Slalom! 24, 2004 - The return!

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Jani Soderhall
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Slalom! 24, 2004 - The return!

Post by Jani Soderhall » Mon Mar 15, 2004 10:03 pm

Dan Gesmer of Seismic/3dm, Corky and myself have discussed the possibility of bringing out another issue of Slalom!

No committment made though. It's all just ideas at the moment, but we're serious and we'd really like it to happen.

Here's what we've been discussing:
- Full color, glossy, super-duper quality.
- To present the sport in a positive way.
- To give us all another thing to put in our archive as a fond memory of this sport that we're still doing after all this time.
- It'll be a 2004 annual and therefore the contents will be adapted to give it a longer life, so that someone who picks up an issue in the autumn still finds it interesting.
- Focus on people and stuff rather than reports from events (part of making it feel up to date during a longer period of time).
- As many pages as we can afford (so, probably not so many).
- It'll continue the numbering from where we left off in 1995. ie no 24 is next.
- Contest organizers should all get a bunch and can give or sell it away (their choice).
- With an additional insert of a program for the day, contest organizers could use it as a contest program (and thus maybe sell a few copies to spectators).
- Primary target groups:
a) Hard cord devoted slalomers ie YOU!
b) Any longboarder or old school skater that didn't even know slalom is happening (again)
c) Sponsors (non-skateboard) and others that need to see that slalom is happening. Such an issue could hopefully help when presenting the sport to sponsors, officials etc.

When it comes to financing, we've made a few estimations and although the current slalom industry is not making loads of money we still believe there is a general interest from the manufacturers and shops to make it happen. Space will be limited so we're not asking full page ads from you all. All we need is one slot reserved by each company. Any size goes. Actually almost as important as getting ads is to make sure everyone is there, so that the sport is presented with the width it has today. If you manufacture slalom related gear, give it a thought and let me or Dan know that you're interested in being present in the mag.

Concrete Wave partnership
We've been discussing a possible partnership with Concrete Wave and one idea is to make it an insert into one of the CW issues during this year. It that case we'd do a 16 page insert that's bound into CW. The cool thing is that we'll then reach some 20.000 readers who are in the secondary target group. As old-school skaters and/or longboarders they're an important group for this special issue.

Extra copies
Besides the CW insert we'd do a couple of thousand extra copies that comes without the CW stuff around so that collectors of Slalom! get's their collectors' item and more importantly we get copies to show and distribute at races, to sponsors etc etc.

We initially wanted the whole thing to be ready for the Paris event, but then we calmed down and decided to wait until another CW issue. We'll be contacting possible advertizers over the next couple of weeks as we continue to negotiate the terms with CW.

Alternative plans and your help is needed
If the deal with CW doesn't work out we're open for other suggestions and part of the reason why we're making this public today is that we expect your help and contribution. Maybe you have a better idea than getting this issue into CW? Maybe you know a printer who can give us a good quote? Maybe you have ideas on distribution (if we decide not to go the CW route)? Maybe you have ideas on content (articles, photos, interviews are welcome, but space is limited, so let us hear from you before you start typing!)? We're also in need high quality photos. We can't pay for your contribution (be it articles or photos), but the circulation alone might make it worthwhile for you. After all this is a community thing.

Post ideas and replies here, or email either Dan, Corky or myself. You should find our addresses in various places.

Thank's in advance for you help in making this happen!

Last edited by Jani Soderhall on Thu Nov 18, 2004 11:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.

David Thornton
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Post by David Thornton » Sun Mar 21, 2004 5:34 am

Sounds great!!!

Believe it or not, after 20+ years of skating, I didn't even know there was a slalom 'zine....EVER!!!

Putting an insert in Concrete Wave is a great idea. I'm just getting my first set of cones, and don't actually own any slalom equipment but I'm eager to learn and get others interested in my new found avenue of skating.

For those of us new to slalom it might be a good idea to run interviews with top slalom guys and do an introduction to slalom article (if you do the concrete wave thing).

Very cool.
Consider the board the brush and the park, pool, curb the canvas.



Post by RL » Sun Mar 21, 2004 9:44 pm

Jani, im so stoked. Jani that would be wonderful. You know Ive been after you for awhile to reprint the old issues. This would be WAY better.
Thanks. And PLEASE do this...

