Hi,Bros!...nice to read all we did in past and we still have in mind today.
Probably all of you remember Fusion decks too and TransWorld Skateboarding .in Europe we waited for it monthly and personally i was disappointed when it wasn't avaible.
In Paris 1978 EuroCup ,event sponsored by Levis's we had probably the best first euromeeting : from then on now it's euroskateslalom history abaible on
http://www.coniskate.itwhere you can enjoy also some vintage areas with all the skateboard style.
As old time slalomer since 1977 for me remains a pleasure to remember also the sequences of Henry Hester and the incredible spinning in 360 of Carrsaco, Ed Nadalin and Martin Eggeling (Swi),passing trhrough Lonnie Toft 8 wheelles and Sims pure juice longboarding,Hobie Cat slalomboards,Turner slalomboard, but surely KRYPTONICS with C core 78 at the late 70 was the revolution in fripping the surface.....after we setted oj with a special conical wheels and YOYO wheels too.
All the skateable hills were in our minds and all our lifes were there till now...30 beautiful years with most of you friends ,living the crises of skateboarding but always working hard and after planned with Jani to try to let the sport back with slalom! mag and the born of ISSA to develope and let the others known and tought THE FINE ART OF TURNING AND PUMPING !
Keep strong the furure is coming ...Londra 2012 is not so far for skateboarding
good sessions to all of you
past President ISSA
Coniskate Pres