Louisville - Cone'tucky Derby Outlaw Slalom Jam! June 1

Slalom Skateboarding in the Midwest U.S.A.

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Jeremy Coffman
Posts: 94
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Louisville - Cone'tucky Derby Outlaw Slalom Jam! June 1

Post by Jeremy Coffman » Sun Jan 20, 2008 5:06 am

If anyone lives in or around the Louisville, KY area and is into or wants to try slalom give me a shout. I have spare boards and a mess of cones for any newbies ready to try it.

Jeremy Coffman
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Post by Jeremy Coffman » Sun Mar 02, 2008 1:01 am

We will be running cones Sat March 8 and Sun March 9 here in Fern Creek.
All are welcome to join. I will have spare boards for any wishing to try.
PM me or post here for directions and times.

Edit: We are snowed out. 10"-14" by saturday. Just my luck and no money to go snowboarding.

Jeremy Coffman
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Post by Jeremy Coffman » Mon May 12, 2008 12:40 am


Cone'tucky Derby Outlaw Slalom Jam!
June 1.

Just a little outlaw race to help spread the word/love of slalom here in the Louisville area.
Single lane hybrid.
Practice at 10am. Race at 11am.
Two hour jam to let you get in as many runs as you can. Your best time counts.
$10 entry. All entries go in the pot. Pot split 60/30/10 to the best three times.

Please bring extra boards just in case someone wants to try out slalom.

Being an outlaw race it could get shut down at any time. As long as everyone gets one run in it's official.

Jeremy Coffman
Posts: 94
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Location: Louisville, KY

Post by Jeremy Coffman » Tue Feb 22, 2011 4:00 am

Not ready to start a new thread on this but I just want to throw this out there.....

I'm thinking of doing another outlaw race maybe. Nothing big. Real small. any interest?
If I can. I hope to maybe get together with one of the local shops and maybe organize a real race. I'd like those guys to see what it's about first. So an outlaw race first. I have two locations scouted out already.

Chad Hegerty
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Post by Chad Hegerty » Tue Feb 22, 2011 1:43 pm

Jeremy, I would travel down of the date did not conflict with other things going on. I am always looking for more opportunities to ride.

Jeremy Coffman
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Post by Jeremy Coffman » Wed Feb 23, 2011 1:03 am

Let me talk the details out and maybe I'll figure out a date soon. Once I get everything straightened out and the weather stabilizes. Maybe an outlaw in spring and another race in October is what I'm hoping.

okay. Looks like Lenny has me hooked up with extra cones and a timing system. So we are off to a good start. I'll check out my locations again and start figuring out the logistics. I have to figure out a date too.

Jeremy Coffman
Posts: 94
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Post by Jeremy Coffman » Sun Apr 03, 2011 5:33 am

Okay this idea is still floating around.
Outlaw race. Derby Day! That would be May 7. A Saturday. Single lane hybrid. Best of three runs. Maybe a tight race too if we have time. Being Derby that means chances of getting a room (cheap or otherwise) is pretty doubtful. So be forewarned on that. I'm thinking practice starts at 10 am.
More details to follow soon.

Jeremy Coffman
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Post by Jeremy Coffman » Sat Apr 16, 2011 6:26 pm

Sign up is up!

Jeremy Coffman
Posts: 94
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Post by Jeremy Coffman » Sat Apr 30, 2011 6:21 am

Just a reminder that we are having a race on May 7. Just a little outlaw race but I have some nice Kentucky Derby themed trophies to hand out.
Come on out and run cones with us.

Jeremy Coffman
Posts: 94
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Location: Louisville, KY

Post by Jeremy Coffman » Sat Apr 30, 2011 11:29 pm

I set the course today. We're all ready. Lets hope the rain stays away.
I forgot my camera. So no photos of the hill today.

Jeremy Coffman
Posts: 94
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Post by Jeremy Coffman » Fri May 06, 2011 4:53 am

Looking like we will have a good window between possible rainshowers to get the race in.
Come out. Skate. Possibly win a Jockey Helmet trophy!

