Ridden a RoeRacing deck...post a review!

Roe Slalom Boards

Moderator: Gareth Roe

Gareth Roe
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Post by Gareth Roe » Wed Sep 04, 2002 6:17 pm

Hello Racers-
If you own one of our decks or have just had an opportunity to ride one - please post a review.

Tell us which model you rode and what your initial impressions were. Tell us something about how you have it set up - what wheelbase you are running, what trucks, wheels, bushings, risers, etc... We are also looking for long-term reviews. Some of you guys have had decks for almost 8 months - how are they holding up? Are they still snappy and as alive as they were when you first got them?

If you have pictures of your RoeRacing deck and want them posted here, e-mail them to me at info@roeslalom.com and I will get them posted.

And last, please tell us what we can/should be doing different (no egos to bruise here). We are always striving to make the boards better and you guys are our best source of information.

Thanks for your input!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Gareth Roe on 2002-09-05 13:50 ]</font>

Glenn S
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Post by Glenn S » Thu Sep 05, 2002 5:34 am

I would like to ask to see some pictures of real users setups including team riders. How they configure the trucks placement and wheels and what works best for who and maybe even a little note on why they chose that setup. You gotta have some pictures of some of the setups that have raced in the recent races. Could you host the pictures on your website so they stick around for awhile. Maybe that could get some discussion going here. This goes for other board maker discussion groups here as well.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Glenn on 2002-10-05 23:16 ]</font>

Gareth Roe
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Post by Gareth Roe » Thu Sep 05, 2002 6:43 pm

Per your excellent suggestion, I have posted a few photos of my various race set-ups.

This first photo shows the difference between Henry's two models, The Nina or HesterTS on the left and the regular Hester on the right. Both of them are set up with Seismic 110's and Abec 11 Stinger Wheels.

The second photo is of two of my personal race boards (the Bonita is not shown). On the left is the Stinger/GS that is usually set up with a Seismic 135 (stock red springs) up front and a Tracker RT-S custom off-set in the rear (not shown). It has an inner truck hole to inner truck hole dimension of 21.75".

The board on the right is a Bottle Rocket set up for a tight slalom course with a Seismic 110 (stock yellow springs) up front and an Indy 101 custom off-set in the rear. It has an inner truck hole to inner truck hole dimension of 18.75". The wheels on this particular board are shaved (skinnier) Abec 11 Stingers - 92a up front and 88a in the rear. Both boards have the rear trucks mounted flat on an 1/8th inch riser and the front trucks mounted with a slight (5*) wedge, skinny side forward for increased turning.

I usually will pick my race-day wheels depending on the surface conditions of the race course. I use Pleasure Tool Ceramic bearings with the proper spacers in all my wheels.

Getting a board dialed in for racing is like breaking in a pair of new slippers. Everyone is going to do it a little differently and the end results may be different from one racer to another. I start out with a proven basic combination of parts and will keep on making changes and adjustments to the board, trucks, bushings, and wheels, until it feels just right! And when it feels right, you will know. There is nothing like a high performance race board that is tuned for the maximum amount of traction and to go fast!

I hope this helps provide some insight into how my race boards are actually set up. Please feel free to ask if you have anymore questions.

See you at the races!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Gareth Roe on 2002-09-05 13:46 ]</font>

William Tway
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Post by William Tway » Thu Sep 05, 2002 7:35 pm

<img src=http://www.users.cloud9.net/~wbtway/roesetup.jpg>

The Roe Bottle Rocket is an excellent shape for TS racing. I have set mine up with German Seismics (Silver Springs) in front. They turn fast and snap right back to center. Even set "loose" you can bomb a hill on this board with complete confidence.

I thought this set-up was only good for TS but after running it on the GS course at da' farm, I am now convinced it can be used for virtually any style of course.

Mine is also very stiff which I believe gives a rider more push/thrust/snap as you pass each cone. If a deck is too flexy, it takes too long to snap back and is easy to get out of position.

<img src=http://www.users.cloud9.net/~wbtway/roesetup1.jpg>

The tail is set-up with a Turner TTC which provides excellent traction and control. JG considers this overkill but it works for me.

The Turner Cambria wheels are by far the best wheels I have ever ridden. Hands Down.

