The "Gathering" 2004

Slalom Skateboarding in Washington, U.S.A.

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David Morris
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The "Gathering" 2004

Post by David Morris » Thu Nov 06, 2003 4:09 pm

Hi Guys,

Next month on December 1st I have to hand in my vacation picks for the 2004 calendar year at my job. Depending on what time of year it is etc sometimes its sort of hard to get the days that you want. As I am figuring out what days I would like to have off next year one time period I would definately like to have off and thats whenever the 2004 "Gathering" takes place.

So my question is when is the 2004 Gathering going to be held? Any idea or is there already a date that is sort of penciled into someones calendar? Andy??????

I am definately want to make it to the next "Gathering". Anyone who missed it last year missed a really great time of skating.

Also a little off topic from the "Gathering" I have also emailed the organizers of the Morro Bay Slalom Race because of the scheduling issue. I know Aaron really wanted to make it to last years Morro Bay so this coming year I am really going to try to get him out there. And of course I would like to participate too since it looks like a really cool course.

So any ideas on a date for the 2004 "Gathering"????


David "davmo" Morris

Wes Eastridge
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Post by Wes Eastridge » Fri Nov 07, 2003 4:42 am

I hope it is the same time as last year's. The first weekend in May couldn’t be more perfect for me.

Andy Bittner
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The 4th Gathering... tentative

Post by Andy Bittner » Fri Nov 07, 2003 9:02 pm

Pending confirmation from the park, I expect to hold The 4th Gathering on the weekend of May 1 and 2, 2004. More news soon.

Leonardo Ojeda
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Post by Leonardo Ojeda » Fri Nov 07, 2003 10:26 pm

Good, I'll try to save as much I can to be there!

"I`ll see you at the end of the hill"

Slappy Maxwell
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Post by Slappy Maxwell » Sun Nov 30, 2003 6:00 am

To continue the discussion from DC Sessions...

Andy, I think the Friday night race is showing what might be missing from the real Gathering for people that aren't beginners and have previously attended a Gathering.

Realistically there isn't anything challenging about it anymore for intermediates and above at it's current location. The hill isn't steep and we have all seen and ridden most of the product that is now available. Anyone that has attended a few races also knows what the different types of courses look like.

Should the Gathering be geared more as a clinic for beginners?

If it is intended to be all-inclusive, shouldn't intermediates and advanced skaters also have a chance to race and be challenged beyond the Cyber-Slalom?

Seth Levy
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Post by Seth Levy » Sun Nov 30, 2003 6:58 am

how old do you have to be to go to this thing? it sounds fun. is there ts or only gs?

Andy Bittner
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Post by Andy Bittner » Sun Nov 30, 2003 12:56 pm

Fair points, Slappy, although I'm not sure all the information is in yet. Last year, I had a gameplan for the whole weekend that included racing for all levels, including some significantly challenging advanced racing. Unfortunately, I did a very poor job of sticking to that plan, allowing incidents, delays and personalities to throw me way off point.

For me, The 3rd Gathering: Slalom, Slalom and More Slalom was an unmitigated trainwreck. In fact, I'm still dealing with the wreckage. I'm currently not able to rent The Gathering site until I have a meeting with the park manager over parking issues. This is happening because some people decided to interpret my giving parking directions as some kind of personality issue and went ahead and parked wherever they pleased.

I do have one other question to ask you though, Slappy, then I have to run to work... Did you really feel that none of the courses at T3G were challenging above the intermediate level? Of course, I wasn't setting most of them and didn't get a chance to run most of them either, so I really wouldn't know. I know the course that I had set for a dual, advanced TS was never used during the weekend, and was being called very difficult by many of those that rode it on Friday.

Leonardo Ojeda
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Post by Leonardo Ojeda » Mon Dec 01, 2003 12:23 am

hmm maybe a 2 line course in the back hill setted by vlad and johnG may change a few things

now really, i think the back hill has the steepnes necessary for more challenging courses, just one thing will worry me and thats the wood fence.

"I`ll see you at the end of the hill"

Terry Kirby
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Post by Terry Kirby » Mon Dec 01, 2003 1:04 am

The Gathering site can be plenty challenging. You don't need a steep hill just a good course setter. TK

David Riordon
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Post by David Riordon » Mon Dec 01, 2003 2:22 am

The Gathering Spot is as good as a legit place you will ever get without having to go through the permit game. I hope the parking situation doesn't ruin the location for Andy. BTW, I hear that all the other parks had an entrance fee hike except for a few including Seneca Park. That is good news to start out with.

