Everybody move out of the Midwest???

Slalom Skateboarding in the Midwest U.S.A.

Moderators: Christopher Bara, Jonathan Harms, Ron Barbagallo, Maria Carrasco, Russel Cantor, Lynn Kramer

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Marty Agather
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Everybody move out of the Midwest???

Post by Marty Agather » Mon Oct 16, 2006 4:24 am

This board is so quiet it makes a morgue look like a happening spot. Those southern guys aren't against talking some sports, so let's talk some smack: Midwest World Series anyone?

Weather's changing, we've only got a couple of weeks left for out door skating here in the Twin Towns. Just had a nice session in a parking deck here with a handful of others under the lights, but we had flakes on two days last week.

Skate 'em if you got 'em,


Tod Oles
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Post by Tod Oles » Mon Oct 16, 2006 4:42 am

Did someone say..........

BADGER HOCKEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
avatar by, Greg Fadell

Marty Agather
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Post by Marty Agather » Mon Oct 16, 2006 3:53 pm

Well I guess if you live in a place where the ice on the local pond won't support the puck, much less the skater, then you're excused for liking second tier hockey.

In all seriousness, I'm a recent MN transplant from Chicago, so I still get my Maroon and Red mixed up, but the thing that amazes me is that every (and I mean every) local park in town gets a set of boards and a rink sprayed down as soon as it's cold enough to freeze. Definitely a hockey crazy town.

I skate with Dave Larson up here, he's mentioned you a couple of times all in a good way. Maybe he'll weigh in on your red-baiting comment!

See you rink side,



Post by RL » Tue Oct 24, 2006 3:35 am

Well i faded away 2 years ago. my olny slalom buddy moved to seattle. i ruptured disks in my back... anyhow.
Tod, We were always gonna skate together when you came up here. I was gonna surf w/ Chris from detroit..
Well Im back on the board and ready to skate. Oh great its almost Nov.
Im on it next season.

Maybe Milwaukees only slalom skater.

Tom Mangelsdorf
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Post by Tom Mangelsdorf » Thu Oct 26, 2006 6:23 pm

Awwwriiiight! Let's hear it for Milwaukee! Another cheezhed. I'm in Sun Prairie. I love running the cones too. In fact I was out on a Sun Prairie bike path at 4:15 this morning getting some quality time in before having to go to work.

As far as Badger Hockey goes - my allegiences are divided. I went to Wisconsin, my wife is a University of Alaska, Anchorage alumnus. The game we always have to go to is when UAA comes to town. For that game I usually dress up in the UAA green and gold along with my wife just so those poor Seawolves have at least 2 fans in the house.
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Tom Mangelsdorf
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Post by Tom Mangelsdorf » Thu Oct 26, 2006 6:26 pm

Hey Tod - I heard there's a great haunted house in Orangeville, the Haunted Mill or something like that. Didja ever go there?
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Tod Oles
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Post by Tod Oles » Fri Oct 27, 2006 2:52 am


The Haunted Mill is awesome! The youngest daughter works there for her community
service hours.... it's one of the volunteer fire department's fund raising cash cows...

Oh, so 4:15 huh..... what, you trying to make us look bad.....I mean you can sleep in and still make me look bad.....it's not that serious... :-)

I'm glad to see Ric back here!! And yes we'll do some skating this coming year...
Have you ever run across Greg Fadell surfing the "Lakes" ? He's totally into it!
Glad to hear you're healthy enough to consider pushing the wood........

Marty, Dave sent me a vid running cones in a huge parking area with a decent slope.
Were you in on the festivities? Looks like primo pavement. Say hi for me, but be on guard...in a fit of Badger
Red fanaticism I told him to cross chek ya... ;-)

So in closing just one last thought.......
Won't it be great in the next few months to see how well you're cutting apexes by looking
at the wheel tracks in the dried salt..... can't F-N wait...such a great training aid.

Later, T.O.
avatar by, Greg Fadell

Tom Mangelsdorf
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Post by Tom Mangelsdorf » Fri Oct 27, 2006 2:12 pm

Yeah Lemmon Boy, I'm training hard. Be looking over your shoulder ... I'm comin to get ya.

Seriously, the only way I can get any training time in is to give up sleep. Being a grown-up with grown-up responsibilities SUCKS! I wanna be a teenager again when I could skate 4 to 6 hours every day.
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Marty Agather
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Now we're talking smack!

