USSSF - Ask The Staff

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Andy Bittner
Posts: 394
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USSSF - Ask The Staff

Post by Andy Bittner » Thu Oct 31, 2002 12:12 am

Hello. My name is Andy Bittner. I have been riding skateboard slalom, with some degree of regularity, for over 32 years.

As an adult, while there were probably no more than about 20 dedicated slalom skateboarders in the world, I was accumulating business experience as a writer, photographer, salesman, full-charge bookkeeper and finally, as the Business Manager of a very successful trade association for what is a relatively small trade.

At the same time, while it could've been considered pure fantasy to imagine slalom would EVER make a comeback, I still imagined that what I was doing was accumulating experience in an important field, which could possibly be very beneficial to the sport, if we were only able to get it jump-started again. Everybody else thought I was crazy.

So, here we are. Back then nobody even saw the whole internet-thing coming. Slalom is back, the internet was instrumental and I'm taking the chance I always only dreamed might ever come my way.

I'd like to take this early opportunity to acknowledge and thank Adam Trahan for the invaluable service he is doing for the forward movement of the sport and the USSSF, through the creation of this website and making it available specifically to the slalom skateboarding community. At this time, while the USSSF is still operating out of the pocket of a pauper (me), this forum allows the USSSF a wonderful, controlled, moderate-able forum, where questions can be asked and understandings provided.

For me, one of the very curious facets of this whole journey is that my dreams aren't really about making slalom skateboarding into "what I like". Frankly, I'm keenly aware that some of my personal tastes in slalom tend to be in the minority (single-lane racing, "lunge box" starts, etc.), and the fact that so many people seem to enjoy the courses I set is just plain lucky.

My goal is really about applying real, time-tested, not-for-profit association management principles in a determined effort, with the intent of creating reputability, stability and longevity for the sport of slalom skateboarding, in what should eventually prove to be an "Everyone Wins!" situation.

I am starting this "Ask The Staff" topic, as a way for people to ask me about the current priorities, purposes and directions of the U.S. Slalom Skateboarding Federation, as I understand them from the Board of Directors.

USSSF... Racing Into The Future!

Andy Bittner
Executive Director
U.S. Slalom Skateboarding Federation

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Andy Bittner on 2002-10-31 08:14 ]</font>

Adam Trahan
Phoenix, AZ, USA
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Post by Adam Trahan » Thu Oct 31, 2002 3:50 am

Below is my opinion, mine, I am not speaking for anyone else.


I would like to first say, "good luck" with your project gentlemen. It is AWESOME to see the interest in forwarding the sport of slalom skateboarding. I would like to help you even more than making this forum for you by becoming a member but first I have something to say for myself.

I am a bit perplexed at the following statement....

"THEREFORE… At this time I would like to announce that the U.S. Slalom Skateboarding Federation is seeking major financial contributors who are interested in permanently and indelibly marking themselves into the archives of this effort, by becoming involved with our Charter Membership Program. Charter Membership is about giving the USSSF the best, most financially sound start as is possible, and as such, is a high-dollar, limited time offer. Those individuals, companies or organizations who risk the most, right at this moment, when trust is the only reassurance available, will find themselves permanently listed in all major publications of the USSSF, in perpetuity."

Perhaps you may want to help me understand a little bit more after reading why I am perplexed.

History has shown that slalom skateboarding has gone through cycles of variable popularity. During times of low interest you will find enthusiasts who's interest did not wax and wane. These individuals who constantly give give give are not in the sport for money, they are in the sport because they love to ride slalom, love to read about it, talk about it and so forth. These individuals are important to the growth of our sport. Some of these people will not have the money for "High Dollar" charter membership but certainly should be at the top of the list before a affluent individual who may or may not have a fleeting interest. The people who are in it for the long run are the ones I want to see on this list and I would like to see them in charge of the direction of the sport.

There is no advertising here at because so many of the manufacturers who support slalom should not have to pay to be involved in this community. Especially when the site is made by and for the enthusiast.

