"the dark side of the cone"

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Slappy Maxwell
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Post by Slappy Maxwell » Thu Sep 04, 2003 1:33 am

On 2003-09-03 08:23, Brady Mitchell wrote:

Have I seen you slalom lately? Does that mean you don`t race?

And because a handful don`t agree with what I say, should I change be like them?
No, you haven't seen me slalom lately. Because you don't race!

Wake up call. Noooobodddy agrees with what you say.

Here's the challenge.

You won't post here and I won't post here until we race. The winner can then continue to post.


You can start a forum here and have just FIVE of the 296 registered people post in your thread saying they find your posts enjoyable by the end of this month.

Hans Koraeus
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Thu Sep 04, 2003 3:15 am

Vlad wrote
"I choose the Ridolli's way. You know, the one guy who'd been spanking Luca not long ago....I just turn around and leave."

Well that sometimes can have its price. Ridoli came by Gruningen to say hello and he was very positive about the special slalom course. He admitted that it looked very good. Even for him. But he missed out because he wasn't ready when the opportunity came along.

Vlad Popov
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Post by Vlad Popov » Thu Sep 04, 2003 4:25 pm

He walked away last year after his first attempt on the "modern" course. Concentrate on the right story please.

Hans Koraeus
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Fri Sep 05, 2003 2:18 am

I can't see what's wrong with my story.

Step 1: He walked away last year after his first attempt on the "modern" course.

Step 2: He came to Gruningen this year thinking it was a "modern" course but it wasn't.

Now, return to my post and read again.

Vlad Popov
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Post by Vlad Popov » Fri Sep 05, 2003 3:18 pm

Ok, I read it again. You - go have fun at the Worlds. I - will wait for the next “Gruningen”. And if Chris Eggers makes a promise about the courses he made this year, I’ll blow off everything planned, get a $1000 ticket and be there.

Hans Koraeus
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Fri Sep 05, 2003 5:36 pm

Ok Vlad. I will stop enoying you. I just wanted to make sure there where no way I could persuade you into coming to Morro Bay. This was of course very selfish since I was only thinking of myself. For ME it would have been a lot more fun having your there.
Of course you shouldn't go if you don't feel for it. See you in Paris next then.

Vlad Popov
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Post by Vlad Popov » Fri Sep 05, 2003 6:07 pm

You don't enoy me.

I can't wait till Paris.

Do stop by DC if you can. We have a place for you to crash.



Slappy Maxwell
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Post by Slappy Maxwell » Sat Sep 13, 2003 2:46 am

Bradyscabs, you aren't ignoring the above challenge???


Henry Julier
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Post by Henry Julier » Sun Sep 14, 2003 1:11 am

It's my birthday.

Rick Stanziale
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Post by Rick Stanziale » Sun Sep 14, 2003 2:36 am

and i'm gonna drink bacardi.....

Eddy Martinez
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Post by Eddy Martinez » Tue Sep 16, 2003 4:59 am

I prefer Tequila Coralejo Reposado myself. Eddy Texas Outlaw.

Rick Stanziale
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Post by Rick Stanziale » Wed Sep 17, 2003 2:07 am

holy cheep chit eddy, that chit is da' chit

i'm sippin' on some right now

can you make west virginia? if not, let's get byrddogg and clifton to hook up for a session in the florida panhandle this winter

Eddy Martinez
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Post by Eddy Martinez » Thu Sep 18, 2003 5:52 am

I would love to make West Virginia,but unfortunately this is our busy season in the ICU. Florida might be a possibility. For now I plan to practice alot harder for 2004 upcoming season. I plan to attack the Luna Slalom Jam with a vengence next year. Eddy Tejas Outlaw.

Glenn S
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Post by Glenn S » Wed Oct 08, 2003 1:41 am

Make sure you click on Joe Iacovelli's name at the bottom of the screen for this month of October.

Poor Henry J..........I bet he thought his fifteen minutes of fame would be different :razz:

Dan Mitchell
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Post by Dan Mitchell » Wed Oct 08, 2003 2:10 am

Hilarious, Joe :smile:

Henry, do you realize that that image will probably follow you well into your 40's !!!

Dan Mitchell, aka PA Dan

Henry Julier
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Post by Henry Julier » Thu Oct 09, 2003 5:00 am


Oh Jesus.

