Phoenix G.R.S.

North American Slalom Races & Results

Moderators: Jonathan Harms, Chris Cousineau, Lynn Kramer, Maria Carrasco, Russel Cantor

Steve Michael
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Sunday Phoenix GRS

Post by Steve Michael » Sat Jun 19, 2004 3:27 am

Yup. I'll be there.

Rob Lebhart
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Post by Rob Lebhart » Sun Jun 20, 2004 4:43 am

I'm coming, along with my Bro. He'll be sporting his new ride - the wife got him a slalom setup for Father's day (I helped with the selection!).

We'll be seeing you there - Oh, and bring your park boards for the 'after' skate!
I've fallen and can't reach my skateboard!

Tom Blankley
Phoenix G.R.S. Tom
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Post by Tom Blankley » Mon Jun 21, 2004 6:26 pm

Hey everybody,
looks like I'll be in Denver this weekend (26th/27th)
for a slalom race.
Have fun at the ditch with steve, I wanna hear all about it.
If you want to Slalom Sunday and need my cones let me know.
I'll be in town 'til Friday.

Rob Lebhart
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Post by Rob Lebhart » Mon Jun 21, 2004 8:32 pm

Hi Tom. Bummer, you can't make it next weekend!

Hey, I now have 25 orange cones, so we could setup a tight short course with those. Once everyone makes it that's going to the ditch, we could head out then, a little early...

I'll watch the thread for any updates. Thanks for the offer for the cones any way though...
I've fallen and can't reach my skateboard!

Steve Michael
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Post by Steve Michael » Tue Jun 22, 2004 3:17 am

Ok, here's your update:

I'll also be out at the hill for 'cones on Sunday AM...expect me around 6:30. I have a ton of the "starter" cones, and I'll bring those.

we'll pack it up no later than 8:00 and head over to 100th St. & Shea ditch. I'll have to see what it looks like on Saturday to make sure it's still skateable. If you've got a push broom or a blower, go ahead and throw it in the back of the truck. If the ditch don't work out, I'll have my park boards ready for PV. Either way, we win.

Stay tuned to this forum for updates. -=S=-

Adam Trahan
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Post by Adam Trahan » Tue Jun 22, 2004 4:05 pm

Hey guys, I'm here, just lurking...

I've skated that ditch you are mentioning Steve, if it's the one I'm thinking, it's a hoot. Longboards with soft wheels will work well, 36" boards with loose trucks are really good too. Bring a broom and your gloves, watch out when you are getting tubed not to WHACK your head.

I have the boys this weekend, I may make it, probably not.

If you could, please PM me with your cell phone numbers, I would like to have them for reference.

I got one of those Airflow Soderhall S-Cambers to set up. I want you guys to try it.

All the best and thanks for using the forum.


Rob Lebhart
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Post by Rob Lebhart » Sun Jun 27, 2004 2:07 am

I'm shooting for 0630 Steve. Expect my Bro to be there around 7. I'm going through the quiver tonight and setting up a Ditch Board (my modify my AfroMan Hustler for ditch duty).

We'll see you there!
I've fallen and can't reach my skateboard!

Tom Blankley
Phoenix G.R.S. Tom
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Post by Tom Blankley » Wed Jun 30, 2004 5:39 am

Hey everybody,
Anybody up for some slalom this Sunday?
July 4th morning.


Steve Michael
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Post by Steve Michael » Wed Jun 30, 2004 5:59 am

Nope. Washington DC for the 4th and plans for the 11th.

BUT...we had a great time runnin' a pretty easy SPEEDY 50-cone set, and then I introduced the Brother's Lebhart to the Shea Ditch. LOVED it.

Stopped by the house for a drink on the way home and gave them a glimpse of da'Quiver. iAye, Carumba! 36" Taperkick with GullWing Phoenixes and Sims problem.


Trina Nakashima
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Post by Trina Nakashima » Fri Jul 02, 2004 8:26 pm

Slalom on the 4th it is! B & I will see ya there!

Rob Lebhart
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Post by Rob Lebhart » Sat Jul 03, 2004 6:28 pm

Count the "Brother's Lebhart" in, we'll be there!

I've fallen and can't reach my skateboard!