John Gilmour
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Post by John Gilmour » Sun Mar 21, 2004 11:03 pm

I think it would be great to post some of the annual contests so that some skaters who "want their shot" have some goals to shoot for.

A "how to pump" section with a video link would be helpful for those old school skaters who never learned to pump as well as any interested current skaters.

A few canned courses might be nice to give people an idea of what is going on- and what they might see if they were to come to compete in a contest.
For instance: GBJ, Jack, Myself, Fluitt, Jani and others could submit a few courses.

Perhaps it is time for a new slalom symposium to update us for the new millenium.

I think the mag should be sold for a nominal fee at races- say 1 dollar.

Lastly- I think it would be good to have the entire mag available online as PDF doc. so that people could reprint them as they wanted. I was alays very guarded about my Slalom! issues. Where have they gone btw? hmmmmm.
One good turn deserves another
john gilmour

Adam Trahan
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Post by Adam Trahan » Mon Mar 22, 2004 1:05 am

Yes, very cool indeed. Good luck with the idea, I hope you don't need it.

Frank Henn
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Post by Frank Henn » Mon Mar 22, 2004 7:45 pm

I am a guy who slalom and owns a print shop. If you send me your specs and all I'd be happy to do all I can to get you the deal every skateboarder needs and deserves.

Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Mon Mar 22, 2004 8:08 pm


Wow! This is one of the reasons I made this post. That's the cool thing about a community. You never know what help you can get from your friends. If you don't ask, you'll never know. I'll send you a private email.


Jani Soderhall
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Slalom! 24 is happening!

Post by Jani Soderhall » Wed Apr 21, 2004 2:09 pm

Press release:

From the late 1980s through 1995, the "bible" for slalom skateboarders was Slalom! magazine. With 23 issues distributed free of charge around the world, Slalom! was the sport's primary medium for announcing upcoming events and reporting race results.

In recent years, slalom skateboarding has come out of dormancy and undergone an exciting renaissance, largely thanks to popular Internet forums such as,,, and many more around the world. Interest in the discipline has grown tremendously, and slalom equipment is now offered under more brands than ever before.

We believe that reviving our paper-based magazine will help solidify the sport and communicate its exciting attributes to the general public.

We initially considered producing Slalom! as an insert within Concrete Wave magazine, but it was not feasible to do this in time for the 2004 Paris Slalom World Cup (May 29 - 31; see below). Discussions with Concrete Wave continues, but Slalom! issue #24 will be published independently in the traditional A5 size (15cm x 21cm).

This will be a full-colour publication, approximately 24 pages in length. The magazine will have a price printed on the cover, so that it can be sold by manufacturers, distributors and shops (though the primary distribution channel for this first issue is not yet certain).

We're printing up to 3,000 magazines. All advertisers will receive copies (either at the Paris race or from our U.S. distribution hub in Colorado), to be sold or given to their customers. Organizers of other 2004 contests will receive smaller volumes, to be given or sold to participants, spectators, officials and others attending their events.

If you manufacture or sell slalom related equipment we encourage you to contact us (Jani in Europe, Dan in USA) for ad rates.

Now is the time to pump up slalom to a higher speed than ever!


Hans "Corky" Koraeus is the Executive Editor of Slalom!

Stefan "Lillis" Åkesson, former World Champion in flatland freestyle, is the magazine's Art Director. Send ads in PDF, InDesign or other format to both Lillis and Corky.

Jani Söderhäll is the contact person for ads and distribution within Europe. Jani served as editor of Slalom! magazine throughout its previous history, but he is now stepping aside to let Corky manage the content.

Dan Gesmer is the contact person for ads and distribution within the U.S. Dan will also contribute to Slalom! as a writer and copy-editor.

...and many contributing writers and photographers!

Thank's for your support!

Hans Koraeus
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Thu May 13, 2004 2:09 am


It has been a couple of weeks of hard work to get the mag together. Now there is no return. The mag document is given away for printing.

It will be a 32 page mag in A5 (15x21cm) format. Full color. It will be some nervous days until we will se the final result in our hands. I think we have managed to make it look really cool on screen but the printed thing is another thing. Thanks for everyone who helped out with ad's, photos and writing.

Slalom! #24
A magazine dedicated purely to slalom skateboarding
and the international scene surrounding it.

Publisher Jani Söderhäll. Editor Hans Koraeus. Layout Stefan “Lillis” Åkesson. Advertising/Copy editor Dan Gesmer.