Wesley Tucker
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Post by Wesley Tucker » Fri Oct 10, 2003 6:33 am

On 2003-10-09 18:13, WesE wrote in Brian Parson's "Gay Skateboard Club Logo" topic in the DC Forum:

Wesley Tucker,
You don’t see Brian describing the night of his honeymoon.
Well, he told us. Where were you? Although the slide presentation was cool, I think it was the professionally made DVD that really put it over the top.
Why must you post information about your personal, intimate activities to our DC forum?
Because I damned well feel like it.

Wait a minute. "Intimate activities?" Somehow I never considered being in a stadium full of 85,000 drunken fans live on ESPN as "intimate." Wes, dude, if that's your idea of getting close and personal then I wanna party with YOU, big guy.
What you choose to watch in your own home is up to you, but we have standards here that you must respect.
Ah. You mean the MODERATOR making an issue of football and me responding to it? The STANDARDS that Brian the MODERATOR established? Talk to him. I just followed his lead.

By the way, Wes, we all look forward to hearing all the details of your personal life. Will you let us know as soon as you get one?

Standards? Jesus, Mary and Joseph with Fred and Ethel next door, Wes, it's fucking SKATEBOARDING. Lighten up before your head eXpLoDeS from all the stress.

Terry Kirby
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Post by Terry Kirby » Fri Oct 10, 2003 3:13 pm

Its ON..."Battle of the Wes'"

Each has a big brain.

One rides scraps taken from a construction site.
The other just stepped on modern gear after finally wearing out his small pivots racing in obscurity for the last 20 years.

One Drives an Z28 Camaro, the other, public transportation.

Both are single.....

Wesley Tucker
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Post by Wesley Tucker » Fri Oct 10, 2003 4:02 pm

The people around here remind me of the little old lady who confronted Hugh Heffner one day.

"I think your magazine is disgusting, you filthy smut monger!"
"Well," said Hef, "what parts did you find disgusting?"
"All of it!" the snooty little bitch replied.

"Hmmmm," Hef mused, "then why didn't you quit looking at it after the first page?"

Terry Kirby
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Post by Terry Kirby » Fri Oct 10, 2003 5:55 pm

I;m a slalom rubber necker.

Terry Kirby
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Post by Terry Kirby » Fri Oct 10, 2003 6:44 pm

Joe, S'up. I'm edgy, unpredictable and into my own pleasure. I'm a PRO racer yo. Get it?

John Gilmour
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Post by John Gilmour » Fri Oct 10, 2003 6:55 pm

Actually to qualify to be rightfully edgy I think you have to be on the slalom injury list. I'm unbearable to be around when I'm injured...and not all that bearable when I'm okay.

Wesley Tucker
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Post by Wesley Tucker » Fri Oct 10, 2003 7:04 pm

I hurt TK's feelings.
Does that count?

Wesley Tucker
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Post by Wesley Tucker » Fri Oct 10, 2003 9:15 pm

Hey, Joe,

I just got a call from some attorney wanting to know who was responsible for that "vile, disreputable, libelous, pustulent purveyor of pusillanimity called slalomskateboarder.com?" Something about wanting to serve a paper?

Could I get your address? I mean, after all, it does belong to you this month.

P.S. "Pustulent purveyor of pusillanimity." Let's see one of you neanderthals TOP THAT ONE this afternoon!

Terry Kirby
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Post by Terry Kirby » Fri Oct 10, 2003 9:22 pm

Wes, Comparing me to Heff did NOT hurt my feelings. T

Wesley Tucker
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Post by Wesley Tucker » Fri Oct 10, 2003 10:08 pm

No, no, no, no. I'm Hef.
All of y'all are the bitchy little old lady.

How's them feelings now?

Terry Kirby
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Post by Terry Kirby » Fri Oct 10, 2003 10:43 pm

Sorry, I called Heff first. T

Wesley Tucker
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Post by Wesley Tucker » Fri Oct 17, 2003 2:43 am

There are two kinds of sports in this world: the kind where you strip off everything to get comfortable and the kind where you spend a goodly portion of your life savings just to get ready to play.

The former are surfing, skateboarding, fishing and ultimate frisbee. The latter are anything in the snow, football, tennis and scuba diving. Personally, I like the no-frills sports.