How can we justify advertising money for a site made by it's public? We are attempting to "give back" instead of making money from your input into this organization (

In my opinion, money will help your cause but it will not be the reason to exsist. Should we listen to people with money or find the charter membership full of affluence over those who love the sport?

So I will wait for more information before I commit any money. All I have for slalom goes into and my equipment and now saving for travel to races.

The list of representatives you have provided is strong. Obviously you have had discussion on the organization and if you have time, could you present more information on what your goals are in organizing the USSSF?

Again, good luck with your new Federation, the USSSF and this forum which has dedicated to it's cause. Truly, I hope you can help organize and move forward the sport of slalom skateboarding to the Olympics and beyond!


On 2002-10-29 20:40, Andy Bittner wrote:
On behalf of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors, I am very proud to announce the formation of the United States Slalom Skateboarding Federation. At this time, the members of the Board of Directors of this organization are:

Jack Smith (CA) – President
Gareth Roe (WA) – Vice President
Alan Sidlo (IL) – Secretary
Terence Kirby (NH) – Treasurer
Joe Iacovelli (CT) – Director (Region 1)
Brian Parsons (VA) – Director (Region 2)
Carl Kincaid (IL) – Director (Region 3)
Ricky Byrd (MS) – Director (Region 4)
Chris Raezer (WA) – Director (Region 7)
Steven King (CA) – Director (Region

The U.S. Slalom Skateboarding Federation (USSSF or “U, Triple S, F”) is a nationwide, non-profit sport development and sanctioning body that will commence its’ first membership year on January 1, 2003. The primary purpose of this organization is to build a sport with a solid athletic foundation and positive public image, rooted in the best principles of fair competition and good sportsmanship.

The USSSF is, first and foremost, a representational body. There will be a variety of membership options available, voting and non-voting, priced to invite the involvement of slalom skaters of all skill and interest levels. The opinion of that community, as represented by the voting members, will always be of the highest priority in driving forward the USSSF and the sport of slalom skateboarding.

While the finer points of the direction for this organization are still open to the refinement that will come from the voice of the voting membership, it has already been decided that the U.S. will be divided into regions, each represented by a Director on the Board of Directors. In these regions the USSSF will foster and/or support vigorous development programs and regular, local, reasonably accessible learning and racing opportunities. While these racing opportunities will not be restricted to members of the USSSF, those who have chosen to support the USSSF with their membership dollar will find discounted registration fees at all participating, USSSF-sanctioned events.

The nature of an organization such as the USSSF presents many other potential benefits to the slalom skateboarding community. So many of the issues routinely discussed on this and other websites, like rules standardization, spec class racing, national championships, timing systems, inclement weather policies, dealing with insurance issues and local governments, event guidelines and even travel and accommodation discount programs are best handled by a true, non-profit sport association operating through a system of elected representation.

THEREFORE… At this time I would like to announce that the U.S. Slalom Skateboarding Federation is seeking major financial contributors who are interested in permanently and indelibly marking themselves into the archives of this effort, by becoming involved with our Charter Membership Program. Charter Membership is about giving the USSSF the best, most financially sound start as is possible, and as such, is a high-dollar, limited time offer. Those individuals, companies or organizations who risk the most, right at this moment, when trust is the only reassurance available, will find themselves permanently listed in all major publications of the USSSF, in perpetuity. For more information on the USSSF’s Charter Membership Program, please contact me at

Thank You,

Andrew Bittner
Executive Director
U.S. Slalom Skateboarding Federation

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Andy Bittner on 2002-10-29 20:41 ]</font>


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: adam trahan on 2002-10-31 10:32 ]</font>

Andy Bittner
Posts: 394
Joined: Tue Oct 15, 2002 2:00 am
Location: Gaithersburg, MD

Post by Andy Bittner » Thu Oct 31, 2002 4:18 am


Thank you for your questions and for expressing your initial impressions and concerns for the USSSF. Happily, the most serious of these concerns comes from a misunderstanding and is one that I am very happy and actually proud to address.