Overall, this is my favorite board in my quiver. I ride it as often as possible and hope to someday beat TK on it.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: william tway on 2002-09-05 13:47 ]</font>

Henry Hester
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Post by Henry Hester » Thu Sep 05, 2002 7:55 pm

Here is a photo of my board. It is a Nina Hester Model with Sesimics on the front, Indy Offset on the back The seismic has a wedge the Indy is mounted with a small flat block. Like my friend William, I have found that the Seismic can be ridden in all events with no problem and I confir with all his comments above.


Those are cut down Avalons and although I love the feeling of these quick reaction narrow wheels, my performance was not where I wanted it to be at Hood River. Part of that was the roll factor. Hackett just rolled right on by with stock Avalons. I thought the wheels might be deforming (slowing) a little. Talked to Howard about it. Maybe I'll run the harder ones all around (current set up is hardfront soft rear), also cut narrow like this. I've tried Cambrias but they seem too sticky for my blood.

Adam Trahan
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Post by Adam Trahan » Fri Sep 06, 2002 11:00 pm


I now have a RoeRacing "Unlimited" set up with a Seismic 110mm flat front, TTC 101mm rear (set to 110mm with Tracker Aluminum Spacers) with a Tracker Wedge to take out steering. Oust Moc 7 bearings (with proper spacers) in Turner Cambria wheels.

Since this is a "brand" new board for me, I am going to ride it for a while before I post my riding/technique impressions (editing this post at that time)

The TTC and the Cambrias are also new equipment to me so it would not be a fair evaluation for me to go on about the Roe "Unlimited" until I understand the TTC and or the Cambria's effect on what I understand.

What I can say from experience using first and second generation Turners (classic Fullnose - Cutaway) and a couple of Blackbirds, Santa Cruz Graphite Loadeds and custom G&S boards over many years is that the Roe has a quality build and a "return" that feels fast. It's not like a spring potential, it is a progressive return. The rebound "energy" of the board seems quick (mine is a MED) and I ordered a stiff profile. I was told by Gareth that this particular model has stiff qualities in regards to flex profiles. It feels stiff but contains a usable quick returning flex profile.

(Obviously this is all my own opinion)

Anyway, I like the board after zig zagging on a great street (excellent asphalt surface) and will run cone with it soon. It will be one choice out of my quiver for the Morro Bay competition, or running local with our group. The "Unlimited" is racked next to my White Turner Cutaway and my 36" Pocket Pistol Super G.

Thank you Gareth for contributing to the slalom racing board market.

Gotta have the Arizona flag, included.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: adam trahan on 2002-09-10 20:33 ]</font>

Curt Kimbel
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Post by Curt Kimbel » Sat Sep 21, 2002 3:36 am

My Roe has held up beautifully. I have raced it regularly for 8 months, and have riden in practice dozens of days. It looks and feels like new.

In particular, it is very light and snaps back quickly after each turn. As others mentioned, it is very comfortable to ride, feels good at high speed, and has no unusual or quirky traits.

I ran my Roe Wide Tail Bottle Rocket (not sure how many are out there) with Seismic front/Indy rear for several months. It worked great. I recently set it up with Tracker RacerX up front, TTC rear. The Racer X was immedieatly comfortable, the TTC required some bushing changes to get it dialed in. I always use a red rad pad front and rear.

I'll let you know if I run across any further improvements.

Noah Heinle
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Post by Noah Heinle » Tue Sep 24, 2002 7:50 pm

My new Roe "Unlimited" has quickly replaced my other race boards. I have it set up with a rad pad and RTX in front and a TTC in back set low and wedged *very* slightly with a cut pad. I Think bushings are key to any setup for a specific rider. TK suggested a while ago that when tweaking bushings, use the harder of the two on top. This rule of thumb that has been working for me all summer. I have a soft (old) blue tracker on the bottom and a (new) bones blue hardcore on top in the front. In the TTC, I have a yellow stimulator on the bottom and a yellow hardcore on top.

This board snaps like no other. I like a lot of boards (who doesn't?!) But in the six weeks I've had it, the unlimited seems to me to be the most versatile. Big GS or tightish, it'll buck ya, if you're not careful!

Paul Keleher
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Post by Paul Keleher » Wed Dec 04, 2002 3:10 pm

I would be curious to know what Wheelbase drillings have been selected for various models...

for example, check out gareths BR and compare it to Tway's

Tways appears to be drilled closer to the nose than Gareth's.

