Fresh Pavement Pilgrimage 2008 - Near SLC, UT

Slalom Skateboarding in Utah and surrounding states

Moderators: Jonathan Harms, Ron Barbagallo, Maria Carrasco, Russel Cantor, Lynn Kramer, Martin Drayton

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Curt Chapman
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Fresh Pavement Pilgrimage 2008 - Near SLC, UT

Post by Curt Chapman » Tue Apr 08, 2008 12:02 am

Alrighty. The Snow Season is basically over for me now, so it's time to hunt down some new pavement to carve...

Here's a good looking spot to set up some cones (For me anyway - not too steep) Just to the right of the photo is a turn-around / circle, and there's no construction on the road at the moment:
Here's a view of the same circle from above:
Some other roads with potential, viewed from above...
Here's a closer view of the road at the bottom of the above photo:
Another one in the vicinity:
And one more newly paved since last year:

And here are a few photos I took last year, where there's still basically no construction going on...

The last picture above is actually a continuation of this road:
And, just to the right of the previous photo is this:

And as always, the parking lot at the park could use some urethane laid down on it:

If anyone in / around / near SLC, UT would like to set up some cones and knock them down with skatebords on any of these roads, or anywhere else nearby, let me know.

P.S. Martin, get yerself back to UT so you can show us how to rip some of this stuff up with one of them fancy new Geckos.....
Last edited by Curt Chapman on Tue Apr 08, 2008 11:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Martin Drayton
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Re: Fresh Pavement Pilgrimage 2008 - Near SLC, UT

Post by Martin Drayton » Tue Apr 08, 2008 9:28 am

This one is my could put some wicked courses down here...
100 cone dual TS? 65 cone Hybrid? Mmmmmm!

I'm doing my best to get back asap, trust me Curt! Just sent off a bunch of money and some very detailed forms, here's an example of the questions:
-Name every place, with dates, that you have lived since the age of 16.
-Name every place, with dates, that you have worked for the last 10 years. goes on.

Hopefully we might be back by the Fall....with World Class Racer Paul Price in tow! And yes, we'll want to go to these spots!


trish erickson
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next weekend?

Post by trish erickson » Thu Apr 10, 2008 5:57 pm

Hey Curt,

I need to make a few turns soon. I leave to race in Colorado in a few weeks. I am going south this weekend. Maybe next weekend? I am off Saturday the 19th as well as Sunday. Or maybe Tues or Thursday afternoon of that same week? I am going be so pathetic if I don''t get at least one day on the skateboard.

How about you Idaho boys?

Martin, hopefully you will be back soon. We miss ya.

Post a day Curt, and I will do my best to get there.

Scott? you still out there? lets Skate!


Jonathan Harms
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Post by Jonathan Harms » Fri Apr 11, 2008 1:24 am

Besides making me drool, seeing these photos made me wonder: With the housing market in the crapper for the immediate future, it may be some time before construction begins at sites like these. Obviously it sucks for those in the building trades--some of my good friends have been laid off--but one upside is a potential playground for slalomers, kind of like how the SoCal drought in '75 allowed the Dogtown boys and others to ride all those empty pools. So say a prayer for your out-of-work friends, but don't miss out on enjoying what's available.

Bob Harper
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Post by Bob Harper » Fri Apr 11, 2008 5:22 pm

that hill looks sweet. the spring air is givin me the wigglies. Lets see if we could hok up on the 19th. I'll contact Kevin and see what's up with him. Trish I wish I could hit Colorado with you but I can't get away from the work thing right now. This will be the last race on Windsor Hill and I have some skin left on that road I want back.

Curt sweet find the road looks awesome. looks like it needs some sweeping. I've got about 3 hours of sweeping on my practice hill.

Curt Chapman
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Post by Curt Chapman » Fri Apr 11, 2008 11:36 pm

Bob Harper wrote:HEY HEY
that hill looks sweet. the spring air is givin me the wigglies. Lets see if we could hok up on the 19th. I'll contact Kevin and see what's up with him. Trish I wish I could hit Colorado with you but I can't get away from the work thing right now. This will be the last race on Windsor Hill and I have some skin left on that road I want back.

Curt sweet find the road looks awesome. looks like it needs some sweeping. I've got about 3 hours of sweeping on my practice hill.
I'll have to check with the Bosses, and find out what time Soccer games are on the 19th, but I should be able to sneak away. But then again, you guys don't need me there.

At some point someone needs to send an email out to our little email group and let the UT/ID area peeps who don't check this site what's going on.



P.S. as Bob said, bring your brooms......

Martin Drayton
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Post by Martin Drayton » Sat Apr 12, 2008 12:52 am

Curt - Done!


Bob Harper
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Post by Bob Harper » Mon Apr 14, 2008 10:34 pm

I've got Kevin interested and I'm sure TRISH is up for it. but we need directions. I would like to talk to you in person so email me your number to
lets do this Saturday.
We also need to find Scott, Jared and Tiff, Billy and Cristy, Mike May. Away Curt lets shoot for the 19th or 20th keep me posted Bob

Curt Chapman
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Post by Curt Chapman » Mon Apr 14, 2008 11:25 pm


I say we plan on the 19th. I've got soccer games, but will be free in the afternoon, but I'm sure you, Trish, etc. can head up without me if I'm not available.

I'll get you my contact info...