Eddy Martinez
Texas Outlaw
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Post by Eddy Martinez » Sat Jul 17, 2004 4:21 am

Steve any of you and your slalom brothers interested in coming down to Texas on August the 7th for the first Texas Slalom Sizzler. We found an awesome hill. Your Amigo Eddy Texas Outlaws.

Steve Michael
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Texas slalom on August 7th

Post by Steve Michael » Sat Jul 17, 2004 5:08 am

Hell yeah, I'm interested.

But I'll be in California that weekend with my Wifey...and hopefully, getting at least SOME skating in, either slalom or longboarding. I'm puttin together a FF Freerider with new Seismics and Avalons, and I'll give that the shake-down on the riverwalk next week when I'm in N.O.

Oh, and just where the hell in Texas are you, E?

It's VERY bueno of you to come here for the invite. iMuchas Gracias!

I'm back in town after 2 weeks gone, and I'm planning on runnin' cones this Sunday morning around 6:30 (or earlier, if I can get my butt outta bed). So Tom & fam, Adam & fam, Bob & Rick, Trina & Brice and anyone else...Interested? I'll bring the cones, and I'll have my park sticks if we do that afterwards.


Tom Blankley
Phoenix G.R.S. Tom
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Post by Tom Blankley » Sat Jul 17, 2004 6:13 am

Hey Steve
I'll Be there at 6:00 w/cones,
For the last two weeks the local police have been checking us out,
as long as we clear out between 8:00 & 8:30 everything is cool.
Hey Eddie thanks for the invite,
I agree with Steve, Where in Texas are you?
I'll take a look at the August plans, got Breckenridge on the 20-22
and La Costa next week. I'll see how far travel funds stretch.
Skate Safe,

Eddy Martinez
Texas Outlaw
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Post by Eddy Martinez » Sat Jul 17, 2004 6:57 am

I live in Harlingen Texas, it is about 20 minutes from Mexico and 30 minutes from South Padre Island. We will form a caravan of vehicles and drive about an hour to the heel, as we say in TX. I have an X-Terra and my friend Marcos has a van, and my friend Ray has an SUV. Free rides from the airport. Eddy Texas Outlaws.

Tom Blankley
Phoenix G.R.S. Tom
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Post by Tom Blankley » Thu Jul 22, 2004 1:04 am

I will be out of town this weekend, headed for the La Costa races.
The hill has a 50 cone, 6 ft. on center course marked out on it if anybody
wants to practice .
I'll see you next week.

Rob Lebhart
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Post by Rob Lebhart » Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:06 am

Thanks for the offer Eddy, unfortunately, I've got to work on the 7th, so no can go either. :(

I think Bryce wants to setup Sunday, I've got 25 cones at least. We're heading to the lake after the session (time to water ski!). I'll confirm with him tonight that he still wants to, even if it's just a 25 cone set this week, and post if we're going to be there for sure.

Anyone who shows up is welcome to join us at the lake, boat seats 8, only 4 going so far... :)
I've fallen and can't reach my skateboard!

Steve Michael
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Post by Steve Michael » Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:58 am

Great offer, Bob. I'm gonna miss this Sunday's fun.

You guys be careful and have fun. -=S=-

Steve Michael
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August 15th??

Post by Steve Michael » Fri Aug 06, 2004 3:12 am

I'm out of town this coming weekend.

Anyone for Sunday August 15th?


Tom Blankley
Phoenix G.R.S. Tom
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Post by Tom Blankley » Fri Oct 01, 2004 4:15 pm

Hey everybody,
The temps. are down and its time to set cones again.
I'll be on "the hill" this sunday from 6:30-8:30 a.m.
after that, I may hit the skatepark for a while.
Any takers?

Steve Michael
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Post by Steve Michael » Sat Oct 02, 2004 5:46 am

I won't be able to skate, Tom...but I'll take you up on that 100' tape if you've been able to find it. I can pick it up on Sunday AM.


Steve Michael
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Post by Steve Michael » Fri Dec 17, 2004 7:56 pm

HEY! Anyone out there wanna SKATE??

Afternoons are KILLER this time of year. Park, Ditch or Slalom??

I'm game.


Tom Blankley
Phoenix G.R.S. Tom
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Texas Outlaws

Post by Tom Blankley » Sun Jan 23, 2005 5:15 am

Hey Steve,
How about we head to Texas in Feburary and skate with the outlaws.
I'm game, can you make it?