Kevin M. Gamble
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Post by Kevin M. Gamble » Wed Dec 04, 2002 5:43 pm

I'm curious to hear the differences between the Bottle Rocket and the Unlimited, especially since I think that the Unlimited was derived from the Bottle Rocket shape. Has anybody ridden both? TK?

Claude Regnier
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Post by Claude Regnier » Thu Dec 05, 2002 5:22 am

What can you say. You really got to ride one to appreciate the feel. I can't wait till I can complete my quiver.

My Bottle Rocket is just perfect for true TS but for most of the FCR races you need choices. Most courses aren't tight enough. I'm sure the Bonita will likely be my board of choice for most open type courses.

The response and power one can generate is second to none. Try it before you buy if you like but at least if your ridding a Roe and your good enough you'll have a chance to win.

Snow, snow go away.

Paul Keleher
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Post by Paul Keleher » Thu Dec 05, 2002 10:14 am

What are the Actual correct dimensions for the BR, Hester, Nina etc.

thr Roe site says that the BR is 30" and the stinger is 31", but looking at the picture of Gareths boards, i would say the BR is more like 28.5"

Given that the unlimited is also listed as 30", but is based on the BR ,is it really less

Somebody please get the tape measure out, because i want to know before i buy one! an unlimited that is...and maybe a BR!!

Paul Keleher
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Post by Paul Keleher » Thu Dec 05, 2002 12:45 pm

oh well...serves me right for not reading Gareths other postings properly....

the Br is 28.5" the unlimited 30"

i must read all posts
i must read all posts
i must read all posts

Sean Dawkins
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Post by Sean Dawkins » Mon Dec 09, 2002 8:12 pm

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sean Dawkins on 2003-02-25 20:11 ]</font>

Scott Yano
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Post by Scott Yano » Tue Dec 17, 2002 4:27 am

I had the luxury of a broken arm while I waited for my Bottle rocket to arrive. I did tell Gareth that it was no rush.

I got the board in July (a bottle rocket mounted complete with seismics and stingers) and have been waiting 'til my arm felt like it could take an impact. It still doesn't feel 100%, but...

This weekend I lit up a rocket for the first time. The area just behind the front truck feels really flat and solid through the first couple of cones (this maybe because of the centering of the Seismics, I'm not sure), then the board just explodes. I remembered what Curt Kimbel had said months ago at ncdsa about the sweet spot by the sticker and found good footing quickly. He was absolutely right: you hit the thing in the right spot and it takes off. The smoothness of the flex pattern is very clear, and it seems like you can fire it up and turn it down at will. I love that Seismic up front combined with the flex of the nose--it doesn't feel like it'll "buckle" under at any point. The back end was a bit loose and whippy, and I can feel that I should crank it down a notch or two (if I had an allen wrench that fit). I'm looking forward to trying it with an offset out back to see what it's like.

It's a bit short for free riding, but Gareth double drilled mine, so I'll check it out with the longer wheelbase soon. It feels like you could feel pretty confident charging a bigger hill, but that remains to be seen (by me at least).

Anyway, I'm impressed. I'd love to be able to try everything out there, but for now this'll do just fine. (my four year old is obsessed with paddling around on one knee on it--he won't use any of the other boards around--good taste, I guess. I literally had to pry it from his fingers to ride it).

I can't wait to get back out on it again...

Terry Kirby
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Post by Terry Kirby » Mon Jan 06, 2003 3:16 am

Kevin, The unlimited is built on the original bottle rocker chassis. The nose was filled in where the cut away is and the wheel base is a tad longer. We are tweaking them with every batch and will be making the tail a smidge wider(thanks noah) on the 2003 models. The deck is comfortable at speed and good on most courses. I still have my original prototype and have used it in eveything from the G burg cyberslalom to the Boston 4th of july TS, to Brecks GS and hybred to both days at La Costa. Hope this helped. TK

Paul Keleher
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Post by Paul Keleher » Tue Feb 18, 2003 11:08 am

I've had a litle time on my Unlimited now, Not had the opportunity to run through any cones as yet, the weather in the UK has been...unfavourable!!

After a few discussions with Gareth, a stiff version was determined to be best for my weight ( 235lb)...

When the package finally arrived, i removed all of the hardware from my G&S Response 4ply (RT-x/s & stingers) and fitted it to the Unlimited, this way i could gain an impression of the deck only..

