ISSA Board Announces Joe Iacovelli As Ombudsman

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Wesley Tucker
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ISSA Board Announces Joe Iacovelli As Ombudsman

Post by Wesley Tucker » Wed Mar 18, 2009 4:39 pm

In response to the need to address any issues arising from racer and/or race organizer dissatisfaction with an event or the ISSA, the ISSA Board Of Directors has asked Joe Iacovelli to act as an Ombudsman. He will work both as an advocate for race participants and race organizers alike.

What is an Ombudsman? The best definition is the dictionary's:

"An ombudsman is an official, usually appointed by government or by a non-governmental public body, who is charged with investigating complaints by citizens and, where possible, resolving them, usually by making recommendations (which may or may not be binding) but sometimes through mediation."

So, Joe I is now the go-to guy if anyone has a complaint or concern. Please understand, however, Joe's ability to address issues are only related to ISSA-sanctioned events. All racers and organizers, though, are encouraged to contact Joe if there is any matter needing to be addressed, not just ISSA members.

Also, remember that part of Joe's duties is to also weigh the complaint against the best interest of the sport. Yes, you can contact Joe and state your case but don't assume heads will roll and great judgments will come down from on high. As the Ombudsman he can determine the severity OR the frivolousness nature of the issue. In other words, if you complain that you didn't like the free Budweiser at the party because you're a Heineken drinker, don't be shocked when Joe ignores you. On the other hand, if you feel a time was recorded wrong or you got screwed big time out of the podium because the organizer is an idiot then Joe certainly wants to hear from you.

Before any skepticism arises it should be known the Board is not "passing the buck" with this appointment. Joe Iacovelli came to us to volunteer for this position. The Board is composed of seven members and realized having a single go-to guy would be in everyone's best interest. Also, it's in the ISSA's best interest to have an independent and non-elected Ombudsman who's only responsibility is resolving conflict, not advancing a personal agenda.

The Ombudsman position was Joe's idea and we wholeheartedly supported his desire to volunteer to follow through on his own. It's a great example of a skater who says "someone should do something" becomes the person doing something. That's the way to grow this sport.

In conclusion forthwith and heretofore, an update is in order regarding the ISSA Board of Director's efforts to improve both the race experience for the racer and the logistical complications for the race promoter. 2009 will see some significant changes proposed for the ISSA. Be forewarned these changes MAY cost money (but not too much). More importantly, though, the Board is working to see the ISSA evolve from an Internet association with a website handing out race sanctions to a working sports organization striving to grow and improve slalom skateboard racing around the world.
Last edited by Wesley Tucker on Thu Feb 18, 2010 4:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Stephen Lavin
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Post by Stephen Lavin » Wed Mar 18, 2009 4:56 pm

Now we have to get him a budget so he can properly mediate in the realm and make people "happy". I think a case of Bud is a good start. He's going to need a posse too...

Congratulations Joe. You will be a fine Ombudsman. I guess we'll be seeing some guidelines or protocols for proper bitching and bitching submissions policy?

Ron Barbagallo
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Post by Ron Barbagallo » Wed Mar 18, 2009 5:10 pm

I didn't vote for that bastard...................
Evil Potentate
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Joe Iacovelli
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Post by Joe Iacovelli » Wed Mar 18, 2009 6:00 pm

One of the things that struck me about what Greg Fadell had to say was that the ISSA should have been aware of the issues in Hood last summer. While I agree that would be a goal, I don't know if it is realistic. I was on the BOD previously and did not have time or opportunity to poll racers for issues after races. Let's be realistic, what gets done here is not anyones real job.

Therefore the idea of Ombudsman came about. So per Greg's submission that the ISSA should have been, should be aware of issues at races, I view this as an avenue to make such problems known. This is not restricted to racers with issues with promoters, but should include any problem that arises with skateboard racing circles.

Caveats - First and foremost issues generated on the hill should be resolved on the hill. If a cone was out, address it right away. I can only see myself or the ISSA getting involved in extreme circumstances. Secondly, the awarding of points to a race is also not something I plan to get involved in unless a mediation dictates restriction in the future.


