The "Gathering" 2004

Slalom Skateboarding in Washington, U.S.A.

Moderators: Jonathan Harms, Ron Barbagallo, Maria Carrasco, Russel Cantor, Lynn Kramer, Brian Parsons

Brian Parsons
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Post by Brian Parsons » Thu Apr 29, 2004 4:48 pm

Thanks Andy,

OK no skating at Seneca creek until Saturday morning.

There will be a volunteer at the site saturday morning to direct everyone where to park. Please do not park on any grass, anywhere.

Jeff thanks for all of your effort and support of this event.

Vlad, Slappy...Mike might need my timer on Friday night.

John Dillon
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Trivia Answer...

Post by John Dillon » Fri Apr 30, 2004 1:05 am

Hey Andy, is Simon Levene(sp) the answer to your trivia question?
Looking forward to seeing you all at G4!

Vlad Popov
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Post by Vlad Popov » Fri Apr 30, 2004 1:07 am

Brian, I already offered Mike your timer for $50. See you on Friday.

Anthony Flis
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Post by Anthony Flis » Fri Apr 30, 2004 3:43 am

could someone post directions? I know how to get to the park but when you get in the park how do you know how to get to the picnic area where the gathering is? I wouldnt want to go to some like family reunion or something by accident instead of the gathering...

Jack Quarantillo
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Post by Jack Quarantillo » Fri Apr 30, 2004 4:51 am

check this link: ... camap.html

Saturday: Pheasant Run Area
Sunday: Cardinal Area


Jeff Bozi
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Post by Jeff Bozi » Fri Apr 30, 2004 5:05 am

This just in............Avalons & Avilas in new colors & duro, you gearheads all need these ;-)

KMG, I didnt send your as Id said I would, after I opened the new shipment of wheels, & saw the newer duros, I thought you may like to pick different. Ill have a few sets fri night.

Brian, how early are you getting there sat morning to set up?


Gary Saenz - old
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Post by Gary Saenz - old » Fri Apr 30, 2004 8:01 pm

According to it looks like 60% chance of rain on Sunday and some chance on Saturday morning. Time to say some prayers.

David Riordon
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Don't be a Gilmour (he missed 1st TG bkz of chance of rain)

Post by David Riordon » Fri Apr 30, 2004 10:26 pm


No worries on the weather!!!!

IF it is going to rain and NO, it will not...........I've got a new secret undisclosed back up spot that is covered. Not even a hurricane could mess up this spot.

David Riordon
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Post by David Riordon » Fri Apr 30, 2004 10:27 pm

Don't be a Gilmour (he missed 1st TG bkz of chance of rain)!!!!!!!

Leonardo Ojeda
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Post by Leonardo Ojeda » Fri Apr 30, 2004 11:31 pm

it seems already that this year gathering its going to be really great, Vlad pls take as many pictures u can!.
Andy, Jeff Boziman,Eddy, Claude, Brian P, WesE, John Dillon, the woodcamp girrrrrls, UR13, Anthony Smalwood, KGM and Yvonne, LNK, anyway all of you guys who made my 2 past years a incredible skate weekend, i hop u have a lot of fun!!!!
take care and cya next year i hope!

"I`ll see you at the end of the hill"

Andy Bittner
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Them That Was and The One That Will Be

Post by Andy Bittner » Sat May 01, 2004 1:33 am

Leo... It absolutely will not be the same without you there, and it's more of a shame, because I plan on not being as busy this year. We might've actually skated together.

Everyone Else... The Pheasant Run Area at Seneca Creek State Park will take some sweeping before it is skateable in the morning.

Locals... Please bring brooms and/or leaf blowers. Thanks.

Dave Gale
Dave Gale
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Post by Dave Gale » Sun May 02, 2004 12:46 am

Nice jobe!
ENJOY!! (while you can)

Anthony Flis
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Post by Anthony Flis » Sun May 02, 2004 1:32 pm

So whats happening with today? is it all wet over there too?

