SunDAY Slalom

Slalom Skateboarding in Utah and surrounding states

Moderators: Jonathan Harms, Ron Barbagallo, Maria Carrasco, Russel Cantor, Lynn Kramer, Martin Drayton

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Erek Shaffer
Posts: 7
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SunDAY Slalom

Post by Erek Shaffer » Mon Mar 13, 2006 1:44 am

any one up for a little practice on sunday March 18? I dont care if its PC or SLC. Just let me know!
Lets skate!
Erek Shaffer

trish erickson
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Sunday, ya

Post by trish erickson » Mon Mar 13, 2006 2:55 am

Hey Erek,

PC has way to much snow. I was just there yesterday. I'm up for a session on Sunday in Salt lake...Time? I just got off the phone with Bob and he said that you are planning a race for April 30th. Man, I am all over that. Just let me know if there is anything I can do. I am working in Salt lake for the next 3 weeks and I am planning on bringing my boards on Thursday if the weather gets better. I am so stoked to learn the fine art of competion since I raced in Texas! I heard that your the man for that. I just got a slalom board that I won in Texas (not sure for what) and I have ordered some zig-zags to set it up with. can't wait t try it out. Anyway, yes, I am for Sunday sessions.


Joe Iacovelli
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Re: Sunday, ya

Post by Joe Iacovelli » Mon Mar 13, 2006 3:58 am

trish erickson wrote: I just got a slalom board that I won in Texas (not sure for what)
Not sure for what? ummm... KICKING ASS!

It was your bad luck to be the slowest in the b class. A couple of tenths of a sec slower and you would have won the c class. Sux to be so good.

If you didn't live in the middle of nowhere, removed from well ranked races, you would be my pick for 2006 womens slalom rookie of the year.

Yer Pal,

miKe M
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Post by miKe M » Tue Mar 14, 2006 9:08 pm


i'm all over practicing with you guys sunday! hopefully the weather holds. what's this about a race April 30th? count me in. i'd like some more info though. hopefully i will meet up with you sunday. give my cell a call if you want 971-2380. i don't have any cones though....

and trish- i must agree. that new board shall be for kicking ass in 2006. you were great last year, and from what i hear you were awesome down in Texas.

post here again as it get's closer to sunday and let's touch base.



trish erickson
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Too Much!

Post by trish erickson » Thu Mar 16, 2006 4:34 am

Ya Joe,

Thanks for the kind words. really, that really is cool coming from you. If you all don't know who JoeI. is......he's the guy that smoked the "b" class in Texas! I was organizing my desk the other day and came across a vid of Da Farm that Billy sent me. Love the body armor JOE.

Looks like us Utah no-were 's are comin' together. A force to recon with. yee-ha and "OH my Heck"!

A souvenir from Utah is coming your way JoeI. Should be at your house by next week.

And hopefully the snow melts soon and Sundays still a go. Hey Erek, I got your phone message...thanks man. I have been training with my new job so I couldn't call right back. The new boss thinks I will make a good supervisor. MMM. I think I need to skate! too much stress. Can't wait to ride.

Utah Trish

trish erickson
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Post by trish erickson » Thu Mar 16, 2006 4:40 am

Thanks Mike. I believe that you are the one that smokes on that unlimited. I would love to play chase behind you and see if maybe, maybe catch up! You would be at the top of the b class for sure. I have all of Martin's cones. I kinda went and borrowed them from his shop. I did leave him a note because he wasn't there. Havn't heard a word from him yet. Guessin' its cool to use them. Sunday hopefully huh?


miKe M
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Post by miKe M » Thu Mar 16, 2006 8:32 pm

unfortunately, i am a no go now on sunday. i just got called in to sub coach for a ski race team i used to work with. oh well.

keep me posted on upcoming slalom practices and i'll be there for sure.

trish- comon! you know me! mike? we trained all last summer with martin.... i'm hoping to build up my quiver a little more this summer though. i need a new GS board....

l8r sk8r's. if you still have a sesh at rice eccles, i might stop by to say hello on my way up the canyon.

