The Farm Outlaw Series

Slalom Skateboarding in New England U.S.A.

Moderators: Jonathan Harms, Ron Barbagallo, Russel Cantor, Lynn Kramer, Maria Carrasco, Karl Floitgraf

Anthony Pistono
Posts: 26
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Post by Anthony Pistono » Fri Jun 02, 2006 3:33 am

i want to say about 45 minutes from where the race is... that sound right bob??

deffinetley worth the drive...
Team Fatboy

Robert J Herten
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Post by Robert J Herten » Fri Jun 02, 2006 3:20 pm

Yup, 45 minutes no traffic, about an hour to an hour and a half with traffic to Wally World.

If its a nice day in July (which it will be :)) there will be traffic in the afternoon.

We could take up a concensis and see, maybe we could all caravan down there after the race.

I'm ALWAYS down to skate that park. Its just as addicting as slalom.

Paul Pellerin
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Post by Paul Pellerin » Fri Jun 02, 2006 6:29 pm

It's been a while since I skated a park, but I can't pass up Wally World Crete.

Only in NJ, does it take twice as long to get from point A to point B.

I e-mailed Joe I several photos of each hill. Based on the photos, he was very impressed with the hill selection. he will post them in the near future.

Both hills are smooth, double lane width, have steeper pitches and s-turns at the end of each hill and long run-outs. Expect some very creative course setting on both hills. The larger of the two hills has Joe I talking about a possible 100 cone course. Bring It!!!

Perhaps, I'm getting ahead of myself as I will need permission from the town. I should find out next week. However, I found out that an old CPA colleague of mine is married to the town's Director of Parks & Recreation. This is the person I need to meet with about the race. Also, a family friend is the office manager of the Public Works Dept., which is the dept. that would block off a couple of roads for the race. Maybe just maybe the skate gods will come through for me.

Anthony Pistono
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Post by Anthony Pistono » Sat Jun 03, 2006 12:22 am

that sounds good... hope it all falls into place
Team Fatboy

Robert J Herten
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Location: Jersey

Post by Robert J Herten » Mon Jun 05, 2006 2:13 pm

Fatboy stepped up and threw this beauty in for a prize for "little Robbie's Birthday" NJ Outlaw:


Thanks Fatty!!

We also have Skatewerks skateshop throwing in a few shirts. Before you all ask, NO, Herb N. will not be throwing in a set of custom trucks ;)

Thanks to everyone who has signed up already for this race. So far we have 11 people signed up. But I'm needy and want more!

So go to NCDSA and sign up already!

Don't make me be the fat kid who nobody shows up to his birthday party ;)

Paul Pellerin
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Post by Paul Pellerin » Mon Jun 05, 2006 3:09 pm


I thought we had a chance since this is one of the few towns in Maine that actually has a skateboard park. I did not even have a chance to explain a thing. He knew why I was calling and came out firing. I did get him to admit that he has the authority and ability to close the road down, he just doesn't want to for a slalom race. Typical redneck Mainer.

Now I know why we have Outlaw races.

I found a site that list the various festivals in Maine by month and by town. I'll try to attach the race with a small festival so liability won't be an issue.

Robert J Herten
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Post by Robert J Herten » Mon Jun 05, 2006 3:17 pm

That's too bad Paul, I hope you can get something else going. I am looking foward to eating a lobster pie ;)

Wait, they have rednecks in Maine? There migrating North? ;)

Paul Pellerin
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Post by Paul Pellerin » Wed Jun 07, 2006 2:43 pm

Yes, we have rednecks with guns.

You would think after 30yrs, skateboarding would be a bit more accepted here in Maine. No way!!! The cities and towns continue to spend millions to build useless parks, tennis courts etc... that get little or no use.

Liability my ass. My 3 year old daughter fell off a curb at the race location while watching me skate. She was more banged up than anyone that crashed at any of the races I have attended. Mean while, I will now make this my offical cone practice location. Education is the only way!!!

I will continue looking for a new race/hill location. I have a couple of options, but none worthy of dragging people all the way to Maine. Besides lobster doesn't travel well.

Paul Pellerin
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Post by Paul Pellerin » Wed Jun 07, 2006 2:44 pm

Yes, we have rednecks with guns.

You would think after 30yrs, skateboarding would be a bit more accepted here in Maine. No way!!! The cities and towns continue to spend millions to build useless parks, tennis courts etc... that get little or no use.

Liability my ass. My 3 year old daughter fell off a curb at the race location while watching me skate. She was more banged up than anyone that crashed at any of the races I have attended. Mean while, I will now make this my offical cone practice location. Education is the only way!!!