Andy Bittner
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Sunday Weather

Post by Andy Bittner » Sun May 02, 2004 2:19 pm

Anthony, et al.,

As of 8 a.m., we are still 99% wet pavement. There is no more rain anywhere in the area, per the radar loop. It is quite breezy and I am watching the pavement just starting to dry in my parking lot (I live 1 mile from The Gathering Site).

This makes for the third wet Sunday morning out of four Gatherings, and in every case, Sunday has ended up being the more amped of the two days. For those of you who are attending your first Gathering, it'll be worth the wait, because today we are skating at the original Gathering Site, which has really been the star of the show all along.

The Cardinal Picnic Area at Seneca Creek State Park, "The Gathering Site", was the site of a Sunday picnic for my 20-year high school reunion. From the instant I walked onto the site, the whole reunion-thing became completely irrelevant. This was the summer of 2000 and the whole slalom-rebirth thing was just beginning to build up on I had boards in the trunk of my car, and skated for most of the rest of the picnic. There are two hills, with two distinctly different characters, jumping off from the same point at the top of the site. They are both bigger and steeper hills than anything at the Pheasant Run Picnic Area.

I now see that there is a considerable breeze blowing, and am seeing the first glimmers of some hazy sunlight. The pavement's still 99% wet, but I suspect that'll start changing soon. There'll be plenty of riding today, for them that are there.

David Riordon
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Post by David Riordon » Sun May 02, 2004 3:14 pm

*** Weather Channel says it will dry up and then start raining again this evening. The street I live on is almost dry enough to set up cones.

*** Brian Parsons is at the Park. His Cell is 703 901-5167

*** If need be, I still have a spot to skate that is covered and would be good for dual racing.

*** It is not over yet.

Brittany Concepcion
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Post by Brittany Concepcion » Mon May 03, 2004 12:48 am

Hey yall hope your having a blast!!!. David my words exactly i tried to tell my dad that i would go watch and meet people but he said no. :( i was gonna skate anywayz pain is only temperary. Wish I was there with you guys. Live it up and ill catch yall at the next race.

Anthony Flis
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Post by Anthony Flis » Mon May 03, 2004 12:49 am

Me and danny screwed up this morning...never make desicions when youre tired sore and its wet outside....well see you all at the next race...

Wesley Tucker
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Post by Wesley Tucker » Mon May 03, 2004 1:12 am

Anthony Flis wrote:...never make desicions when you're tired, sore and...wet outside...
People end up married doing that.

Peace, love and precipitation

Elisa Campbell
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Post by Elisa Campbell » Mon May 03, 2004 1:44 am

Great weekend all! Best of luck easing the pain to all those going home sore. I tried to name all the people that fell, but then I lost count. Thanks so much for helping us make it down Jack and Brian. Eddy you're the best uncle there ever was. All you Canadians it was great to see you, Rob we missed you, Civ you shocked us all, Claude . . .what would I do without you. Mark and Keith, thanks as always for taking us in just like family. Mike Ohm you rocked the place and your daughter is absolutly beautiful. See you all soon.

Scott Ward
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Post by Scott Ward » Mon May 03, 2004 2:08 am

Who has results?

Vlad Popov
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Post by Vlad Popov » Mon May 03, 2004 2:24 am

I took a couple of pictures of today's score boards in every timed race.

No rain today. Bummer.

Eddy Martinez
Texas Outlaw
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Post by Eddy Martinez » Mon May 03, 2004 2:31 am

All I can say is that I am still very stoked!!!!! Elissa and Katie I love you gals. Mark thanks for hooking me up with the shaved Avalons and tweaking my Radikals. Keith thanks for showing me how to get through that tricky offset on Friday Nights Outlaw event. I had a blast. Learned so much thanks Dudes. Geezer,Andy,Wes E thank you for sharing your slalom knowledge with me. Claude thank you for being my Amigo and my coach this weekend, I shaved 2 seconds of my run after you worked with me. Freaking AWESOME MAN. DC crew you guys rule. Chris Bara and the members of Killer City Racing a force to be reckoned with. Sid and Siv VIVA LA CANADA you bros ROCK. Joe I agree you and I are very simpatico. Davemo and Arron slow down and wait for me. I met so many cool people this weekend. Too many to mention. I am exausted right now and sore. Time to go watch the Sopranos and kick back. I love you guys. Eddy Texas Outlaws.

