Removing members with 0 posts?

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Moderator: Jani Soderhall

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Jani Soderhall
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Removing members with 0 posts?

Post by Jani Soderhall » Sat Mar 25, 2006 9:04 am

Site members who never post anything at all, is there really a reason to keep them?

When looking through the 4 pages of members with 0 posts, there are quite a few slalomers, even some famous ones, but what about all others that register one day and then never post, how much are their registration actually worth?

Is it good to keep them to have a list of skaters?
Is it good to have a long member list even if they are active?
Most likely most of them are "real" and registered because they enjoy this sport, but maybe there are some which are not even slalomers.

Any ideas on how to best handle this?


Pat Chewning
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Membership definition, ability to post/read this website

Post by Pat Chewning » Sat Mar 25, 2006 5:51 pm

For some time in the future, this is how I think it should be done:

Membership in the ISSA: COMPLETE contact information is required. (Full name, verified email address, postal address, phone) Signature on liabiltity waiver is on file. Allows voting. Allows posting on forum. Allows ranking in World Ranking.

Web-site signup: Partial contact information is required (Name , verified email)
No voting, allows posting.

Guests: Read-only on the website.

So for a 1st step, perhaps there is a way to verify the email addresses?

Steve Collins
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Re: Removing members with 0 posts?

Post by Steve Collins » Sat Mar 25, 2006 10:00 pm

Jani Soderhall wrote:Site members who never post anything at all, is there really a reason to keep them?
Yes, keep them. Many may be lurkers, interested, learning, but perhaps intimidated about posting or just interested in reading only.

John Gilmour
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Post by John Gilmour » Sun Mar 26, 2006 12:40 am

I also say keep them. Many of the youger kids might feel intimidated to post because of fear of saying something wrong and having that forever recorded.

Some slalomers aren't the most outgoing bunch either. Some that I know aren't particularly good writers either.

I have good respect for those who don't post that are learning. They realize that contributing mis information will just slow down the next slalomer.

Some names you feel are duplicate aliases should be removed. If they are lurkers- they would just sign up again.

Some others might be inactive during some months of the year or like myself fell inactive for several months during recovering from an injury.

I think requiring an email adress and perhaps even a secondary email would be a good idea.

Also we should have people post a current zip code and then have a Bot automatically notify them of events in their area. (far fetched wish).

Once a year we email everyone asking for a zipcode up date- those that reply are automatically updated. Those that don't keep their old zipcode.

One good turn deserves another
john gilmour

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