If man was meant to play in the snow, he'd have a thick layer of blubber . . .

Wait. I forgot who reads this website.

Never mind.

Vlad Popov
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Post by Vlad Popov » Fri Oct 17, 2003 2:51 am

Wes, try this, it's cheap.


Vlad Popov
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This feels better!

Post by Vlad Popov » Fri Oct 17, 2003 2:52 am

Wait! This is better. And cheaper too! Image

Vlad Popov
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Post by Vlad Popov » Fri Oct 17, 2003 2:56 am

Ot try my favorite. Get-ready-for-Paris-2004 programme must. Works the thum well. Image

Adam Trahan
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Post by Adam Trahan » Fri Oct 17, 2003 6:15 am

...ahh, you caught me.

Today I am adam trah_n.

I'm almost afraid to make a joke.


Chuck Gill
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Adam Who?

Post by Chuck Gill » Fri Oct 17, 2003 6:37 am

Mr. trah_n...I tried to give you a "best of" vote just for making it onto "the other" board. After bouncing twice, I came to the conclusion I must be one of the two people "the other Adam" referred to as "losing their ratings privileges". If I am, it would appear I am not the one he contacted about it. I am guessing this has something to do with putting an "abuse" rating against a whopping two negative posts. Anyway, what I am trying to say is congratulations or something like that.


Post by Guest » Fri Oct 17, 2003 4:39 pm

In one regard I can understand Adam of ncdsa's policy on the ratings...but then reality hits and the more complicated he makes it with all the abuse/flag buttons, 3 strikes, etc... the more these situations are going to happen.

You either gotta leave ALL the doors open on the message board and what happens happens, no matter how sickening the content becomes...or be prepared to spend your entire day moderating the message board to make sure it meets your "regulations"....which Adam and his other moderators don't seem to be able (or want) to do. I don't blame them, we all have real jobs and such. However ncdsa is in limbo right now where they are trying to make it a nice place for advertisers and posters...but they don't have the time to properly do it so it becomes the state it is in now.

It is a shame because ncdsa was at one time so great. Without it 4 years ago I would never have learned half the stuff I did. Adam deserves a ton of respect for providing the community for all of us to talk in.

In the same regrd Adam T and Jani deserve alot of respect and thanks for providing another , much needed, outlet for us to talk in.

Add into it one specific troll that uses the school yard bully mentality of shouting down all those who disagree and when that doesn't work he calls you or emails you and threatens you..... and it becomes worst.

(I wonder how long it will take before this post gets copy/pasted onto NCDSA by the troll and he begins his school yard bully shout down...I'll start my stop watch now. Should I make it easier for you Arab and start posting in easily copy/pasted "quotes" so it is easier for you to play your games?)

Adam Trahan
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Post by Adam Trahan » Sat Oct 18, 2003 6:17 am

Good post UR13.

Is that site really trying to clean things up for the advertisers? I think they should clean it up because it's a good challenge.

Skateboarding teaches me to challenge myself, to think for myself NOT to be a part of the crowd, especially a crowd that thinks it's cool. It reminds me of that DEVO song, "Were through with being cool." You know, even "cool" people can be really wrong. It's difficult to administer a web site. Adam N needs to understand no matter what he does, his little place is going to be popular. He should do as you say and either open the doors wide or fix the problem. It's good for(u)m to be realistic.

I tried to give him a few words of encouragement quite a while ago. I told him about php, how you could edit your posts and make the forum user configurable. I offered my opinion but was very much told that I should watch the way that I express myself with my words? I never understood that Soon afterward I was banned. My last name is banned there sort of like I have banned Ar_b's name here.

Here are some ideas that I think would work well for that site.

#1. There is so much GAY slander going on there, it's a goto thing. I read the other day something Mollica was refering to Adam Gayham's site or something like that. Mollica doesn't even know me. Chaput using Gayrab and well, these guys need to police themselves because the moderators aren't going to do it. The GAY slander thing needs to be way toned down.

#2. Remove the vote box. When you have a anonymous forum, and you give the anonymous a vote, it's going to be "MOB RULES." The vote box sort of promotes this right along with anonymous posting.

#3. The web master needs to take control of his own web site and pick level heads, people who have an even keel to moderate and make those people visible. Pay them a little of the proceeds of the advertising to do this. If you place responsible people in positions of moderation, making them accountable and visible for their actions, they will do a job and do it well.