Vlad Popov
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Post by Vlad Popov » Mon May 03, 2004 2:42 am

Today’s “Collective Effort with the PSR backbone” Longboard Slalom course was faster and more open then last year. More speed. More space to pump. KMG hybrid was fun. It brought out the best in the young and the younger Canadians. PSR “GS” was very tech. Too bad there didn’t seem to be enough interest for a race on that course. OHM Friday’s course was definitely tight (0.5-inch narrower front truck set-up = a full second off). BP red course was insane…a muscle killer. One qualifying run leads to an interesting bracketing in the early rounds and even more interesting A/B class seeding.

Christopher Bara
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Post by Christopher Bara » Mon May 03, 2004 4:19 am

What a riot...we spent about 20 hours in the car there and back...about 1200 miles round trip ...and the G4 was worth every minute....
Mike and Brian, you guys did a great job putting Friday and Saturday together...I know you had allot of help from other as well, but you guys shouldered a ton of work...and to everybody who pulled this off, thanks....this was a great way to kick off the summer. I finally got the chance to put faces on the names i see on line and that was way cool too. It was a trip, everybody has their own style, their own attitude, their own edge and everybody gets along ...i'm completely stoked. Outlaw're my bro...i'll see you again in Fayetteville for sure...hope to see the rest of ya there too. Mark, thanks for the Av's; Keith thanks for the great stories; DC crew, thanks for the great time; Canadians, lookin' to hook up again with you guys some time soon (Civ, you were THAT close to pullin' it off brah, you're fast as hell); Jeff Y, you rock...too many others to list and i'm way tired to clear my head.
Till next time
Ride it like ya stole it
Chris B

Vlad Popov
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Post by Vlad Popov » Mon May 03, 2004 4:40 am

Old S...(tuff) Race Results from my photos, i.e., not official.

1. Aaron M 18.66
2. Eric W 19.831
3. Wes E 20.125
4. Erik B PSR 20.310
5. Kevin G 20.784
6. Adam S 24.222
7. Dan P 25.801
8. Jeff B 25.812
9. Steve M 27.479

Vlad Popov
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Post by Vlad Popov » Mon May 03, 2004 4:50 am

Same course, modern S...(tuff) in no particular order. Best unofficial times.

Ohm 17.684
Geezer 21.346
Noah 17.831 correct time is 17.381
Claude 16.978
Dan P 22.376
PA Dan 19.182
John D 20.076
Vlad 16.671
Adam S 20.737
Civ 16.750
Rob 19.960
PSR 18.8 correct time is 18.803
DaveMO 20.869
Ed TX 23.702
Steve M 22.358
Aaron 18.042
Wes E 17.597
GBJ 21.615
Slappy 19.773
Kevin 20.335
Jeff B 22.770
Last edited by Vlad Popov on Tue May 04, 2004 12:41 am, edited 1 time in total.

David Riordon
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Post by David Riordon » Mon May 03, 2004 5:45 am

The 4th Gathering reminded me so much of the first gathering except that I can't place who would be considered the stand out like Simon was at TG1. Could it have been Ur13 with probably one of the best solid styles in today's slalom. Noah looking fast. Vlad looking faster. Ohm being the fastest on Saturday. Civ blazing so damn fast. Aaron showing that the young guns are going to kick our ass. Claude showing that the young guns have a thing or two to learn first. KMG for setting some fine courses (Sat & Sun). The Florida crew and all who traveled the distance. Newbies like The NoVa Bombers & Seth for embracing skateboarding for other than just kickflipping.

Maybe the stand out for the 4th Gathering should go to all the skateboarders, their families and friends that showed up either to ride, help out or just hang out.

Well here are some more results to look over......