Also, I like the idea of some sort of Friday night separate event as a way of rewarding those that to travel out to the Gathering on Friday. Last year it was Park N Ride racing and the year before that was a Banked Slalom Contest. Both times the racers did stay out too late and that impacted the first few hours of the Gathering. If something independent of Andy does go on the Friday night of the Gathering, we should try to end it soon enough for the people to make it out to the early part of the Gathering.


On a Side Note:


There is an article in this month's Surfer Mag. on NH Tow-In Surfing by a Kirby. Any relation to you?

Kevin M. Gamble
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Seneca Creek

Post by Kevin M. Gamble » Mon Dec 01, 2003 2:45 am

I agree with TK; there is still a lot of untapped potential at the Gathering site. Especially the back hill. Last year John Gilmour set a very difficult course on the back hill late on Sunday. Nobody completed the course without blowing out. Communication could be a problem on the back hill since the last sections of the course would be out of the line-of-sight from the start line. Radios would help a lot.

Both hills were perceived in the past as being too narrow for dual racing; last year's events disproved that theory. Might still not make sense to run duals on the back hill, but it could be interesting because of the curve.

Slappy Maxwell
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Post by Slappy Maxwell » Mon Dec 01, 2003 3:32 am

Let me clarify, I agree a challenging course can be set there. A course can be set to be challenging at any spot.

But being limited to running single lane and most courses not even being timed or recorded for comparison makes it just a practice.

I can understand this might be fun for people coming from isolated places that don't have the opportunity to practice with more than one or two people. But the addition of one or two real races would really bring it to a more interesting level. Maybe this was intended last year?

Is the current spot as good as a legit place as can be found in the DC Metro Area?
Have all other parks the have rental areas in Montgomery County, Fairfax Co, PG, and PW, and DC been checked?
I've checked a few in Fairfax Co. but not all of them.

Bull Run would just be comparable to the current site except longer and better pavement for Cyber Slalom. The bonus would be camping on the site. (I also found another isolated road in Bull Run that is smaller than the road some have skated there-giving two spots in the park with pitch.) I know Brian checked into renting it and they required insurance. I know this was the snag at the time. I don't know if he checked with the US Rollersports insurance that Rick has used?

Terry Kirby
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Post by Terry Kirby » Mon Dec 01, 2003 3:40 am

Dave, didnt know about the article. I wonder who wrote it, not me. I did see one of the local mad men taking out a zodiac to one of the outer reefs last month. Crazy...

Slappy, is it head to head racing you would like to see at the next Gathering? I bet Andy could do it. I travel all the way from NH and always have a good time at the state park. TK

Slappy Maxwell
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Post by Slappy Maxwell » Mon Dec 01, 2003 3:45 am

Seth Levy wrote:how old do you have to be to go to this thing? it sounds fun. is there ts or only gs?
There is no age limit. It is a ton of fun. There is mostly TS, flatland, and regular slalom. No GS.

My point... maybe there is a place in the area that could also include GS and duals for more than just TS?

Slappy Maxwell
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Post by Slappy Maxwell » Mon Dec 01, 2003 3:55 am

Terence Kirby wrote:Slappy, is it head to head racing you would like to see at the next Gathering? I bet Andy could do it. I travel all the way from NH and always have a good time at the state park. TK
Duals would be nice. I think even more official races of single track would make it more interesting. I have a good time as well. I just think the Friday night race might be showing what's missing from the Gathering.

Terry Kirby
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Post by Terry Kirby » Mon Dec 01, 2003 4:04 am

Right, I also would like some advanced ,timed and organised racing. Initially (correct me if I'm wrong gbj) the G. was meant to be a non competative event where slalomers could get together and discuss rules and format and ride courses.
I think now, through the hard work of GBJ, Parsons, LBK, The GAmbles the scene has grown and the talent pool expanded. The first year Simon showed up, the next year Chaput, this last year we had Kenny(for a little while) Vlad, Dunn, JG, Dong, Noah amd a bunch of upper middle packers.
Guys want to race, I want to race. I'm sure GBJ will take that into consideration. That said. The current site can host some great dual racing . I can think of 5 guys who attend who can set a duel course on either hill that would be fast and complex. The site is not a GS site. People know that going into it.

