The Farm 5.0 - Give the People What They Want

North American Slalom Races & Results

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Shady Lane vs Derby Hill 5.0

Poll ended at Wed Feb 02, 2005 5:17 pm

Shady Lane Jam Format - Low Key (Grass Roots Style)
Derby Hill - Dual - Hi Profile
Total votes: 15

William Tway
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The Farm 5.0 - Give the People What They Want

Post by William Tway » Wed Jan 26, 2005 5:17 pm

Ok Farmers, TK, Joe and I would like to get a better idea on how to organize this year’s race. Last year was our best race to date but I personally thought there were too many people who didn't get enough runs in. In an effort to get more runs in and get your biggest bang for your buck...I am putting up a poll to get a better idea what the farmers want.

First off, we could run the farm back on Shady Lane and run 2 main races in a jam format in groups of 3. (15 racers per group/ 1 hour jam sessions). If the course is approx. 30 seconds long, each racer would get a minimum of 4 runs per event. Plus we could have the groups organized a week before the race so you would know in advance if you could sleep in or not. We can put Tucker in Group 3 so he and get his beauty sleep, polish his Camaro and enjoy a continental breakfast at the Sleep Cheap Inn By The Sea.

Or, we could go back to the Derby Hill and run duals which means a lot of down time for all the racers between runs. We would still have A, B and C groups but there will still be a good number of racers (like me) who will only get 2 runs per event. Head to head is certanily more fun but if you want more time on the hill...

A 2 day event is simply not a option.

What do you want: A low key race down Shady Lane or a Hi Profile race down Derby Hill?

On a side note, due to budget constraints, 5.0 won't have a killer Mexican dinner with coolers full of Margaritas and live music from a smokin' band. That was all for my 40th B-Day. This year will probably be more like bean&cheese burritos, good cold beer and live music from me, Joe, Hays and of course...TK on the mic.

**If you have any other suggestions, please post them.

Thanks for your help.

Christopher Bara
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Post by Christopher Bara » Wed Jan 26, 2005 6:49 pm

Tway, we're thinking of making the trip out this year.....depending on how pricey flights are (driving it would be about 17 hours....too long)
But i can tell you that a Jam Format looks allot better for guys like us who are travelling in for the race. Especially for those that are still "middle of the pack". There's a guarantee that we get more race time.
For allot of us, it's all about charging the course and having a good time. The down time in head to head can really drag on a race day.

Chris Barker
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Farm 5.0

Post by Chris Barker » Wed Jan 26, 2005 9:21 pm

What's up Tway?

I thought the Derby Hill was a fantastic race site, perfect for Head To Head. I never made it to the old location, but I saw some video clips. It looked like a great surface, just not suited for Head To Head. You just need to decide if you want a real (High Profile) annual race or just a fun day out with your friends. Head To Head is real racing. Jam Format is racing against the clock. Jam/Single-Lane sucks if any kind of wind is present. Look at the World's GS where 70 pound kids had better 1st round times than prior Pro Champions.

If you continue at the Derby Hill and can only have a single day of racing, then here are some suggestions:

- See if it is possible to keep road blocked. The constant car traffic slowed things down.
- Put that ChronoCone to good use to minimize delay between heats.
- Eliminate the 2nd event, just concentrate on running as many racers through the best course you can set on that hill.

I just think it is a classic hill for an annual race. Maybe in the future, you will be able to grow it into a 2-day event...

Of course, the best reason to make it to Farm 5.0 is the party...

William Tway
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Post by William Tway » Wed Jan 26, 2005 10:26 pm

Thanks Christopher and Chris B. for your feedback. I agree that we tried to get in too much in just one day last year and all us middle of the pack guys suffered. Another thought is if we race at the Derby Hill is to have one main event (A, B, C, and D groups) then do a single lane jam race for a cash prize, then race the vintage.

The only way we can avoid traffic at the Derby Hill is to run the race on Sunday and after the Hays party, forget about it.

(Chris Barker to the starters table please)....
I have a Chronocrome system that I would like to implement this year but have not really tested the software. CB, if you can help with this issue, I will use this system.
It would suck to come all the way from ColoRADo and race on Shady Lane in a jam format but traditionally we have had very few folks attend from the West side of the Mississippi.