Jared Quilter
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Post by Jared Quilter » Tue Apr 15, 2008 12:48 am

I'm in! Let me know where and when.

Curt Chapman
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Post by Curt Chapman » Tue Apr 15, 2008 7:59 am

Anyone want to propose a time for the 19th?

As I mentioned, I'll be availabe around noon-ish...

I'm going to drive by in the morning to verify directions, then I'll send them to our email list.

Anyone not on that list that want's directions, PM me and I'll get them to you...

trish erickson
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saturday wiggles

Post by trish erickson » Tue Apr 15, 2008 3:04 pm

I'm in. Curt, just set a time. I am open all day.

Martin Drayton
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Post by Martin Drayton » Tue Apr 15, 2008 5:24 pm

I am soooo jealous! All we have is flatland by the pebble beach...

trish erickson
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world record

Post by trish erickson » Wed Apr 16, 2008 4:17 am

Whatever Martin!

You only broke a world record on flat land! Legs of steel baby..

Curt Chapman
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Post by Curt Chapman » Wed Apr 16, 2008 7:28 am

I just sent out directions to the email list.

Since Trish wants me to set a time, I'm saying 2pm, but come on down at any time. I mentioned in the email that there's a new skatepark in Herriman if anyone wants to hit it up before or after the session.

If ayone else needs directions, contact me via PM.

trish erickson
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nice pavement

Post by trish erickson » Sun Apr 20, 2008 6:07 pm

Yesterday was great except for the really bad winds! We ended up having to triple stack the cones and even that didn't help in the end. The roads are super great. And they are all over out there. Jared and Tiff showed up. Jared whipped out his long board, cruised down the hill and sacrificed to the blood gods! He left behind quite a bit of flesh and sustained a nice gash to his forehead. The blood drops on the grip-tape of the board was cool too. Really Jared, I hope your ok today. It looked pretty ugly. Curt was bombing like a madman. It was super fun to get out and ride. We should definitely do it again. soon.

Jared Quilter
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Post by Jared Quilter » Mon Apr 21, 2008 4:13 pm

The hills out there are perfect. I should have taken a couple of warm up runs before I tried to point it. Five stiches later and some nice road rash......

I think I'll be up to some more skating real quick.

Martin Drayton
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Post by Martin Drayton » Mon Apr 21, 2008 8:25 pm

Jared Quilter wrote:The hills out there are perfect. I should have taken a couple of warm up runs before I tried to point it. Five stiches later and some nice road rash......

I think I'll be up to some more skating real quick.
Easy tiger! Stay in one piece...I'm looking forward to riding with you guys again.


Curt Chapman
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Re: Ouch!!!!!

Post by Curt Chapman » Tue Apr 22, 2008 8:19 pm

Tiff did get one picture of a little riding before she and Jared went to the hospital, and the wind blew all of the cones off of the road.
The 40mph gusts blowing us down the hill where kinda interesting.....

Let's do it again soon, somewhere, anywhere, doesn't matter where....

Bob Harper
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wind chill factor

Post by Bob Harper » Wed Apr 23, 2008 5:44 am

right on guys
glad to see some one wiggled. Kevin and I got to ride together with some good friends over the weekend, but same story. High wind gusts that blew the cones over, so we went up to another hill and ran no cone GS. felt great to be back on board.
Was Jared and Tiffs hospital trip a sk8 injury, or other?
I hope all is well and Kevin and I (plus some more of our locals will be down soon)
Later Bob

Bob Harper
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my bad

Post by Bob Harper » Wed Apr 23, 2008 6:14 am

I should have read further up before I posted the question. I hope all is O.K. and you get back soon. Believe me I know the hard Knocks of sk8 hills, so dose Trish. I raced for three days at U.S. Nationals with a gnarly hip rash from the GS race, and through all the pain sk8ed with a perma grin, because I truly was having the time of my life.
anyway I hope you mend fast and hope to see you guys soon.
and as they say out heres in theese parts of the west.
when you've been Bucked Off .
SK8ER UP!!!!


Curt Chapman
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Post by Curt Chapman » Mon Jul 28, 2008 10:22 pm


Martin Drayton
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Post by Martin Drayton » Mon Jul 28, 2008 11:32 pm

Don't tease me....I'm hoping by the Fall.


trish erickson
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Gas prices!

Post by trish erickson » Sun Aug 03, 2008 9:26 pm

Just saw your post Curt. As much as I would love to run cones with you, Not so sure my pocketbook will let me take the 1.2 hour drive to ride. I just dumped all my money into lanscaping and a fence for my house. It's all done though. I do need to get back on my board soon though. I havn't ridden since I cracked my skull. Partly due to no time/no dedication but mostly I'm a chicken! Martin, we need you here! If anybody want to come to Heber, let me know and I will scout out some hills. I heard the new skate park is really nice too!

Wesley Tucker
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Post by Wesley Tucker » Sun Aug 03, 2008 10:55 pm


Might as well ask you 'cause it's not like we see your brother online: y'all coming to North Carolina in November?

This year is something new and different: brand new GS hill. Aren't going to Hobby Park. There's a great hill right on the main street through town about five blocks from the Court Street site.

Curt Chapman
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Re: Gas prices!

Post by Curt Chapman » Mon Aug 04, 2008 5:32 am

trish erickson wrote:I havn't ridden since I cracked my skull.

Do tell...

trish erickson wrote:Martin, We need you here!
(After you get back from Sweden)

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