#4. Remove Mollica's forum. You have a world skateboard slalom champion who often and openly talks of porn and pot like its no big deal blah blah blah... We are all a little twisted, we don't need to promote it and then try to "clean things up" at the same time. I don't know Kenny but I've read some pretty wierd stuff of his that I wouldn't want an impressionable 14 year old reading...

#5. Three warnings and your out? Great idea, time to see if it works.

That would be a good start and I'm not about to start up another web site, I could probably do it and do it well but it's way too much trouble. Adam N is the reason why you have a choice Chris, he is the reason that slalomskateboarder.com exsists. That in itself is as much tribute as I can pay the guy. I like the site but he has definately lost control. I think we all cringe at some of those posts. It's a really complex issue of promoting skateboarding. You make a forum where people can speak their mind then sell the popularity of the forum to advertisers. Then you try to change the way the forum works but that won't work because your changing what makes you popular in the first place. He has quite a challenge on his hands, I honestly hope to be able to read that site for a long time...

Here is a snippet from an interview and the URL to the interview with Attila Aszodi. I think he sums a lot up in these few sentances.

There are more contradictions to be found here than anywhere. Americans thrive on controversy, that is what makes this country tick. It is also an extremely homophobic society. People who are straight (not gay) make sure to let the rest know how straight they are. If you meet somebody new and you want to be friends with them, a lot of times they might wonder if you're gay instead of saying hey, let's be friends or what a nice person. You actually start thinking this way yourself, rather sad. I remember when I moved here, the way guys dressed was rather pathetic, this was before Ralph Lauren and Banana Republic come on the scene. There was no style, no attempt in wearing colors--pastels were practically outlawed, if you didn't follow a certain trend you were either gay or weird. In Europe this was never the case, people weren't afraid to express through their clothing. Sexuality plays a key figure here in the US--it is so hyped up in the media that you might think that America is an extremely open and comfortable country, sexually. But the pathetic reality is that sex is looked upon as something almost forbidden, there are so many laws that will put you in jail because you took your shirt off in public, or you made a false remark to a coworker, or you looked at somebody in a different way. You will never see nudity on TV, no topless commercials for soaps or shampoos. In Europe, people are comfortable with their sexuality, they don't mind showing their bodies, it is something natural and not weird--here it is something that is very suppressed. Yet, people more about sex and express more about sex in movies and music than any other country in the world. It is the strange and mysterious American paradox. I am still trying to understand it--somebody once told me that this general attitude traces back to the pilgrims who came to America- extremely prudent and conservative, their presence is still being felt around the country. You can think out loud but you cannot act out loud!
Just a few thoughts.

Take it easy.
Last edited by Adam Trahan on Sat Oct 18, 2003 10:31 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Chuck Gill
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A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The (Slalom) Forum...

Post by Chuck Gill » Sat Oct 18, 2003 1:26 pm

...on "the other" site. Actually two things. I removed a certain cookie from my 'puter and lo, I can once again submit ratings. And I noticed a certain very innocent post I made is gone. I guess some people don't like me LOL.

It really sucks there the last few days.

Chris Chaput
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Losing Control

Post by Chris Chaput » Mon Oct 20, 2003 2:24 am

Hey Man, I just assumed that the guy was an urban skating legend and so I looked him up in the Urban Dictionary and found the following definition.


Actually I can't take credit for the name. Other people call him that and so I jumped on the bandwagon. I'm sure he won't mind. He's a fair and even tempered kind of guy.

The other site is now totally lame. The only thing that I can think of is that there may be a spike in the ratings due to the Jerry Springer-like nature of the audience. Seriously, would we even notice the guy if it weren't for the constant fighting? It's the only way that he can draw attention to himself and the fact that it ruins things for everyone else isn't a concern of his. One bad apple. At least there is a "janitor of the Pros" at races.

Adam Trahan
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Post by Adam Trahan » Mon Oct 20, 2003 3:49 am

...and the crowd *gasps.*

It is funny how TK's "Dark Side of the Cone" is the most popular thread here. I'm glad he came up with it. It's sort of a way to rip away, tounge in cheek.

Chris, as bad as things have gotten, ncdsa.com DID get things going, brought a lot of people together. So now it's time to help Adam N improve the site by policing yourself. Don't let people bait you.

