[2006] St. Louis 2006 - May 27-28, 2006

North American Slalom Races & Results

Moderators: Jonathan Harms, Chris Cousineau, Lynn Kramer, Maria Carrasco, Russel Cantor

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Ryan Atwood
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[2006] St. Louis 2006 - May 27-28, 2006

Post by Ryan Atwood » Fri Apr 14, 2006 4:19 am

Whats the deal with the annual st. louis dagger race? When were why? JBH GOAD CHAINSAW News would be great to start planning my trip. Let us dudes know whats up-thanks

Jonathan Harms
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Post by Jonathan Harms » Thu Apr 20, 2006 8:02 pm

Sorry for the late reply. STL seems to be under a bad luck cloud lately. Goad had broken ribs from snowboarding, Seeger messed up his ankle a while back, Graf has had all sorts of crap happen--car troubles, barn roof getting blown off, etc., and I've been in school and in & out of relationship hell. But...

The race is still on.

As with the last couple of years, we're shooting for a single lane "best time" race on Saturday, May 27, 2006 and a dual head-to-head (most likely hybrid) race on Sunday, May 28, 2006. Both races will be push start only--no ramps.

If you've been here before, you know what to expect:

Low-key (non)vibe

Killer pavement

A fun course for both newbies and grizzled old dogs

A barbecue on one or both nights.

Plus a Saturday night parking garage session for those who just can't get enough (3 different garages available).

Hell, we'll even have port-a-potties on site this year.

If you haven't been here before, expect all of the above, on a hill that looks like this:

Once again, sorry for the delay. More details will be posted soon. Feel free to post any other questions in the meantime.

Chris Favero
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Post by Chris Favero » Thu Apr 20, 2006 9:04 pm

freak bros are in.cf
Freak Bros. Racing

Laura Bissell
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Post by Laura Bissell » Wed May 10, 2006 4:06 pm

Frank and I really want to come, and probably will. :) w00t! We just can't get enough of yous guys.
i wanna go fast

Paul Graf
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Post by Paul Graf » Tue May 16, 2006 7:18 pm

I just noticed NCDSA has a sign-up sheet for the STL contest.


Jonathan Harms
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Post by Jonathan Harms » Thu May 18, 2006 10:30 pm

Contest Date and Time: Saturday, May 27, 2006 and Sunday, May 28, 2006

Entry: Open

Format: Slalom

Location: Tower Grove Park in St. Louis, MO

Organizer: STL Daggers

Map: <a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?oi=map&q=W+ ... +MO">Click here for online map</A>

Entry Fee: $15.00

THE COURSE: As in previous years, it's gonna be "slalom," anywhere from 40 to 100 cones. Maybe straight, maybe a hybrid with various spacings and offsets. The hill can accommodate either one.

RACE LOCATION: Tower Grove Park in south St. Louis, S-shaped road, which we call "Spot 1" (same place as the past three years, for those of you who've been there before). The road is barricaded at the top, so there's no worry about cars straying onto the course.

SURFACE: EXCELLENT asphalt, good runout at the bottom (the race hill intersects another street, so you just turn right or left. Again, little or no worry about cars, as it gets very little traffic, ever). It's not a steep hill, but we can set courses that get you going plenty fast.

Depending on where we start the course, the top can be either slightly uphill (green line on photo), flat (blue line) or slightly downhill (orange line). The street is very slightly crowned, with a bit of off-camber (fall-away) at "the hammer," where it begins to turn right (yellow arrow). That's where it really starts to get fun. The rest of the way is a mellow downhill, but as I said above, you won't be hurtin' for speed. Trust us. Course(s) will likely end at or near the red line.

<img src=http://pages.slu.edu/staff/harmsjb/skat ... erview.jpg>

There's lots of grass to sit on and plenty of shade if needed. Plenty of parking is available at the top of the hill, within 100 yards of the start. And new this year...porta-potties! So you won't have to walk/skate 1/4 mile or fertilize the bushes when nature calls.


Low-to-mid budget: There's a Red Roof Inn and Holiday Inn just a couple of miles away at Hampton and I-44.

Slightly higher budget: The Water Tower Inn at Grand Blvd. and I-44 or the Chase Park Plaza on Kingshighway.

NO-BUDGET? Goad, Seeger and Chainsaw have floor space available, and JBH has futon and floor space. Just ask. E-mail JBH, Chainsaw or Seeger or call Goad at 3145686711.


Free barbeque on Saturday after we're done racing.

Downtown parking garages ready & waiting for you to ride.

<a href="http://www.ribamerica.com/stlouis.html">RibAmerica Festival</A> downtown all weekend with great BBQ and '70s dinosaurs Peter Frampton, Eddie Money, April Wine, Kansas, and my personal favorites Head East.

And the <a href="http://www.citymuseum.org">City Museum</A> is always amazing.