I will continue looking for a new race/hill location. I have a couple of options, but none worthy of dragging people all the way to Maine. Besides lobster doesn't travel well.

Eric Brammer
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Public Eye

Post by Eric Brammer » Wed Jun 07, 2006 8:35 pm

Paul, be Patient, or as patient as you can be. Always have a wave or smile ready for passersby.. Set courses with washable chalk at public venues. Use paint dots only once you've got some form of 'permission' from the land management/owner, and even then, use low-key colors(yes, a pain to find,but the less obvious,the better) for permanent course sets. Wear your gear, pads/helmet, as to be a better ambassador for the sport, if not more P.C. and safe.
It took me almost a decade to find that jewel of a spot, the Dam. My Vermont Gazeteer topo map has notes scrawled all through it, noting 'new tar' or 'Hill' that literally charts years of road-searches. I've been shot at, spat upon, had Dogs nip my shoes [and helmet when Luging! :-( ] a even have earned two speeding tickets for skateboarding. Scariest by FAR was the dude with a jacked-up pickup trying to Speed-Bump me while I was on a streetluge!! I'll tell ya, 38" Swampers look damn HUGE coming within a few feet of your head at 50 mph! Thank the Lord that my brakes were better than his!
In any case, keeping an honest, fun approach to my skating, while being willing to reach out just a little to those who are interested [even if it's a Cop], has kept me usually out of trouble and let me skate where others would have been charged with tresspassing. I think the last time I actually got into a 'debate' [with the LAW] was with Curt and Shaggy while skating in Jamaica a few years back. Funny as hell having a twenty-something Sherriff trying to shut CMC down while Shaggy just scooped-up the cones and skated off. I though Curt was taking a ride down to the station that day!
"Surfin' these Old Hills since back in The Day"

Robert J Herten
Posts: 112
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Post by Robert J Herten » Mon Jun 12, 2006 4:01 pm

NOTICE: Anyone coming to the July 8th Race in Jersey: BRING YOUR DOWNHILL BOARDS. Or if you don't have a downhill board, bring a GS setup that can handle some speed.

Since there's a big hill that runs right past where we'll be BBQ'ing, we plan on running a third race, a Totally Unprofessional Downhill Race. The timer will be moved to the hill, speeds will be figured out, etc. The hill is basically a straight bomb, some small turns but nothing technical. Strongest push and best tuck will win this one. The hill is capable of 25+ MPH, I got clocked by a cop doing 25 on there before, and that is with footbraking part of the hill. This race is just for fun and will not hold any standings on the Hybrid and TS.

Major style points for anyone that bombs the hill while eating a cheeseburger or a hotdog :)

I checked out the site over the weekend, and it looks like they just installed two brand new BBQ pits right next to the pavillion. I'll be buying some Hamburgers and Hotdog's, along with a few liters of soda. Bring your favorite dead animal, and we'll grill it up. Yes, Fatboy, I'd prefer it be dead first ;) Should be alot of fun! Go sign up!

Anthony Pistono
Posts: 26
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Post by Anthony Pistono » Mon Jun 12, 2006 5:15 pm

Team Fatboy

Adam Daniels
Adam Daniels
Adam Daniels
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Post by Adam Daniels » Mon Jun 12, 2006 8:32 pm

i'm up for the DH race! please post pics of the turns! oh dang....only 25mph? is that all jersey has to offer!?!?!?!?! hahahaa.......i want 50mph! i hit it a few weekends ago and I am dying for mo speed!
No vestido para mi


Robert J Herten
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Location: Jersey

Post by Robert J Herten » Mon Jun 12, 2006 8:46 pm

Adam Daniels wrote:i'm up for the DH race! please post pics of the turns! oh dang....only 25mph? is that all jersey has to offer!?!?!?!?! hahahaa.......i want 50mph! i hit it a few weekends ago and I am dying for mo speed!
That's all we have to offer at the same race site as the two slalom races. Don't tempt us, or I'll have the boys bring you to Sibbald. Forget dresses, you'll be wearing diapers the rest of your life. ;)

There are plenty of pics of the hill on this site and the various other sites. It's the same hill I have listed as the hybrid hill. I decided to not run the hybrid on that hill, but instead run it on the hill I have listed for the TS, and run the TS down the runout for the same course (thats not pictured anywhere). There's a few reasons for this: One, is I only ran the big hill on a DH board, and forgot how fast it is. Therefore, were running a downhill on that and not the Hybrid. And the biggest reason, is the the other hill is in the very back of the park, has less traffic as far as joggers and bikes are concerned, and therefore Cops will have much less of a problem with us running there. Since the Downhill doesn't require cones, and we have that Pavillon reserved, we shouldn't have a problem with that either. I've done both plenty of times with Cops coming by and giving me the okay for both activities.

