Pirates slalom 2011/2012

Slalom Skateboarding in France

Moderator: Guillaume Saint-Criq

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Jani Soderhall
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Pirates slalom 2011/2012

Post by Jani Soderhall » Sun Oct 02, 2011 10:53 pm

The new Pirates series just started. Today we had a GS at the Trocadero. It was an easy course to suit everyone and we got four runs each to get some race practise as well. We had splendid weather; it was just like a perfect race day in May. I was up there on the stairs overlooking the whole aread seriously studying the spot and thinking about next years Paris Slalom World Cup event. It sure is a great location!
Let's see if Riderz can make it happen once again.

I didn't have any time to take pictures during the race, but here are a few from after - no slalom though, sorry.
Actually the whole day was not dedicated to slalom as you can see, only the morning up until 13.30 or so. Then other longboard events followed Tang Tang, dancing, slide contest etc.

Trocadero scenery

Blackkross skate shop at Trocadero

Blackkross selection

Who said that size doesn't matter?

Erica announces the results (top 4): 1st Marco, 2nd Patrick Allan, 3rd JS Dennebouy, 4th myself.

Longboard freestyle

Longboard slide contest


Jean-Sébastien Dennebouy
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Re: Pirates slalom 2011/2012

Post by Jean-Sébastien Dennebouy » Wed Oct 05, 2011 4:05 pm

Thanks Jani !

We will post the date of the future events soon !

For more informations about the Paris Pirates 2012, check the topic on Riderz.net and the Facebook group !

Guillaume Saint-Criq
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Re: Pirates slalom 2011/2012 - Results Race#1

Post by Guillaume Saint-Criq » Wed Oct 05, 2011 5:34 pm

Code: Select all

Pirates Slalom 2011/2012         
Course 1 - Troca         
Le 2 Octobre 2011         
Slalom Géant  (18 participants)
Penalité de cone 0,2 sec   MEILLEUR TPS QUAL  /POINTS
1   Marc Camelan               10.427         /100
2   Patrick Allan              10.537         /80
3   Jean-Sébastien Dennebouy   11.073         /70
4   Jani Soderhall             11.320         /65
5   Cédric Scheers             12.021         /60
6   Nicolas Dmytruk            12.055         /56
7   Denis Decazenove           12.433         /52
8   Laurent Perigault          12.445         /50
9   Mathias Puenteduras        12.555         /48
10   Jean-Gonzagues Duthoit    12.695         /46
11   Olivier Le Jacques        13.136         /44
12   Mallory Berthelot         13.556         /42
13   Boris Brodzki             13.686         /40
14   Lucile Crozet             14.366         /38
15   Lotfi Lamaali             15.682         /36
16   Dimitri Soderhall         15.764         /34
17   Nicolas Toufou            15.918         /32
18   Alexei Soderhall          15.991         /30 

Guillaume Saint-Criq
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Re: Pirates slalom 2011/2012

Post by Guillaume Saint-Criq » Thu Oct 20, 2011 12:42 am

Here s Pirates Slalom 2011/12 schedule

place : Quais de Seine, Paris
disciplines : HS

place : Place d'Italie, Paris
disciplines : SPS, TS

place : cours de Vincenne, Paris
disciplines : French Cyber Slalom

18-mars-2012 Changed to 25-mars-2012 because risk of rain
place : Bois de Boulogne, Paris
disciplines : HS

01-avr-2012 Changed to 8-avr-2012
place : Trocadéro, Paris
disciplines : GS, SPS

All events apply for BASIC status
contact : rik.schoirfer@gmail.com

Richy Carrasco
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Re: Pirates slalom 2011/2012

Post by Richy Carrasco » Thu Oct 20, 2011 5:45 pm

The 2012 Worlds is going to be in Europe next year, Could you guys plan Paris race on the weekend before or after , So the guys and girls travelling can hit two races while out there...Thanks

Guillaume Saint-Criq
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Re: Pirates slalom 2011/2012

Post by Guillaume Saint-Criq » Thu Oct 20, 2011 11:35 pm

Hey Richy,

This year is a warming for us, after a long break... that's why we will not ask for more than Prime status! But expect 2013 to get a higher one!