Christopher Bara
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Post by Christopher Bara » Sat May 20, 2006 9:13 pm

hey St Louians (?)..........last flight out to detroit from St Lou Sunday leaves at 5:15pm .... Any idea what time this race is going to begin/finish?......i'd have to be at the airport by about quarter to 4 or 4:00.........

good enough for a day at the races?

Jonathan Harms
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Post by Jonathan Harms » Sun May 21, 2006 2:16 am

I think we can pull that off. Looks like we won't have a ton of racers, so it should go pretty quickly. We have the hill starting at about 10:00 and can probably start setting up earlier than that. I'll put it to you the way Eddy put it to me about this year's Texas race: If you come, we'll get you to the airport on time. They did, and we can do the same for you.

Wesley Tucker
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Post by Wesley Tucker » Wed May 31, 2006 7:49 pm

Some pics from two days of racing in St. Louis.

The Daggers always put on a good event. It's easy to say it's as much of a Memorial Day Weekend party as it is a race. The entire weekend was fun without a single incident of strife or miscommunication. It's getting so that the "grassroots race" organizers are getting so much experience that every race is top notch. Goad, JBH, Chiggy, Mary, Ellen and Paul covered all the bases and made it more than worth the trip.


Setting Saturday's course under a blanket of shade trees. It was really warm all weekend but with a decent breeze it wasn't debilitating like racing here in the South in May.

Everyone staked out a spot under a shade tree in the pit area.


One of the big attractions during the weekend was watching Bara and his shoulder. The guy had to be hurting but he never missed a start. Bara let us know that St. Louis is probably it for him this year as he's going to have the shoulder operated on in coming weeks.



Yeah, I know: what kind of narcissist posts pics of himself? Brock Foster, though, took my camera down the hill and got a really good sequence. Good slalom pics are good slalom pics no matter who's the subject.


After watching JBH walk away with the jam race fast time of the day by over a second, the Daggers put out a spread in the park for some good grilling.

I wonder if they are talking about bushings?

Sunday morning saw Goad sporting this season's latest in runway fashions. He took a gnarly beef on Saturday that left him "screaming like a little girl." (Don't get on my case. That's a direct quote from the Goadster himself. I had to pass it along!)

Laura Henn was the fastest woman in the race. She's here qualifying up against The Chainsaw.


Ok. I had a choice: keep the camera on Chainsaw or Laura. Guess who wins? Laura is really faster than last year and has obviously worked on getting some acceleration early on the course. Now, if only I could accomplish that.

Nathan and Ben Favero took a break from trying to strangle each other to run in the duals. Ah, big brothers and little brothers. . . you just can't beat 'em . . . no matter how much you want to!

One of the locals, Jeremy Jones, (left) went up against Bara in qualifying. If Jeremy ever gets serious about slalom, he'd podum every race. His running start was the fastest on the hill all weekend.

Lemonboy Oles is healthy again and "almost" as fast as ever. Coming off a long layoff and still placing second to Harms shows how much he'll kick it this summer and fall.

Sunday's brain trust at the timing table: Laura, Mary, Ellen, JBH and their personal bouncer to keep away the inquisitive.

JBH was just unstoppable all day. He really should have ridden switch foot just to make it fair.

CFav and Byrrddog were evenly matched in the run for 3rd and 4th place in the "B' bracket

Bara was grimacing and high on morphine and Vicodin but was still able to edge Goad for 3rd in the "A's"

Paul Graf (left) was the fastest "B" guy on the hill all weekend and even managed a 3rd place in Satuday's jam session. He was fastest all weekend right up until the last race of the day. Frank Henn grabbed the top "B" spot in the finals.

This is the way to do it: stage a race, not travel, invite in a few friends and then rage faster than a bat out of hell to win it all. Jonathan and Paul put a lot of effort and time into making some really cool trophies. JBH was absolutely certain he was going to keep at least one of them!

Laura Bissell
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Post by Laura Bissell » Wed May 31, 2006 11:48 pm

cool- thanks for the pix WT!!!
i wanna go fast

Tod Oles
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Post by Tod Oles » Thu Jun 01, 2006 1:06 am


I really appreciate you posting up and proving to my lovely wife that I do in fact go "skateboarding" ;-)


avatar by, Greg Fadell

Wesley Tucker
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Slalom St. Louis in CONCRETE WAVE

Post by Wesley Tucker » Wed Sep 20, 2006 11:00 pm

There's no promotion like self promotion!

If you haven't seen it yet, my story on the St. Louis race is in the current issue of CONCRETE WAVE.

It got hacked a bit and was a bit shorter than I submitted. Just a couple of things i want everyone to know was in the original that the editors whacked:

I did include the complete list of finishing order for all events. That got completely deleted.
I gave Mary and PG a lot of credit for those fantastic trophies and all mention of their efforts was cut.

Other than that, it came out pretty good. Thanks to JBH for giving it a look see a couple of times by e-mail for fact checking and such.

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