The Downhill race will be last also. Please remember, its totally UNprofessional ;)
Last edited by Robert J Herten on Mon Jun 12, 2006 8:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Adam Daniels
Adam Daniels
Adam Daniels
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Post by Adam Daniels » Mon Jun 12, 2006 8:49 pm

not only record times, but we should have 4 man heats! that will be exciting!
No vestido para mi


Robert J Herten
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Post by Robert J Herten » Mon Jun 12, 2006 8:51 pm

Not wide enough. Two man would be way to crazy.

How about you run down it while we throw food at you, that would be exciting ;)

Adam Daniels
Adam Daniels
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Post by Adam Daniels » Mon Jun 12, 2006 8:53 pm

sounds good to me....then i will catch your burgers of death and eat them on the way down....then use the other ones i catch with my mad skill as sliding pucks
No vestido para mi


Robert J Herten
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Post by Robert J Herten » Mon Jun 12, 2006 9:03 pm

Burgers smurgers, I'm throwing whole racks of ribs. Better throw on your 101 fly's ;)


Robert J Herten
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Post by Robert J Herten » Tue Jun 27, 2006 8:06 pm

For those that signed up without an email, or didn't bother to sign up:

Just wanted to thank everybody one more time for signing up for the NJ
Outlaw. We have allot of great things planned, and it looks like its
to be a fun day of racing. I want to share some important info with
everyone before you come up though, especially concerning directions. I
know its a bit early, but myself along with most of the NJ crew will be
leaving for the Dovercourt Race up in Canada on Friday, and I won't be
around a computer until next Wednesday.

Let me get this out of the way with real quick first: PLEASE NO ALCOHOL
IN THE PARK! Since the permit for alcohol costs money, and I want to
the race free, I didn't get the permit. It also required a police
on site the whole time, and cops make us Jersey guys nervous. Therefore
since the party permit is in my name, I can be fined and held
for anyone drinking in the park. So please don't make me cry on my
birthday. Anybody that wants to drink, we'll be having an after party
in my
backyard that's is only a few blocks away, so you can bring the tequila
strippers there later.

Just a reminder: We have the pavilion and BBQ area reserved all day for
a party, so we will be cooking and partying after the races. We have
its in the contract. And far be it my fat butt to deny a chance to eat.
I'll be providing Hamburgers and Hot dogs, along with some soda and
water to
drink. So be prepared to eat. If you want anything else, bring it along
and we'll cook it up, just please be sure its fully dead first. There's
brand new playground equipment all over the area too, so if your
the kids they'll have plenty to do. There's also baseball and Football
fields, but I don't think you want to challenge Team Fatboy to a
game considering most of our linebacker physiques.

And most importantly: Directions. Hofstra Park can be a little tricky
to drive too, its pretty easy to drive past the entrance. So I'm going
attempt to make this easy for everybody. If you mapquest the park from
link on the NCDSA sign up page, your directions should eventually put
you on
North 8Th St. Ignore the rest of the directions, and follow these:

Once you get on North 8Th St., you going to want to look for Struyck
You want to make a right or a left onto Struck Ave, depending on which
direction your coming from. YOU WANT TO GO UPHILL ON STRUCK AVE, and
will make it painfully obvious on which direction to turn once you get
Struck. Follow Struck all the way up the hill to the very end, you'll
to make a slight right at the end. IMMEDIATELY after you go right, you
to make a quick left. You'll see a big blue sign that says Hofstra Park
you make the left. Go up the hill and stay to your left, driving past
gates. You'll see the big baseball field and the start of the bike path
your left as you drive into the park. Follow the road all the way to
very end, and park along the culdasac. You should be able to see the
on the path by now.

If you look at your mapquest directions, and they don't say anything
about North 8Th St., please email them to me here at this address(, and I will read them and see if I can set you on
easier path. You can always call my cell too: 862-262-6349 I should
one of the guys standing at the bottom of the park too, so just look
some freak with a slalom board. I might also tie some balloons to a few
the street signs where you have to turn (it is a "birthday party"

Any questions, please feel free to hit me here or give me a call.

Otherwise, practice starts at 10am!!

Ron Barbagallo
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Post by Ron Barbagallo » Tue Jun 27, 2006 8:59 pm

the chickens, do they have large talons?
Evil Potentate
Team Fatboy - all hopped up on goofballs!

