Petition To Bring Slalom Skating Back to VA Vans

Slalom Skateboarding in Washington, U.S.A.

Moderators: Jonathan Harms, Ron Barbagallo, Maria Carrasco, Russel Cantor, Lynn Kramer, Brian Parsons

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Jack Quarantillo
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Petition To Bring Slalom Skating Back to VA Vans

Post by Jack Quarantillo » Wed Dec 10, 2003 5:39 pm

Ok guys, power in numbers. If we can all "sign" this petition, it shouldn't be too hard for the Vans management to translate it to membership$, session$, heck I could even see them stocking some slalom stuff in the skate shop.

I would attend Vans Potomac more frequently if they allowed skaters to set up and ride slalom courses.

(Feel free to PM me with any revisions/additions you'd like to make to the top part of the petition or if you think this should be a poll.)

John Quarantillo, Gaithersburg, MD (Vans member since Vintage Day #4)
Michael Quarantillo, Gaithersburg, MD (Vans member since Vintage Day #4)

Vlad Popov
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Post by Vlad Popov » Wed Dec 10, 2003 6:05 pm

Former VANS member.

Jeff Boswell
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Post by Jeff Boswell » Wed Dec 10, 2003 8:03 pm

I've been working on this for the last three weeks or so! the general managers name is Brain Fagin. He thinks he can get it done but seems to be sitting on his hands. I spoke to him in person on monday and he said he was waiting on his regional manager to come to town and will ask then. I just called back when I saw the messages. The regional manager is there as I speak!!! He wants for me to call back on friday. If this don't work I also have a name and number somebody above him. I will go over his head if I half to!!! I have been told to call back time and time again and this is getting old. I don't know if a petition will work or not. This all seems to be a laibility issue. Lets wait until friday and then go from there.

Jeff Boswell

Jeff Boswell
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Post by Jeff Boswell » Wed Dec 10, 2003 8:17 pm

There I go off again sorry. Let hope for the best We should know somthing soon!!

Jeff (Comet Boy) Boswell

Vlad Popov
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Post by Vlad Popov » Wed Dec 10, 2003 10:58 pm

When something lasts that long, the answer is usually no. :(

Seth Levy
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Post by Seth Levy » Thu Dec 11, 2003 12:25 am

seth levy vans member since 2000 (I think)

Jeff Boswell
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Post by Jeff Boswell » Fri Dec 12, 2003 9:18 pm

The word is a big no (nothing outside the fence). Inside the fence is alright. The manager said Monday and Thursday night are the least busy nights of the week. Maybe we can set a short course somewhere? Just to keep the cobwebs out. Sorry I did my best.


Seth Levy
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Post by Seth Levy » Sat Dec 13, 2003 1:31 am

bummer...maybe we could find a way to close off the back section where the bankslalom was setup once a month and have a little session there with the cones setup. The only place i can really think of for flat would either be right in the front where all the kids do flatland or next to the big bowl, where the long beatup ledge is near the street/flow crete area. maybe experiment with a bankslalom on the banks right when you walk in. those are fun

Wesley Tucker
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Post by Wesley Tucker » Sat Dec 13, 2003 2:28 am

As a completely disinterested thrd party who lives 500 miles from Potomac Mills, I'll have to say I agree with the Vans management.

It doesn't sound like they are down or against Slalom, but it would appear there are some hard and fast rules (no skating outside the fence) that the management was previously bending a little. After all, from the reports I've read here y'all were told you could set up cones INSIDE the fence. Unfortuanetely, of what I recall of Vans, you could probably find a stretch of concrete long enough to lay down five cones at the most (yes, I'm exaggerating the dire situation a little.) So that pretty well nixes any slalom at Vans.

Why the rules? We all know the answer. Between insurance and lawyers, Vans and any other company involved in skateboarding walks a very thin line between making the premiums and being sued out of existence. All it would take is one slalom guy to get hurt OUTSIDE the fence WITH management's approval and WHAM! No more Vans. Not only insurance, but there's probably enough riders in the lease on the property to choke a horse. I would imagine that someone at Vans probably got a royal reaming when upper management found out that skaters were allowed to ride outside the fence.

So, the question isn't "why can't we ride slalom at Vans?" The question becomes (are you ready for this?)

"What can the DC/Virginia/Maryland slalom community do to MOVE THE FENCE?"

Let's face it, if there's no riding outside the fence and the best slalom spot is on the wrong side of the fence, then the only answer is to move the fence so the good slalom spot is now on the right side where you can set up cones.

No, this isn't sarcasm. I'm serious. If you can't skate outide the fence and the best slalom spot is outside the fence, then that means getting the best slalom spot on the other side of the fence. Since you can't move concrete very easily, then you do the next best thing and move the fenc. Now everyone is happy. The slalomers can set up cones, the flipkickers have more room to do whatever they do when there's no cones, the management covers their ass and the lawyers can go back to the court house and spend the afternoon pissing on each other.

I love rational thought.

Anthony Flis
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Post by Anthony Flis » Sat Dec 13, 2003 2:40 am

Wesley you got a really good answerr to this but i mean id really like to have cones set in the cement street course so we can use the banks in there and be able to pump the transitions and all, i mean thats all i ride when i take my longboards there. Do you think it would be possible to do that?

Wesley Tucker
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Post by Wesley Tucker » Sat Dec 13, 2003 2:52 am


As I said, I don't remember the layout of Vans very well. I'm not in DC but down South in South Carolina. I've only been there once and that was for the 2002 Surfrider race the night before the Gathering. So the answer to your question is an honest, "beats me!"

I was just going on all the conversation and decisions posted here. I think I remember where the Outlaws were setting up cones earlier this year, but can't be certain. What's more, (I might be completely wrong about this,) but I seem to remember Vlad or Parsons talking about part of the run out actually left the Vans area and went out into the mall? Again, I'm not at all certain about the layout. I do remember Wes, Vlad and Parsons all commenting on how dusty it is on the concrete where they were racing.

Again, this is all from memory and I'm probably completely off base. But if the slalom track is completely within the Vans building and the only complication is the where it is in relation to the fence, then there's an easy way to solve the problem.

Slappy Maxwell
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Post by Slappy Maxwell » Sat Dec 13, 2003 4:26 am

The only good thing about that spot was it was next to the park.
It was too short, too narrow, too dusty, and too congested with mall rats.
I would use more effort to find other enclosed spots.

Anthony, we've brought cones in the park during regular sessions and skated. The management never had a problem. I wouldn't suggest doing it during a peak time.

Anthony Flis
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Post by Anthony Flis » Sat Dec 13, 2003 6:54 am

so you dont think they'll care cuz im going once school gets on break but im gonna go on like a tuesday night to the last session so its not crowded cuz i wanna be able to try out my new Alva board in the park and i wanna be able to ride the cement section without a lot of interferance in my lines and cones would make it so much more fun

Jack Quarantillo
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Post by Jack Quarantillo » Sat Dec 13, 2003 7:05 am

Wes T,
I had the same thought... move the fence!


Jeff Boswell
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Post by Jeff Boswell » Sat Dec 13, 2003 4:11 pm

Moving the fence whould be too much of a problem. The only solution is to add a gate at both ends that could be closed when needed. I don't think they would go for that either. It's a done deal.


Vlad Popov
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Post by Vlad Popov » Mon Dec 15, 2003 4:25 pm

*uk em. The rules are bent there every other minute. Those that are inforced, do so much for safety.

RFK is good for flatland practice.

William Tway
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Post by William Tway » Tue Dec 16, 2003 4:42 pm

...banked slalom is much more fun than flatland. Keep it inside the fence.

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