Contributing writers John Gilmour, Kenny Mollica, Luca Giammarco, Maurus Strobel, Karine Theyssier, Andy Bittner.
Contributing photographers
Farid A. Abraham, Glenn S, Pat Chewning, Monique Söderhäll, Gints Gailitis, Robert Thiele, Rich Stephens, Angelique Vequaud.

Front cover Luca Giammarco. Slalom cross at the 2003 World Championships in Morro Bay. Photo: Pat Chewning. Inset William Tway and Marc Johnson. Photo Glenn S.

We have tried to make a very neutral mag. A mag to be appreciated both by slalom skaters and non slalom skaters. It will be out well before the Paris World Cup end of May.

More on what's inside soon...

Hans Koraeus
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Wed May 19, 2004 7:11 pm

Slalom! #24, Printed and finished for delivery!

I have it in my hand. The latest number of Slalom! The last number was in 1995. It is the same old A5 format (21x15cm) but this time in full color for the first time. And it looks really cool. Thick pages gives it a sturdy (don't know if that is the word I'm looking for) feel. It should be good enough to last over a competition weekend without falling into pieces.

We finally went for 32 pages. It's very colorful. I mean, why do a full color mag if you don't use colors. So it has double use. It's fun to look in for us slalomers but also for those who don't give a s#it about slalom.

Thanks to all who supported the mag with advertising...
- Seismic/3dm
- Bahne
- Radikal
- Pocket Pistol
- Burning wheels tour
- Airflow
- Indiana
- Mollica 2003 Worlds DVD
- SC8
- Concrete Wave
- Insect/Roe Racing skateboards
- Cone Racing
- Asphalt playground
- Black Leather Racing
- EttSexEtt/161
- Red Clay

Soon in the hand of someone near you.


Post by Guest » Wed May 19, 2004 7:21 pm

how and where do we buy a copy?

Eddy Martinez
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Post by Eddy Martinez » Wed May 19, 2004 9:45 pm

Where do I subscribe? Would love to have an issue. Eddy Texas Outlaws.

Hans Koraeus
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Thu May 20, 2004 12:01 am

There are several ways of how you could get your hands on the mag.

We have put a "price tag" of $2 / 2 Euro on the mag. If you buy more at the same time you will get a better price but Jani will tell more about that later on. Good oppurtunity for those who want to buy a copy for the whole family and all your friends at the same time. :-)

1. Fast and Expensive.
Pay mag + shipping to Jani's Pay pal account and we will send it right away.

2. Slower and less expensive (USA/Canada).
Dan will bring back a lot of mags from Paris. Pay mag + US local shipping to Dan and he will send it to you from the States when he gets home again.

3. Slower and best price.
Come to one of the bigger competitions (like Paris) and you can buy it on the spot.

4. Fast and free.
It's an historical issue. So if I were you (and not planning to come to Paris) I would have ordered a bunch of 10 and then sell 9 to my friends for $3. Hey, maybe I would even gain a buck or two.

Better info from Jani soon...

Adam Trahan
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Post by Adam Trahan » Thu May 20, 2004 4:35 am

Whoa, please save a copy for me.

Steve Collins
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Post by Steve Collins » Thu May 20, 2004 6:35 am


Can't wait.

How much for shipping to Los Angeles?

I've got my trigger finger hovering over the PayPal button...

Jani Soderhall
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Pricing: Slalom! magazine

Post by Jani Soderhall » Fri May 28, 2004 5:32 pm

The magazine is out: World première at the Trocadero Saturday May 29:th, 2004.

Here are the prices for Slalom! magazine shipped directly to you.

1 mag + shipping = 4.50 euro/usd
3 mags + shipping = 10.00 euro/usd
7 mags + shipping = 20.00 euro/usd

In US: PayPal to Seismic/3dm -
In Europe: PayPal to ConeRacing -

Shop/distributor prices:

10 mags = 15,00 euro/usd + shipping
20 mags = 25,00 euro/usd + shipping
50 mags = 50,00 euro/usd + shipping

Thank you!

Please note: Europeans please pay in euros to and Americans/Canadians and the rest of the world please pay in usd to Seismic Skate Systems Inc.

Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Fri May 28, 2004 5:39 pm

...or get a copy from your local skateshop and they'll pay for the shipping.

Also, note that several of this years race organizers will have magazines for sale. Price on the street is 2 euro or 2 usd.