Erek Shaffer
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snow on sunday

Post by Erek Shaffer » Thu Mar 16, 2006 11:37 pm

sorry guys it is going to snow and rain this sunday.... so I will not be praticing this sunday
Later Erek

trish erickson
Posts: 223
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Sunday session

Post by trish erickson » Sat Apr 29, 2006 5:28 am

Hey all,

I was just running a few cones with Billy and Jared tonight. We were talking about getting together on Sunday the 30th to ride the park city and Oakley skate park and then maybe some cones. Kinda pick were we all left off last fall. Bob, Kevin, Mike, Chris, Martin, Erik, and anyone else who might want to ride! Call Billy on his cell or give me a ring. Mine is 435-671-1117 or call me or Greg at home 435-654-3379.

Lets skate people!

Martin Drayton
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Bloody work!

Post by Martin Drayton » Sat Apr 29, 2006 7:25 pm

I'd love to but I start work at the shop on Sunday :( .....So if you are passing Main St. feel free to pop in (no skate stuff yet though-just ordering)
Has anyone got a preference for which night of the week to skate? I don't know what my schedule is yet. And do we want to start off somewhere flatter first or go straight to Eagle Pointe?

Chris Peddecord
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Post by Chris Peddecord » Sat Apr 29, 2006 9:56 pm

I know I'd like to ease back into tight and hybrid on a less steep surface. GS can be balls out though, no prob there.

miKe M
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Post by miKe M » Tue May 02, 2006 10:12 pm

hey all, i guess i missed the 30th. did you guys hook up? i was waiting to hook up with the SLC boys all day, and finally got one campus run in the afternoon on sunday. what are all your plans this weekend? i've got a house to paint, but i've also received the ok to go skate for a while.... should we try to plan a trip up to park city/heber?

PC warm enough yet?

who's got cones here in the valley? the parking lot at the university would be great to set a small course on. perhaps the north end would be less steep? what about by the north end of campus like we set up last year?

Chris Peddecord
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Post by Chris Peddecord » Wed May 03, 2006 4:45 am

I know I like the parking lot, soooooo much buttery smooth pavement and you can pick your grade.

trish erickson
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sunday cone-smashing on 5/7

Post by trish erickson » Wed May 03, 2006 5:41 am

Hey all,

I just talked with Martin. He will be working all week but he does have Sunday after 5 off. He wants to ride the Pc hill. The snow is all melted. If that doesn't work out, I am for bringing cones and riding the campus. Or maybe....... ride the campus then drive to pc to hook up with Martin on the big hill? either way, I want to wiggle through some cones.

Bob and Kevin,

come up if you can ok? Then maybe we can convince the gang that Logan is not so far!

OK then.....lets try to hook up all!

trish erickson
Posts: 223
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sunday cone-smashing on 5/7

Post by trish erickson » Wed May 03, 2006 5:42 am

Hey all,

I just talked with Martin. He will be working all week but he does have Sunday after 5 off. He wants to ride the Pc hill. The snow is all melted. If that doesn't work out, I am for bringing cones and riding the campus. Or maybe....... ride the campus then drive to pc to hook up with Martin on the big hill? either way, I want to wiggle through some cones.

Bob and Kevin,

come up if you can ok? Then maybe we can convince the gang that Logan is not so far!

OK then.....lets try to hook up all!

Bob Harper
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sunday slalom 5-14-06

Post by Bob Harper » Fri May 05, 2006 8:16 pm

Hey UPCers

I talked to Kevin last night and we're down for a Sunday session. So Trish get on the the horn with everyone and lets come up with a plan, skate spots and times, maybe a qwick sess at Oakly??? Let's see if Martin can make it. Anyway can't wait to see yall, and I'm stoked to run some cones. I've only had my new board out 4 times now. So get your heads together and I'll be in touch

Later Grand Pappy Bob

trish erickson
Posts: 223
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sundays on

Post by trish erickson » Sun May 07, 2006 7:53 am

Hey BoB,

are you and Kevin coming down? I did get a message from you on my cell a few days ago about maybe you can't come? If you guys do, call my cell. I am wanting to maybe do a little park riding in Oakley or Park city then hit our hill mid-afternoon. have the course set up before 5 so Martin can get some runs in when he is able to come. I just realized Billy doesn't have internet right now, so I will stop by his house in the am after I get off work and let him know. or if anyone has his number, call him.

