Vail & Aspen 1978

Movie Files (avi, mpg, rm, etc.)

Moderator: Jani Soderhall

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Jani Soderhall
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Vail & Aspen 1978

Post by Jani Soderhall » Fri Jul 21, 2023 10:32 am

Posted on YouTube by Randy Smith, July 2023

Comments by Peter Camann:
The DH portion begins in Aspen on Castle Creek Road, then segues to the Vail SL with a short segment of the DH in Vail, which preceded the SL, i.e. DH Saturday D-SL Sunday. Both were held on the same road, Spruce Way, which was primo asphalt as all you guys remember. The video is 15+ minutes, but only the first 9:50 minutes is all Vail and Aspen. The cinematographer, the late Greg LeMons passed away one month before completing the movie. It is in the possession of NHS Santa Cruz.
This is the sport's great history in full color.

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