? about G.R.A.S.S. movement

North American Slalom Races & Results

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Adam Trahan
Phoenix, AZ, USA
Phoenix, AZ, USA
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Post by Adam Trahan » Fri Sep 20, 2002 12:25 am


Can you give us a brief overview of what the G.R.A.S.S. movement is about?

In the scheme of things slalom skateboarding, what G.R.A.S.S. means to me is the most powerfull organization that can even default to a single rider or a group of one. It's about slalom skateboarding together with a group of friends organizing an imprompteau practice or a full blown RACE!

Can you give us some words Hugh?


Wes Eastridge
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Post by Wes Eastridge » Sun Sep 22, 2002 10:19 am

The "G.R.A.S.S." acronym was abandoned early on in favor of GRS, meaning Grass Roots Slalom.

William Tway
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Post by William Tway » Sun Sep 22, 2002 8:13 pm

WesE, That is not true at all. GRASS is alive and well in many regions of this country. It's entirely up to the organizer of their chapter if they want to use GRASS or GRS. In fact, Da' Farm was brought to you by a combined effort of NY GRASS and NH GRASS.

Matthew Wilson
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Post by Matthew Wilson » Mon Sep 23, 2002 5:14 am

If you don't like GRASS, you can go with BASS.

God, I'm corny.

Anyway, to make this post relevant, I spoke to a 14 year old kid about coming to some of the Boston Area Slalom Sessions. Although I have little hope for the kid's immediate involvement, I am convinved that the term term GRASS is well suited for most of the slalom community. Any program looking for initial growth seems to naturally fall into the category of Grass Roots. And no matter what other name we assign to it (B.A.S.S. for example) to describe our individual groups, the GRASS as in grass roots will universally categorize the communities main initiative.

Unless of course GRASS was adopted as an acronym to mean something totally different than what I am thinking of. If so, then this post is irrelevant and I should just shut up.
slalom is good

Adam Trahan
Phoenix, AZ, USA
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Post by Adam Trahan » Wed Sep 25, 2002 3:49 pm

May I respectfully ask that someone send a "private message" to me telling WesE's full name? I have twice asked for his full name for the register and he will not respond.


Thank you very much Mr.E for the information on G.R.A.S.S. vs G.R.S. I am not sure what was fully decided in regards to the name.

I did visit http://www.grassrootsslalom.com which uses the full G.R.A.S.S. to investigate and found that my name had been removed from their roster. I have requested my name to be added to the list for the AZ chapter.

I also visited http://grassrootsslalom.homestead.com wich also uses the full "Grass Roots Association of Slalom Skateboarders" but abreviates to G.R.S. which is what I prefer AND as far as I know, Hugh Regalado is the author of the original web site that reflects the nature of the organization. There you will find my chapter and all chapters that have requested to be listed.

We all need to pull together to advance the sport.
On 2002-09-22 04:19, WesE wrote:
The "G.R.A.S.S." acronym was abandoned early on in favor of GRS, meaning Grass Roots Slalom.

Gary Holl
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Post by Gary Holl » Fri Sep 27, 2002 11:51 pm

Not sure if results go here but a few weeks ago Howard, Judi,
Hutson and I ran a GRS event in Santa Cruz. Here are the results:

1st Annual, "John Hutson GRS" held in Beautiful
Santa Cruz California.

Held in a "jam" format. Everyone took as many runs possible in 1 hour. For the most part everyone had 6 or 7 runs during the Hybrid event and 3 to 4 during the Giant Slalom event.

Hybrid Results:

Holl 12.78 Turner 1st Pro
Maysey 13.32 Turner 2nd Pro
Takaoka 13.53 Turner 3rd Pro
Reese 13.82 COMET 1st Open
Hutson 13.98 Santa Cruz 4th Pro
Sully 14.20 COMET 2nd Open
Ravitch 14.51 COMET 3rd Open
Schreiber 14.90 ?G&S 4th Open
H. Gordon 14.96 Turner 5th Open
Oyama 15.87 ROE 1st Women
D. Gordon 16.75 Turner 1st Boys
Kim 16.86 Turner 6th Open
L. Gordon 20.04 Turner 1st Girls

G/S Results:

Maysey 16.03 Turner 1st Pro
Takaoka 16.37 Turner 2nd Pro
Holl 16.46 Turner 3rd Pro
Hutson 16.84 Santa Cruz 4th Pro
Sully 16.99 COMET 1st Open
Ravitch 17.20 COMET 2nd Open
Reese 17.35 COMET 3rd Open
H. Gordon 17.82 Turner 4th Open
Schreiber 18.11 G&S 5th Open
Oyama 19.53 ROE 1st Women
HC 19.75 COMET 6th Open
Kim 20.10 Turner 7th Open
D. Gordon 21.13 Turner 1st Boys
L. Gordon 24.08 Turner 1st Girls

Hugh Regalado
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Post by Hugh Regalado » Sat Oct 19, 2002 4:23 am

Hey guys! Sorry that I have been absent from this forum (actually from slalom in general lately... nothing personal!)

GRS and GRASS were born within days of eachother... through conversations with the Knuckleheads, esp Alan S, it was figured that a grass roots effort was needed in order to help push the return of slalom.

Alan and I had pages up pratically at the same time... we worked in conjuction with eachother, but each on our own site.

At first, I also used GRASS on my title pages... but with the possibility of it being mistaken as a moniker for pot, I decided that on my site (which I guard my full editorial control as if it were my child... or turner) I would switch to simply GRS for the name.

My interest in slalom has generally been from the sideline. However, I believed that if I helped to bring people together for a common activity, that it would be a good thing.

I will be more diligent in checking back here! HR

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