Hybrid Slalom Jam Session (Best of as many runs you could take in an allotted time w/ a bell lap run at the end)

1st Vlad 16.671
2nd Civ 16.75
3rd Claude 16.978
4th Noah 17.381
5th WesE 17.597
6th Ohm 17.684
7th Aaron 18.042
8th PSR 18.803
More Results to be announced....

Longboard Slalom
1st Claude 17.01
2nd (tie) Aaron & PSR 17.93
4th John Dillon 17.97
More Results to be announced

Slalom (head to head on Saturday)

A Division:

1st Ohm
2nd Vlad
3rd Keith H.
4th Civ.

B. Division:

1st Mark McCree (huffing and puffing by the end)
Brian Parsons has the results of the results.



PS, It is hours after TG4 and it just starting to rain.

Anthony Smallwood
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Post by Anthony Smallwood » Mon May 03, 2004 5:50 am

Big thanks to GBJ and Brian Parsons for throwing a very cool party.

It was nice hanging out, riding and filming with everyone.
I must say though, in response to Eddy's mysterious loss of video footage, my camera did some strange things today and I got home and realized I lost about 15 minutes of golden footage. Must be a camera gremlin lurking in the park. I DID manage to get a few money clips. Hopefully we'll get them up on Bozi's site in the coming weeks.

Hey, I'm wondering if it's possible to buy one of those rad Kill City shirts?

Christopher Bara
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Kill City Shirts

Post by Christopher Bara » Mon May 03, 2004 1:51 pm

Hey Anthony, ...we didnt print any extras the first time thru because we didnt know how they'd turn out, but they're rad as hell, aye? (Gregs design)... They werent ready until the night before we left so they were a mystery to us too.
Also, being the new kids on the circuit (we didnt really get organized until this past winter), we didnt want to be the newbies coming out selling merch without at least getting to meet folks first.
We'll be printing off more and i've got your name down for sure, bro.
Should have them at the next event at the latest.

Dave G, i've got one here for you but i need address again.

By the the Vans Longoard/Vintage/Banked Slalom day going to happen again this year?

Chris B

Wes Eastridge
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Post by Wes Eastridge » Mon May 03, 2004 5:23 pm

It’s always different, but it’s always fun. Thanks to Brian Parsons, Mike Ohm, and Dave Riordon for your efforts that gave each day of the weekend a flair of its own and thanks for a non-paid job well done.

I feel bad for the people that traveled long distances and the first-timers, who each missed Sunday due to either the threat of rain or any other reason. The lack of rain and the original Gathering site on Sunday allowed for multiple course/race types that everyone seemed to enjoy. I hope to see you all again at more races, and at The Gathering next year!

And to all the people that did stay...I’m sick of you. Ha ha just kidding! We know how much fun it was!

Anthony Smallwood and Eddy,
If your video cameras are the DV type and the footage that you shot turned out to be just blank, it could be caused by a dirty recording head.

Kevin M. Gamble
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T4G hybrid courses

Post by Kevin M. Gamble » Mon May 03, 2004 9:43 pm

"Serpentine Shell, serpentine!"
The In-Laws; Peter Falk, Alan Arkin

Super Serpentine ©KMG

Leonardo Ojeda
Venezuelan Racer
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Post by Leonardo Ojeda » Tue May 04, 2004 12:13 am

What the heck happened in Canada this last year???

CIV is flying and Claude won the longboard slalom????

now that's something I really missed!!!
"I`ll see you at the end of the hill"

Vlad Popov
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Post by Vlad Popov » Tue May 04, 2004 12:46 am

Canada slalom has been fast. You won't find much info on it anywhere (there are reasons). They were pretty active in the 1980s. It's obvious that their slalom school is strong. There shouldn't be any suprises to those who follow slalom history..and are able to think outside the US boarders.

