In the occasion ,Cesinha of Plimax attended, Rogerio Sammy ,Christie Aleixo, Cristiano Indinho, Juliano Lilica, Ramón Oliveira, Renato Saw, Ricardo Caco Ratos, Ricardo Mikima, Thiago Gardenal, Willians Indião besides Ed Scander representing the confederation.
Beginning the works of this piece of advice was defined the temporary calendar of the events of Slalom of this year that in spite of they need confirmations, if they happen they will be valid for Brazilian Ranking:
April: Skateonline Slalom Race in Porto Alegre in 18 and 19 Copa Centro-Oeste in 25 and 26
May: Osasco in date to define
June: Outlaw in Alphaville in date to define
August: Overmeeting in 08 and 09 / Outlaw in Alphaville in date to define
September: Cup Independence in 19 and 20
October: Outlaw in Alphaville in date to define
November: Malibu in Rio de Janeiro in date to define
December: Outlaw in Alphaville in date to define / São João of the Desert in Novo Hamburgo in date to define
Besides these GP Brasil in July in a date to define can be valid like Championship Panamericano and Porto Alegre Masters in December, also in date to define, it will be valid as Sudamerica Championship , increasing the chances of Brazilians to get program the Bolsa international Athlete and motivating the practice of the Slalom.
Due to the great number of tournaments and the proximity of dates among them like Skateonline Slalom Race in Porto Alegre and Copa Centro-Oeste in Brasília, it was voted for if there would be discard of some event and for 6 votes to 4 was resolved that there won't be, being all valid ones for Ranking 2009.
Another discussed aspect was of adapting the dispute type (super tight, tight, hybrid, giant and super giant) in agreement with the slope and profiles of the places in order to attract more followers and competitors in the places of the stages.
One more lifted up subject referred as there to be exclusive disputes for girls in these tournaments, arriving the promoters' suggestion to include the Feminine category even doing among the last sockets of the men's time, same not having award just medals and adapting the course at the women's level, everything this to attract more apprentices.
Plus other voting happened during the meeting about the need of minimum quórum for the stage to be valid for Ranking, and for 8 votes to 2 was defined that this won't be necessary.
During the event they decided that the stages will be pré classified by stars that can increase or to decrease in agreement with the level of the event, as it happens today with Downhill Slide after decision year passed by his/her Council in CBSk.
In this system the champion and the other participants take points more or less in agreement with the amount of stars that the tournament receives.
The items to they be appraised for Council of Slalom for a competition to win or to lose stars will be resolved in the next meeting.
It was also defined that all these championships will have to respect the regulation standardized by Council of Slalom of CBSk as for the size of the cones, timing type, distances of the cones among other rules the they be certain also in the next meeting on April 07.
Therefore it is very important the presence of the competitors' maximum in this encounter next Tuesday, April 07, at the 19:30 hours again in the Confraria Queijos & Wines, beside the Track of Sumaré in S. Paulo (SP).
Who cannot appear due to live in other municipal districts, we suggested that he/she sends their suggestions for e-mail for they be analyzed.