I fully understand and share your point : we need high status race to be close and allow racers to plan 2 or more events in a row.
I remember few years ago when Paris was just before Hannover race... or Gothenburg just before Policka and Amsterdam... it's a blast to move for some weeks around slalom events.
I guess that's also what IGSA makes with something called like "Euro Tour"

Unfortunatly, we will not be able to plan the race on any other date : it's the only way to get the Trocadero for an official event (we are the only one to get this place for free! All other events have to pay something really expensive!).
Moreover, we are not the only one who can make things move because this event is historicaly mixed with a roller skating world cup.

I think Grenoble Desaxe (wich will apply for Main) will be a better solution as it comes later in the season.
I will be able to give exact dates for this event really soon (it will be between end of June and mid July).
And there is a high speed giant slalom there!

But anytime, we will be proud again to see you in France!


Richy Carrasco
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Re: Pirates slalom 2011/2012

Post by Richy Carrasco » Fri Oct 21, 2011 5:56 pm

thanks! We always have a Blast in Paris!

Guillaume Saint-Criq
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Re: Pirates slalom 2011/2012

Post by Guillaume Saint-Criq » Thu Nov 17, 2011 11:22 pm

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Pirates Slalom 2011/2012         
Course 2 - Quai d'Orsay         
Le 13 Novembre 2011         
Slalom Hybrid (16 participants)

Penalité de cone 0,1sec   MEILLEUR TPS QUAL  /POINTS
1   Vincent Berruchon        13.726          /100
2   Vincent Tanguy           15.055          /80
3   Jean-Sébastien Dennebouy 15.207          /70
4   Nicolas Dmytruk          16.298          /65
5   Jean-Marie Lancien       16.320          /60
6   Pierre Duchêne           16.374          /56
7   Mathias Puentedura       17.819          /52
8   Sébastien Meyer          18.228          /50
9   Erika Schoirfer          18.668          /48
10   Boris Brodzki           19.007          /46
11   Lucile Crozet           19.209          /44
12   Charles Thubert         19.798          /42
13   Georges Simon           19.888          /40
14   Mallory Berthelot       20.071          /38
15   Isaac Naccache          20.014          /36
16   Erwin Palomo            26.336          /34

Guillaume Saint-Criq
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Re: Pirates slalom 2011/2012

Post by Guillaume Saint-Criq » Mon Feb 06, 2012 7:23 pm

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Pirates Slalom 2011/2012         
Course 3 - Italie 2, 13e         
Le 29 Janvier 2010         
Slalom Spécial simple         
Penalité de cone 0,1 sec/MEILLEUR TEMPS/POINTS
1   Pierre Hazera / 9,302 / 100
2   Marc Camelan / 9,578 / 80
3   Nicolas Petitbon / 9,894 / 70
4   Jean-Sébastien Dennebouy / 9,961 / 65
5   Nicolas Dmytruk / 10,676 / 60
6   Thibault Leguen / 11,444 / 56
7   Jean-Gonzague Duthoit / 12,039 / 52
8   Sébastien Meyer / 12,417 / 50
9   Jean-Marie Lancien / 12,662 / 48
10   Laurent Gabiot / 13,191 / 46
11   José Laurier / 13,748 / 44
12   Erika Schoirfer / 13,875 / 42
13   Sébastien Naudet / 14,600 / 40
14   Lucile Crozet / 15,023 / 38
15   Boris Brodzki / 18,041 / 36
16   David Spalvieri / 19,233 / 34
17   Gwendal Le Fol / D.Q / 32

Jani Soderhall
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Re: Pirates slalom 2011/2012

Post by Jani Soderhall » Sun Feb 19, 2012 5:59 pm

Thanks Riderz (Erika, Jean-Sébastien ...) for a good race today. It was nice and sunny after a rainy yesterday. And a Cologne crew of 4 showed up. Great to see such long distance travellers! All on Sexdecks - a new slalom brand to check out!