I want to get all this crap worked out ASAP so we can approach whatever town board and get the ball rolling instead of waiting until the last minute like we...ok like I have done the last 4 years.

Keep on Voting.

Chris Barker
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Post by Chris Barker » Wed Jan 26, 2005 10:39 pm

Twayster -

If you already have a Windows laptop, then getting the hardware to work shouldn't be an issue. I don't know if you need to make any wiring changes to get your things plugged into the ChronoCone box. It's all standard telco connections. I built a modular box that the tapeswitches are plugged into and a custom cable that goes from that box to the ChronoCone inputs. I am confident PatC could help us get an excel spreadsheet set up that would work for Farm 5.0 events. Then the ChronoCone times will get transferred to the correct places in the spreadsheet. Gesmer was always at the races we used ChronoCone so he always built the spreadsheets. If you already have a spreadsheet you want to use, then ChronoCone should be able to interface with it.

I like your idea about having a Main Event and then using whatever time is left over to do a Jam Format and the Vintage Race. You guys really did get a lot of races through in a single day last year. Keep up the good work...

Gary Fluitt
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Shady Derby

Post by Gary Fluitt » Thu Jan 27, 2005 12:01 am

Of course I've only experienced the Derby Hill, and I of course had twenty some odd runs that day as I crushed the competition (I'm joking, c'mon), but I like your idea of a single main event, followed by a jam format event, followed by a vintage, followed by drinking and frivolity at Hay's, even if it is just TK at the mike (though I wiil greatly miss last year's vocal talent - yar). So My vote is for having a big day at the Derby hill. Get us out there at 7AM and use last year's course. Could we qualify on Friday night? Stays light till almost 9PM yeah? Maybe do an outlaw jam on Fri night so we're all primed for Sat morn.

Troy Smart
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Post by Troy Smart » Thu Jan 27, 2005 1:50 am

I gotta say that I think the courses at last years Farm sucked.

I did'nt think they were fun in the least.

They were difficult, quirky, and odd.

How's about something along the lines of a FUN course next time?

Loosen it up a little, (only a little), give it some flow and make it interesting. Not a puzzle.

Talent is still going to rise and many more of us will go home a little less frustrated.

P.S. I did'nt think Derby Hill was so "Hi Profile".

You asked.

Terry Kirby
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Post by Terry Kirby » Thu Jan 27, 2005 4:02 am

I agree Troy. Gilmour set a pain in the ass course as usual. My course however was a masterpiece.

PS Thanks for the ramps.

Joe Iacovelli
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Speaking frankly on the farm

Post by Joe Iacovelli » Thu Jan 27, 2005 5:21 am


Can we have Karaoke at Hay's party. I hear Wes E does a mean "kashmir".


William Tway
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It's all about fun

Post by William Tway » Thu Jan 27, 2005 4:06 pm

Ok...what about running the event on the Derby Hill and limit the race to 48 racers and have 4 groups race 1 main? (A-Pro Top 8) (B-9-24) (C-25-40) (D-41-48). This way everyone races and no one sits out. Then we run a fast GS Style Jam in groups of 3 so no one will get cold waiting in a super long line. Then race the vintage.

Troy, you have a lifetime exemption to the farm for building those sweet ramps, that’s a lot of free racing, free food and good times. Enjoy it 'cause you deserve it. I believe the courses were a bit more difficult last year due to the fact the farm was part of the Americas Cup. We felt an obligation to step it up a few notches plus it was our 4th year. This year we are more about having fun as The Farm is not a part of any racing series (that I know of) so we will probably spread the cones a few inches further apart. Plus, I'm organizing an Outlaw Derby Hill Series starting in April in which I hope to attract newbie’s. Each race I will increase the degree of difficulty so come Farm time, everyone will be able to enjoy/make a JG/TK style course. I personally thought TK's course last years was outstanding. It made the racer think and was very challenging. My race against you was epic. Unfortunately I didn't qualify to race on JG's course but I'm quite sure I would have had a very hard time but I'd still be smiling after all my DQ's.

Your right, last years race was not a high profile event and this years probably won't be either but if we run the Derby Hill this year, I would like to get the word out to more skateshops, newspapers etc.... in hopes of attracting a bigger crowd and more newbie’s. If we race on Shady, I won't promote the event.

Thanks again for everyones comments thus far.

