01, 2002 6:23 pm

On 2002-11-01 05:51, etienne de Bary wrote:
Getting Turner cones here in Paris, if you pay port and taxes comes to a ridiculous price, so we should have the proper cones, but we don't.
One of the contributors here from Germany (Daniel Poweleit) has a website that shows great pictures of both Turner/3DM and Airflow cones. Both are just slightly different in size. But that's the general size you want. Airflow is on your side of the pond. But why don't you contact Howard direct at to see if he has some good ideas for getting cones to you cheaper? His customer service is fantastic. <a href=> 3DM</a> is currently having a sale in the states, selling 50 cones for 50 dollars. Go to their home page and click on "buy now" to find the cone deal.

Etienne de Bary
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Post by Etienne de Bary » Sat Nov 02, 2002 12:32 pm

add 20-30 box for port and (probably) 19,something% taxes, unexpectable delivery delays..., you'll see temptation of free ones gets stronger,
workers leave these nice orange and white cones all around, all you have to do is bend and cut, instant delivery !

Etienne de Bary
Posts: 400
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Post by Etienne de Bary » Sat Nov 02, 2002 1:45 pm

a little joke about the Airflow cones (Airflow is GREAT) the Madcow, greatest slalom event ever (if you're not too academic), is completely supported by Airflow , right ?
now go see the (extatic) Madcow photo album ( i guess) you'll see dozens of cones, all orange and white, ... that's not Airflow cones, that's trafic cones :wink:

Glenn S
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Post by Glenn S » Sat Nov 02, 2002 3:51 pm

I must say that I do not endorse taking something that does not belong to you ever. And no better way to get people that don’t skate pissed off at slalomers if they find out that you are taking them. I understand the temptation, because cones “seem” so high priced.

But once you have a set for at least one course (50 or so), you’ve got them for life. And you can slalom well into your later years in life. So if you’re into slalom the investment is worth it. Think of it as a “Lifetime Season Pass” :lol:

Also, those big heavy cones do not “pop” or "plink" out of the way making for a safety hazard. Those are soft rubber right? You’ll end up on your face, bad karma or not.

Save up and get the real ones from Turner. Contact them and ask if they have any ideas how to get them at a good price.
Sorry for the lecture,


Etienne de Bary
Posts: 400
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Post by Etienne de Bary » Sun Nov 03, 2002 11:31 am

first of all this situation is the Paris situation, not my particular situation, as myself i own one (1) of these cones.

Since i'm setting up a first regular weekly slalom session in Paris at the moment, i have to face the problem.
As being raised a calvinist i understand very clearly your point of view, about respect of property. The one i own i took it beside a trashcan (the base was squashed), even thou my 6 years old daughter had your very reaction "- why do you take this ?" - all-right

Rather strangely if you read the undreds of posts about cones on, you will find no consideration about that. it's not even formulated.
Are we all outcasts, bikers, sociopaths ?
No, we're all kinds of poeple, students to mature riders, like you guys, and more concerned with social issues than most people

Now, to judge a behaviour, you must understand the society in which it is done.
You live in a protestant society based on private property, consumption and punishment (and the art of murder, to quote some sociologist), we live in a catholic society where common good is important, we prefere invective to shootings, we scream and we shout but in the end we (usually) keep the same wife, we're in search of happiness you're in search of achievement... this is a different world,
We're more like the Navajo or the Inuit.
(and you don't understand it, probably since some of us look rather "caucasian", like some of you look ; or since there is a filiation, but you forget we split after a terrible civil war.)

Now, cones, are not private property, they are not public property either. they are distributed to workers to canalise trafic on road work sites.
When the work is done, sometimes they will collect their cones because they have few, sometimes they'll just push it aside, sometimes theys take the nice ones back. They don't feel like the cones belong to them, they use them, and then they take new ones.
So to most people these cones spread all around are mainly seen as a pollution.

Now, i wasted one hour on a sunday morning, preaching you and you won't even read it, ...
one thing about you guys is you allways act like the world would show different kinds of unperfect societies, perfectible to become like yours. Well, we stink and we snort, and still we think we're great :wink:

Etienne de Bary
Posts: 400
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Post by Etienne de Bary » Sun Nov 03, 2002 11:33 am

the question is:
would you guys ride 6" cones, or would you be in trouble ?