Steve Michael
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Texas Slalom

Post by Steve Michael » Sun Jan 23, 2005 5:37 am


Tom, I'll be in Texas most of this coming week (Jan. 24-27)!!

Laura is due in late February, and most of my time & effort is going into getting ready (if one truely can) for his arrival sometime thereabouts.

I'm hoping to get in touch with Eddy and the rest of those Tejas yahoos to see if I can do any skating Wednesday and Thursday, somewhere near Waxahachie, about 45 minutes South of Dallas.

In the mean time, Days out here are sweet, and I still need to get some excercise on the weekends. Ditch, Park or Slalom?


Gary Fluitt
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Fluitt in the hood

Post by Gary Fluitt » Tue Mar 01, 2005 12:41 am

Hey Phoenix types- I'm in Scottsdale for a couple of days at a conference. Where is there a hill I can skate? I brought a slalom deck and I'm itching to enjoy some of this fine weather. I can be reached at 303-359-6062. PLEASE give me a call. Ditch skating would be fun too but I gotta borrow a board for that.
Blankley where are you?

Steve Michael
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GF in Scottsdale and NEW ARRIVAL!!

Post by Steve Michael » Tue Mar 01, 2005 6:08 am

Sweet! Looks like you picked the right week to be here...the last few weeks have been pretty wet, even by AZ standards.

AFA a hill, we hold our GRS sessions on the street behind North Canyon H.S. in N.Phoenix, not too far from Scottsdale. There are others, but not many with no traffic that are in skateable condition. I found one last week up around Anthem, but that's not too close. Lotsa flats, though.

Laura and I live in N.Scottsdale around Shea & Hayden. Email me at and LMK when you'll be here, where you'll be staying and what your schedule looks like.

...I really should say "Laura, Race & I" live here.

Born Thursday, February 24, 2005
Richard "Race" Radcliffe Michael
Phoenix Good Samaritan/Banner Hospital
6 lbs 8 oz, 19 1/2" wheelbase, no griptape.
Undrilled...but will be brought up Old School.

As a result, It'll be GREAT to hear from you, Gary...but I'm currently on FLMA leave and my time is...well, if you ever had a newborn, you'll know.

Email me for my home & cell numbers if you want to visit or borrow that ditch board!
I'll show you how I've got my Splitfire mounted and where my Dragonslayer front truck would go...if I had one.


Gary Fluitt
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Post by Gary Fluitt » Tue Mar 01, 2005 7:23 am

had three new borns- know what you mean. Your time is not your own but you are answering to a higher calling now, and that daily gives me more joy that skating around plastic cones ever will.

Tom- I promptly lost the napkin I wrote your phone number on. My cell did not capture you number (unknown number). Please call me if you get this. I'm free by 4:30 tomorrow.

gary 303-359-6062

Tom Blankley
Phoenix G.R.S. Tom
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Weekly Slalom Practice

Post by Tom Blankley » Tue Mar 15, 2005 9:37 pm

The weather in Phoenix has cleared and dried up, The weekly Slalom Practice is on again.
Five of us on the hill this past Sunday, 50 cone hybrid was set and we had a blast.
Anybody in the Phoenix area, new to slalom or not. Come out and skate.
16th St. and Union Hills, Sundays 6:45 A.M. 'til ??????

E-mail me for exact directions OLDSKLSK8ER@AOL.COM


Gary Fluitt
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hard core grass roots

Post by Gary Fluitt » Tue Mar 15, 2005 10:58 pm

6:45 AM
you guys are hard core

Tom Blankley
Phoenix G.R.S. Tom
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Post by Tom Blankley » Wed Mar 16, 2005 4:08 am

Gary , in the summer in Phoenix your wheels melt out from under you. you have to learn to start early. also there is a church at the top of the hill. and the cars start rolling in about 9:00 a.m.
That leaves the rest of the day to hit the skateparks to recruit new slalomers.


Gary Fluitt
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Post by Gary Fluitt » Wed Mar 16, 2005 7:30 pm

I'm surprised the asphalt doesn't melt in Phoenix.

Next year the series needs to start there, in March.

Tom Blankley
Phoenix G.R.S. Tom
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Easter Sunday

Post by Tom Blankley » Thu Mar 24, 2005 1:49 am

Hey everybody,
I know its Easter, But if any of you wanna skate, I'm up for it.
Hey how about both
lets set the cones in the skatepark.