Steve Michael
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Post by Steve Michael » Tue May 04, 2004 12:52 am

Yup. Turns out the Canucks had the advantage in Beer consumption (followed closely by KCR), as well as the currency conversion rate; When their runs were 10.00 seconds, that converts into 7.2993 Canadian Seconds. /:>}

Made it back to AZ and got 3 of the 4 hours of the flight back in the time difference alone. Still sore & my thumb is all kinds of purdy the new 3dm wheels. Olive, Mango, Tomato and Eggplant.

For those who left late (most of you), you missed the hillclimb, won by Claude. I beat Geezer by 4 inches, and that kinda made my weekend. I gotta wonder what he's gonna do with my truck hangers now. hehe...

Wes took 3rd in the Vintage race on my 28" 1974 Oakie with Bennett Pros on Cal.Slalom bases with C62's. I took dead last of the non-DQ'ed group. But I did get even with Eddy the TO in the timed runs by only a few tenths. Still no match for our practice runs on Saturday at Pheasant run...I'll let him post that. UUUUGGHHH!! iMuy Bueno, me Loco Amigo!

Kev, Yev, Brian...great job. I'd list everyone, but you were all there...and I would literally list EVERYONE. Looking fwd to getting some of the pix/mpgs to show wifey that I didn't die or go to the hospital. This time, anyway.


Eddy Martinez
Texas Outlaw
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Post by Eddy Martinez » Tue May 04, 2004 3:14 pm

There is allways next year Stevo, and yes you were alot faster on Sundays course. Im not worthy, Im not worthy. Then again there is 66 race in Joja. Rematch Perhaps? Just wanted to send out a big thanks to PSR for patching up my leg after my tumble, loved the course you setup on Sunday. Things I heard at the Gathering
One of these days kid one of these days.
Uncle Eddy are you O K?
I did not know those wheels came in Mango.
What time is it Dude, Uh 3:OO AM Bro.
No officer we do not have any guns or weapons, we are slalom skateboarders.
" Civ who had him bro".
Are'nt you a nurse Dude.
Do as I say, not as I do.
I could have been a contender.
No that is not Miko Biffle.
That was a sick run MAN.
I tell you what that boy aint right in the head.
Its the trucks man, its the trucks. Later Eddy Texas Outlaw.

Christopher Bara
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Post by Christopher Bara » Tue May 04, 2004 4:16 pm

Hey Steve, did you actully ride that Sims Cutaway in the vintage race??.....tell ya know i'm not a big fan of "wall hangers", but if if had that board in my clutches, i dont think it'd see the street!
For anybody who read Eddies comment about the gun....
Saturday at that Mexican restaurant (whatever it's name was), the lot of us were sitting outside eating, drinking, laughing....when this very serious cop walks up saying he got a complaint that a group of guys out front of the restaurant, wearing black shirts, were causing trouble and one of them was carrying a handgun.
After explaining to him that the worst thing to do while riding a skateboard down a hill is to have a loaded handgun packed in your drawers and convincing him we werent causing trouble, he left....
Which leads to this question:
Which one of you other skaters wanted our outside table so bad that you called the cops and tried to get us booted?
It was a stroke of genius....better luck next time.

Dave Gale
Dave Gale
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Post by Dave Gale » Tue May 04, 2004 5:36 pm

Uhhhh. Chris B. Keith Hollien wasn't in your crowd was he??? ;-)
ENJOY!! (while you can)

Steve Michael
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Post by Steve Michael » Tue May 04, 2004 7:21 pm

Naw, Keith had a blade but no pop.

Chris...YUP. I ran the Sims Team Turner twice...both DQ'ed. I could only clean the course with the plank and the orange wheels or the C62's. The TP Krypto Project II's were just too fast and without the footspace, I didn't want to risk hurtin' the other thumb.

Even after two (almost) cross-country flights, three runs and lots of fingerprints, the Sims is in no worse condition than when I brought it.

I do have a new perspective on some of my "stuff", in that I certaintly don't need it all. I'll be selling that Red Needle that PD re-filled'n-drilled for me.

ETO: I tell you whut, I'll race you around LP tanks for laughs. Propane is my life.