2 different cybers were held:

- French Cyber slalom, 40 cones
- NCDSA Cyber slalom, 25 cones

Results later.


Jani Soderhall
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Re: Pirates slalom 2011/2012

Post by Jani Soderhall » Sun Feb 26, 2012 4:21 pm

Race report with photos:

http://longboardskate.blogspot.com/2012 ... om-19.html

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French Cyber slalom (40 cones)
1   Jani Soderhall             9,736 
2   Marc Camelan               9,766 
3   Jean-Sébastien Dennebouy   10,134 
4   Vincent Tanguy            10,442 
5   Nicolas Petitbon            10,545 
6   Mario Wernado               10,590 
7   Nicolas Dmytruk              10,616 
8   Lars Tuexen              11,268 
9   Angelo Dao-Castes         11,542 
10   Volker Lehmann            11,755 
11   Denis de Cazenove        12,654 
12   Erika Schoirfer            12,893 
13   Laurent Gabiot             13,594 
14   Lucile Crozet              15,066 
15   Dimitri Soderhall          22,854 
16   Boris Brodzki              DQ 
16   Philippe Goupille           DQ 
16   Thomas Molmy              DQ 

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NCDSA Cyber slalom - 25 cones
1   Marc Camelan          9,026 
2   Nicolas Petitbon       9,215 
3   Jani Soderhall        9,500 
4   Vincent Tanguy        9,689 
5   Jean-Sébastien Dennebouy   9,806 
6   Mario Wernado          9,896 
7   Angelo Dao-Castes      10,387 
8   Denis de Cazenove      10,598 
9   Lars Tuexen            10,835 
10   Volker Lehmann         11,317 
11   René Mc Sweeney      11,396 
12   Laurent Gabiot        11,820 
13   Erika Schoirfer       12,005 
14   Dimitri Soderhall     19,752 

Jani Soderhall
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Re: Pirates slalom 2011/2012

Post by Jani Soderhall » Sun Feb 26, 2012 4:23 pm

My previous time from 2003 was 9.72 and I did 9.73 this time around. When's the next event? That can definitely be improved!


Robert Gaisek
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Re: Pirates slalom 2011/2012 - next race 18/3

Post by Robert Gaisek » Sun Feb 26, 2012 4:24 pm

Congrats!!! Pretty close race!!!

Guillaume Saint-Criq
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Re: Pirates slalom 2011/2012 - GS Orsay 25/3

Post by Guillaume Saint-Criq » Mon Mar 26, 2012 11:36 am

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Pirates Slalom 2011/2012
Course #5-ORSAY
Le 25 Mars 2012


Penalité de cone 0,2 sec MEILLEUR TEMPS POINTS
1 Vincent Tanguy 30,808 100
2 Jani Soderhall 31,086 80
3 Marc Camelan 31,804 70
4 Jean-Sébastien Dennebouy 31,842 65
5 Romain Duch 32,313 60
6 Jack 34,768 56
7 Jean-Gonzague Duthoit 34,869 52
8 Sébastien Meyer 36,269 50
9 Laurent Grosjean 36,753 48
10 Laurent Gabiot 37,017 46
11 Boris Brodzki 37,143 44
12 Dimitri Soderhall 42,782 42
13 Philippe Goupille 43,321 40
14 Jérémie Couraudon 52,378 38 

Jani Soderhall
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Re: Pirates slalom 2011/2012 - GS in Orsay 25/3

Post by Jani Soderhall » Mon Mar 26, 2012 1:04 pm

Yes! I'm pleased nobody took over my second place after I left early.

What a great spot it was, of course a bit slow, but great for practising GS technique for everyone. We should do regular sessions there!

Good to see you all!


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