Post by Marty Agather » Fri Oct 27, 2006 6:02 pm

Holy Hannah, there are a couple of guys left who can type and read.

First the niceties:

Ric, welcome back into the pool. Adult swim is definitely on. I'm a newbie, destined to be tail end charlie at any event, but what the hay, winning is overrated.... can you say Bucky hockey??? I worked south of Eau Claire for the last three years, so I'm used to the northern border wars.

Now on to the main event.

So it is a midwest series. I musta had a flashback when they introduced the Tigers in game one. First, Ted Nugent "Strangle Hold", and then Bob Seger on Piano? Talk about taking me back to my boarding roots...

The midwest is thumbing it's nose at all the rest a ya. Bi Costals, Southern gals, whatever. We're solid stock out here in the wide open spaces.

TM: I see that you had a Sun Priarie event last year Dave told me he had a great time, any thoughts of a rerun?

TO: Not sure if I'm in the vid or not. We skated that lot in mid summer with a big gang, and there were a couple of video cameras out, but that was prior to dressing with top coat. I haven't skated there since they did that, so if the surface is jet black and creamy, I wasn't included. If prior, I'm the dude doing the Bobby Piercy (Wes Tucker??) imitation. Salt schmalt. It's the equivalent of raising your duro 5 pts. Just provides a bit more break out at the rear. And believe you me, ice thinned blood is thicker than water, so we Minnesotans aren't going to be cross checking each other.

And finally for Bara: You call yourself the moderator of this board? How about a shout out to the Centralians? Something positive must be happening over in Motor City, even if the beloved Tigers are playing like little leaguers. They'll be coming back home and get their game back. Too soon to count that pitching staff out. Thankfully Pudge had a good night last night.

How about those Redwings? Or more importantly, HOW ABOUT THE WILD??

Later Gators


AKA Francois

Tom Mangelsdorf
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Post by Tom Mangelsdorf » Fri Oct 27, 2006 7:52 pm

Yes - the Sun Prairie event is on for 2007. 2006 being the first year the powers that be were reluctant to do any more than just a little flatland tight slalom. It was a good first year and we had a lot of positive feedback. There are some really killer hills in the area, just a few blocks from where the 2006 event was held. I have permission to move the race out to the hilly spots this year. Dave and Tod have skated them, they know what I'm talking about.

I want to keep what was good about the 2006 event and add to it. I want to make it a 2-day event this year. One of the big positives from 2006 was that a lot of locals that had never seen or done slalom before came out. The flatland tight slalom was a good way for them to whet their appetites. We cut loads of slack for everyone ... for example you could go every other cone if you wanted. The idea was just for them to try it and have a great time. That worked well. I want to retain that. However, I also want to have a big ol' high-speed G/S event over in the hills for the experienced racers. I'm even thinking a speedboard event might be cool.

My greatest fear is Mollica's Buckeye Open. In 2006 it was the weekend after the Sun Prairie event. I'm afraid that if it falls on the same weekend this year, everyone will go to the Buckeye instead. I checked in with Kenny at ncdsa yesterday and he said that he doesn't know for sure when he'll have the Buckeye yet. He's gonna talk it over with folks at the Dixie Cup.
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Christopher Bara
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Post by Christopher Bara » Sat Oct 28, 2006 12:36 am

heh heh....nice try Marty, sports talk aint gonna get my panties in a bunch.....I like the Tige's....i followed the red wings since the only hockey in your parts was in the Great Lakes College league....and uhh...yeah, i dont follow the Lions much.....but sports talk wont rile me....
bastard : )

I've layed off the threads for a while now just because i've been out of the scene for so damn long...last time i skated was the Buckeye back in June....

At this point, i can skate, but i cant fall....but most of my free time has been spent in the gym, trying to get symetrical again....

Went out last weekend for the first time in 4 months last week....ran some wide cones and didnt feel like i missed a beat....i'm STILL a full friggin secone behind Fadell...that's actually a good thing...it could be worse...

Went out last Friday night at midnight and ran downhill w/the boys until about
2:30ish a.m. .......hitting the hills we couldnt hit during the daylight due to traffic....tell you what though....when you see deer all over the sides of the hill...bucks and does...you never know what's going to come out when youre in your tuck position breaking the speed limit....the whole could-kill-you thing is a pretty good rush....

but it was a great time...had to ice my arm in the morning....and if i fall on my shoulder, I screw myself back to square one....but what the hell....like you said the seasons almost over...
Other than that, i'm getting back into the pool when i can officially skate again, in December, with Fadell as a coach....it dont get much better than that

Now, you can throw shit my way all you want, brah.....heh heh...but I'LL be at the Dixie in a week and you'll be shovelin' snow.....heh heh heh

Tod Oles......i know you're heading south too........got a room this time or should we get ya a cot?

