midwest pro/am series.

Slalom Skateboarding in the Midwest U.S.A.

Moderators: Christopher Bara, Jonathan Harms, Ron Barbagallo, Maria Carrasco, Russel Cantor, Lynn Kramer

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Chris Favero
CHIxILL Master CFav
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midwest pro/am series.

Post by Chris Favero » Thu Nov 16, 2006 9:53 pm

ok guys,time to pull it together.i am going to make some big assumptions here,but lets make this happen and crown an overall pro and open champ in the midwest.races i think should be a part of it.
st louis-
Sun prairie
and after thinking about it,i'm calling out detroit,lets do it outlaw.
we can pick one to be a finale.freak bros can tabulate,CHIxILL can be a series sponsor.disciplines,mostly g/s and park slalom,maybe a downhill bomb(sun prairie).i would love to seepeople driving 5 hours to come,not 12 and everyone in a host town kick down some floor space.lets throw down some race dates who's in.cf
Freak Bros. Racing

Steve Pederson
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Post by Steve Pederson » Fri Nov 17, 2006 5:46 am

Last edited by Steve Pederson on Fri Feb 12, 2010 4:06 am, edited 1 time in total.

Tom Mangelsdorf
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Post by Tom Mangelsdorf » Fri Nov 17, 2006 3:26 pm

OH YEAH!!!! I was wondering if people would want to do a downhill style race. Sun Prairie has the hills for it. Sometimes it seems like there isn't too much cross-over between the disiplines; downhillers downhill and slalomers slalom. Personally, I enjoy speed in all it's forms.

For the Sun Prarie race I was thinking of TS on Saturday and GS on Sunday, but we can do TS & GS on Saturday and DH on Sunday. BOO-YEAH!

We're not gonna required leathers are we? I can't afford that. I have a full face and all the pads and gloves. Is that good enuff?
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Wesley Tucker
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Post by Wesley Tucker » Fri Nov 17, 2006 3:40 pm


Wait a little while and determine your turn out, then start considering your schedule. Also, our experience is that DH takes a LOT LESS time than slalom: no cones to reset, no complicated matters on the computer to calculate, less intrisic starts. It all adds up to maybe 50 skaters taking two or three run in an hour or less.

At the Dixie Cup we run all three on two days with 60 or more skaters: TS eliminations on Saturday, GS Sunday morning and early afternoon, DH later in the afternoon with plenty of time before it gets dark . . . and that's in November! I'm sure a summer race would work out well with no daylight issues.

Tom Mangelsdorf
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Post by Tom Mangelsdorf » Fri Nov 17, 2006 3:54 pm

I'm always grateful for helpful suggestions. Y'all are the experts!

It'd be cool if people could get over the ncdsa site and sign up. We already have 10 people.

I LOVE YOU GUYS! [I mean that in a manly way - not in the Brokeback sense.]
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Marty Agather
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Count me in

Post by Marty Agather » Fri Nov 17, 2006 11:05 pm

CFav- I like your idea, and particularly calling out the Rock City boyz. Only problem there is it is a 12 hour drive for us in the north trying to head that way. We've got the start of a MN crew going here in Twin Town, and some other resources that might be able to commit as well to do an outlaw here. I'll let Dave L lead our contingent, he's got the experience to ID what we might be able to get accomplished.

One question that might come up is whether we should schedule around some of the big events outside the midwest. I doubt that I'd be headed to any of those, as a noob I'm guessing it's a stretch for me even to finish a locals race, much less a course set for the big dogs. BUT, others might have designs on getting to the Farm, Dixie, LaCosta or some other gathering.

Maybe we should have a poll to see whether there are a couple of races that the midwest cadre is thinking about attending, and then that would give us a firmer idea of when we could set up our series events?


Marty Agather
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Land of the midnight sun...

Post by Marty Agather » Fri Nov 17, 2006 11:08 pm


In the summer, we can run until 8-9 pm here in the north country. All you need to watch out for are the snow banks and frozen puddles. They get harder to see at twilight.

Best, Fran

Chris Favero
CHIxILL Master CFav
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Post by Chris Favero » Sat Nov 18, 2006 2:57 am

marty,we should schedule around the bigger events.also,not evry race would be 5 hours or less,but half could be,the others a cheap flight.last,if we throw the races people will come.to me,this is about building something,doing something rad,making new friends,creating some kill memories and having a great time in the process.cfav
Freak Bros. Racing

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