You, as a racer, or promoter whould feel free to bring any item to my attention though. You may do so via PM here, or my personal email iaco{at}

I hope this effort helps make the ISSA the vehicle we all want it to be.


Rick Stanziale
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Post by Rick Stanziale » Wed Mar 18, 2009 6:37 pm

Why didn't I get to be the Ombudsman?

Wesley Tucker
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Post by Wesley Tucker » Wed Mar 18, 2009 6:51 pm

Rick Stanziale wrote:Why didn't I get to be the Ombudsman?
Yeah, right.

66 and buds.

No problem there.

Ron Barbagallo
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Post by Ron Barbagallo » Wed Mar 18, 2009 8:25 pm

Rick Stanziale wrote:Why didn't I get to be the Ombudsman?
facial hair

Joe has the groovy beard

they get all the chicks

AND the Ombudsmanships!
Evil Potentate
Team Fatboy - all hopped up on goofballs!

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Joe Iacovelli
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Post by Joe Iacovelli » Wed Mar 18, 2009 8:35 pm

Please restrict jackassedry to the JISSA thread.

Ron Barbagallo
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Post by Ron Barbagallo » Thu Mar 19, 2009 3:30 pm


In all seriousness, Joe has been the unofficial Ombudsman of slalom for years. Whenever someone has a problem at a race or event, they usually bitch to Joe - whether or not he has anything to do with the event.

It is nice to see that he will be recognised for his contributions as both a level headed mediator and a responsible figure at races. His logic is sound and the ISSA is lucky to have someone of his caliber as a go-between. Hopefully they will stand behind him and support him in this endeavor. He is often the only vioce of reason at a slalom event and since he is a friend to most, the drama should be kept to a minimum. When Joe speaks, people listen. I think he is an outstanding choice as the event "face" of the ISSA.

Let's do our best to make his job an easy one.
Evil Potentate
Team Fatboy - all hopped up on goofballs!

Still douchebags, but CLASSY douchebags ;)


Marty Schaub
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Lavin needs to apologize!

Post by Marty Schaub » Fri Mar 20, 2009 1:11 am


Joe gets this cool title and you bid him Buttwiper as a congratulatory offering? You need to hang around Carrasco more to really learn about beer.

Joe, you want good Ale or Stout?
La Costa Boy For Life

Stephen Lavin
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Re: Lavin needs to apologize!

Post by Stephen Lavin » Fri Mar 20, 2009 4:24 am

Marty Schaub wrote:Steve,

Joe gets this cool title and you bid him Buttwiper as a congratulatory offering? You need to hang around Carrasco more to really learn about beer.

Joe, you want good Ale or Stout?
LOL! It was a joke carried from Wes's example of don't bitch if beer at the party isn't Heineken but Bud instead. Seriously though, everyone knows Joe's favorite beer is Bud... right?

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Post by GARY GLASSER » Sat Mar 20, 2010 4:58 pm

Since when did a skater let alone a slalom skater ever been called a "citizen?" I have heard the word "Gay'ter" but never "citizen."
I am the slowest COSS slalom racer..Lucky for you!

Jani Soderhall
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Re: ISSA Board Announces Joe Iacovelli As Ombudsman

Post by Jani Soderhall » Wed Dec 12, 2012 7:32 pm

The 2012 BOD decided this position is no longer needed.

Topic archived.


Joe Iacovelli
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Re: ISSA Board Announces Joe Iacovelli As Ombudsman

Post by Joe Iacovelli » Fri Dec 14, 2012 6:40 am

Hey, thanks for letting me know Jani. I will stop taking complaints immediately!

Jani Soderhall
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Re: ISSA Board Announces Joe Iacovelli As Ombudsman

Post by Jani Soderhall » Fri Dec 14, 2012 10:07 am

Sorry Joe for not informing you prior to this post. It wasn't meant as a public announcement, but well, I screwed up, and now it is.

Thanks for your help at the time.


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