US.NATIONALS-Longmont,Co.-Aug 18-20th....Who's going?

Slalom Skateboarding in Utah and surrounding states

Moderators: Jonathan Harms, Ron Barbagallo, Maria Carrasco, Russel Cantor, Lynn Kramer, Martin Drayton

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Martin Drayton
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US.NATIONALS-Longmont,Co.-Aug 18-20th....Who's going?

Post by Martin Drayton » Sun Jun 04, 2006 5:45 pm

So far Bob, Trish and myself have signed up... Anyone else interested? If you check out the Contest Calender @ NCDSA you will see pics. The TS hill looks like the same kind of pitch as Eagle Pointe....Hmmmmm.
The Drayton clan will be taking the slow way there and back (Maya can't do the whole trip in one go), but I'm sure you guys can "RoadTrip" it and save $$$$...
How about it? You know you want to....

Lets have a UPC presence, not only will it do wonders for your skating (look at Trish after Texas!), but you'll get to make lots of new skate buddies from all over the country.
Think about guys are good enough.

Chris Peddecord
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Post by Chris Peddecord » Sun Jun 04, 2006 7:34 pm

I would definetly like to go to Colorado. I just need to save money somehow by rooming/riding with other people. And most importantly, we have to have UPC shirts by then... if I can't look the part I don't want to play that part :) just kidding.

I think I'll be going in dual capacity as a photo-j and skater though. Who knows, I might swing some cash while I'm there on my photos... that'd be nice.

trish erickson
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ya Baby!

Post by trish erickson » Mon Jun 05, 2006 5:50 pm

I got a call from BOB. He and I are going to carpool and I think Kevin might go as well. My family will not be going, so I can take 3 people with me in my suby. I have a cargo bag that we could load boards in. Hey CHris, thanks for the cool photos. It most definantly helped me to see were I need to improve. AND, I noticed that you drive a mini-van.....mmmm, ROADTRIP!

Martin is right, I met so many cool skaters from every walk of life and they were great about supporting me in Texas. In fact, because I talked us UPCr's up so much, they all want us to put a race on so they can come out and ride with us!

Thursday session?


Bob Harper
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Car pool

Post by Bob Harper » Mon Jun 05, 2006 8:15 pm

Hey Trish
Kevin is down for the trip. He was'nt to hip on the tent idea, I know he has a real phobia about chipmunks. You bring up Chip & Dale and he gose through the roof,,,,,,or is that Chipendale's Dancers???? I get those guy's mixed up all the time. Any how I don't see a problem with getting a small cheap motel room, and I'm not apossed to passing out on the floor (I've done it before). We have plenty of time to work it out.
See ya's on the hill soon.
I'm in the middle of moving right now. So I'm a little tied up.
SK8KINGS order arrives tomarrow. Just a few odds and ends,bearings,wedges,etc.
and best of all 20 lime green cones. I got the last of their stock. Night sessions here I come.
Later Grand Pappy Wiggly

trish erickson
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The Nationl call-out list

Post by trish erickson » Mon Jul 10, 2006 7:57 am

OK people,

I am going to Longmont...Lets commit and let me know who wants to go so we can book a motel soon. I just finished the Hood river race and I can't even described what it feels like to race with all these cool people. It's sooo cool and fun! So call me. I will get online and hopefully find a cheap place.

Martin Drayton
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Travel, etc...

Post by Martin Drayton » Tue Jul 11, 2006 6:48 am

Looks like it may be just me, with the girls staying home to go on holiday when I get back. Not sure if I am staying with a friend or sharing a room with you guys...will keep you posted! I will probably fly there and back to save time (its only $103 return!!!)

trish erickson
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Post by trish erickson » Fri Jul 14, 2006 6:04 pm


I found a motel for 50 bucks a night for 2 double beds in Longmont. It's the Longmont Inn right off the freeway. It is non-refundable but I can book it right now if you all want to share. Please let me know today. I payed my fee for the race so I am in! Also, it's only 100 bucks to fly right now, so i really need to know who is in. I am more than glad to drive but I would rather fly if I am driving alone.

thanks all,


Chris Barker
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Post by Chris Barker » Fri Jul 14, 2006 6:18 pm

Trish - That hotel is actually about 5+ miles from Longmont in a completely different county in basically a gas station exit town on I-25. They are using the name "Longmont" to make you think you are staying in Longmont, but you won't be. There are probably some smaller budget motels in Longmont if you don't like the Radisson's rates.

trish erickson
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thanks- chris

Post by trish erickson » Fri Jul 14, 2006 6:28 pm

Thanks for the info Chris.

I am looking cheap just in case I don't get any of the UPC'ers to go to the race and room with me. The Radisson would be great though. If any of the Utah gang want to share a room at the Raddison, call, or email me. Today. The deal at the Radisson ends tomorow.


I got your message this morning....I agree. I acually put the tracker back on the front and I am going to go try it out today. Last night was frustrating. Weird though that I could step on the Gecko and turn it, not so graceful but still turn....mmm.

Chris Barker
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Location: Longmont, Colorado

Post by Chris Barker » Fri Jul 14, 2006 6:33 pm

You could still cancel on the room if it doesn't work out. They reserved 50 rooms for us and I think only a small number are spoken for so they are releasing them back into the pool and won't guarantee the good rate or availability after this weekend. The room are normally $125 per night. There are only a few places to stay in our town.

