European Races & Results (for Major, Main and Prime level races)

Moderators: Jani Soderhall, Robert Thiele

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Peter Klang
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Post by Peter Klang » Sun Feb 11, 2007 3:07 pm

The Rankings for Europe is pretty much set, however as it looks there are one more MAIN status left to fil. Whom is up for it.
So far we have

MAJOR Hannover 1-3 june
MAIN 1 Paris 26-28 may
MAIN 2 Göteborg 15-17 june
MAIN 3 Riga 14-15 july
MAIN 4 Grenoble 8-9 sep

PRIME 1 Panevezys 11-12 august

Coming soon
Holland (den Haag)
Donald most have something maybee Dusseldorf in april as PRIME???
Vlad waz up in Russia?
Come on YOU people, get the status now.


fabrice andré
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Post by fabrice andré » Sun Feb 11, 2007 5:26 pm

nothing in switzerland ?

Peter Klang
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Post by Peter Klang » Sun Feb 11, 2007 6:15 pm

Nobody in Switzerland asked for anything but PRIME.


Jadranko Radovanovic
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Post by Jadranko Radovanovic » Sun Feb 11, 2007 6:54 pm

Grueningen makes a one year break.

Zurich will be held on Sunday 23. September.


Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Sun Feb 11, 2007 8:52 pm

Peter Klang wrote:Vlad waz up in Russia?
Russia has it's own set of Primes, Mains etc, but yeah, let's hear what's up this year!


Steve Hinzen
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Post by Steve Hinzen » Mon Feb 12, 2007 9:46 am

Peter, I think for Europe there is no more Main, but at least 7 Primes left

Corky wrote:
Europe has 1 Major status and 4 Main statuses and 8 Prime statuses

Keith Hollien
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Post by Keith Hollien » Tue Feb 13, 2007 10:28 pm

I do not understand why Paris is not the major. It is by far the biggest race in Europe and in the 5th year. It will bring more people to Europe than any other race. Paris will draw more people than Hannover will. If I remmeber correctly Hannover had one of the races on flat ground last year. I know Paris was a major last year, but it is the biggest race.

Keith, Teams Radikal, CHIxILL & Oust.

Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Tue Feb 13, 2007 11:09 pm

Keith Hollien wrote:I know Paris was a major last year, but it is the biggest race.
It wasn't a Major last year. That was Brixlegg.

History of Majors in Europe:

2003 - Antibes (Euro Championships)
2004 - Cologne (Euro Championships)
2005 - Paris
2006 - Brixlegg (World Championships)

My understanding was that the Major status should be given to the event that is expected to draw the most attendants and be of the highest standing. That's the obvious logic. The only negative point I see for Paris is that French skaters would have an advantage of several Mains in their country.

Other considerations to take into account for the coming status decisions:

UK: If only they announce events early enough, give them as many primes as they ask for.
Switzerland: They should also be given priority in case they put together events that qualify for the advance announcement rule. Give a Prime to the Zurich event even if it's only got only one discipline (and it's an event with different rules than the usual races). Their scene and racers deserve it! Give them two!
Italy: Probably worth a prime if they come up with something (nothing so far).
Sweden: Oops, how did Gothenburg become Major? That must have been the fastest processing time ever for an ISSA event sanction.

Just my 2 cents (euro).


Donald Campbell
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Post by Donald Campbell » Tue Feb 13, 2007 11:17 pm

maybe you should go to hannover to understand before commenting on the status of that race.
last year was an exception due to the soccer world championships in germany the expo area was not available.the year before that area was occupied tons of spectators.you didn't see that!!!

Ramón Königshausen
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Post by Ramón Königshausen » Tue Feb 13, 2007 11:31 pm

Keith, Hannover had a flat race due to the cancellation of the expo event. If we had run the race at the expo site, there would not have been any spectator around. So Detlef decided to move the contest to the city. It was all bad luck, how could he have known that the organisation comitee of the expo event would cancel their whole 3-day event that had been a more-than-a few 1000-visitors event one year before? - Blame the soccer-addicted German for that!

Hannover has a real big potential and thanks to the sanction comitee to have decided to give Hannover not only Main but Major.

btw. did anyone of the sanction comitee (or other comitee, representing ISSA) contact IGSA yet?

Feel the flow – Airflow Skateboards

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Steve Hinzen
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Post by Steve Hinzen » Wed Feb 14, 2007 9:32 am

As one of the three members of the european sanctioning committee I feel free to make my opinion on this case transparent and clear for everybody. Here my personal arguments in this year's discussion.

Arguments for Hannover getting a Major status:

- Hannover is the only one asking for a Major beside Gothenborg. Gothenborg seem to be also happy with a Main and is -compared to Hannover- a sort of newcomer. This is the most obvious argument clearly written down in the application documents.

- The last two years Hannover has made the proof with good organization and an international field of racers.

- The race is connected to the big Expo Festival. Many spectators are expected.

- Hannover will provide a substitutional race site which is covered in case of rain.

- Hannover is located centrally in the European racing scene and easy to reach.

- The German slalomskateboarding is big and rising and has not had a high rated contest since 2004.

- In the last two years Hannover never asked for a higher status and acted very diplomatically being ready to take a Prime when discussions about statuses where on fire.