PS, you want GS, come to Da Farm. If its dry we will set from the very top to the bottom this year with no speed killer cones. T

John Gilmour
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Re: Seneca Creek

Post by John Gilmour » Mon Dec 01, 2003 6:33 am

Kevin M. Gamble wrote:I agree with TK; there is still a lot of untapped potential at the Gathering site. Especially the back hill. Last year John Gilmour set a very difficult course on the back hill late on Sunday. Nobody completed the course without blowing out. Communication could be a problem on the back hill since the last sections of the course would be out of the line-of-sight from the start line. Radios would help a lot.

Both hills were perceived in the past as being too narrow for dual racing; last year's events disproved that theory. Might still not make sense to run duals on the back hill, but it could be interesting because of the curve.
KMG you came awful close to making it- you were tearing it up, it is worth going just to see KMG ripping through at speed- way improved. I did set a good techSL on the steep hill. I would hope to set another this year.

The gathering I look at as a growth phase for the slalom where newbies don't have to feel intimidated to get tips from others and everyone can meet and discuss future races.

I don't look to the gathering for high level racing- the hill simply don't support it- save for perhaps a TechSL on the steep hill- but realistically there is no chance for a great GS course there- but I don't see a need for that either when we are trying to grow the East Coast scene. This is the event where it happens- GBJ delivers.

It really was never supposed to be about racing- we have plenty of races for that. Of course....if you HAVE TIMERS what happens?

In racing we concentrate on winning. In just practice I think there is more help doled out to newbies.
One good turn deserves another
john gilmour

Leonardo Ojeda
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Post by Leonardo Ojeda » Mon Dec 01, 2003 5:34 pm

Everyone has good points.
i think that the gathering its a good non-intimidant "race" for newbies. i speak for myself comparing my 1st year(TG2) with this year gathering.
its so good to receive help and tips from a lot of excellent riders like JG, Chaput, TK, Vlad, and many more.
But also this get-together of pro riders and good riders eventually are going to raise the racing notch. thats when u see ultratight courses or killer stingers on the back hill.

If the gathering format ahs helped a lot in the past 3 years, i dont think it has to change THAT much. TG3 was a good example of how many courses and races u can have at once (even catamaran!). i cant imagine what would it be if GBJ had used the ideas he had in mind.

the thing that its missing in the Gathering its camping permits. imagine a on-stop funny weekend.

"I`ll see you at the end of the hill"

Andy Bittner
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The Once and Future Gatherings

Post by Andy Bittner » Tue Dec 02, 2003 4:13 am

Wow! Great commentary all around.

As long as there is such an open discussion going on about The Gatherings, I am going to take this opportunity to, for the first time, offer my feelings about last spring's event.

At The 3rd Gathering: Slalom, Slalom and More Slalom we may have finally hit an attendance level where we were no longer able to satisfy everyone. This seeming to be the case, it was also apparent to me that most of the dissatisfaction I was hearing was coming from people who were attending for the first time, Gathering rookies. The lesson I am taking from this is that I need to be clearer about what The Gatherings are and what they are not.

When I proposed The (original) Gathering, a few years ago, I was pretty vague about what I was trying to do. The Gathering was going to have racing, but it wasn’t going to be a racing event. At the time, I just knew that the year 2001 was going to be the first full ‘season’ in the current rebirth of slalom, and felt there should be one event at the beginning of that year, where all of the new and resurrected slalom skaters who were coming out of the woodwork could come together, meet each other, share their mutual interests and form some sense of community, without the primary focus being a race title, trying to outdo each other and whatever other spoils of victory might come from winning a race in a sport with a worldwide population of less than 100 people. There was confusion among some who seemed consciously determined to miss the point, and I caught it from some of them for a while on the other slalom site as a result, but I stuck by my one point, de-emphasizing, for one weekend, the urge to beat the crap out of each other on a slalom course.

It has since been suggested that The Gatherings are the annual "Woodstock" of the slalom skateboarding season, and to some degree I find that analogy to be very satisfying, even rewarding. I’ve even fostered the comparison from time to time. Unfortunately, and seemingly for the first time, there seemed to be a few individuals at The 3rd Gathering, mostly Gathering rookies, who misinterpreted the Woodstock comparisons as meaning ‘without structure’, or ‘everybody gets to do whatever they want, whenever they want’.