With your help there might even be another mag in the future. But don't hold you breath. It required a lot of effort to get this one out and after all we've got day time jobs we're we should spend our time...

Hope you'll like it!


Glenn S
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Post by Glenn S » Sat May 29, 2004 5:45 pm

Jani and Hans,
Received my copy of issue twenty four of Slalom! yesterday. Excellent work! Thanks.

David Rudnianski
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Post by David Rudnianski » Tue Jun 01, 2004 2:13 pm

It's great! I can't wait the other one....
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Vincent Berruchon
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Post by Vincent Berruchon » Wed Jun 02, 2004 2:24 pm

You did great work one more time for sure!!!

What would be slalom without all these people making things going forward

Andy Bittner
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...and that's news to me.

Post by Andy Bittner » Wed Jun 02, 2004 7:30 pm

Hey! I hadn't been paying attention to this forum, but notice that I am listed amongst the writing staff for this recent edition of Slalom!. Although I had no idea that I was involved in this, please consider me completely willing, able and eager to be involved. I also have a sizable collection of slalom photographs available.

If, in fact, something I've written actually is used in this edition that's coming out, is it possible that I might have a copy sent to me, gratis? Time's are hard, but I'd love to see it.

Jani Soderhall
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Contributing Writer?

Post by Jani Soderhall » Wed Jun 02, 2004 7:52 pm


Seems like an error to me, but I'll let Corky correct me if I'm wrong.
No matter what, now that we have "abused" your name (I'm sorry!) of course we'll send you the mag. Just let Dan Gesmer have your address and you'll have a few copies in your mailbox within days.

Could it be that it was planned that you'd write something about the US race series this year? We expected to include that but in the end only placed an ad for the series.


Hans Koraeus
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Sun Jun 06, 2004 8:39 pm


The reason why I added your name is that when I was writing the article on criddling I took parts of the text from the topic on criddling in this forum. Some posts written by you, Gilmour and Jani.

The race cards
The race cards were just a funny thing to get in a lot of racers in the mag. Some have noticed that some of the higher ranked racers in the World Ranking is not present. The idea was not to take only the higher ranked racers but a mix of different levels. As it turned out most of the higher ranked skaters still did get a card in the end. Those missing out in the top this time will of course show up in the next issue. Good to know for you who are already thinking of getting a complete race card selection. :-)

Jani Soderhall
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Slalom! magazine no 24 is here

Post by Jani Soderhall » Mon Jun 07, 2004 7:00 pm


Steve Collins
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SLALOM! Issue 24

Post by Steve Collins » Sun Jun 20, 2004 11:31 am

I love it, everybody I've talked to loves it, right on all the way!

Pat Chewning
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I finally saw it!

Post by Pat Chewning » Mon Jun 21, 2004 8:29 am

I received a copy of SLALOM magazine from Gareth Roe today at our race in Salem OR.

Nice work!

I noticed several pictures of mine in the magazine. If anyone needs a high-res copy of these, let me know.

Cover shot: Luca
pg 7 racer card: John Gilmour
pg 17 racer card: Luca
pg 19 racer card: Michael Dong

-- Pat Chewning

William Tway
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Gonna Buy Five Copies For My Mother

Post by William Tway » Fri Jun 25, 2004 3:40 pm

Nice job Jani and crew!!!

Thanks again Glenn for taking that killer pic.

Will it be distributed quarterly or you just testing the asphalt for now?

Please add the farm to the next calendar as the date has been set for some time (Aug 7th). We have secured our traditional location but are working on a better venue. Sorry this was not communicated before publication.

Party On.

Maria Carrasco
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Nice Job

Post by Maria Carrasco » Thu Jul 08, 2004 5:14 pm

Picked up a few of these in Paris -- nice job guys! Any plans to have an on-line version of this? Cheers!

Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Thu Jul 08, 2004 8:20 pm

We're constantly (but slowly) putting up all the old issues of the magazine in a web viewable format, this one will eventually come up too.

As we have it this issue in a completely electronic format, it would be appropriate to publish it as a PDF rather than scanned pages.

In the mean time we prefer if people obtain a printed copy from one of the magazine sponsors, or buying one from (US) or myself (EU). We still have a few hundred magazines that we'd like to place in the hands of slalomers!


Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Tue Jul 27, 2004 10:30 am

Martin Drayton (in another thread) wrote:And Jani, do you know when issue 25 of "Slalom!" comes out?