First impressions...WOW..its a slick looking piece of Kit, Thanks Gareth!!..it's a little flexier than my Response, but it is 2" longer so that was to be expected, and only just flexes to flat under my weight.

just by pumping along the flats it seems to rocket forward, it snaps out of turns much quicker than my response.

Looking foreward to some better weather so i can run some cones on a decent surface!

Claude Regnier
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Post by Claude Regnier » Thu Feb 20, 2003 10:40 pm

Kevin, I had the chance to ride the Unlimited the day TK received it from Gareth. (I think it may have been the Prototype PVD or both)

I find them comparable as TK's board is a little softer then my BR. Accelerating was quicker but (Unlimited) I don't think over the length of that particular course there was any difference in my times. That would have been interesting to note. We will do that for you soon.

As far as the shape the extra room on the nose (Unlimited) was nice and would make the board a better all around model. Having been used to ridding Turner Cutaways for the last 20 years I feel comfortable with the smaller area under my front foot. I really don't notice it very much when you get right down to it.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Claude Regnier on 2003-02-20 16:53 ]</font>

Terry Kirby
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Post by Terry Kirby » Sat Feb 22, 2003 2:31 am

There are some great things about to happen at Roe Racing. Stay Tuned! TK

Vlad Popov
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Post by Vlad Popov » Tue Feb 25, 2003 11:57 pm

In the light of the Grand News from the new Turner Summer Ski company, this is a good day to make a couple of lil' announcements:

First, I'm interested in test-riding a Roe and posting a review more then even.

TK! I can't stay tuned anymore!!!! What is it?!! WHAT? WHAT????

Terry Kirby
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Post by Terry Kirby » Thu Feb 27, 2003 6:54 pm

Vlad, I can't be specific but what I can say is the 2003 boards will have even better flex and snap, more consistant fit and finish, more functional race shapes,and a fast turn around time for orders. One of the biggest problems Roe had last year was the amount of time it took to get a board, and while they are worth the wait we understand how frustrating this can be for a customer.Our team is busy testing new shapes right now. It wont be long before you can see and feel what I mean. Tk

Vlad Popov
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Post by Vlad Popov » Mon Mar 03, 2003 11:09 pm

TK, thanks!
I'm looking for the function in the shape. To each his own, the bullet shape seems the right shape to me.
Looking forward to riding a Roe soon!

PS I'm still staying tuned...after all these years :smile:

Terry Kirby
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Post by Terry Kirby » Tue Mar 04, 2003 2:11 am

Vlad, if you scroll up to the two roe decks the one next to gareths white one is what I am sending you to try. I know you hate cut aways but just try it for flex . I couldnt ship it today because my knee was too stiff to drive but I should be able to do it tomorrow. TK

Vlad Popov
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Post by Vlad Popov » Tue Apr 15, 2003 11:46 pm

I got a new Roe right before the Luna race. It is based on the Bullet shape, has the same nose as the Bullet and a square tail, and the waist is constant thoughout the entire length at 18.5 cm. (7 1/4 inch). I’ll post a couple of pictures when I get my super-duuper Digi cam.

I’ve tested a couple of Roes before and liked them somewhat. However, every Roe I tried lacked dampening. It was like a spring, very powerful and violent. Not that it’s a bad thing, just not as comfortable as, say, a Turner Hybrid/GS.

The new Roe is VERY different. It’s more damp. It feels good under the foot.
Mine turned out to be on a soft side. I ordered a Medium flex for my 160 lbs. I could have benefited more from Medium-Stiff.

Camber is very low, like 3/8 of an inch, the board looks and feels flat. It’s deceptive, really, because the camber gets loaded and works pretty good.

The reason I ordered a Roe was to help me beat 8-second barrier on the Cyber Slalom course. I believe the caber loading/unloading will allow me to shave off at least .1 second off my current best time.
You see, 6 feet is a lot of distance between the cones on flat ground. It’s not really a tight slalom, so there is plenty of time to load and unload the camber. Flexy boards do MUCH better on this course. It has been empirically proven many times. The timer will tell. Hopefully this week.

It took me a couple of runs to feel at home on the board in Jackson, MS. The apex of the camber could be 2-3 inches closer to the nose. My front foot was favoring the middle of the board for getting the maximum snap/response. The back end is perfect. I like my pumping foot right over the rear truck for the maximum traction. The width is too much, in my opinion; I should have gotten a 1/2-inch narrower board for my size 9 US feet. (6 3/4)

Gareth was very responsive and enthusiastic about building me a board. It was an honor to take it to the podium.