Still douchebags, but CLASSY douchebags ;)


Robert J Herten
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Location: Jersey

Post by Robert J Herten » Wed Jun 28, 2006 2:01 pm

No, but you will be paid in change.

On the directions above, the correct spelling of that street is STRUYK Ave, not struck. If anybody wants, they can use this link to mapquest directions to that street instead, and follow the directions I posted above. You can see the park on this map too: ... mbiguity=1

Adam Daniels
Adam Daniels
Adam Daniels
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Post by Adam Daniels » Tue Jul 04, 2006 12:27 am

just to let everyone know, the folks on silverfish have started a possible swap meet at the NJ race this saturday. so bring all the equipment you no longer use, or just want to trade for something different. giant buy/sell/trade.....
No vestido para mi


Tyler Hager
Posts: 38
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Post by Tyler Hager » Wed Jul 05, 2006 4:23 am

I dont know how that started, but whatever....

You guys can trade and swap fluids all you want, but it IS a race. We are serious: if you dont race, you dont get food. Its as simple as that.

Adam Daniels
Adam Daniels
Adam Daniels
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Post by Adam Daniels » Wed Jul 05, 2006 5:09 am

i understand, i know this is a race and i plan to race as hard as i can....but this is something to do while inbetween runs i guess
No vestido para mi


Robert J Herten
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Post by Robert J Herten » Wed Jul 05, 2006 2:33 pm

You guys can trade your dolls all you want during the BBQ, don't bother me.

Tyler is right though, if you don't at least try the courses more then once, or at the very least conehead, then you don't eat any of the food I'm providing. This is, first and foremost, a slalom race. No tickee, no shirtee. NO SOUP FOR YOU! ;)

I just got one of those nifty Hot Wheels Radar guns as an early birthday present, so that should come in handy for the DH portion of our show. I'll let you guys know how well it works as soon as it stops raining around here.

Speaking of which, the forecast looks really good right now for Saturday, so just cross your fingers and toes that it stays that way.

And on a side note, apperently the NJ State Government is on strike and shutdown right now, so feel free to loot and pillage as you see fit while your visiting the Garden State.

Leonardo Ojeda
Venezuelan Racer
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Post by Leonardo Ojeda » Wed Jul 05, 2006 7:24 pm

could you post your contact info in case we get lost?

"I`ll see you at the end of the hill"

Robert J Herten
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Post by Robert J Herten » Wed Jul 05, 2006 9:12 pm

Could've sworn I put it in the email I sent out. But just in case, my Cell number is 862 262 6349

John Dillon
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N.NJ Slalom

Post by John Dillon » Thu Jul 06, 2006 11:54 pm

Hey Rob,
I will try to make it up there...maybe I'll bring WesE too!
-John Dillon
Team Fun

Robert J Herten
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Post by Robert J Herten » Fri Jul 07, 2006 2:21 pm

Right on John, can't wait to see ya again!

Weather is looking perfect for tomorrow: Sunny, 85 degrees and low humidity. It was really nice here last night and looks to be the same for the rest of the weekend. So in other words:


I'll be setting the courses tonight. Due to the narrowness of the hills and the curves, both courses are going to lean more on the technical and tight side, so I suggest a smallish wheelbase and the 66's. But that's just a suggestion. You can run 12 gumballs on a 40" for all I care, if that's what you want.

Don't forget your DH or GS boards for a totally "UNproffesional" Downhill race.

Please remember to pull in and go SLOW through the park, all the way to the back, and park along the coldasac.

PRACTICE STARTS 10AM. The First race should start around 11:30-12.

See you Tomorrow!!!

Any questions, call my cell: 862-262-6349

Adam Daniels
Adam Daniels
Adam Daniels
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Post by Adam Daniels » Fri Jul 07, 2006 3:17 pm

the ts isn't going to be straight down the middle right? like the picture? because that paint stuff they use on roads is mighty slippery

i'm soo looking forward to this race....i had a dream about it last night and tyler showed up in his car (in my dream it was a black saab) with a box of gf hurley trucks on his pasenger seat and fatboy was in the back of the car fiddling with something. then the racing started and as everyone came around the final stretch in the ts race fatboy threw a big 'ol pie right in there face....everyone had pads on and flew a good distance and did a body criddle with the last 10 cones
No vestido para mi


Tyler Hager
Posts: 38
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Post by Tyler Hager » Fri Jul 07, 2006 4:01 pm

I actually do have a black car, but its a Pontiac.

Those cones are are curved and following the path, and you dont really have to worry about slipping out.