You’ve noticed that the USSSF Charter Membership Program seems very arbitrary and dollar-focused, and are concerned about giving undue influence to people just because they have money now. That would seem a perfectly reasonable concern until you know just what Charter Members get for their money.

The quickest, most convenient way for any not-for-profit organization to get itself launched is to quickly scan the target community for those people with the most money to give, and then convince them to give it by whatever means possible, including promises of controlling influence. Despite the pure, not-for-profit intent of the organization and the fact that Charter Memberships are supposed to be pure donation to a good cause, there are any number of reasons why an individual with money to give might give it, including, but not limited to the best interests of some commercial enterprise.

Give any major contributor significant controlling influence and you have to give every major contributor significant controlling influence. Give every major contributor significant controlling influence and you have a completely unworkable situation. It is choosing this most expedient launch method that dooms a majority of not-for-profit associations to failure in their first year. The U.S. Slalom Skateboarding Federation is doing things differently.

The U.S. Slalom Skateboarding Federation is doing things the right way, even if it is the hard way. The first step the USSSF took was to convene a group of willing and like-minded people, each individually regarded somewhere in the national community for his personal passion for the sport of slalom skateboarding, to provide the crucial, initial directions for the organization. It is the appointed and published Board of Directors that will guide the activities and business of the U.S. Slalom Skateboarding Federation until each Director seat becomes, in its’ own turn, subject to the elected choice of the voting membership.

The first membership year for the USSSF is scheduled to commence January 1, 2003. Before that time there will be a selection of membership options made available to the slalom skateboarding community, both voting memberships and non-voting memberships that are not about unfettered high-dollar contribution.

So, just what will Charter Members get for giving all of that money? That’s simple. Charter Members receive one year’s membership in the “regular” membership category of their choosing, a permanent repeated listing as a Charter Member in all of the USSSF’s major publications that increases in “prestige” with the long-term success of the organization, and whatever warm and fuzzy feeling might come from knowing that, as a Charter Member of the USSSF, they’ve just contributed significantly to the advancement of an organization that could help slalom skateboarding outlive us all.

So, why the bluntness and immediacy of the whole Charter Member drive? We’re doing things the right way, not the most convenient way. The USSSF needs money now. We have to be blunt. Money will certainly not be the reason for the existence of the USSSF, but like the launching of any business, the proper launching of a non-profit organization is a cash intensive experience. Do you have any idea what it costs just to apply for 501(c)3 tax-filing status? How about retaining General Counsel? Permanent Mailing Address? A telephone line? Incorporation? Some people might think... it’s just slalom skateboarding, do we really have to do all that? Well, if I had no concern for the existence of the USSSF in the future and was not operating with the longevity of the sport in mind, I’d say no. All of these hurdles are part of the success equation though, and most of them become exponentially more difficult the further down the round we are when we attempt them, since much of the process then involves undoing things done for expediency’s sake earlier in the history of the effort. The USSSF needs money right now, and is asking people to give large sums of it, based only on the trust potential found in a list of respected and well-intended members of our community. If we even get one true Charter Member, we will all be very much in that person’s debt.

I’d like to go on at this time and give you some of the more nuts-and-bolts, member services-type programs that I will be recommending to the Board of Directors, but you’ve probably read enough for the meanwhile. Understanding clearly that the only program that has currently been enacted by the Board is the Charter Membership Program (because it’s hard to decide how much money they’re going to direct towards what without knowing how much money they’re going to have), I can certainly share a laundry list of the programs I will be recommending to them that I’ve seen contribute to the success of similar organizations in the past.

In the meanwhile, even if you’re not tired of reading, I’m tired of typing. More later.


Andy Bittner

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Andy Bittner on 2002-10-31 08:19 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Andy Bittner on 2002-10-31 08:21 ]</font>

Andy Bittner
Posts: 394
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Location: Gaithersburg, MD

Post by Andy Bittner » Thu Oct 31, 2002 4:26 pm


I don't make the final decisions for the USSSF, but what follows is what I'd like to see, as a professional association manager, for the USSSF.