Beginning with The 4th Gathering: Peace, Love and Pavement, The Gatherings will operate with considerably more scheduling and structuring than ever before. The warm community atmosphere of the events now being well established, I would like to focus on making the racing within the event more organized, more fun, more challenging (for those who want it), with some special provision for youth, family and rookie clinics and racing as well. This means that certain races will happen on certain hills at certain times, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that the rest of The Gathering site becomes a free-for-all. Sometimes there may be alternative events happening, but not always. Nonetheless, in order for events to move seamlessly from one to the next, activities on each portion of The Gathering site will be scheduled throughout the day, including “Hill Closed” times for setting courses for pending events, moving timing systems, or just because it may need to be available a little later and stopping a bunch of people from skating and taking down someone’s impromptu course is not an activity that can be afforded in the time budget. I will try to work in “Open Hill” time as well, but it is not a priority.

So, since The Gatherings must develop some structure, some reliability in what attendees can expect, and I, at least for the meanwhile, am going to be the boss, I’d like to offer, for whatever it’s worth, that being in charge is not about my ego or some evil desire to push people around. It’s just that, for me, last year’s efforts were rewarded in the end with an event that was very disappointing and that failed in most ways to be what I’d intended. Slappy’s comments about it seeming like a practice with single lane courses, two different courses side-by-side, and whole course/events going by without being timed are just some of the results of The 3rd Gathering being an event gone badly off track.

I have always felt that the ‘star’ of The Gatherings was The Gathering site itself. I make no claim that it is the best site for an event like this, just a good one that I happened to stumble across on other business. One of my primary attractions to this venue was the single entrance to a closed loop of road, with two non-conflicting hills. In my subsequent investigations this configuration has proved to be quite a rarity. Most of the rest of the rental sites at Seneca Creek, as well as several other parks I’ve investigated, involve a road in to a parking area that would also have to serve as the racing road. This means that once people are in the site, they will be trapped in, or that, once courses are set, people will no longer be able to bring their cars past the skating to the parking and the rest of the picnic site. The Gathering site is a little narrow for dual racing, but it can definitely be done. The Back Hill is just begging for an expert level race, which is just one of my plans for last year that failed to come to full fruition.

Until this current conversation, I have been very reserved about expressing any negative concerns about the Friday night, pre-Gathering events. I’ve always appreciated why they were being held, enjoyed last year because it was close enough to everything else I was doing for me to be able to attend, and, as I mentioned before, have never had an issue about conflicting with Saturday morning until this past Spring, because it was the first dry Saturday morning we’ve had in the history of these events.

I don’t think the Friday night, pre-Gathering events should be stopped, or even necessarily shortened. I just don’t want them to be represented as part of The Gathering when they’re not. People come from great distances to attend The Gatherings and I don’t want people to get the impression that they should be booking their flights for Thursday night, because The Gathering site will be open on Friday and The Gathering includes a race on Friday night, when, in fact, none of that is part of the plans that I can afford the time to be making for this otherwise very popular annual event.

I think the solution I’m presenting for any potential Saturday morning conflict is creative, positive and presents some focus time for a group that otherwise might be feeling a little lost in the crowd at The Gathering. I am currently developing a plan for some junior focused clinics and organized junior racing on Saturday morning. I’m guessing that most of the slalom parent-types won’t be out partying until the wee hours on Friday night, and may welcome the fact that there is some special time being set aside for their kids. If anyone is interested in “staffing” this special event for the juniors, or other rookie clinics later in the weekend, please let me know. We will need a supervising instructor, assisting instructors, race staff and probably some other help as well.

Speaking of volunteers… I will also be attempting some organized delegation of authority for the next Gathering, and am interested in knowing who might be interested in heading committees. Having said that, those considering volunteering should recognize that heading a committee will require time, effort and accountability, while offering very little reward. Being a committee chair will be a lot like peeing in a dark suit, there’ll probably be a warm feeling, but most people won’t even notice. At this point in time, I’m not even certain what committees there will be, but anyone offering to work a particular angle or suggesting a committee be formed will be heard.