Thanks, Mr. Roe!

Superior shape (Plankk-R) meets superior technology (RoeRacing). Even a beginner rider (that would be me) can climb the Red Bull podiums (that’s in MS). Must be the board! :smile:

My new graphite toy is superb. Pictures are coming soon.


Terry Kirby
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Post by Terry Kirby » Wed Apr 16, 2003 7:10 pm

Vlad, I hear your new board is very ugly. Can you post a pic so that we may see for ourselves?

Vlad Popov
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Post by Vlad Popov » Thu Apr 17, 2003 1:38 am

Dear Terence,
It doesn’t matter how ugly my board is.

First, I make everything look good.
Second, it’s the function that counts.


PS. You call a Roe ugly one more time, I’m telling Gareth!
PPS. When I saw this CALI 1975 track suit, I had to have it right away! If Gilmour were with me shopping I’m sure he’d approve!


Terry Kirby
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Post by Terry Kirby » Thu Apr 17, 2003 1:55 am

For once, I am speechless.

Adam Trahan
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Post by Adam Trahan » Thu Apr 17, 2003 2:06 am

On 2003-04-16 19:55, Terence Kirby wrote:
For once, I am speechless.
Me too, 'nuff said.



Post by Guest » Thu Apr 17, 2003 2:26 am

are we speechless over...???

a) the hair
b) the glasses
c) the "skateboard"?
d) all of the above

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Chris Stepanek on 2003-04-16 20:28 ]</font>

Terry Kirby
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Post by Terry Kirby » Thu Apr 17, 2003 2:37 am

its its its like andy gibb meets flock of seagulls meets a young John Mcinroe. Kind of makes me horny in a wierd way.T

Brian Morris
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Post by Brian Morris » Thu Apr 17, 2003 2:56 am

was it the picture, or the suit that was from 1975??? :wink:


Vlad Popov
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Post by Vlad Popov » Thu Apr 17, 2003 6:29 am

John Mcenroe



and Jimmy Connors



- the two bad boys of tennis- were my heroes when I played tennis in my youth. I copied Mcenroe’s unique serve and Jimmy’s double backhand. I was trained by Andrei Chesnokov’s coach.

My sister, by the way, was trained by Marat Safin’s mother, but didn’t go as far as Tatyana Panova, her ones very close friend.

I’m sure Vasocretta can appreciate this piece of information.

The suit is brand new, made by Mossimo, comes in blue and gray and costs $50 at your local Target store.


Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Thu Apr 17, 2003 12:56 pm

Vlad, I thought it was all about racing, but apparently you're now going into fashion (an area once reserved only for Gilmour). I don't know what to do now, practice more or go with Monique to the shops?

PS. By the way, I hope that board was made only in one copy and the mold destroyed forever.

Chris Eggers
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Post by Chris Eggers » Thu Apr 17, 2003 2:57 pm

I remember the first concave board I saw: Santa Cruz Bevel, my feet hurt from the deep deep concave, we laughed at it. Today the concave is standard in street and vert boards.

I remember the first board with an upturned nose I saw, Chris Miller G&S. We laughed at it. Now everey street and vert board has an upturned nose.

I remember the first multidirectional vert deck I saw, Tony Hawk. You could not tell which end was the nose. We laughed at it. When I walk into a skateshop today I don´t know whether the boards are all displayed in the same direction and I sometimes have to ask the employees which is the nose?

Vlad´s board seems to be a little like the same thing. I laughed at it when I saw it a few minutes ago (ok maybe it was the suit, or the headband or both) but who knows what we will think in 3 years. Maybe all our slalom boards look like this and we all think "oh man what did we ride 3 years ago" and "how did we get those times on our underdeveloped equipment".

Who knows.......who knows.

but the board is ugly...
sorry, Vlad, but I know you do not care anyway, thats cool.

Happy Easter holiday


Adam Trahan
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Post by Adam Trahan » Thu Apr 17, 2003 3:56 pm

I am not laughing at you Vlad. I am not critical of your "style" or choice and I am simply goofing on you. It's a great thing to know people who choose to be individuals. Kirby, Eggers, Soderhall, UR13 and myself are uhh, jelous?

But there is some difficulty for me in shaking an 80's image. I return to "through with being cool" DEVO attitude when fashion creeps into my life...


