La Costa Boys Open!

Slalom Skateboarding in California

Moderators: Jonathan Harms, Ron Barbagallo, Maria Carrasco, Russel Cantor, Lynn Kramer

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Kevin Dunne
Posts: 113
Joined: Tue Jan 24, 2006 3:08 am
Location: Oceanside, Ca.

La Costa Boys Open!

Post by Kevin Dunne » Thu Oct 18, 2007 3:21 am

The forecast for this weekend at Pump Station says 75-80 degrees and sunny! Looks like it's going to be a great weekend for racing. The schwag has started arriving and its looks like everybody will leave with something...just for signing up...the racer's package is awesome! Great courses for Juniors, Kids, Women, Novice Women, Legends, and A & B groups. The A group GS is nearly 1/2 mile long and super fun...the longest Pump Station GS yet. The fastest GS times will be around 45 seconds! Legends, B group, Women & others will start lower on the hill. This should be the best Pump Station race ever...Come on out and race with us! REMEMBER: Due to the length of the GS, there will be absolutely NO PARKING on the hill. You can drive down part way and drop your stuff near the dirt area at the very top, but any cars left there will be ticketed and you might get us thrown out...and then we will have to kill you!

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