What I see for the first year of the USSSF could include a quarterly magazine, a monthly "hotsheet" newsletter, a website, a national amateur championship program, regional amateur development programs, a National Open Championship (open to all, pros and amateurs alike from anywhere in the world, and not to be confused with the FCR use of the term "Open"), an annual meeting and trade show, and support or “sanctioning” of participating slalom racing events. These are some of the easily visible activities that could take place in the first year of an organization like the USSSF, but it’s important to know that any properly functioning association is also constantly working on less visible, but potentially more valuable projects and member services like lobbying the insurance industries, accumulating and disseminating valuable market information to Corporate members, coordinating travel and lodging discount opportunities for our members as a buying group, and hopefully even directing some funds toward the support and furthering of appropriate, member-approved charitable causes. I also hope the first year will see the development of Rules, Events, Membership and Corporate Advisory committees.

At this point though, the USSSF doesn’t have a single penny with which to attempt any of this. As I’ve mentioned before, Charter Membership is about capital-level contributions, and we’re still waiting for someone to come up with more than “maybe”, “maybe later”, or “not right now”, but that shouldn’t prevent anyone interested in contributing funds to this launch from doing so. The USSSF will gladly accept any and all contributions to our cause. Unfortunately, we have nothing to give in return for launch contributions, other than the gratitude of everyone who might be positively affected by the USSSF in the future, and a share of that warm and fuzzy feeling of the Charter Members.

I’d also like to assure everyone that all of the standard membership levels for the calendar year 2003 will become available for purchase soon, and may have an incentive offer for early enrollment. However, launch donations are a separate thing. If you’d simply like to contribute some financial energy to getting this ball rolling, make your check payable to:

U.S. Slalom Skateboarding Federation or USSSF

And send to:

c/o Andrew Bittner
105 Middle Point Court
Gaithersburg, MD 20877

Thank you,

Andy Bittner

Adam Trahan
Phoenix, AZ, USA
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Post by Adam Trahan » Thu Oct 31, 2002 4:29 pm

No, I am not tired of reading about the USSF. I am interested in ANY organization that will forward the sport.

I've had someone e-mail me for being "harsh" and I appologize if it seems that way to you. What some may not realize is that I sent this to you first, behind the scene asking if I could post it. In my opinion, this is what you should do when you have questions about someone or something controversial.

I will have to re-read this a couple of times to digest it but my initial idea is that you are "doing this right" as you have stated. Sounds like your office may be a collection point for something even bigger...

Good luck, when you figure out the costs, let me know.

Andy Bittner
Posts: 394
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Location: Gaithersburg, MD

Post by Andy Bittner » Thu Oct 31, 2002 4:58 pm

I'd like to acknowledge the concern and intent of anyone who "defended" the USSSF by pointing out to Adam that he might have been harsh. Frankly, when he approached me privately first, I applauded the restraint in the way he was voicing what were otherwise legitimate concerns. I eagerly encouraged him to make the post, as it was.

So, to everyone else, go ahead and test my thick skin. Ask your questions. I'm seeing lots of views on these pages, and I know that there are people with questions. Ask them.

Adam Trahan
Phoenix, AZ, USA
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Post by Adam Trahan » Thu Oct 31, 2002 5:51 pm

Thanks Andy, it was only one person but a pretty nice one. You have to have thick skin to do something like you are doing. Please believe me, I really understand this from experience here...

I will write your organization a check when I pay my bills. It won't be for much, but I will contribute say $20. I can afford that.

I know you (and the rest of the list of representatives) are in this for the long haul, we have had some heated discussion ourselves at ncdsa, respectful discussions and I am glad to see you here and doing what you are doing.