I am proud to know you and consider you to be quite the insider at http://www.slalomskateboarder.com


Leonardo Ojeda
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Post by Leonardo Ojeda » Thu Apr 17, 2003 4:31 pm

"mommy i saw an alien carrying a brown death stick!"

"easy son, thats vlad and his new roe"

Vlad i would really like to meet u and see u skate, hope we can meet at TG3.


John Gilmour
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Post by John Gilmour » Thu Apr 17, 2003 5:23 pm

Peter Frampton would be proud.
If you don't instantly recognize the above reference- you can pretty much forget about any chance for winning a Pro race.


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: John Gilmour on 2003-07-02 00:52 ]</font>


Post by Guest » Thu Apr 17, 2003 6:45 pm

actually vlad's deck is growing on me, functionally to Vlad's style I can see the advantages....

I have a few full custom decks from Gareth in the works, I will make sure at least one of them is uglier.....granted it is function over form...

Vlad take a side view, I want to see how many risers one can fit between their trucks and the deck...


Jim Siener
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Post by Jim Siener » Thu Apr 17, 2003 8:49 pm

I love how Vlad can post one picture and generate all these responses. Its classic.

Love the suit, and form follows function. We will all be wearing track suits and riding skinny boards soon.

Vlad Popov
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Post by Vlad Popov » Thu Apr 17, 2003 9:13 pm

The cool thing about the Roe is that it can be made custom for you. If you see Freudian objects in the boards, go with a Freudian shape, if you see function and don’t care about the image, design your own for your stance and style. Or combine the two.
Bullet is the optimal universal slalom shape in my opinion.


More pictures coming.

Glenn S
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Post by Glenn S » Thu Apr 17, 2003 10:35 pm

Vlad, concerning your new deck:
The picture with you holding the board in your snazzy jumpsuit has the board looking like the sides are straight.

But in the picture of just the deck it now looks curved a bit. I like the curved picture and shape better. Are they two different decks. Or is it that the foam is cut straight? The curved one: I like it.

Vlad Popov
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Post by Vlad Popov » Thu Apr 17, 2003 10:43 pm

My shape is called Plankk-R Roe. It's "stupid straight".

The last picture is a production Roe Bullet.

I could have gotten the Bullet and be just like every other boy - dull and standard. No!, my ego demands unique!


Vlad Popov
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Post by Vlad Popov » Fri Apr 18, 2003 2:18 am

Sounds like some of our European friends are not buying the new board shape... Hmm... What do you do to win them over?

I’d start with turning up the sex appeal, add some fun color, more Euro style, show them the “American” smile, give them the we’ll-pump-you-up attitude, get them to associate the new shape with the good times! Give them that “tough” happy look, they like “tough”, “tough-an-happy” sells!

This shape is gonna sell itself all over Europe. I don’t know why I even bother…


The risers are made by my best man Dalv at Plankk-R, they fit PVDs and all other trucks and cost $80 a piece (to match the PVD hefty parts price tag). 100% wood, elite Baltic Birch, 1/2-inch 7-ply. A tuning fork is used when the wood sheets are chosen to insure homogeneity and equal density of the material. A superb shock absorber. A must for any Roe board, even for the old-fashion pre-Plankk-R shapes!


Plankk-R is proud to collaborate with another advanced skateboard company, Roe Racing. We, at Plankk-R Precise Technologies, feel that this collaboration could make us the strongest partners in this business. Unfortunately, we’re not allowed to merge, as it will crush the rest of the US slalom industry.

Think Roe, think the new Plankk-R shape! At 7 days old, it is already a Mississippi winner and a GS world-cup contender-to-be!

Vlad Popov, Plankk-R CEO, Team Captain, Head Engineer, Project Leader, Head of R&D Department, Marketing Manager and Sales Representative.


Note to Gareth. A bad publicity is a good publicity. :smile: Thanks for the board.

Gareth Roe
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Post by Gareth Roe » Fri Apr 18, 2003 2:42 am

We have built a lot of "custom" boards in the last 2 years. Some more "custom" than others. However, when Vlad ordered his board, he was very specific with his directions. I had to double and triple check with him to make sure it was exactly what he wanted. He knew exactly what would work for him!

The day the board was to be built, Bruce at the shop, called to ask if I had made a mistake with the templates. "They are not done, you forgot to shape the rails and that nose is perfectly round." I reassured him it was correct and that he could proceed as directed.