Marcos Soulsby-Monroy
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Post by Marcos Soulsby-Monroy » Sat May 07, 2011 12:25 am

Jeremy Coffman wrote:Looking like we will have a good window between possible rainshowers to get the race in.
Come out. Skate. Possibly win a Jockey Helmet trophy!
Have a great race Jeremy, I'll be thinking about you.
As Luck would have it . . .


Jeremy Coffman
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Post by Jeremy Coffman » Sat May 07, 2011 3:22 pm

Thank you very much for the thoughts. Make them dry thoughts. Looks like rain is coming. I just hope it holds off until after the race.

Jeremy Coffman
Posts: 94
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Location: Louisville, KY

Post by Jeremy Coffman » Sat May 07, 2011 9:24 pm

Well despite the rain we got the hybrid in today. It took a couple of tries but we did it. The tight got rained out. And only one visit from a very freindly police officer.
So here is how it plaid out.

1. Jeremy Coffman 24.789
2. Bobby Thomas 25.042
3. David Tolley 25.331
4. Evan Tolley 25.351
5. Dennis Blevins 26.183
6. Russ Olin 27.571
7. Tom Weisenbach 29.883
8. Lenny Poage 30.888

Jeremy Coffman
Posts: 94
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Location: Louisville, KY

Post by Jeremy Coffman » Mon May 09, 2011 12:37 am

Select photos from Jeana Justice and Lee Ann Blevins

http://s560.photobucket.com/albums/ss42 ... om%20Race/

So we had a good day of skating. It got a little damp but it was a good day.

We got out to the hill and set up. People started slowly trickling in. The start ramp was late coming in. And it looks like the rain was moving in early.

So we were about to start the practice and just do this a push start race when the Tolleys drove up with the ramp. We put the ramp together real quick and started letting people get some practice runs in. Then I felt the first rain drop.

So we go straight into racing and trying to get times in for everybody. No racer's meeting or anything. Just jump in and try to get some times in. As we ran the drizzle picked up and all we could do is try and run as fast as we could while the road got less and less dry. We got through the line up once and it was my turn to go. The road was about half wet but I figured I had to put it down becuase this might be the only chance I would get. I laid down the frastest time of the day. We kept going until the road was just too wet. No one was going to better their times.

The drizzle ended and so we just did some bombing while we waited for the road to dry. Just guys acting like kids. Skating on the wet roads as fast as we could.

Some guy came through and parked at the bottom of the hill and started dumping buckets of something on the side of the road. He gave us the stink eye as we passed. He split and then the cops showed up. Seems they got an anonymus call complaining about us. Then the dumper guy drove through again and just stared at us as he passed. but the cop was cool and said if the people weren't brave enough to leave their name he had no problem with us.

So by then the road had pretty much dried and we started skating again. A few guys improved their times before the drizzle picked up again. Most everyone got their three runs in and we called the hybrid a race.

At this point Bobby "The Stoke" Thomas was pushing that we go ahead a do a tight even if we had to do it in the rain. So we set a tight course on the wet street hoping the road would dry up again. No such luck. The rain came a little harder and things got real wet but that didn't stop Bobby. There's just no stopping the Stoke. So he ran the tight in the rain. He used the start ramp and ran the tight course. You could just hear the water coming off his wheels as he went. He ran two runs and called it quits. Dennis Blevins got video of it.

So we called it a day and I handed out the trophies. Being the Kentucky Derby and Derby Day at that. So I had some Derby specific trophies. Novelty Jockey helmets. Everyone loved them and all racers got one. No two alike. The #1 trophy helmet was the same colors as the winner of the Oaks race on Friday, purple and gold.

Everyone seemed to have a great time despite the rain. Hopefully we can make this an every year thing. Thanks to everyone that came out and special thanks to the cop for letting us skate.

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