The Jerry Springer analogy is funny but isn't it the Gong Show that they are promoting? You are confusing me.

p.s. Your original post about photoshop alteration in the Random Forum was a double post and the copy was put into the Thrash Can. We are now saving ALL edited/deleted posts, as few as they are in their original form for review if necessary.

Chris Chaput
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That's where it went!

Post by Chris Chaput » Mon Oct 20, 2003 5:09 am

I thought that I was posting the Vlad thing in the "Dark" forum. I looked for it after I posted and "it wasn't there". I posted it again and it still wasn't there. I hit refresh and looked in the main forums and found nothing. I got a couple of auto-response emails saying that I was "watching" that forum.

I edited my earlier post to include the Vlad pix and then later on I looked and saw that a new topic had been created with my Vlad post. I re-edited my post to remove the Vlad pix.

There is a ghost in the machine.

Anyway, am I the first one to notice Vlad's little photoshop trick? I've done the same thing. I set back up the cones that I've knocked down in the picture.

Hans Koraeus
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Mon Oct 20, 2003 3:27 pm

Adam N is the reason why you have a choice Chris, he is the reason that slalomskateboarder.com exsists.
Even though this may be the reason this forum was created I don't fully agree to this comment. Even though the other forum would have worked well this forum would have been needed anyway. It's a different kind. Personally I almost never go to the other forum. I don't like that forum style. The way this forum works is why I'm here. On top of that I want to put my work and efforts with the time I have for an international forum not a Californian, French or any other. I'm not against them but I don't have time to run around in 5 forums. One is enough for me. So I selected this because it seemed to stand for the same philosophy as I did.

Adam Trahan
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Re: That's where it went!

Post by Adam Trahan » Mon Oct 20, 2003 4:01 pm

Chris Chaput wrote:I thought that I was posting the Vlad thing in the "Dark" forum. I looked for it after I posted and "it wasn't there". I posted it again and it still wasn't there. I hit refresh and looked in the main forums and found nothing. I got a couple of auto-response emails saying that I was "watching" that forum.

I edited my earlier post to include the Vlad pix and then later on I looked and saw that a new topic had been created with my Vlad post. I re-edited my post to remove the Vlad pix.

There is a ghost in the machine.

Anyway, am I the first one to notice Vlad's little photoshop trick? I've done the same thing. I set back up the cones that I've knocked down in the picture.
No ghost Chris.

At one point, you had two dedicated "Bag Vlad" posts in the Random Forum and one that was embedded in one of your posts here. I simply took one of the double posts in the Random Forum and moved it to the Thrash Can as stated. I would have prefered if you would have just left it embedded in here, no Random posts, but no big deal.

You can edit as you wish but I assure you that if there is any funny business, it's on your side of the screen.

*just kidding*

Let me know if you don't understand, it really is that simple.

Best to you Bagger (Chris) Vance.

Chris Chaput
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How did I do it?

Post by Chris Chaput » Mon Oct 20, 2003 6:30 pm

Here's what I thought happened. I just got done posting the Urban Dictionary thing here in the "Dark" and then clicked the "post reply" button in the lower right. I created a new reply (the Vlad thing) and then proceeded to "preview" my post a few times. After submitting my post I then clicked the "view your post" button. It took me to the bottom of the "Dark" forum and my post wasn't there. I thought that perhaps "double posting" wasn't allowed or that perhaps my post would have been pushed onto a nonexistent 10th page.

I'm not trying to say that it's impossible for me to make a mistake but I do think that there could be other reasons. If I had other windows open, I wonder if the cookies can mess things up?

In any event, it was my intention to bag on Vlad in the Dark Side where a post of that nature belongs. I'm currently bagging on Michael in the "Bag On Vlad" forum but he seems to be taking it in Stride.

Mickey Williams
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Post by Mickey Williams » Mon Oct 20, 2003 7:02 pm

I had a similar thing happen to me during the XML/Timing discussion. I thought I was replying to JG, but my post never showed up. Unfortunately, I was in clueless user mode rather than software developer mode, and I was not paying attention to what I was doing. I'm pretty sure I previewed first like Chris.