Hey salt lake people,
are ya coming up too? the more the merrier!

lets ride UPc'rs

Chris Peddecord
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Post by Chris Peddecord » Sun May 07, 2006 8:34 am

Hey guys, what time are you meeting? I have work at 5:00 in the valley. Call me sometime tommorrow and let me know, 832-754-3379

trish erickson
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park city 1 pm

Post by trish erickson » Sun May 07, 2006 6:25 pm

Chris and anybody else who wants to skate, Martin called and will be at "our" hill in park city at 1 pm. I am brining a broom and a few of Martins cones. Weather is a bit cloudy, hopfully no rain! so come one come all! Lets wiggle!


Martin Drayton
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Good to be skating again!

Post by Martin Drayton » Mon May 08, 2006 5:20 am

Well Trish and I re-christened our Hill. Today was my 1st time riding since October...Great session, damn that girl improves everytime she gets on a board...
LOVED my reflex formula Grippins, they felt so good I was going full speed on my second run.
I probably CAN'T make next Sunday Bob as its Mother's Day, but the fire has been lit and I'm going to skate as much as I can from now on. I found a Car park 1 mile from our new house that is butter smooth for flatland pumping. Just waiting for my new proto deck to're going to like it!

Bob Harper
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mothers day

Post by Bob Harper » Mon May 08, 2006 9:35 pm

Matin and Crew

Thanks for the info about mothers day. I won't be able to make that day either, my wife would hang me out to dry if I left to go skate. So count on us comming down on 5-21-05.
So how dose this work out. Mothers day is the day I take the kids to the park to give Mom a break,Fathers day is also the day I save to take the kids to the park to spend quality time with my kids. I'm thinkin Skate Park.
I'll keep you guys posted wish I could have been there yesterday.
I'm jonesin for a slalom session
Later Grand Pappy Bob

trish erickson
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sunday the 21st

Post by trish erickson » Tue May 09, 2006 2:01 am

I only get better on your board Martin! It's a sweet set-up. It was a great session. I most definantly learned a lot yesterday. I forgot how steep that hill is though. Thanks for the lesson Martin. I can't wait to ride again.

As far as mothers day, I'm with Bob.....go to the park with the kids to relax. SKATE PARK that is...LOL I acually have family coming into town next week so I'm out.

I can however ride on sunday the 21st so lets get together eh? A little Oakley, a little wiggle through some cones.

happy trails all,


miKe M
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Post by miKe M » Tue May 09, 2006 6:21 pm

i'm definitely in for a little oakley park and then some slalom wigglin on the 21st. like most others mother's day is out for me as well....

Bob Harper
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sunday slalom 5-21-06

Post by Bob Harper » Sat May 13, 2006 6:52 pm

Hey All UPC's
I spoke with Kevin and here's our game plan.
Who ever is down for a session at Oakly meet us there between 12:30/1:00 on sunday, 5-21-06. We'll Skate for a couple hrs. there then head to the Park City Hill early and sweep and get the course set up before Martin gets off work. Pass the word on and hopefully we have a big turn out.
Later Gand Pappy Bob

Martin Drayton
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can't wait...

Post by Martin Drayton » Sat May 13, 2006 9:52 pm

Excellent....Might have to close the shop a little early!!! Can't wait to ride with everyone again. I keep running into people in PC with Longboards, so hopefully should see some new faces too.
Are we still interested in putting on a race at the end of the Summer? UPC T-shirts/hoodies anyone?

trish erickson
Posts: 223
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sunday oh ya!

Post by trish erickson » Sun May 14, 2006 2:00 am

Oh ya, of course I'm in. I will be at the park!

can't wait.


miKe M
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Post by miKe M » Mon May 15, 2006 6:21 pm

ok. here we go.