Bob Harper
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Post by Bob Harper » Sat Jul 15, 2006 8:45 am

I'm commited to what we talked about to day. If you have an alternate plan let me know via e mail or call me Monday @ 208 852 1127 that is my work number. If I'm busy please leave a message, I'll get back to you asap.

I will try to hunt you down Monday as well. I'm building a rack to haul all the quiver, so I need some measurements in your roof space on your vehicle so I know what to go by.
We need as much room in the back as possible for our Clothes, Food, and most of all my depends, "remember I'm a Grand Pa".
Over and Out See Yawl Soon Grand Pappy Wiggly..........................

trish erickson
Posts: 223
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Hotel booked!

Post by trish erickson » Sat Jul 15, 2006 6:35 pm

Hey Bob,

I will get the measurements for my suby. I do have a yackima rack and a soft big bag that we can put on top. it will hold alot. I think it just might be just be you, Mike May and I driving together. Martin is flying and nobody else is going. I booked a room at the Longmont Inn. (sorry CBark, we are cheapys here in Utah!) 2 doubles. 237.00 is the total for 4 nights. I aslo have a thermarest, so I can camp out on the floor! Just as long as I have a clean shower and a cup of Joe, I will be good to go. Martin is staying with us as well.


We are hoping to hit longmont early Thursday evening. Will that work for you as far as getting a ride? Let us know. As soon as I have access to a printer (I am at work) I can send the details of the Longmont Inn to all of you. Ohhh I can't wait!

Let me know if you all need anything else... and for the record, this motel reservation is non-refundable..

Wesley Tucker
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Re: Hotel booked!

Post by Wesley Tucker » Sat Jul 15, 2006 8:12 pm

trish erickson wrote:I booked a room at the Longmont Inn. (sorry CBark, we are cheapys here in Utah!).

Maybe we'll have adjoining rooms?

I'm not cheap . . . I'm "thrifty."

Martin Drayton
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Post by Martin Drayton » Sun Jul 16, 2006 5:15 am

Just put some cash into my account so I can Paypal the entry fee and book my flights. I will aim for an evening arrival Trish and let you know when I've booked.
UPC visits Colorado!

trish erickson
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WT and the UPCr's

Post by trish erickson » Sun Jul 16, 2006 5:37 pm

Right on WT! Do you snore? LOL. Party at Westly's room Saturday night!

And yes, I think thrifty is the word. This slalom stuff is quite an addicting, expensive hobby. kind of a weird to pay for the equipment, no time to train due to working to pay for the equipment.....mmmm.

see ya in Longmont,


Martin Drayton
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Room in the car?

Post by Martin Drayton » Mon Jul 17, 2006 5:24 am

Hi Trish,
Flights are way more now AND its gonna cost me too much in cross-city transfers (Sunday night)...So.....Do you have room for me in the Subaru? I have one of those hard Airline Golf bags for my boards we could stick on the roof...
Let me know, could be an epic roadtrip... ;)

ps.still haven't heard from Mike yet...

trish erickson
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the trunk!

Post by trish erickson » Mon Jul 17, 2006 6:11 am

Sorry to hear that the flights have gone up...figures. So far it's just Bob and I driving. Greg couldn't get the time off. So I'm guessin' you will fit. I have my laptop that has all my family vids and picts stored on it....I can tell you all about us while we travel! See, you won't be bored with me!

Hick chick from Heber, Grand-pappy Bob with his depends, Proper boy from England. Epic!

Martin Drayton
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Proper Boy???!!!??/

Post by Martin Drayton » Mon Jul 17, 2006 5:06 pm

You'll have 8 hrs to "learn" about British humour and how "not-proper" it is....Ever heard of the Carry On films? Or Leslie Philips? Ding-Dong!

ps.Think I'm proper? You need to meet Sam Gordon, he makes the Queen sound common!

miKe M
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Post by miKe M » Mon Jul 17, 2006 8:22 pm

hey all. i spoke to Martin last night. unfortunately, i cannot go. i can't seem to rationalize spending money on a skate trip when Ash and I are still saving for a normal vacation. i'm sorry. but, as i told martin- this is only freeing up time and money for me to work on our race! i'll let Martin tell you the news, but i think we are going to have a kickin race this fall... surprises are in store....

so, sorry to let down the UPC, but i promise i'll make it up to you guys by going above and beyond with race preperation and hosting.

i'm going to stop by my buddies shop tomorrow and get the final low down on the shirts. i'll keep you posted.

Bob Harper
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Post by Bob Harper » Tue Jul 18, 2006 7:40 pm

Mike sorry to here you can't make it down to Colorado. There is allways next year. I'm happy to here that you've got your foot opening doors for the upc race. Just keep in mind I have a small P.A. System. (1 or 2, 200 watt P.A. heads. 4 speakers w/ 10" woofers and horns. 2 speaker stands, plenty of mikes and stands). Someone might have to provide a cd player for music, mine just took a crap on me and I'm down to dvd as a music player.

any hows see you guys Thurs. keep Kevin and I posted as to where.
Grand Pappy Wiggly

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