(Thanks for bringing the forum back to life) ....welcome back to the skateworld Tom

And Seger....ya know...the guys a BILLIONAIRE......ya think he coulda brushed his teeth or gotten some damn caps before he did that national anthem..........

Marty Agather
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Now that's some smack!

Post by Marty Agather » Sat Oct 28, 2006 2:31 am


That's my guy! I thought that there might be a little of that Motor City mojo left, even if you are nursing a busted wing. Maybe sports aint gonna get yer goat, but impugning your moderating skills seem to have gotten your dander up!

No harm no foul, I'm not taking any of this personal. I'm just tired of seeing little yellow "New message" stickers on all the other forums and our Midwest one pale and sallow like a Wisconsinite after a long day watching the Packers get whupped by the Bears.

Pops: At least the Packers are still man enough to play in a stadium where they can get snowed on. Unlike some purple pansies around these here parts.

Sports might get some others to post here once in a while, and who knows, maybe we can create enough of a community that we actually talk slalom, and Midwest contests are better attended than some of the other "love fests".

Smack On,


Christopher Bara
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Post by Christopher Bara » Sat Oct 28, 2006 3:13 am


There's actually a bunch of midwesterners, especially Ohio way, but since Mollica is their General, they usually post up on the Gong Show....There's a bunch of us up here in Michigan too, but only A couple of us really hang out on this site, and the other guy rarely posts! (that other guy being Fadell)
This Chicago guys usually post up on their CHIXILL forum....so yep, it gets quiet in here sometimes...
Actually, this whole site has been pretty quiet this year....even NCDSA has been slow...Silverfish has been pretty busy, but that's because there's allot of new skaters over their and they post up allot....

So now the big question...with 06 winding down, where's everybody going to next year?

Time for a new thread...


Post by RL » Sat Oct 28, 2006 4:04 am

thanks all you cats..
I would have come to sun prarie this yr had i know about it.. if ben off the web scene.

Tod no i havent met Greg Fadell yet..
last suday waves were near epic. tomorrrow is gonna be great also..
heres a pic from last weekend in Beer City

phone calls anytime from my slalom brothers are welcome.. 1-414-916-8922


Tod Oles
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Post by Tod Oles » Sat Oct 28, 2006 4:14 am


Glad you're doing well!! Just be cool about it..... And my lovely wife will be keeping
me out of harms way this trip.........so......... YEAH!!!!! I NEED A COT :-)

DAMN!! Ric, ya posted just as I hit the button...... great shot! on a nice wave...
Fadell is in Detroit.... I think he'd like to know about this... ;-)
avatar by, Greg Fadell

Christopher Bara
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Post by Christopher Bara » Sat Oct 28, 2006 4:26 am

AS gnarly as surfing the great lakes looks, i have to get ahold of Kenny for this video he has of TK surfing the northeast coastline...in the dead of winter....icecapped shoreline and the whole nine...........it's insane.........

Ric...good to see ya back......its been ages since you've posted....i figured you grabbed the remote, planted your ass on the couch with a pizza and gave up on the good life...That is one impressive wave for fresh water!

Tod.........just think man.....one more week......Hobby Hill.....

Oh, by the way...2nd intermission...Red Wings are up over the Mild by one

Tom Mangelsdorf
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Post by Tom Mangelsdorf » Sat Oct 28, 2006 6:41 pm

I've been a Bears fan my whole miserable life. I love being a Bears fan here in Packer country because I love talkin smack. >:-)
Gravity is a terrible thing to waste.


Post by RL » Sun Oct 29, 2006 1:00 am

Christopher Bara wrote:AS gnarly as surfing the great lakes looks, i have to get ahold of Kenny for this video he has of TK surfing the northeast coastline...in the dead of winter....icecapped shoreline and the whole nine...........it's insane........
Ric...good to see ya back......its been ages since you've posted....i figured you grabbed the remote, planted your ass on the couch with a pizza and gave up on the good life...That is one impressive wave for fresh water!
Chris I think Ive seen it.. yea its good in NH.. Ive surfed it, but not in the dead of winter.. TK and I used to email about surf and slalom.