Bob- i got your call this weekend. sorry i couldn't call back. i've been super busy lately. i will plan on being up at oakley by 12:00 to skate. i'll bring some beer and munchies for anyone who wants them. i've got a short time schedule, so i'll probably just bring food instead of stop between stops like last time. thanks for the call dude, and i'll hopefully call you this week.

erek- yes. plan on going! if you need a ride, great, if not then i'll see you there. i'm glad your going. let's bike sometime soon also. it's looking like it's going to be a few weeks. things are crazy at home and at work. boo! but i guess it will be all taken care of soon.

martin, trish, etc.- i've got to probably leave sunday by 4:00 at the latest. i'm apparently hosting ashleigh's family over at our place for dinner. so, i've got to be there for that. i'm totally up for skating the park and then heading over to the slalom hill directly after. can you close up shop early martin? it would be great to see you! i say your pic in a local zine you wrote for and maya looks so cute! if anyone wants to meet early, i'm in for that as well! bob said him and kevin would be there by 12:00....

anyway, i'm looking forward to seeing everyone this weekend even if only for a short while. laters,


Martin Drayton
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I miss you too dude!

Post by Martin Drayton » Tue May 16, 2006 6:27 am

I am trying to either close the shop up early or get someone to stand in for me... I WANT TO SLALOM SO BADLY! Its all i can think about while I'm doing this sh*t job at the mountain this summer!
I've got so many ideas for training, board set-ups head is going to explode!

Oh! Just had to show you the Birthday cake Julie made for me 10 days ago...Chocolate sprinkles for grip tape, a kicktail (clue to next Proto!) and Grippins made of Sour Apple string candy! What a woman!


It says "Happy 46th Champ-Roe Racing".... ;)

trish erickson
Posts: 223
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Post by trish erickson » Wed May 17, 2006 5:06 am

Happy B-day you old fart! That cake is way cute.

Can't wait to ride Sunday. Hope to see you all!


Bob Harper
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Old phartz

Post by Bob Harper » Wed May 17, 2006 8:12 am

Happy B Day Martin.
I never knew your true age and I thought I was the old one in the bunch.
It's looking like the 21st is gona be a good turn out see ya then folks.
Grand Pappy Bob.

Martin Drayton
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1st Summer meet for UPC!

Post by Martin Drayton » Fri May 19, 2006 5:37 am

I called in some favours and have got Sunday afternoon off! I will finish at the shop at 1pm...What time were you guys planning to head to the Hill?
I am happy to get there straight from work and start sweeping and course-setting to get maximum cone time in....just let me know.
ps. Just got Zig-Zags, Gumballs etc at the shop, if you need any, let me know!

miKe M
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Post by miKe M » Fri May 19, 2006 4:10 pm

it was good talking to you last night martin.

i'm planning on meeting at the oakley skatepark at 12:00, unless that changes. how is everyone for about an hour or hour and a half session at the skate park and then heading over to the slalom hill? i have the whole day free and could meet at the park early. i'd like to get some park skating in....

Bob Harper
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sunday slalom 5-21-06

Post by Bob Harper » Sat May 20, 2006 12:36 am

Kevin and I are planning to be in Oakly at 12:00 and hour and half sounds good. don't want to burn out for the wiggling. see yal then.

Bob Harper
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sunday slalom 5-21-06

Post by Bob Harper » Sat May 20, 2006 12:38 am

Kevin and I are planning to be in Oakly at 12:00 and hour and half sounds good. don't want to burn out for the wiggling. see yal then.

trish erickson
Posts: 223
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sunday ride

Post by trish erickson » Sat May 20, 2006 5:53 am

Of course I will be there. I get off work around 9 am or so , so I will be in prime shape!

See ya all sunday.

Bob Harper
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slight change in plan

Post by Bob Harper » Sat May 20, 2006 5:59 pm

Hey guys
Kevin may have to take his Mom to church in the morning.
If so he won't be there until 2 or so. I'm still planning on being at the park around 12 with my son. but if we happen to not show up at Oakley we will definatly be at the park city hill.
Can't wait, I feel like a little kid on Chritmas Eve.
See ya tomarrow. Grand Pappy Wiggley
P.S. can you say IDAHO BEER I'll Bring Some

Bob Harper
Posts: 77
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Post by Bob Harper » Sat May 20, 2006 6:04 pm

Bring some zig zags If my check comes in today I might be interested in a set.
See ya tomarrow Bob

Chris Peddecord
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Post by Chris Peddecord » Sun May 21, 2006 9:42 pm

Dang, missing another session. I have work that starts at 3:00 PM today. You guys have fun today! Maybe next weekend.

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