When I got to the shop to pick up that weeks board orders, Vlad's board was surrounded by two technicians, a representative from a Japanese helicopter company, a plumber who happened to be in the shop at the time and the local composite sales rep. No one was saying anything!

Then, yesterday when I was at the shop, I told everyone about Vlad's success on his new RoeRacing "Plank" in Mississippi and the response from the two shop technicians was.. "ya, I knew that thing would work, it just looked fast and all about winning..." (Big smile on my face!)

Vlad, Congratulations on your win - Hope the board had something to do with it!

Next up - a Custom board for the Prince of Monaco (no, I am not kidding)!

RoeRacing “CUSTOM” Slalom Skateboards

Troy Smart
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Post by Troy Smart » Fri Apr 18, 2003 8:19 pm

Did it come with a knob?
Buy 4 more and you could make a nice shoe box.
You, however, look Mavelous.

Henry Julier
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Post by Henry Julier » Sat Apr 19, 2003 4:45 pm

Gareth, since you are building a deck for the Prince of Monaco, why don't you build boards for the King of Jordan and His two Royal Architects- I have meet them. (I have meet them, and no, I do not have their numbers.)

If you're not joking then, what, is Prince Rainier III going to do with a slalom deck? Slalom? The Prince of Monaco slaloms? What?


Dave Mitchell
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Post by Dave Mitchell » Sun Apr 20, 2003 4:47 am

I just picked up 2 new Roes from Daddies Boaardshop this afternoon. The first is an Low Camber Unlimited, I set it up with 4.5" PVD's and Avalons. It was expertly drilled by Gareth and is a great ride. I didn't have a chance to put it through some cones but did run the chalk marks left over from opur practice this morning. The second is a Bonita, I saw a Bonita at Hood River last summer and have wanted one ever since. I set it up with Randal 150's and Flashbacks. I was looking at this board for just cruising but after running it through the chalk marks I'm thinking GS or Longboard slalom. Thanks to Gareth for making great boards and Daddies Boardshop in Portland, OR for bringing them in and being the best shop period!!

Terry Kirby
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Post by Terry Kirby » Sun Apr 20, 2003 5:02 am

Dave, I also just got the new Unlimited low camber. I set mine up with PVD's 45* fr/30* rear with 84a ft and 92a rear yellow bushings. My Axel to Axel WB is right around 25" . This is by far the best riding/racing set up I have ever stepped on. Gilmour set one of his fast TS courses today at the arboretum . I would normally run a 20 to 21" axel to axel on this type of course. Race speed was no problem even with the long wheelbase. On a GS course this deck shines. Gareth really nailed this deck perfectly. I can't wait to race it. TK

Gareth Roe
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Post by Gareth Roe » Wed Apr 23, 2003 3:05 am

We really are building a slalom board for the Prince. He showed a genuine interest in slalom skateboarding and will be getting a RoeRacing Slalom deck with new Seismics and Turner (3DM) wheels this weekend in New York.

BTW - a package is coming your way!

Chuck Gill
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Post by Chuck Gill » Mon Apr 28, 2003 6:49 am

I just got a new deck I had Gareth custom-build for me, and it has exceeded all my expectations! I needed a deck for tighter courses, and I had a specific idea in mind. I asked Gareth to make something that borrowed from the front end of a Hester Nina and the back end of a FibrFlex GS Lite. The result is 28 x 9.25, looking a bit like the new Unlimited except shorter and with a little bit of a sexy curve to the back end.

I took it out two weeks ago on a tight course on a relatively flat area, and it was fast! I was running 6-footers with offsets, step-overs, diagonals, and a titty curve. The board went where i wanted it to, without even asking. It just KNEW. Last week I hit the overpass...Brady set a sort of tight-hybrid course, pretty fast, and I ran both my Hester and the new board. The new deck was shorter than I would have wanted to run a course this fast on before, but it was stable as all get out yet so much easier to make the course, particularly a really tight stinger section at the bottom. I couldn't be happier with the board Gareth made for me, my new tight/tight hybrid weapon! And most importantly, it has made me faster. You can't ask for a better result than that.

Here's a couple of shots of the new board along with my Hester:

<IMG src="http://photo.starblvd.net/~fivedime/6-5 ... 1052377399">

<IMG src="http://photo.starblvd.net/~fivedime/6-5 ... 1052827065">

Thanks Gareth!

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