Change is good.

Keep on Voting and posting comments.

DC Crew.. Word Up?

Kevin M. Gamble
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Post by Kevin M. Gamble » Thu Jan 27, 2005 5:21 pm

I think the Derby hill gives you more racing options than Shady Lane, if for no other reason than it is much wider. You can leave a lane open for vehicular traffic beside the slalom course. At Shady Lane, a car on the road means moving a lot of cones to allow them to pass.

my 2¢

Troy Smart
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Post by Troy Smart » Thu Jan 27, 2005 7:43 pm

I was a bit negative in my last post. Sorry.

The Farm is always fun and last year was no exception.
My frustration with the courses (yes, both. Sorry TK), was in part due to my own lack of skill.
You can't get better at something if you don't practice, and if you barely skate at all then you're going to get worse.
The skill level has also risen quite dramatically and the courses should reflect that.
Even so, the tight last year was a killer. Even by JG's standards I think.
The man is a masochist.
This I know from experience. I still bear the scars of the summer he spent on Long Island teaching me the ways of slalom through pain.
However, I do realize that a lot of people loved those courses and therefore I should probably shut up.

Anyway, see you next Farm.

Gary Fluitt
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Post by Gary Fluitt » Thu Jan 27, 2005 8:00 pm

Your 48 racer A/B/C/D thing sounds like a good solution to get everyone to race and still have time for three events. You are the only race that I know of that even attempts to pull off a three event day. I still don't know how you do it. Limiting the field to 48 is key to that happening. How will you limit your field? If you use the contest calendar first come first serve, you are likely to get people reserving spots with little intention of showing up.
You've got one of the most sought after events on the roster this year. ALL of the Colorado blokes that showed last year will be return customers this year. We've all discussed it and put it on the dance card. So you might have to make this part invitational to make sure you have spots for all the locals that you are reasonably sure will be there. Maybe you only open 20 spots for non New-Englanders or something. Not sure how you should handle this. But reserve 4 spots for COSS would ya?
As for JG's bizarro tight course- hey I loved it! Actually I thought it was pretty devious too, and everyone was kind of blowing it off as impossible at the start, but by the finals we were charging it. Just goes to show that with enough time you can figure out just about any course. It was one of the few courses that gave me speed wobbles. Kenny and I joked about that later. Derby Hill - Faster than La Costa.

Eric Moore
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Post by Eric Moore » Fri Jan 28, 2005 1:33 am

I don't know which 4 you're counting for COSS, Gary, but I want in. I'm a 3 time Farmer (very bummed to miss last year) and I don't want to miss two in a row! Tway, TK, sign me up!

Wesley Tucker
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Post by Wesley Tucker » Fri Jan 28, 2005 1:51 am

Here's an idea:

Get Derby Hill for everyone who enjoys Gilmour's courses and Shady Lane for those of us who enjoy slalom skateboarding?

We'll miss Gary and JG.

Besides, the church parking lot give me lots of room for spreading out all my polishing and detilaling accessories.

Mike Ohm
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da farm 05

Post by Mike Ohm » Fri Jan 28, 2005 2:33 pm

Believe it or not my knee still hasn't returned back to normal since that bail I took on a practice run with TK. I thought the Derby hill was awesome. THe courses were typical JG courses. THey did what they were designed to do, clearly separate ablility levels.

Shady Lane is fun too but maybe consider giving another course setter a go at da Farm 05. It just depends on what YOU want Tway and TK. I will be there no matter what.

Chris Favero
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Post by Chris Favero » Fri Jan 28, 2005 7:47 pm

just to pick up on what gary fluitt an outlaw,jam format on friday eve.everyone gets tons of runs.derby hill is awesome.let someone else set the course this year to give to recap i am in favor of a friday outlaw jam session,sat early start race with the vintage afterward and then on to the highlight -getting to hang with so many cool people
Freak Bros. Racing

William Tway
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Rock The Vote

Post by William Tway » Sun Jan 30, 2005 5:25 pm

To give all potintial new farmers a taste of both venues...I put this vid together...

In a effort to bring you higher quality video...the file (Shadyderby.wmv) has been posted up on the following link.... ... GPU80X9FR6

(Don't hesitate to use this site as it's been tested and proven safe but will only be available for 7 days. Please don't delete it from the server.)

