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Slalom Skateboard Racer Profiles

Moderator: Jani Soderhall

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Jani Soderhall
ISSA President 2011-2024
ISSA President 2011-2024
Posts: 4675
Joined: Thu Aug 22, 2002 2:00 am
Location: Sweden, lives in France

0. Welcome & posting rules

Post by Jani Soderhall » Tue Aug 05, 2003 4:29 pm

Why this forum?
The idea of this forum is to have a place where visitors of this site can learn more about individual skaters in the circuit, see pictures, check their race results etc.

OK, so far we're only just starting so there aren't many skaters presented yet, but with a joint effort we should be able to build up a database of skaters, famous or not. The minimum should be equivalent to the total number of skaters having registered at this site. But of course, as the numbers grow, it becomes increasingly difficult to catch up.

Anybody can contribute
Anybody is welcome to post information about anybody, or add to the information already available, but the idea is that it should be facts and relevant information. Posts in this section may be more heavily edited than elsewhere on this site, especially if incorrect information is posted.

Ideas for presentation
The following facts would be good to include, if you have them, it's no requirement but it could make the presentations easier to read and provide valuable information to the viewer.

- Name, country (should be in the topic title). Please put the family name first, followed by the first name and the country, such as "FamilyName, FirstName - Country".
- Year of birth (easier to store than age)
- Started skating, year
- Best race results (top 5-10 events or more if you like).
- Team / Sponsors
- Other interesting facts about yourself

Besides these basic facts, you may want to add personal views & opinions such as:

- Who are some of your favorite skaters to watch and why?
- Share with us some of your most most memerable moments from skating.

Posting images on this site
We haven't yet decided upon a system to let you post your own images on this site, but we'd be happy to help you upload images if you send them by email to either Jani@SlalomSkateboarder.com or Adam@SlalomSkateboarder.com, once uploaded you can refer to those images in your posts.

Using images on other sites
If you host images on a server outside of SlalomSkateboarder, we may every now and again copy that image over to this site, and edit your post to point to the copy on this site instead, so that the image is kept together with the post and avoid the image disappearing after some time, for example because your site is reorganized.

Topic sorting
This subforum sorts all items according to the name of the skater rather than the most recent post. It may seem surprising at first, but we'd like to try it for a while to make this section easier to browse.
To properly sort skaters using their family names you need to record the topic title as follows: "FamilyName, FirstName - Country". Put nicknames inside the post or as part of the first name.

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