Some recomended the Major for the Euros. Also having the Major at the end of summer makes an interesting race season for sure. Under different circumstances I would have agreed on that. But giving France a Major and a Main is unfair nationwise. Also this year the Euros will be held by a newcomer-event which still has to make the proof.

Notice that I completely left out the criterium of flat or slope courses in this decision.
So far this is not an ISSA-criterium. I would like to see that in the future of next year.
I am glad that this year Hannover has slopes to offer for every race.
Last edited by Steve Hinzen on Wed Feb 14, 2007 11:19 am, edited 1 time in total.

Donald Campbell
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Post by Donald Campbell » Wed Feb 14, 2007 9:49 am

so what's up keith?
are you coming?
one week of racing.you can spend the interim time at our area and race with us,racer xyz,richy.

Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Wed Feb 14, 2007 10:32 am

Steve for President!

Good arguments. Now you need to balance the Primes (also with respect to the current Main/Majors).


Marcus Seyffarth
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Post by Marcus Seyffarth » Wed Feb 14, 2007 12:24 pm

I think the arguments for setting the statuses are just fine. Though I think it's strange that you split up the euros and the major status.

I also think it sucks that the race season is pretty much done in three weeks. It's 52 weeks in a year. I don't know about all other PRO racers but I have a job and a family that I tend to spend some time with and being away that much at one time just don't cut it.

Perhaps this is not the right thread, but what do you really need to qualify for a main/major status event?

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Post by HUYNH BACH SAC Frédéric » Wed Feb 14, 2007 1:14 pm

Marcus Seyffarth wrote: I don't know about all other PRO racers but I have a job and a family that I tend to spend some time with and being away that much at one time just don't cut it.
So do some AM racers.... ;)
Podium or pavement... but PAVEL !


Steve Hinzen
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Post by Steve Hinzen » Wed Feb 14, 2007 2:40 pm

Early communication between race organizers is the key to a more balanced season.
We're all victims of the fact that it did not happen for this year's season (and maybe never so far).

The ISSA could solve this problem for the future.
Instead of discussing rules like "anti-sportive-behaviour" or "hights of startingramps" f.e. the ISSA better delevope some basic and constutive ideas.
Support for and coordination of event organizers could be one of them.
Rules (if needed) will follow.

Hans Koraeus
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Mon Feb 19, 2007 2:28 am

Personally I like to spread out the statuses over the season and having the highest status at the end. And I don't like when high statuses (Major/Main) are too close together and even worse set one weekend after the other much for the reason Marcus mentioned above. If a pro racer for some reason would not have possibility to race during May 26 to Jun 17 this year he will have a hard time catching up.

But... then again the points Hinzen makes are also valuable to count in. Another thing that made me think that this is maybe not such a bad idea after all is that the two Majors get spread out. If some Europeans miss out on Hannover there is always the possibility to go the Worlds in USA in late September to balance that up.

Hans Koraeus
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Mon Feb 19, 2007 3:08 am

Another thing: ISSA (or the World Ranking rules) have been in place for a long time and there are minimum limits for when statuses have to be decided. The higher the status the longer in advance they have to be decided. This so that racers can plan ahead as early as possible depending on the importance of the race.

www.slalomranking.com/rules/definitions/Setting Region Competition Statuses

So don't blame ISSA if someone think the statuses are set too late. Of course we could make the time advance limits harder/longer but since event organizers have a hard time managing already with the current time limits maybe it's too early still.

What have changed for this year and that is not updated in the link above is:

1. ISSA in command
ISSA is now officially in command of the World Ranking.

2. US Region(s) have changed
2006 had US West, US East and Canada.
2007 has North American region

3. Number of limited statuses have changed
North America has increased their number of Prime statuses from 6 to 10.
Europe has increased Main statuses from 3 to 4.
Europe has increased Prime statuses from 5 to 8.

4. Final decision of statuses
2006: After open discussions statuses was set by WR administrator
2007: After ISSA event application is sent in statuses are decided by World Ranking Coordinators. There is one group of three persons for each side of the Atlantic.

Carsten Pingel
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Post by Carsten Pingel » Tue Jun 26, 2007 11:58 am

so how about the ranking points for hannover ? They are not in slalomranking.com ! :-(

Marcus Seyffarth
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Post by Marcus Seyffarth » Tue Jun 26, 2007 12:19 pm

well its still june isn't it? :)

Ramón Königshausen
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Post by Ramón Königshausen » Tue Jun 26, 2007 12:20 pm

You'll have to wait until the end of June. But check the other ranking...what was the link again? world....cup? Ranking? .com? .net? I dunno....

Feel the flow – Airflow Skateboards

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Marcus Seyffarth
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Post by Marcus Seyffarth » Tue Jun 26, 2007 12:22 pm

wassup Ramon!


but its the same thing there probably, monthly ranking...

Ramón Königshausen
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Post by Ramón Königshausen » Tue Jun 26, 2007 9:25 pm

hehe, Well, no! It's like one year back and it's already done for the last couple of races. When we will have reached end of July I will be first because Luca will lose points from Riga Brixlegg...blahblah

Feel the flow – Airflow Skateboards

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Ramón Königshausen
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Post by Ramón Königshausen » Tue Jul 10, 2007 10:16 am

Jenny, the ranking is called Jenny.

Feel the flow – Airflow Skateboards

Real skateboard wheels come in green – ABEC11

Enjoy the ride – GOG Slalom & DH Trucks

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