Jack Quarantillo
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Post by Jack Quarantillo » Tue May 04, 2004 8:46 pm

Team Q had a great time. Met lots of cool people. Didn't get to race as much as I wanted to, but family stuff had to take front seat. :(

For TG5, I hope to blockade the weekend from Family Obligations so Bertleboy can get to the Junior stuff.

Elissa and Katie, sorry to have Kooked out on the hotel location and given you a little tour of Gaithersburg. Worked out OK, I guess, seeing as Keith and Mark arrived at the same time...

Now, I need to practice, practice, practice, and see if I can scam my way into visiting relatives for Da Farm.


Elisa Campbell
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Post by Elisa Campbell » Tue May 04, 2004 9:43 pm

Jack no worries at all about that, driving around town brought back memories form last year. Thanks a ton for picking us up. Hope to see you at the Farm


Post by Guest » Tue May 04, 2004 10:04 pm

The G4 had a MUCH more mellow vibe this year than it did last year. I think that is a good thing. Last year was about 14 fast guys against the other 40 people. We ran our hard courses and it got into a heated race. Not the sorta vibe to get newbies stoked on racing. This year people were just having a good time, relaxing and riding skateboards. The racing was fast but I can't say it ever got intense, at least on sat or Sun.

The other thing I noticed is more than half of the people there were people i had never seen before. it is great to see new people into slalom, especially some of the younger kids. Also it was cool meeting some people I have only ever seen on the msg brds.

Ohm rocked saturday. He was on freakin fire, nothing was going to get in his way, plus his setup was perfect!

Civ, when he isn't busting his sac or getting his hose sucked is to watch in ANY race. If you can work on running cleaner everyone needs to fear the guy from Canada. Give them hell in Paris.

Jeff Boswell. For someone who said he was sketched out by the courses you looked pretty damn good on Saturday. I caught the Cali race in MRN on my way home in PA, they do have good coverage!

Noah...dominating as usual!

vlad...poppy boards have their uses, but wood is still good.

BP, LBK, GBJ...thnaks for stepping up this year, running the race and getting the ball rolling all those years ago now (respectively)

KMG and yvonne.....without the two of you coming down to rac ein DC wouldn't be half as fun and the events wouldn't run half as well!!!

Aarron Morris....move your front foot forward about 3 inches and stop riding the Roe like a Turner and you will drop a second from your times over all AT LEAST. You are fast.

Eddy M. good to meet you, nice smooth style....keep at it.

Katie and Elisa...smooth riding...keep at it, you guys are fast.

Bozi...great support of DC racing, thanks for everything. is the shoes,..those shoes!!!!! haha.

PSR remains the best coach for skate/snow EVER!

I had fun last weekend. Glad to see the G4 vibe mellow and the stoke up......

Jeff Bozi
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Post by Jeff Bozi » Wed May 05, 2004 5:34 am

The G4.........Longboard course all day sunday, woo hoo. Thanks Guys.

I swear Ill be good and practice with the lil funny boards more this year,nnnK?
That was a great weekend, sad to see so many bugged out early, sunday was great.
It was so cool sat seeing 11 kids race, Kyle (Bozi 2.0) had a blast & is really starting to do well, if he'd ever practice itd be scary.

ILVA- I have your lil black gloves,send me an addy,seeeeeeee, it didnt rain ;-)

RENE'- I have your stone slide gloves (had a small lost & found in the bozi area)

Really cool to meet more Detroit guys, what a flippin crew. Chris, I like many others must have a Kill City Racing shirt, please get car wreck guy on that, go fo long sleeves, hoodies, beenies.......itll be like the West Coast Choppers shit, nobody will even know what it is, theyll just want them as soon as they see them, youll be fabulously rich in days.

Eddy Texas Outlaw, wow, what a gentle giant, I wish Id seen Noah tackle you, Nobygot that on film? Eddy, I hope we meet agian & can BS longer.

Civ, that superman dive to palms & knees was killer, I think 3 people got that on tape, eh?
Rob, glad we finally cuaght up.......