So, my friends, this has been quite a novel. I reserved my opinions on The 3rd Gathering for some time, because if I’d expressed them last spring, as depressed and disillusioned as I was, no good would’ve come from it. Thank you for reading these thoughts and I hope I can count on the support and cooperation of the local slalom scene in making The 4th Gathering: Peace, Love and Pavement a success unlike any we’ve experienced before. Thank you.

David Riordon
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Peace, Love and Pavement

Post by David Riordon » Tue Dec 02, 2003 5:02 am

Peace, Love and Pavement
Peace, Love and Pavement
Peace, Love and Pavement
Peace, Love and Pavement
Peace, Love and Pavement
Peace, Love and Pavement
Peace, Love and Pavement
Peace, Love and Pavement
Peace, Love and Pavement
Peace, Love and Pavement
Peace, Love and Pavement
Peace, Love and Pavement
Peace, Love and Pavement
Peace, Love and Pavement
Peace, Love and Pavement
Peace, Love and Pavement
Peace, Love and Pavement.............

Jack Quarantillo
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Post by Jack Quarantillo » Tue Dec 02, 2003 2:10 pm

I'm not sure (being a relative noob to the sport/scene, and a yet to be deflowered Gathering virgin) where I can be of assistance, but considering my proximity to you and the event site, I'm sure I can help out doing something. Let me know...


Ricky Byrd
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Post by Ricky Byrd » Wed Dec 03, 2003 6:27 pm

I hear you Joe. Don't make the slalom parent-types get up to early. Those FCR 7:00am qualifying times for the kids are tough considering the all-day events. Let's don't do that at a non-race, fun event. Please?

I'm in to help out with the juniors on matter what time though. and YES, We will be there this year. Not missing this one again.

Terry Kirby
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Post by Terry Kirby » Wed Dec 03, 2003 7:57 pm

Joe, The Red Roof may be a bit costlier but consider the benefits.

1 In house crack dealer. You don't have to drive nowhere or nothing.
2 Large assortment of available "ladies" if you have 8 or 9 bucks to spare.
(ask noah about this, he had a 300lb rubber fetish queen right next door!)
3 No need for an alarm clock. THe Train going by 50' from your door does the trick.

Leonardo Ojeda
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Post by Leonardo Ojeda » Thu Dec 04, 2003 5:47 am

Joe itsnt that suites the summervilles? TG2 the knucklehead team was on a similar suite and it was perfect for 7 or 8 with lots of rooms for thier respective skate gears.

hmm CC like a train? what kind of sound would vlad make? add that a snoring contest with a guy from cali with a bigmelon(his words) a guy who used to work with indy cars and a guy who uses "pippy`s longsocks" brand sox to skate.(guess the names?)

"I`ll see you at the end of the hill"

Ricky Byrd
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Post by Ricky Byrd » Thu Dec 04, 2003 3:01 pm

I understand Joe. And don't get me wrong either, we do what we gotta do and love every minute of it. We are looking way forward to the 2004 Gathering no matter what. 9AM is very good.

When in Cali it's a two hour time diff also. Whew!

Noah Heinle
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Post by Noah Heinle » Thu Dec 04, 2003 3:28 pm

I had clompletely forgotten about her! Wow, thanks for the memories, TK. ew

Dave Gale
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Post by Dave Gale » Thu Dec 04, 2003 5:45 pm

Leo you're close(to the name) It was a great place and value w/ all needs a skates away! GBJ showed us how to get to it(it's close to his house)
ENJOY!! (while you can)

Andy Bittner
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The 4th Gathering... Saturday morning

Post by Andy Bittner » Fri Dec 05, 2003 2:52 am

I haven't got the whole agenda worked out for the Saturday morning junior and rookie programs yet, but it's safe to say that the check-in will open at 8:00 with the first organized events at either 9:00 or 9:30. If we were to start our organized events at 9:30, it's possible we could use 9:00-9:30 to quickly break these skaters out into rough ability groups. Once we actually commence our activities for the morning, I expect we will have the better part of the next four hours set aside for these novice level and junior groups.

Here's one way we might accomplish the ability groupings. When I was a kid we'd ski for a week each winter in Canada. Lessons were part of the weekly package. Monday morning would begin with all prospective students, all ages and abilities, standing up on the slope above the main lodge. Names didn't matter, or ages, or any other particulars. All of that could be worked out later. We were just instructed to get in a line, and then, in our turn make two or three turns down to the bottom of the hill. As the skier made his turns, a guy at the bottom of the hill with a megaphone would yell out a number, from one through five. There were signs on the side of the hill numbered 1 through 5, and we were to go to the number that was called out to us. It was so quick it was painless, with no time for ego. In no time at all we were each in a class with other students of relatively comparable abilities and away on the first lesson of the day.