Gary Fluitt
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Phoenix again

Post by Gary Fluitt » Thu Mar 24, 2005 6:54 pm

Looks like I'm going to be down your way again on 12-14 April. Let's skate something! Maybe that death course you found with the hella steep single lane and flesh eating shoulder.

Tom Blankley
Phoenix G.R.S. Tom
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Post by Tom Blankley » Fri Mar 25, 2005 5:11 am

Tuesday the 12th and Wednesday the 13th are my days off so thats great.
I've got you on the calander, Hell I'll even wash the car.
If you have some time between meetings or in the early A.M. let me know. I've got two hills to show you for consideration of the start of the 2006 season.


Steve Michael
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Fluitt in town

Post by Steve Michael » Fri Mar 25, 2005 5:22 am

I'm in town but working April 12-14th, leaving the night of the 14th for Omaha on business (bleah). The 14th is also Laura and my 4th anniversary, so we'll be going out the night of the 13th. I MAY be available either Tuesday Night or Wednesday early AM for some ridin'.

RICK & BOB LEBHART...where are you guys?


ps...Tom, I discovered a GREAT hill with some smooth pavement up around Anthem, just behind the Cactus farm. It's just north of the outlet mall. I figure this may just be far enough North to coax George down from the tundra. ;-)

Tom Blankley
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Phoenix Slalom Practice

Post by Tom Blankley » Fri Apr 08, 2005 6:45 am

Slalom skate this Sunday on the N. Canyon hill. The new hill is great but currently NOT
skate-able. ( there is a huge swarm of bees holding the finish line hostage)
I've made some calls, and the bees should be gone by wednesday.

I'll be setting cones at 6:45 a.m. Sunday, and will have a park board for a P.V. session after slalom.

To slow for Leathers, To fat for Lycra!

Steve Michael
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Post by Steve Michael » Wed Apr 13, 2005 2:31 am


I've been given permission to ride an empty pool IN MY NEIGHBORHOOD!

No Booze, No radio allowed...just 35-45 yr old skaters w/their waterjugs need apply.

Call me for more information. 480-949-1971

THIS OFFER CAN END AT ANY TIME due to pool re-surfacing.

Ciao! -=S=-

Tom Blankley
Phoenix G.R.S. Tom
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Post by Tom Blankley » Fri Apr 15, 2005 5:20 am

Slalom jam this weekend at North Canyon. Rob,Rick,Bryce,Trina,Steve,Adam,George,Greg,Rex,Cory,
and ANYBODY that wants to skate. I'm callin' YOU out!
A tight,Fast course will be set at 6:45 a.m.
Bring your slalom gear and some water.(its gonna be warm)
After the hill, have your park gear ready for the P.V. skatepark.
A 10+ person "train" in the bowls should be a BLAST!

To slow for Leathers, To fat for Lycra!

Steve Michael
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No Pool on Saturday Morning!!

Post by Steve Michael » Sat Apr 16, 2005 6:33 am

HELP! I'm stuck in freakin' OMAHA!

I'm lucky to get this message out to the bros. Lebhart et al. AWA cancelled my flight, so I'm stuck here until I get home...on Saturday morning aroiund 10:00 AM...CRAP!!

Anywhoo, the pool across the street is out of the question for Saturday morning, and I don't have anyone's phone # here on the road, so I'm hoping that this message will be received.

It's good that they'll be some skatin' on Sunday w/Tom.

Sorry, Dudes. I'll try to work out another time before that pool gets re-surfaced.

If you wanna try to call me tonight, my cell # is 602-363-7283. At least that works.


Tom Blankley
Phoenix G.R.S. Tom
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Post by Tom Blankley » Sat Apr 16, 2005 7:03 am


Steve Michael
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I'm back...just barely: NO MORE POOL!

Post by Steve Michael » Sun Apr 17, 2005 6:01 am

This bein' 40 with a new baby kinda puts a crimp in your skatetime, y'know?

Rob: Yeah, I was finally able to talk to Rick today (Saturday). I guess he's goin' out to the lake tomorrow now that the boat is "fixed".

I'm gonna miss the AM Slalom...My missed time at home needs to be caught-up tomorrow, and my sleep as well. My best to Tom & the rest of the skaters.