File is 15mbs.

Keep Voting.

Marty Schaub
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Is it on?

Post by Marty Schaub » Thu Apr 07, 2005 2:56 pm

I have not been able to find much on this race. Is it on? Didja ever work out the details? Oh yeah, where the heck is The Farm? Sorry, first timer's stupid question #1.


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Joe Iacovelli
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Post by Joe Iacovelli » Thu Apr 07, 2005 3:07 pm

The Farm is on for the first weekend in August. It is 45 minutes north of NYC. If you are looking at a map, Danbury, CT and White Plains, NY are the closest big cities.

You can expect a hybrid or GS, a TS, and a vintage race where your board and components have to made in 1978 or earlier.


Eric Brammer
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My vote...

Post by Eric Brammer » Sun Apr 17, 2005 3:24 pm

I really liked Shady Lane. But, how's the tar doing there now?
"Surfin' these Old Hills since back in The Day"

Gary Fluitt
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Shady Derby

Post by Gary Fluitt » Tue Apr 19, 2005 10:58 pm

Tway & Joe,
Shady lane sounds groovy, but dual head to head on that derby hill is the s$%t.
If you decide to go back to shady lane, please let us know as soon as you are able so I can take it off the dance card for this season. And don't get me wrong, I think that sort of thing makes for a great local jam session, but I can race that sort of thing out here.
If you go to the Derby hill and do the dual A/B/C thing, I'm in and some of the COSS boys. I think there are ways to have both plenty of runs, and dual head-to-head action on the Derby hill. Loosen the course a bit perhaps so it's fun for everybody. Where is the voting button?

William Tway
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Shady Lane

Post by William Tway » Wed Apr 20, 2005 4:16 pm

Yes Gary we are planning to head back to Shady Lane but nothing is finalized. I think we felt an obligation to step it up a notch last year as we were part of the Americas Cup. Also the cracks at the bottom of Derby Hill are really bad and need repaired. Shady Lane is a fantastic venue and will provide racers with an equally challenging event as last year. A super long GS, a smokin' dual TS (A,B, & C Groups) and of course the vintage. We will all certainly understand if you can't make the trip out this year. A toast to COSS will be in order at the Hays party.

Have a great season.


Gary Fluitt
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Low Key

Post by Gary Fluitt » Wed Apr 20, 2005 5:38 pm

That's totally cool if you want to turn it down a notch and do a Grass Roots locals jam session. I totally understand and appreciate you're giving us a heads-up.
I don't think a Grass Roots gig will draw too many folks from the West. I think that is part of your intention by mellowing out the affair. That's cool. I'm hurt, but I understand.
Given the low key local thing, I think maybe the Farm ought to rate Prime instead of Main. If you push for a Main status, you're going to have a bunch of hyped up Elites scrapping for world ranking points. And the American Cup will go on again, so I wont ask you to consider the Farm as an American Cup race.

Question is, is there any other race in the East that can be used as a Main event?

William Tway
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Post by William Tway » Wed Apr 20, 2005 7:13 pm

Gary, I'm not quite sure how a race is considered a Main or Prime. I don't even know what the farm was last year but it should certainly be the same this year as there will probably be the same number of racers and 2 main events. The only difference is the GS is single lane. The dual TS will be fast and furious I'm sure. Especially with ramps. It won't be any less low keyed than last year. The talent has improved tremendously among many East Coast racers and will continue to do so. The Farm would have certainly been part of the Americans Cup this year if there was one. Maybe we should call this year’s race....

Slalom on the Farm 5.0 -The Masters

The Farm 5.0 -East Coast Championships

This year’s farm will not be a GRS local jam session. It will be very similar to the Athens race minus the bike crowd. I think if you come, you will have a great time and will leave w/o any regrets.

Joe Iacovelli
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Post by Joe Iacovelli » Wed Apr 20, 2005 7:38 pm


The Derby hill isn't what it was last year, but I too don't see our return to Shady as a step backward. Tway was consider it before we saw the Derby hill anyway. In opposition to Derby, Shady offers nice shute for the GS.

So don't go scratching us yet. We can discuss in Athens. Mike Dong has raced Shady lane. Maybe he can offer an objective opinion.