Lisa's grils, so glad your mom let you guys come, sorry we missed her. You guys are great for the sport, rival sisters, way cool.

Steve from finally got one, about time.

Vlad....LONGboard ;-) Make Pink Racing Tees please, refer to above.

Everyone else, it was great getting to kill sat gabbing since I had no hope riding sat, tried, sucked, felt stiff as a board, nice to watch & meet people, thank you all.


Post by Guest » Wed May 05, 2004 6:28 pm

Vlad Popov wrote:Today’s “Collective Effort with the PSR backbone” Longboard Slalom course was faster and more open then last year. More speed. More space to pump. KMG hybrid was fun. It brought out the best in the young and the younger Canadians. PSR “GS” was very tech. Too bad there didn’t seem to be enough interest for a race on that course. OHM Friday’s course was definitely tight (0.5-inch narrower front truck set-up = a full second off). BP red course was insane…a muscle killer. One qualifying run leads to an interesting bracketing in the early rounds and even more interesting A/B class seeding.
I gotta agree the one qualifying run did make the brackets interesting. Not sure if i "love" the idea but it definately can shake things up. You gotta be ON at the word go.

I didn't like the no cone penalty rule...BUT again it did change up the racing, if anything it made you push harder...interesting.

Slappy Maxwell
Posts: 343
Joined: Mon Dec 02, 2002 1:00 am

Post by Slappy Maxwell » Thu May 06, 2004 4:44 am

It was nice to see so many new bagged faces at the Gathering this year.

Vlad Popov
Posts: 1543
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Location: Moscow, Russia

Post by Vlad Popov » Thu May 06, 2004 6:00 am

<whining>Slappy that picture doesn't show up on my 1995 low-resolution Crapintosh screen. Please e-mail me your latest in like X4 the size and resolution thankyou.
Wizout poop in my board I'd be dead meat on Saturday. I now know the secret of the Gilmourian high-speed overpump!
Insect doesn't make shortboards. When I ordered my board I was under the impression that it's a longboard company. Their 36'' board fits the rules. Please hold your orders for at least 2 weeks. I have another major international order with them coming. Thankyou verymuch.</whining>

I have a dialup connection due to economic depression, shallow job market, and kitchen renovation related expenses, so the G4 pictures are s l o w t o u p l o a d, but they're coming.

Jeff Boswell
Posts: 365
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Post by Jeff Boswell » Thu May 06, 2004 1:01 pm

Slappy, your a sick puppy!!

David Morris
Posts: 83
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Jeff Boswell email me

Post by David Morris » Thu May 06, 2004 4:39 pm

Jeff Boswell drop me an email (, I need you email address.
<a href=""><B>d a v m o</B></a>

Lenny Poage
Lenny Poage
Lenny Poage
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Post by Lenny Poage » Thu May 06, 2004 8:42 pm

I just wanted to say thanks to all who made my first Gathering an absolute blast!!!! Next year I'm taking a personal day so I can stay Sunday!

Hopefully I'll be able to make a few more races this summer, but if not, I'll see y'all definitely at MSSS3 in October!

Mike Ohm
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Post by Mike Ohm » Fri May 07, 2004 4:19 pm

G4 was once again a great time. There is nothing better than meeting and seeing other racers from all around the country. To say the least, I am still stoked to be a skateboarder (been one since 1975), and have no plans to retire anytime soon. Texas Eddy and his crew, Michigan roundwallers, OH Canada Claude and CIV, NY, NJ, OH, AZ, CT and if I missed any........ thanks for coming and hope to see you soon.

Also, It was cool that everyone dug my Friday night course. I though it was kinda tame from what I usually set. You just had to check your speed. And Saturday was finally my day. The course liked me. Maybe a little luck. Whatever, i'll take the W!

I had nothing left for sunday but I really didn't care. Still stoked from saturday.

Jack Quarantillo
Posts: 428
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Location: G'burg, MD, USA

Post by Jack Quarantillo » Fri May 07, 2004 5:52 pm

You forgot PA! (Dan & Mr. & Mrs. KMG)


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