No my ass never gets a chance to hit the couch.. 3 kids now.. so i work all the time.. then i either surf or lay flat in bed resting the back..
I can skate though.. I lost my skaing partner.. slalom by yourself is kind lonely..
I wanna get on it next yr.

Not me but this is a buddy on Superior.

Marty Agather
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Post by Marty Agather » Sun Oct 29, 2006 3:55 pm

CB Not Francis T, Francois. It's my nom de guerre, determined on a long, hot fishless trip to Canada years back.

TM: I mentioned that I used to work outside of Eau Claire, and one of my good buds has season Packers tickets, so last year we went to a Monday Night game at Lambeau. What a blast. Stopped at a couple of bars on the way over, bought some cheese curds, pre game and then onto the main event. Great time.

My opinion is that real football teams are great lakes related, and play outdoors.


Dave Larson
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Post by Dave Larson » Mon Oct 30, 2006 4:49 am

Well the coolest spot we had just got burned down today.Set a great course, chalked it,got to the top after marking from the bottom up.Stood up to face the this guy with a W.C.Fields nose saying he is the superentendent of Dunwoody Tech ."If youes guys fell and got hurt you could sue us" Same line as always.Anyhow there is always the church lot.I am looking forward to getting to more races next year.Before my A.A.R.P card expires.I did get to experience Vikings football at the old Met in December Ah the sound of 40.000 mittens clapping. No thanks .. Later dave
not so only,lonely,slalom sk8ter

Tom Mangelsdorf
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Post by Tom Mangelsdorf » Tue Oct 31, 2006 10:48 pm

A friend of a friend produced two tix for the Jet's game at Lambeau on Dec 3. Gonna go see that. It'll be my first game at Lambeau. Looking forward to it. Lots of history there.

And since the Pack is playing the Jets, I will have no trouble being a Packer fan for the day.
Gravity is a terrible thing to waste.

Wesley Tucker
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Post by Wesley Tucker » Tue Oct 31, 2006 10:54 pm

I would sacrifice Bara's left nut to get to Lambeau Field.

Being a good ol' boy from down here, though, I don't know that a December game would be to my liking. I understand the NFL also plays in September? Maybe I'd try and get up that way before the ice pack rolls in.

I wish Oshkosh was later in the Autumn or football started in August. I want to do both someday and would have to make two trips.

Go Packers!

Brandon Lockwood
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Post by Brandon Lockwood » Tue Oct 31, 2006 11:54 pm

i live in the quad cities, but i'm at college in carbondale right now.

Dave Larson
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Post by Dave Larson » Tue Oct 31, 2006 11:56 pm

W.T. you mean Oshkosh the air show?I made it there with my dad who flew in W.W.II Three days of pure aviation joy. Dave
not so only,lonely,slalom sk8ter

Tod Oles
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Post by Tod Oles » Wed Nov 01, 2006 2:58 am


Did you ever get a setup??

Anything worth skating down there??
avatar by, Greg Fadell

Wesley Tucker
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Post by Wesley Tucker » Wed Nov 01, 2006 3:28 am

Dave Larson wrote:W.T. you mean Oshkosh the air show?I made it there with my dad who flew in W.W.II Three days of pure aviation joy. Dave

Tom Mangelsdorf
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Post by Tom Mangelsdorf » Wed Nov 01, 2006 3:13 pm

Random interjection - not relevent: Both my daughters live in Oshkosh. They call it Osh Vegas.
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Chris Barrett
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Post by Chris Barrett » Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:46 pm

I was at Oshkosh when the corsairs collided on takeoff a couple years back, really sucked.

Brandon Lockwood
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Post by Brandon Lockwood » Thu Nov 02, 2006 1:03 am

i just got a speeding ticket like a week and a half ago, so that's gonna set me back awhile. there are some hills around but i haven't really been out exploring too much. the only board i got right now is a landyachtz evo, i can probably do cones about 10 feet apart.

Christopher Bara
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Post by Christopher Bara » Thu Nov 02, 2006 1:57 am

Brandon, keep your eye on NCDSA and Silverfish as well as this forum...it's the end of the season so you'll be seeing some boards come up for sale cheap....you should be able to pick up a top line set up for basement prices

Brandon Lockwood
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Post by Brandon Lockwood » Thu Nov 02, 2006 9:22 pm

thanks for the tip

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