Martin Drayton.
Team Turner,
Octane Sport Team Rider
We're making no committments but we'd like to bring out another issue of Slalom! magazine, #25, ideally in the autumn.

- The first hurdle is to find enough time to get the project done (contacting advertisers, writers, photographers, then doing the whole thing, then distributing it and getting some money back in). Takes a lot of time.

- Next thing we need is support from the manufacturers ie our advertizers. If they support the magazine (thank's for your help with issue 24!), it can be done.

Last but not least we need encouragement from the readers. We've had some, thanks, so we believe this was the right thing to do.

If anybody has an idea on how to make this a larger distribution (ConcreteWave might be it) or how to obtain cheaper printing let me know.


Martin Drayton
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Post by Martin Drayton » Tue Jul 27, 2004 4:27 pm

Need encouragement? The reason I asked is because my clients here at the summer camp have worn out my copy and I am looking forward to reading a new one!
Thanks for bringing it out again...

Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Tue Jul 27, 2004 6:40 pm


You're doing such a great thing with your camps and introducing slalom in a cool way to them, I'd like to ship a whole bunch of mags to you so you can give them away to your participants. Maybe it's getting a bit late, but let me know your address and I'll send you as many as you like. for when there will be the next issue, as you've understood it all depends... But rest assured we'll give it a try!


Martin Drayton
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Post by Martin Drayton » Wed Jul 28, 2004 3:25 pm

Jani, that is super nice of you! That would be excellent...
Our address is:

Chalet Grenier,
8 Rue des Perrons,
Les Deux Alpes,

We have so many clients that are now buying boards and going skating regularly, its so cool!!!


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Post by Jani Soderhall » Wed Jul 28, 2004 4:43 pm

PM me the quantity you need.



Post by RL » Thu Jul 29, 2004 6:46 am

damn where have i been? I started bugging you about Slalom Mag. A couple years ago. I have not been following this.
I hope I can still get a copy.

Thanks ric

Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Thu Jul 29, 2004 11:50 am


Contact Dan Gesmer for copies.

...your bugging me might have another effect later on. Still considering it, but I'm in no hurry.


Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Thu Jul 29, 2004 7:50 pm

Martin Drayton wrote:Jani, that is super nice of you! That would be excellent...

30 copies are in the mail. If you need more just let me know.

Keep up the good work introducing our sport to snowboarders!


Martin Drayton
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Post by Martin Drayton » Thu Jul 29, 2004 11:31 pm

How would 20 be? Basically whatever you can spare up to that number.
Thanks again, see you at Antibes!

Paul Price
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Slalom! Mag

Post by Paul Price » Fri Jul 30, 2004 12:51 am

I was at martin's camp a few weeks ago - it's amazing how quickly people learn slalom when they have just been snowboarding. Especially the girls ;-) Everyone loved the mag - it made them realise its a real sport. We will be back at Martin's camp on the the 7th August for more skating and snowboarding.

Martin Drayton
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Big thanks!

Post by Martin Drayton » Mon Aug 02, 2004 2:32 pm

Thanks Jani for sending the magazines so quickly, in fact they couldn't have arrived at a better time as one of our clients names is Gary CRIDDLE!!! He was very amused when after having explained to him last year what 'Criddling' was, I show him the article in the magazine! Cool!

Thanks again,

Heiko Schöller
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Post by Heiko Schöller » Wed Feb 15, 2006 1:20 am

Is there an Issue 25 coming in 2006...
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Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Wed Feb 15, 2006 9:46 am

Heiko Schöller wrote:Is there an Issue 25 coming in 2006...
I wish I could say yes.
It's a major committment doing this, it takes a lot of time to get ads in (+ have them paid for) then imagine and put together the contents, obtain photos, do the design, have them printed and distribute them. Corky, Dan and I were very pleased to do it back then. At the time we released #24 we were sure to do another one, however since then we haven't been able to find the time, nor the real motivation. As a complement we made an effort to get a few slalom articles into Naphte, which had and still has, the potential to reach out to many more skaters.

Slalom! however is still a cool mag because it's the only one 100% focused on the slalom scene. Nothing else. Nothing for real skateboarders. It's all for slalom boarders. Plenty of lycra, no grinds, no airs, not even an ollie in there. It's actually totally lame, but somehow people still like it.


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