How does the World Ranking work?
Ranking, Rules and Discussion for International Slalom Skateboard Ranking

Moderator: Hans Koraeus

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Hans Koraeus
Corky - World Ranking Master Mind
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How does the World Ranking work?

Post by Hans Koraeus » Fri Jun 11, 2004 4:16 pm

A lot of people are asking me how the World Ranking works. It's not always easy to explain in one or two phrases. I understand that everybody may not have the courage or time to sit down and read thru the whole World Ranking Rules document. So here is a try to give you an easy overview of how the World Ranking works. ... &pageid=i2

Wesley Tucker
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Racers' Names And The World Slalom Ranking

Post by Wesley Tucker » Mon Apr 03, 2006 10:30 pm

I was looking at the Slalom Rankings and found a little problem. We have a really TERRIBLE HABIT of using nicknames and pseudonyms. Unfortunately, some of these non d'plumes get passed along to Hans "Corky" Koraeus as race results.

So, there might be TWO entries for the same racer: one with the legal name and another for a nickname. I caught this when I was scanning the Amateur standings and found an entry for "Eric Walgreen" and "Geezer-X." I have a feeling that when Geezer's points are combined, his ranking will rise out of the low 300s. There are more examples of this out of the 929 amateur slalomers, but Eric's situation is the one I remember.

If you're a promoter or race volunteer who is forwarded results to Corky, please be sure to update the results to reflect a racer's REAL and FULL name. I think it's asking entirely too much of Corky to "just know" who's who and spend time decyphering results.

Hans Koraeus
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Mon Apr 03, 2006 10:50 pm

Thanks Wes,

People having nick names or non-complete names in result lists risk to loose points in the World Rankings. It may be either the fault of the organizer or the rider. But in the end it's only the rider who can loose something on it. It's the responsibility of the racers to make sure their results get registered correctly.

The easiest way to check that all your results are there is to go to the Racer search box and select yourself. You will see your Racer ID. And you can go to your race homepage where all registered results in the ranking database are listed.

Pat Chewning
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Post by Pat Chewning » Tue Apr 04, 2006 2:30 am

I imagine it is very difficult to get official results from all the races in order to enter them into the database for world ranking points. Heck, I can't even get results for one of our Cascade Slalom races, and I helped organize it!

So I'm wondering if you have a preferred method of reporting the results, and what is the minimum information you need for the race?

For those races where there is an elimination bracket, do you try to order the racers who all get eliminated at the same point (e.g. The 8 racers who tie for 9th place?)

How do you keep track of all the variations of people's names that they might use? (You might be called "Corky" in one race, Hans in another, or HK, ..... etc)

My daughter does swimming competitions. Every single swim meet uses the exact same report and each swimmer has an identifier (a number) that they use for every single meet. This makes it a breeze to gather the data to figure out who qualifies for which meet. I would think that something like this would be a big benefit for the World Ranking.

But then I think, these are skateboarders.... the most anti-organizational, anti-paperwork people around -- it will never happen.

-- Pat
This problem can probably be overcome with a racer number assigned to each member of ISSA -- and then use the number rather than the name of the racer.

-- Pat

Hans Koraeus
Corky - World Ranking Master Mind
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Tue Apr 04, 2006 11:58 am

No problem for the World Ranking. Every person registered already has a personal id number (Racer ID).

If you go to the Racer search box and select yourself you will see your Racer ID.

Pat Chewning
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Identifying the racer

Post by Pat Chewning » Tue Apr 04, 2006 3:30 pm

Hans Koraeus wrote:No problem for the World Ranking. Every person registered already has a personal id number (Racer ID).

If you go to the WR racer list and select yourself you will see your Racer ID. I have Racer ID 48.

There are over 1100 racer id's in the database for the moment.
OK that's a step in the right direction for a solution.

Another step is to get race organizers to use the racer's ID number as the UNIQUE identifier for racers when reporting results.

