Cascade Slalom Association

North American Slalom Races & Results

Moderators: Jonathan Harms, Maria Carrasco, Russel Cantor, Chris Cousineau, Lynn Kramer

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Gareth Roe
RoeRacing Team Captain
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Location: Seattle, Washington

Post by Gareth Roe » Mon Sep 23, 2002 8:13 pm

The <b>Cascade Slalom Association</B> had a great time racing in the sunshine yesterday at North Seattle Community College. The course was fast and tight - 52 cones with spacing in the 6 to 6.5 foot range, mild offsets, a couple of hips and a nice left sweeping Gilmourian curve thrown in to make it interesting. We had 12 racers attacking the course hard and it could have been anyone's to take home!

<B>Qualifying times:</B>
Corey Moy - 20.32
Gareth Roe - 20.33
Michael Dong - 20.34
Dan Hughes - 20.63
John Stryker - 20.97
Darren Moy - 24.37
Rob Skala - 25.16
Aaron Pass - 27.95
Ben - 28.21
Dan Farmery - 30.00

In the end it came down to Dan Hughes and Michael Dong battling it out for first place. Dan DQ'd on his first run and was a second and a half behind Michael going into the second race - not impossible to overcome but surely a formidable task. Michael is still not 100% recovered from his accident 7 weeks ago where he broke his collar bone. Dan was pretty confident he could beat him but it was not to be. Michael pulled down the fastest run of the day with a 19.14 (18.84 raw time + three cones at .1 second each) even though he had a second and a half advantage going into the race. Michael knows what Dan is capable of doing!!

<B>Final standings:</B>
1. Michael Dong
2. Dan Hughes
3. Corey Moy
4. Gareth Roe
5. John Stryker

Dan Farmery went home with a set of Abec 11 Stingers for his outstanding performance as Best improved racer of the day!

Thanks to everyone for coming out. Next weekend we will have the bracketing all squared away (on my laptop) before the race and we will get going a little earlier with practice so we can start racing right away!

Until the <B>World Slalom Skateboard Championships</B> take place in Morro Bay, California on the weekend of October 11th, 12th, and 13th (, we will be running cones on both Saturdays and Sundays. Stay tuned for more information or email me at

Bring your boards and a helmet and be a part of this great sport. Hope to see you all out there!

Ride Fast, Ride Safe!

<B>Cascade Slalom Association </B>
<B>RoeRacing Slalom Skateboards </B>
<B>Seattle, Washington </B>
<B> </B>

Chris Raezer
Posts: 8
Joined: Thu Sep 05, 2002 2:00 am
Location: Arlington, WA

Post by Chris Raezer » Tue Sep 24, 2002 9:51 am

As a member of Cascade Slalom Association, I can vouch for how competitive the riders are, but I am seriously BUMMED that I have missed two weekends in a row!!! This nonsense has to stop now!

By the way, a big congratulations to Dan Farmery, it's cool to see a downhiller start to get some sense and cross over to our side!!


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Chris Raezer on 2002-09-24 03:55 ]</font>

Curt Kimbel
Posts: 27
Joined: Mon Aug 26, 2002 2:00 am

Post by Curt Kimbel » Wed Sep 25, 2002 1:54 am

Wow, you guys need to run your times out a couple more decimal places. Looks like you have some very competitive racing going on up there.

Good luck, and we expect to see some of these names a lot more in the future.


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