I really appreciate that you enjoy the site, man it is difficult but worth the effort like anything worth doing.
On 2002-10-31 10:58, Andy Bittner wrote:
I'd like to acknowledge the concern and intent of anyone who "defended" the USSSF by pointing out to Adam that he might have been harsh. Frankly, when he approached me privately first, I applauded the restraint in the way he was voicing what were otherwise legitimate concerns. I eagerly encouraged him to make the post, as it was.

So, to everyone else, go ahead and test my thick skin. Ask your questions. I'm seeing lots of views on these pages, and I know that there are people with questions. Ask them.

Andy Bittner
Posts: 394
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Location: Gaithersburg, MD

Post by Andy Bittner » Thu Oct 31, 2002 6:03 pm

The first hero of a revolution.

Every flood begins with a single drop.

Thank you, Adam.

Claude Regnier
Claude Regnier
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Post by Claude Regnier » Thu Oct 31, 2002 8:29 pm


Vlad Popov
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Post by Vlad Popov » Fri Nov 01, 2002 5:53 pm

I know this organization means a lot to some people. I’d like to make an anonymous contribution in the amount of undisclosed sum to match Adam Trahan's ******* dollars.

Andy Bittner
Posts: 394
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Post by Andy Bittner » Fri Nov 01, 2002 6:27 pm

Yes...? You. The little Russian kid. Comrade Vlad. Did you have a question?

I'm sorry, I'm not sure I understand what you're asking? Speak English, will ya?! :wink:

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Andy Bittner on 2002-11-01 12:28 ]</font>

Vlad Popov
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Location: Moscow, Russia

Post by Vlad Popov » Fri Nov 01, 2002 6:36 pm

Yes, sorry Andy. It's got to be in a form of a question to match the name of the thread and to make it sound like we're on Jepardy.

I know this organization means a lot to some people. I’d like to make an anonymous contribution in the amount of undisclosed sum to match Adam Trahan's ******* dollars. Is it OK?

Andy Bittner
Posts: 394
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Location: Gaithersburg, MD

Post by Andy Bittner » Fri Nov 01, 2002 6:44 pm

Vlad. Wie gehts? Trinkst du?

The USSSF will gladly accept any contribution (anonymously, by request). Contact or PayPal us at

What is the USSSF's Launch Ramp Program?

THAT is the proper Jeopardy format. Thank you, very much.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Andy Bittner on 2002-11-02 20:40 ]</font>

Adam Trahan
Phoenix, AZ, USA
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Post by Adam Trahan » Thu Nov 14, 2002 9:18 pm

Just curious...

I am operating on the premise that the ISSA could wake up from it's nap in the future.

The USSSF is obviously a "USA" organization and I am curious if there will be, or is there thought, or ??? in relation to being a chapter/country representative of the ISSA? It is of my opinion that this wheel has already been invented, it's ready to roll, it just needs a little air.


Please do not see this as "who came first" or anything like that. It's about building upon a foundation that worked in the history of our sport. More than anything, it's just an idea, my opinion of a possibility.

Perhaps the USSSF might be a wake up call for the world and the ISSA. Maybe FCR could make it MANDATORY to be a card holder of the USSSF in order to race at it's functions. This might be a way to balance control with racers and organizers (voting) and still promote the sport in a local/regional/contintal/global perspective.

What do you or the USSSF think of this idea?

Andy Bittner
Posts: 394
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Location: Gaithersburg, MD

Post by Andy Bittner » Thu Nov 14, 2002 10:50 pm

Unfortunately, I'm not really sure what is being suggested here. I think there's no question that the USSSF would be interested in sending a representative to any legitimate international slalom skateboarding organization, whether the ISSA or whatever comes next. However, there is also no question that the USSSF will be an independently operating corporation within the U.S. and not a subsidiary, branch or sub-division of any larger organization.

As for the suggestion that FCR make USSSF membership mandatory for its' entrants, I don't ever see that happening. In fact, I don't ever see the USSSF even requesting it. The truth of the matter is that USSSF membership won't even be mandatory to race in most national-level USSSF events.

Again though, I'm not even sure I'm answering what you're asking. Feel free to clarify, if I'm missing something.

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