Anthony Flis
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Post by Anthony Flis » Tue Dec 09, 2003 11:18 pm

could you guys explain to me what the gathering is and all since im new to the whole scene

Aaron Morris
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Post by Aaron Morris » Tue Dec 09, 2003 11:43 pm

So Andy, this year you are going to organize a junior group? YES! I think that is a good idea because there are some very talented riders that us kids have to compete against. It is only fair

Slappy Maxwell
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Post by Slappy Maxwell » Wed Dec 10, 2003 12:52 am

Anthony Flis wrote:could you guys explain to me what the gathering is and all since im new to the whole scene
Its a 'gathering' of slalom enthusiasts of all sizes, abilities, and ages. If you're just starting to checkout stuff, you will especially love it because you'll be able to check out all sorts of different boards and equipment. You'll also be able to ride different types of courses and get tips on how to ride them.

You should definitely check it out.
You should also come out to a local race when they are posted. There's a number on beginners that you can race with.

Andy Bittner
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Post by Andy Bittner » Wed Dec 10, 2003 2:46 am

Anthony, For detail, read the really long post that I posted further up the page.

In the meanwhile, I'll give you the abridged version.

The whole thing began with my "discovering" a venue that was just begging for a slalom event. That was in the summer of 2000.

The next spring, things were really beginning to roll with this whole slalom rebirth, and it occurred to me that what we needed was one, early-season event, where competitiveness is de-emphasized, while community and camaraderie are advanced for just one weekend.

There is still racing at The Gatherings, plenty of it, but there are no titles to be won, big prizes to be had or even much prestige to be gained by winning one of them.

So, the real mission of The Gatherings is that people who've met each other and become friends there, might be more inclined to behave as friends, at least to some extent, once the competitive season is in full swing.

Anthony Flis
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Post by Anthony Flis » Wed Dec 10, 2003 2:50 am

im gonna come check out the race on the 17 of Jan. and i have a black hills board on the way which is a christmas present and i cant wait to race against some people. I went to the vintage day at vans and got hooked on slalom. Its as addictive as longboarding and equally as fun so ill definately come check it all out.

Eddy Martinez
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Post by Eddy Martinez » Wed Dec 10, 2003 3:12 am

I am looking forward to my first Gathering. At this point I consider myself an intermediate rider. Hopefully I will leave a better rider than when I arrived. I missed last year this year I will be there. Eddy Texas Outlaw.

Jack Quarantillo
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Post by Jack Quarantillo » Wed Dec 10, 2003 3:43 pm

Bring your LB on the 17th, as the DC Slalom races usually have a Longboard race as well.

I'm busy working on setting up something to ride for tighter courses.

I'm also setting up a board for my 7 YO son, we're Stoked to have "The Gathering" just a few miles from our home.

Even more stoke reading about "Junior" stuff.

There was LOTS of kids trying out the flatland course at the Vans Vintage...

Hope to see you Jan 17 and again at TG.

A fellow slalom Newby.


Curt Kimbel
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Can't wait for the Gathering 4

Post by Curt Kimbel » Wed Dec 31, 2003 4:04 pm


Keep rocking. I'm sure the Gathering 4 will be something everyone enjoys.

For fun, comraderie and slaloming, this event is the best.


John Dillon
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G4 will be as much fun if not better than G3,G2 and G1

Post by John Dillon » Fri Jan 09, 2004 2:05 am

The Gathering is always a fun time for me...I've met lots of you there and vice versa.....however, just this past wknd I was driving on rt 26 in Fredneck County, MD when something caught my I was heading west-bound towards rt 15 I glanced left and saw a huge sign advertising THE GATHERING site...I couldn't believe that GBJ would put up a billboard for that...and at a new I looked closely I saw that it was an ad for the site of a new church and an event...because I saw only grass and no fresh smooth 'crete or asphalt I determined that this event wasn't going to compete with the real G4 site at Seneca Creek State Park...still gonna be there, Andy? I'll snap a phot next time I run past that sign for ya....c y'all at GBJ's G4!