AFA the pool across the street: TOO LATE. I guess the re-surfacers came in with their "scraping" tools (light jackhammers) and took off most of the smooth, old's all gouged and cratered up and unfit to skate.

Sorry I took so long on this one, guys. At least we still have the skateparks...


Tom Blankley
Phoenix G.R.S. Tom
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Post by Tom Blankley » Sun Apr 17, 2005 6:10 am

Hey Steve,
Come out to N. Canyon for a hour, it will clear your mind and relax you.
Bring the wife and baby with you, the weather will be great in the A.M.
To slow for Leathers, To fat for Lycra!

Rob Lebhart
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Post by Rob Lebhart » Sun Apr 24, 2005 10:39 pm

You know, since I'm working Sundays every week now (major bummer!) we really need an alternate day from time to time.

I know Tom has Wednesday's off, and I have every other wednesday off, anyone else up for some wednesday setups?
I've fallen and can't reach my skateboard!

Steve Michael
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Post by Steve Michael » Mon May 02, 2005 7:55 pm

Tom Blankley wrote:Hey Steve,
Come out to N. Canyon for a hour, it will clear your mind and relax you.
Bring the wife and baby with you, the weather will be great in the A.M.
Well, I finally made it out this past Sunday morning...But not before I realized I had left without packing my helmet & pads...D'OH!

No worries...I show up and there's no Tom & no cones...No Problem! I take out the Loaded Pintail and start carving it up from the top of the cul-de-sac.

About 20 minutes later, a guy shows up in a truck that I didn't's Mark French, and he came out to the hill via invitation from Bryce. He's a newbie to Slalom & Longboarding, but he's getting back into Park riding. He was headed to PV after I met him.

I let him ride my dropped S9 with Flys, the Loaded Pin with Avilas and my slalom rig...I think he's WAY hooked.


Steve Michael
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Post by Steve Michael » Fri Jun 17, 2005 3:29 am

I GOT to get ready for Hood River!

Sunday AM at NCHS?? A little Father's Day present to me.

I'll bring the cones...and a few new rides!!


Rob Lebhart
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Post by Rob Lebhart » Thu Aug 11, 2005 3:12 am

Hey folks - I'm planning on setting up a N.Canyon Sunday AM at 0630.

I'd like to set up a tight course, and then loosen things up a little and play with the pintail.

Here's hoping we don't get rained out (been a busy monsoon this year!).

And as always, bring your park board as we'll move it to PV sometime around 8-8:30...

Been to long since I've made it out to run the cones...
I've fallen and can't reach my skateboard!

Tom Blankley
Phoenix G.R.S. Tom
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Sunday Slalom

Post by Tom Blankley » Sat Aug 13, 2005 5:18 am

I'll be there .
As per Robs phone call, it sounds like a good bunch coming to skate .
Did you say "tight course" COOL!!

this is gonna be GREAT!!

Tom Blankley
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Sunday Slalom Practice

Post by Tom Blankley » Sun Aug 14, 2005 7:30 pm

Sundays practice went well...had a turn out of about 10 people (its all a blur)

Rob set a challenging tight course then had to loosen it for the inexperiened riders.
I showed up late and forgot my spare boards for the newb's
but a great morning of slalom was had by all

The whole clan packed up and moved to the skate-park surfing the bowls in a train proved to be difficult with all the people in the park today. Hoping for more fun and excitement next week.

Rob Lebhart
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Post by Rob Lebhart » Thu Aug 25, 2005 4:28 am

Hey, we're planning on setting up again this Saturday morning @ N.Canyon. I'm going to try and be there at 0630.

All skaters are welcome!

And of course, it'll be off to PV for a bowl session around 0830ish...

See ya!
I've fallen and can't reach my skateboard!

Tom Blankley
Phoenix G.R.S. Tom
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Phoenix Slalom sessions

Post by Tom Blankley » Fri Sep 23, 2005 8:54 pm

For everybody looking for the weekend slalom practice, check with Rob for Saturday and or Sunday times. I won't be setting cones for a while (or anything else for that matter)
An injury to my back has me out of the game for a while. When I get walking again I'll be on the sidelines keeping times and cone count. 'Til then I'll be a "keyboard skater" so plow a few cones for me.

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