-- Pat

Hans Koraeus
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Re: How does the World Ranking work?

Post by Hans Koraeus » Sun Apr 02, 2023 9:52 am

It was a long time since we used this topic in the forum. :-)
We have come a long way and the ranking is still ongoing.
It's actually 20:th year anniversary for the ranking 2022!

Most information exist on the ranking website:

But this topic may come in use again with the latest changes to the rankings 2022.
If any questions you can post them here or on facebook.
I will update questions & answers here if needed.

Hans Koraeus
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Re: How does the World Ranking work?

Post by Hans Koraeus » Thu Apr 06, 2023 10:16 am

1. Selecting to be included or not in certain rankings.

Racers can decide themselves if they want to be included in the Masters ranking or not (once they reach the age 45).
It's done on the racer's homepage. You are included by default but can "un-select" Master class for yourself if your aim is rather the AM or PRO rank class.
And the same way the other way around if you rather want to be going for the Master class and "un-select" the AM or PRO class.

You need to login to your homepage and open up your settings page.

Note! Settings made will not affect the rankings and event results during the year until a new ranking is calculated.
2. How are the points calculated in the 4-year ranking?

Best two years from the last 4 years including the selected ranking year itself.
Year points now used in the 4-year rankings are re-calculated tp be balanceed in bwteen years.

General information is found here... ... &pageid=i2

All ranking calculations for a person are also explained in detail on the racer homepage.

- Open a racers homepage
- Open the 1-year ranking in the "Rank results" section.
- Click the year and class you want to dive into.

See information showing the balanced point for a ranking year and class.
See texts explaining things.

For example:
Balanced ranking point = Total ranking point re-calculated as point of 1-1000.
This point is used in the 4-year ranking where all year points are re-calculated in the same way. This makes it possible to compare rank points in between years even if rank calculation from each year may be different.
3. Ranking points charts

See the World Ranking information page.
There you have a section "Tables & Listings" where all the placement points for different Status and classes are shown. ... &pageid=i2
4. Pre-qualification for juniors

You need to be 15 years or older to pre-qualify through the rankings for WSG (World Skate Games).
There are no Junior (or Master) classes at the WSG. Only Men and Women classes.

But if you are younger than 15 you can still qualify the normal way through the national qualifications.
As a male skater you need to be registered as a "Pro" skater. And make sure to compete in that class.
As a female skater you need to compete in the "Women" class.

Note! Make sure correct birth year is registered for a racer in the ranking database.

Hans Koraeus
Corky - World Ranking Master Mind
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Re: How does the World Ranking work?

Post by Hans Koraeus » Tue Apr 11, 2023 10:45 am

5. Pro class for women

It's easy to be a bit confused concerning Men and Women classes for the rankings. Especially after WSG (World Skate Games) where we run Men and Women classes. Actually Men and Women classes doesn't exist in the international slalom skateboard rankings.

There is a difference in how the "ranking classes" are handled and how the "World Skate (Games)" classes are handled.

WSG have for the moment two classes.

Men and Women.

The ranking does not have a strict Men class actually. It's a neutral class.

Open and Women.

So, it's easy to be confused when we say that Women has no Pro class. And still women can be in the Pro class.
It's true that a woman can run in the Pro class in the ranking. The same as you can see women in all ranking classes.
To be more clear we have to be more detailed in our exlanation.
Women does not have Pro and Am classes.
But they can enter "OPEN Pro" and "OPEN Am" classes since there is no gender separation in those classes.

For WSG qualifications from the international rankings Men are counted from the PRO rankings. And Women from the Women ranking.

But even if a woman is registered as a Pro racer and by that can race in the Pro class she can't qualify for the Men class.
But, she can still run the women class because it's technically a Women Open class.
And if registered as a Pro racer she can't no longer be in the ranking Am class.

We have not yet created a Pro and Am class for Women. There are not yet enough women racers to want to separate them in two classes.

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