Kyle Yarrington (Bozi #2)
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g4 peace love and pavement

Post by Kyle Yarrington (Bozi #2) » Sat Jan 10, 2004 4:45 am

hey GBJ, i have some input for you sir!

i love this new idea of divisions for rookies, juniors, experts, etc. It will definately present a more challenging course setup and competition between racers as well. I can think of a few racers within a few years of myself that will make it difficult for me to keep up, and i can;t wait to see them at the gathering. (thats about the racing ascpect)

As far as the practice and cameraderie goes, i dont mind anything really. Your setups and events have always been excellent to attend and i can honestly say that yourself, BP, and the Gambles have greatly influenced my practicing and my interests, many thanks. Hope to see some more newbies there as well.

One more thing, after carefully reading this thread, and skimmin' around i have heard very little about prizes... i know it shouldn't be about prizes, BUT! I would like to talk to you about some of the things I myself have been doing as of late... I know Mr. Bozi has been responsible for the last two boards given away, but I think i may have something of interest as well.

Thanks! ~~K. Y.

PS~ i now have an addiction to going very fast and i love it! :-D

Adam Trahan
Phoenix, AZ, USA
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Post by Adam Trahan » Sat Jan 10, 2004 7:54 pm

adam trahan wrote:The Gathering 04, what a great thought.

I would consider going if I could accomplish at least 4 of the 5 below...

1. Somebody would babysit me (let me sleep over)
2. If JG and I could go at least 130mph in his Mercedes
3. Race against Adam Nathanson
4. Have a smoke with GBJ
5. Talk Tortoise with Brady

Number 2 is must.
Ok, someone has stepped up to the plate.

#1 is covered...

Adam Trahan
Phoenix, AZ, USA
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Post by Adam Trahan » Sat Jan 10, 2004 8:03 pm

Andy Bittner wrote:There is still racing at The Gatherings, plenty of it, but there are no titles to be won, big prizes to be had or even much prestige to be gained by winning one of them.
Winterstick supported "The Farm" race last year with a snowboard. Is this something that will help? Winterstick is a company that supports our slalom community. Should I move forward with this? Can I gve them your contact info? Would you be willing to talk with them if I put you in touch?

PM with your answer and your contact info and let us know what you think here.

#4. Holy smokes...

Jack Quarantillo
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Post by Jack Quarantillo » Sat Jan 10, 2004 10:26 pm

I'll see what kind of support I can drum up.

GBJ-I'll email you.


Anthony Smallwood
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Post by Anthony Smallwood » Sun Jan 11, 2004 12:21 am

I can probably get some shades and other items from Rudy Project but they'll be for the kids only. All you damn adults have enough toys as it is!

It was nice to see the Bozi clan and WesE at the Van's park today. Fun sesh was had by all involved.

Kyle Yarrington (Bozi #2)
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vans and gathering4

Post by Kyle Yarrington (Bozi #2) » Sun Jan 11, 2004 4:56 am

anthony! thanks for the truck, it saved me and my session. ill have it back for you at the next race, or as soon as possible. i had everything set up in about fifteen minutes and i was back at the pools :-D

also, GBJ, at the next outlaw race, hopefully ill have some fun surprises to show you. i think youll be pleased with it

hope to see the DC guys on the 17th!


Seth Levy
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Post by Seth Levy » Sun Jan 11, 2004 5:24 am

hey kyle, what happened to your indys?!??!?!? dude, your board rocked in that pool. ill bring some trucks for you to try out on the 17th that may fit your board a lil better

Andy Bittner
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Prizes at The Gatherings

Post by Andy Bittner » Mon Jan 12, 2004 12:11 am

To everyone who is offering to help me collect prizes and swag for The 4th Gathering, thank you, BUT... as usual, The 4th Gathering will be presenting free burritos from Chipotle Mexican Grills as race prizes. Besides, The Gathering is really not about titles or prizes anyway. Period. The real prize is seeing widely varied segments of the international slalom community sitting down and enjoying a meal together and making friends that could last a lifetime. Of course, in previous years, prize donations have been made, mostly by those in attendance like Bozi Boards or ABEC11 Wheels, and last year Peggy Turner of Turner Summer Ski donated a beautiful Turner cutaway, which was won in a drawing by Elise Campbell, but these are the exception, and such things should remain rare to remain special.