And please don't forget,

"Girls Gone Wild" is taping at Hays's party this year.

so let me explain

no let me sum up

Real GS
Dual (fast) TS
Belgian Beer Sponsor
Women with low self asteem


Gary Fluitt
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Post by Gary Fluitt » Wed Apr 20, 2005 8:06 pm

Forgive my confusion. The Poll must have mislead me......
Shady Lane Jam Format - Low Key (Grass Roots Style) VS. Derby Hill - Dual

If you're saying that the 5.0 event will be just like last year but at a different venue with a single lane GS, and that it should remain one of the two main events on the East Coast, that seems a very different thing than an low key Grass Roots event that started this thread.

I agree that 5.0 should a Main event stay, if you're proposing a 2 or 3-event race with at least one Dual race and 50+ skaters.

The way you secure this as Main is that you guys in the East agree on this. Shouldn't be too hard, no one is competing for the spot are they? Stanziale is the Don King of USA East with Athens so get his support, a couple of others, and you're secured I reckon. Just let Corky know ASAP.

Are you opposed to us doing a Friday night Outlaw over there on the Derby hill. We can do this pretty casually if people are into it, and the Hill is not a death wish of cracks.

Loose Northeastern girls and Belgian Beer are a hard combo to pass up.

Great moments in Farm history....

<center><img src="">
Last edited by Gary Fluitt on Wed Apr 20, 2005 8:13 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Rick Stanziale
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More Great Moments......

Post by Rick Stanziale » Wed Apr 20, 2005 8:06 pm



Last edited by Rick Stanziale on Thu Apr 21, 2005 3:04 am, edited 3 times in total.

Marty Schaub
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Post by Marty Schaub » Wed Apr 20, 2005 8:29 pm

If I show up can I get a big mug?
La Costa Boy For Life

William Tway
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Post by William Tway » Wed Apr 20, 2005 8:39 pm

You know I love ya Gary and yes the original thread (which I am guilty of not re-reading) has changed. 5.0 is going to be a hard-core race with at least 2 main events. It will have a low-key setting so we can focus on kicking some COSS ass.

Not only is the Derby Hill in need of repair, it's a bust. The cabrons at the top of the hill call the pigs every time they see a skateboard. However, I did speak to the local law enforcement official last weekend and for 50 bucks an hour, we can (rent) the hill with there permission.

Maybe we could run a dual there on Sunday and use the scores from Sat. for qualifying.

Just a thought.

Gary Fluitt
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Sunday race

Post by Gary Fluitt » Wed Apr 20, 2005 8:50 pm

A Hangover Howdown sounds pretty good for the Derby. No one wants to leave the vibe anyway. Those who have to catch flights can bail. I'll sponsor the "permission fee".

William Tway
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Post by William Tway » Wed Apr 20, 2005 8:56 pm

Arrows of neon and flashing marquees out on MAIN Street.
Shady Lane, New York, Derby Hill and it's all on the same street.
Your typical city involved in a typical daydream
Hang it up and see what tomorrow brings.
Last edited by William Tway on Thu Apr 21, 2005 2:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

Wesley Tucker
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Post by Wesley Tucker » Wed Apr 20, 2005 8:57 pm

This is for Fluitt:

Gary, just so there's no confusion, there has always been the INTENTION of running a dual race on Shady Lane. However, Da Farm 2.0 and 3.0 had rain. The deal is that one lane of Shady Lane is shady and one is sunny. A couple of hours after the rain we would always see one side of the street dry while the other had whole splotches under the trees still soaking wet. So a compromise was always reached to have at least one course open for racing so the whole day wasn't a total bust.

Shady Lane will be fabulous for a dual hydrid. Some people complain about the crown, but some people will complain about anything. It's a great road and by my reckoning the ashpalt will be a little over three years old . . . still perfect.

Although me and the Almighty are on close personal speaking terms, I can't vouch for the weather. What I can say is that if you come East for a dual hybrid race on Shady Lane, you will not be disappointed.

Besides, the party is still on no matter what!


Post by Guest » Wed Apr 20, 2005 9:25 pm

Shady everything 'Da Farm should be. The vibe is mellow. The hill is butter smooth with the perfect runout (uphill). Sure it has a crown. Sure it's in the shady and dries slowly...but it is a great hill for a variety of courses. With the addition of ramps this year it will be even sicker.