Vlad Popov
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Post by Vlad Popov » Mon Oct 20, 2003 10:14 pm

"What can I say? You got me. I’m phony.".... (this quote is easy to take out of context and repost on nckkk. I don't want my peaches to overwork thier two brain cells).
....And on top of that, I’m known as a narrow-minded opinionated TS specialist who won/podiumed in LongboardSL, HybridSL, CyberSL, GS and SG races over 10 times more then in TS.

But, yes, guilty as charged. I added one cone in the middle for the avatar, your Honour... The last cone was moved a bit…or it wasn’t, don’t really remember. My intensions were pure, you see....The shot was a tribute to the original Swedish slalom school body twist. And the scale is wacked. You can see the difference with just a glance. So, you see, I didn't even try to hide my crime. Please forgive me and let me go. I have 3 kids to feed....maybe....somwhere...

Another photo shoot is coming soon. You’re welcome to join Victoria and I…unless you’re busy or something.

Chris Chaput
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You're not alone

Post by Chris Chaput » Mon Oct 20, 2003 10:52 pm

As I said before, I've done the same thing. You see that little avatar to the left of this text? Once upon a time, Kenny Mollica had given me an 8x10 glossy. There was a downed cone just to the right of my board that annoyed me. Through the miracle of digital enhancement, my run now looks clean.

What I found to be interesting in all this, is how the brain works. I cut and pasted in the same cone twice into this image (you did the same thing). I didn't resize either cone - they are exactly the same size. Our brain knows that real cones are the same size and that a more distance cone would appear smaller to us. In order for this picture to make sense to us, the cone in the middle appears smaller than the last cone. I guess "optical illusions" are all about keeping the brain happy.


Glenn S
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Post by Glenn S » Tue Oct 21, 2003 12:59 am

Now how are we to believe that Vlad skates around cones at all; that they are all put in after the fact with PhotoShop! Could he be tweaking his body shape too?

Maybe we should just call him "Vladislop" for that sloppy (or is it Slappy) PhotoShop work. The least he could do is make the cones the right size!

Vlad no offense, I was just razzing you. The picture does look better with the extra cones in it. At least then you can tell what your doing ;-)
Last edited by Glenn S on Thu Oct 30, 2003 8:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Adam Trahan
Phoenix, AZ, USA
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Post by Adam Trahan » Tue Oct 21, 2003 2:34 am

TK must be taking a nap...

Vlad Popov
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Post by Vlad Popov » Tue Oct 21, 2003 6:43 pm

The pictures in the Hybrid forum are unedited. I’d call this course a TechGS.

I was just at ncdsa. They must have had a major overhaul or something. There are ghosts again, and it seems too calm, as though a big storm just passed.
Adam, you’re posting there no problemo? I didn’t know that!

Henry Julier
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Post by Henry Julier » Tue Nov 11, 2003 12:37 am

Ok, this past Friday I had a run in with a car, here's the story.

I was skating in Shadyside, a nice suburb of Pittsburgh after getting some hot chocolate (yes, I know I'm too old for hot chocolate but coffee tastes like crap imho.) I was rolling along on my Bozi at a comfortable pace as there were no pedestrians, however there was a group of Catholic schoolgirls (my age, wearing the uniform) walking along on the other side of the street. Naturally I strike my "I'm cool because I skate to Starbucks" pose and WHAM I hit the front left side of the SUV that just pulled out of the alleyway to my right. I never saw the car coming. I hit my knee hard into the car and rolled over the hood and landed in front of the car. My Grande Hot Chocolate with whipped cream managed to get mostly all over my face and hair, and made a nice splak noise when it landed on me. My board got run over too but surprisingly sustained absolutely no damage. The driver of the car then proceded to get out and yell at me while simultaneously offering me a napkin (in case I was bleeding... like a napkin would help) anyways no sueing or whatever, I wasn't looking. I got hot chocolate all over his Navigator anyway, the bastard. My knee is less swollen now thanks to my friends Ice and Ibuprofen. As for the catholic schoolgirls, well, let's hope they like dorks.

Leonardo Ojeda
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Post by Leonardo Ojeda » Tue Nov 11, 2003 3:07 am

Amen to that brother!

at the end, did u buy another hot chocolate or u licked your face???

just kidding

hope u are ok, and too bad it wasn't a smaller car, so u could have literally jumped over it.

"I`ll see you at the end of the hill"

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