Kyle, I'd love to look at what you're offering, and I don't just want to put a blanket "No" out there, but I want to avoid become a swag distributor for people and/or companies who otherwise have nothing to do with us or what we are doing.

I know that might sound pointless to many of you; like someone is willing to just send me stuff that I will then just hand over to you, and I'm saying no. If there are companies out there that are truly eager to support The 4th Gathering and/or the USSSF, they can call me and we'll work out how much cash they should send, but I'm not interested in spending additional T4G time handing out what amounts to promotional items for otherwise uninvolved, non-supporting companies.

There's also something inside of me that wants to avoid the whole thing turning into a "what kind of stuff did I get"-type experience. Gathering attendees should figure that what they're going to get is a weekend full of racing and partying with slalom skaters from far and near. Gathering attendees should figure that what they're going to get from The 4th Gathering is... tired. There may be a special gift here and a special acknowledgement there, but save the swag for the rest of the season.

Brady Mitchell
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Post by Brady Mitchell » Mon Jan 12, 2004 2:42 am

5. Talk Tortoise with Brady

Adam, I don`t have much knowledge in the field. One of my customers is Strictly Reptiles in Hollywood, FL that has over 30 species of tortoises and all kinds of freaky things, from tarantulas to poisonous snakes. They even have poisonous south american dart frogs. Lizaards and snakes of all kinds. Heck the even have alligators and crocodiles.

I do have a friend who has 2 tortoises but he is kinda new at it.

If you have any particular questions on certain breeds of tortoises, I`m sure the folks at Strictly Reptiles would have answers for them.

Oh, and they have those baby Giant Galapocas tortoises....

......starting at around a grand each.
Last edited by Brady Mitchell on Mon Jan 12, 2004 3:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
Got ants?

Leonardo Ojeda
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Post by Leonardo Ojeda » Mon Jan 12, 2004 3:07 am

GBJ, i saw that posted that the Cyber slalom Cup will be held in breck.

so, that leaves a huge space in TG4


"I`ll see you at the end of the hill"

Andy Bittner
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Post by Andy Bittner » Mon Jan 12, 2004 7:34 pm

Leo, No worries. As much as I have enjoyed hosting the first two Cyber Slalom Cup events, it only makes sense that it should move around a bit. Frankly, a race as important as the Cyber Slalom Cup was always a bit contrary to the stated purposes of The Gatherings, but I considered being asked to host it as such an honor to our slalom community that it simply couldn't be refused.

That said, I'm sure the effect of this "additional" time during The 4th Gathering: Peace, Love and Pavement can only be positive. We can get in more of everything this way; more variety, more hill riding, more racing and more fun. In fact, I'm already getting some optimistic and hopeful comments from several Gathering veterans.

Adam Trahan
Phoenix, AZ, USA
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Post by Adam Trahan » Tue Jan 13, 2004 1:15 am

Brady Mitchell wrote:5. Talk Tortoise with Brady

Adam, I don`t have much knowledge in the field. One of my customers is Strictly Reptiles in Hollywood, FL that has over 30 species of tortoises and all kinds of freaky things, from tarantulas to poisonous snakes. They even have poisonous south american dart frogs. Lizaards and snakes of all kinds. Heck the even have alligators and crocodiles.

I do have a friend who has 2 tortoises but he is kinda new at it.

If you have any particular questions on certain breeds of tortoises, I`m sure the folks at Strictly Reptiles would have answers for them.

Oh, and they have those baby Giant Galapocas tortoises....

......starting at around a grand each.
Cool, I bought two Russians for my kids, they are awesome.

So now I have #'s 1 and 5 taken care of. #2 is not possible according to JG and GBJ said nothing about having a smoke with me so I am out.


On the other hand, I've been bribed by 150mph+ (not in Virginia) so I'm on a quest...

I wish all of you the BEST at your Gathering and I have a banner for GBJ if he want's it or if any of you want it to post at the Gathering.

Andy Bittner
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A Smoke With GBJ

Post by Andy Bittner » Tue Jan 13, 2004 12:59 pm

Adam... Show up at a Gathering with a full pack of cigarettes and having a smoke with GBJ is like a foregone conclusion. All the smokers reading this just nodded in agreement too. I've bummed from the best of 'em. In fact, with very few exceptions (mostly at races), I haven't been smoking since May 5 of last year. You make it to The 4th Gathering and I'll be glad to smoke a few of yours.

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