Dual anything is a bit dodgy on Shady lane IMO. The road has a crown and is a narrow'ish country lane with the sides of the road being a touch rough with gravel. That being said you can do a fairly straight (mild offsets) dual TS on it as fast as you would ever want a TS to be. You could even do a 80 cone by 6.5' on center drag race, hell you could do a 150 6.5' on center drag race there is enough room...not that anyone wants to do that however.

I'm not a party guy...but I've been told the after-party is a good time...if that is selling point for you that is.

Marty Schaub
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Post by Marty Schaub » Thu Apr 21, 2005 2:09 am

Sounds like Chris gets a small mug....
La Costa Boy For Life

Wesley Tucker
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Post by Wesley Tucker » Thu Apr 21, 2005 2:19 am

I saw Chris' small mug on a Post Office wall.

Christopher Bara
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Post by Christopher Bara » Thu May 12, 2005 10:07 pm

Spirit Air just opened a line between Detroit and Atlantic City, making the flight affordable.
How far is Atlantic City from the Farm?....far by car?

Joe Iacovelli
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Post by Joe Iacovelli » Thu May 12, 2005 10:10 pm

depends on traffic because NYC is in your way, 3-5 hours?


Christopher Bara
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Post by Christopher Bara » Thu May 12, 2005 10:55 pm

that's far....what's closer?.....Newark International is too expensive

Joe Iacovelli
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Post by Joe Iacovelli » Thu May 12, 2005 11:09 pm

Hartford, JFK, West Chester NY, LaGuardia, New Haven, Providence is 2 1/2 hours.

There is a possibility you would want to be there on Friday too (like Athens).

$215 to JFK on Orbitz sounds like a deal to me. I'll hook up hotel as usual.
Arrive: 7:47am

Non-stop Detroit, MI (DTW)
New York, NY (LGA)

Economy | 1hr 37min | Embraer RJ140 | View seats
Choose departure

Sun, Aug 7 American Airlines 4847
operated by American Eagle
Depart: 3:05pm
Arrive: 5:02pm

Non-stop New York, NY (LGA)
Detroit, MI (DTW)

Eric Brammer
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The Farm, by plane

Post by Eric Brammer » Thu May 12, 2005 11:20 pm

Also look into Albany International airport. About 1-1/2-to-2 hrs. away, but you gotta dodge the deer on the Taconic Parkway! Southwest flies in there, and I think Jet Blue as well.
"Surfin' these Old Hills since back in The Day"

Christopher Bara
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Location: Detroit

Post by Christopher Bara » Fri May 13, 2005 12:09 am

yep...we're looking at Friday to Sunday...i'm guessing just Greg and I......215's not bad.....adding in almost 40.00 in taxes is.....flight time's quick....and leaving at 6:10 AM?....hey man....that's nuts..

Thanks Joe and Eric...i'll shop for options.......

And wait for it to get posted on the sign up

mucho graci

William Tway
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Give The People What They Want

Post by William Tway » Fri May 27, 2005 8:23 pm

Ok Farmers a little heads up on what to expect @ 5.0.

-The Farm 5.0 is going to be a 2 day event.

-Friday Aug. 5th 12pm Shady Lane GS/One Run Downhill (Permit has been granted)

-Sat. Aug. 6th 11am Dual Hybrid /Vintage on Derby Hill in Bethel, CT (Permit has been applied for but not yet granted)

Hays' house is under major construction and he's not able to host the party.

The party will go on at the Tway Farm with a full on pig roast. Live Band? (poll question later)

This will not be a race for beginners.

-Hopefully this will allow everyone interested enough time to plan their summer vacations.

-The race will not be posted on the CC until all permits are granted and insurance is paid.

-It will be limited to 56 racers

-16 A-Pro
-16 B-Pro
-16 C-Pro
-8 D-Pro

-I hope we are giving the people what they want.

-I know WesE will probably bitch but we love him anyway.

-Have a great summer

Robert Sydia
Robert Sydia
Robert Sydia
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FARM 5.0

Post by Robert Sydia » Fri May 27, 2005 9:17 pm


Count this Canadian in - missed it last year and still regret it to this day.

Fantastic that you are making it a 2-Day event.

I think if you ask nice, Hay would get the house ready for us - LOL

Look forward to it.

All the best,


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