Etienne de Bary
Posts: 400
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Post by Etienne de Bary » Sun Nov 03, 2002 11:39 am

OK, now i got a little mad,
nov 20th is my 40th birthday, and i have to choose between the cones and a real slalom skate, no budget for both

Hans Koraeus
Corky - World Ranking Master Mind
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Sun Nov 03, 2002 2:39 pm

Well, well. It starting to get really deep here. Let's sum it all up.

Whatever cones are better than no cones.
Turner cones are better than whatever cones.
End of story!?

Etienne. I lived in Gentilly for 5,5 years. I saw some guys with longboards in the neighborhood now and then so maybe we have seen each other without knowing it.

Daniel Poweleit
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Post by Daniel Poweleit » Sun Nov 03, 2002 4:31 pm

Hello Hans!

Have you ever tried the Airflow Cones?
I don't think so! So how you can say thet Turners are the best?

I have both. Airflow and Turner. Both are
from the same quality. The only difference is the dimension.

The Turner are 13,5 cm in the base diameter and 23 cm high.
The Airflow are 16,5 cm in the base diameter and 20,5 cm high.
The advantage of the Airflow is the stack height. 13 of the Turners are as high as 20 of the Airflow.


Glenn S
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Post by Glenn S » Sun Nov 03, 2002 5:50 pm

Sorry I did not mean to upset you. But my opinion about taking cones off the streets seems to have upset you. I regret that it stired your opinion of our two cultures, and brought that into the equation.

I quess that I just did not want some younger person from my culture reading your post and thinking. "I'll just take those cones there"!

I probably should have kept my opinion of morality to myself, but I did not.

If in your country cones are free for the taking. And no one will get mad. Or that they would be happy that you took them, then it is up to you to decide if you want to take them.

Please forgive me for not understanding the way things work in your culture.


On 2002-11-03 05:31, etienne de Bary wrote:
first of all this situation is the Paris situation, not my particular situation, as myself i own one (1) of these cones.

Since i'm setting up a first regular weekly slalom session in Paris at the moment, i have to face the problem.
As being raised a calvinist i understand very clearly your point of view, about respect of property. The one i own i took it beside a trashcan (the base was squashed), even thou my 6 years old daughter had your very reaction "- why do you take this ?" - all-right

Rather strangely if you read the undreds of posts about cones on, you will find no consideration about that. it's not even formulated.
Are we all outcasts, bikers, sociopaths ?
No, we're all kinds of poeple, students to mature riders, like you guys, and more concerned with social issues than most people

Now, to judge a behaviour, you must understand the society in which it is done.
You live in a protestant society based on private property, consumption and punishment (and the art of murder, to quote some sociologist), we live in a catholic society where common good is important, we prefere invective to shootings, we scream and we shout but in the end we (usually) keep the same wife, we're in search of happiness you're in search of achievement... this is a different world,
We're more like the Navajo or the Inuit.
(and you don't understand it, probably since some of us look rather "caucasian", like some of you look ; or since there is a filiation, but you forget we split after a terrible civil war.)

Now, cones, are not private property, they are not public property either. they are distributed to workers to canalise trafic on road work sites.
When the work is done, sometimes they will collect their cones because they have few, sometimes they'll just push it aside, sometimes theys take the nice ones back. They don't feel like the cones belong to them, they use them, and then they take new ones.
So to most people these cones spread all around are mainly seen as a pollution.

Now, i wasted one hour on a sunday morning, preaching you and you won't even read it, ...
one thing about you guys is you allways act like the world would show different kinds of unperfect societies, perfectible to become like yours. Well, we stink and we snort, and still we think we're great :wink:

Glenn S
Posts: 522
Joined: Wed Sep 04, 2002 2:00 am

Post by Glenn S » Sun Nov 03, 2002 6:23 pm

Now I'm mad and this is serious! :wink: ... /paper.htm

Actually I'm not mad and this is not serious, I just hope that we can laugh about it, and be friends. :lol:

Etienne de Bary
Posts: 400
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Post by Etienne de Bary » Sun Nov 03, 2002 6:36 pm


As a matter of fact some of the cones chopped were probably still good, others were up to be recycled. Someone had paid for these cones once, ...
i got quite upset i'm afraid, didn't mean to be rude, i hope i didn't hurt...


too bad you left, i got here 6years ago, also the neighborhood is full of DH "secret spots"

Glenn S
Posts: 522
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Post by Glenn S » Sun Nov 03, 2002 6:51 pm

No Problem, all is good.

If you want cones follow this link: <a href= ... option.htm target=_new> Click Here</a> You not only get a cone, but you get a certificate of authenticity, and instruction on how to take care of your cone! And a life long friend that will out-live you. :wink:

Cones have feelings too!
<img src= ... effrey.jpg>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Glenn on 2002-11-03 13:17 ]</font>

Hans Koraeus
Corky - World Ranking Master Mind
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Mon Nov 04, 2002 12:57 am

This starts to be really funny doesn't it?

With daniels comment in mind let's sum it all up again where x is any other simular cone.

1. Whatever cones are better than no cones.
2. Turner/AirFlow/x cones are better than whatever cones.

And I forgot to add the third point...
3. My cones are better than everybody elses cones. :lol:

Etienne de Bary
Posts: 400
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Post by Etienne de Bary » Mon Nov 04, 2002 1:36 pm

to come back to the matter, on the "other" forum (where i studiously report the precious informations i get here - do you know the story of the japanese guy visiting the factory with his tie ?) i've been answered that "real" cones are not forever, after a few years they('d) get stiff, and they('d) squash instead of popping

Chris Eggers
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Post by Chris Eggers » Mon Nov 04, 2002 1:48 pm

Uh Uh Uh now I want to put my 2 cents in.....the Airflow cones have a little twitch at the bottom which make them stand better, the Turner cones fall over easier because they do not have that. It doesn´t really matter which ones you choose I think the are equal in quality, but, when practicing, you can slightly hit an Airflow cone and it won´t fall over while a Turner cone would have fallen. Understand what I mean?

Gary Hornby
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Post by Gary Hornby » Tue Nov 05, 2002 4:22 am

OK, here is my observation from many years ago. I DID take highway cones and chop them down. DUMB MOVE. Karma paid me back.

It seems the highway cones of the past are soft and get caught under wheels. OUCH!

Save yourself some roadrash and use plastic beer cups if you must. I think Mr. Etiene has his ducks in a row by purchasing a slalom que prior to cones.

Hell, I am just buying my first batch!!!

Hang tough, stay cool.......

Mr. Glenn S, I am ready for my cones!!!!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Gary Hornby on 2002-11-04 22:27 ]</font>

Etienne de Bary
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Post by Etienne de Bary » Tue Nov 05, 2002 3:16 pm

now that i think about it... i'll run thru my cones :wink:
no, i have a real GS board, but the trucks are huge : Indy 210 in front, Seismic 150 rear, and 76mm wheels
i did put angled pads recently, it's a first step
i'd like to keep it as is, it's a good freeride machine, so i have to buy mister No2

Etienne de Bary
Posts: 400
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Post by Etienne de Bary » Wed Nov 06, 2002 11:22 am

There really was a kind of misunderstanding:
one of our local slalom specialist as done posts revealing that such american skater -i forget his name- could not skate cones that were not the right size.
another post was about Chaput proposing to change the size of cones, and it all sounded much more dogmatic than it is. so i came up in search for precise infos about precise size norms.
There is no such things actually.
good to know. now i should find things on the local market

Hans Koraeus
Corky - World Ranking Master Mind
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Thu Jun 26, 2003 9:40 pm

Here is what the ISSA rules says...

The cones used for slalom should have a base diameter of approximately 140 mm, approximately 250 mm high and be made of plastic. If the wind is strong enough to move the cones, two cones could be placed on top of each other, however a hit and displaced pair of cones should then be counted as one.

Wes Eastridge
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Post by Wes Eastridge » Thu Jun 26, 2003 10:44 pm

I believe that Turner cones were designed to the dimensions of soccer/football/sport cones. Probably because the game/sport cones are the accessable standby.

Using rubber cones
Leads to climactic karma

Got Turner cones? Me neither.

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