Karl Floitgraf
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Post by Karl Floitgraf » Fri Jul 07, 2006 4:12 pm

Really last night I dreamt about Joe Iacovelli in a thong taking me around the Willy Wonka chocolate factory.



See you guys in september!

Tyler Hager
Posts: 38
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Post by Tyler Hager » Fri Jul 07, 2006 4:55 pm

Karl Floitgraf wrote:Really last night I dreamt about Joe Iacovelli in a thong taking me around the Willy Wonka chocolate factory.
You probably arent even joking, are you?

Ron Barbagallo
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Post by Ron Barbagallo » Fri Jul 07, 2006 7:40 pm

Karl Floitgraf wrote:Really last night I dreamt about Joe Iacovelli in a thong taking me around the Willy Wonka chocolate factory.



See you guys in september!
Tell Lisa and the girls that Fatboy says "Hi"!!

And eveyone knows Joe only wears the thong when he's pudding wrestling - duh!
Evil Potentate
Team Fatboy - all hopped up on goofballs!

Still douchebags, but CLASSY douchebags ;)


Robert J Herten
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Location: Jersey

Post by Robert J Herten » Sun Jul 09, 2006 3:55 am

I'm extremely sore, half drunk, sunburned and tired as all hell, but I stopped on real quick just to say that I had without a doubt the best birthday of my life today. I'm dead serious. Even better then my 21st, and that involved strippers and tequila ;).

Huge thanks to Fatboy for stepping up and providing ALL THE SWAG at the race, for helping organize, coneheading, providing pie (don't forget, I'm thinking Key Lime ;) ) And just straight up bieng the coolest guy I know. That is, when he's not harassing me :)

As for Noah, I swear I did not make my unholy creatures of the park make him decide to try a grass ride and eat it. Thanks for coming out and showing us just how fast slalom is supposed to be Noah. Not only was he fast, but the guy broke his collarbone, got up without even screaming or making a sound, went to the hospital, came back, hung out, donated his prize to a younger guy, and then drove home with one Fuckin arm. Thats HARDCORE right there kids. I've broken my collarbone before and I know how painful that can be, I would've been on the floor crying like a little girl. Heal fast man.

A big thanks to Mr. Daniels for maning the grill and cooking up all the food after the race, to Tyler, Anthony, and the rest of the NJDB for helping me with EVERYTHING for over a MONTH, to all the people that coneheaded including the parents, to everyone for coming out to Joisey and making this probably the best race I've been to all year yet. Can't wait for the farm.

I'm extremely tired and ready to pass out, so I'll post full results of both races tomorrow morning.

Thanks again guys,

Robert J Herten
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Location: Jersey

Post by Robert J Herten » Sun Jul 09, 2006 1:34 pm

Here are the results from "Little Robbies Birthday" NJ Slalom Race:


1. Noah H. 16.166
2. Anthony P. 17.502
3. Tyler H. 17.548
4. Adam D. 17.715
5. J. Dillon 18.064
6. Matt H. 18.534
7.Rob H. 18.701
8.Shane A. 18.912
9. Glen C. 19.634
10. Ben 20.771
11. Nick H. 21.605
12. Mason H. 21.995
13. Fatboy 22.170
Connor S. DNF
Leo O. DNF

1. Adam D. 10.92
2. Rob H. 11.592
3. Anthony P. 12.419
4. Tyler H. 12.572
5. Matt H. 12.629
6. Shane A. 12.673
7. J. Dillon 13.452
8. Ben 13.586
9. Fatboy 15.541
Mason H DNF
Nick H DNF
Glen C. DNF

If you guys want raw times and cone counts, I got those too, just ask and I'll post them up.
Last edited by Robert J Herten on Sun Jul 09, 2006 2:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Adam Daniels
Adam Daniels
Adam Daniels
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Post by Adam Daniels » Sun Jul 09, 2006 2:06 pm

donde esta Glen C in ts?
No vestido para mi


Robert J Herten
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Post by Robert J Herten » Sun Jul 09, 2006 2:16 pm

Sorry, Glen C. DNF

I knew I was missing somebody. Thanks Adam.

Adam Daniels
Adam Daniels
Adam Daniels
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Post by Adam Daniels » Sun Jul 09, 2006 2:22 pm

no i'm off to eat my apple pie! maybe i'll take a pic to make everyone jealous because they have to jp
No vestido para mi


Chris Barrett
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Post by Chris Barrett » Sun Jul 09, 2006 6:02 pm

Congrats to the jersians I know Nice 3rd Tyler! Great 2nd Rob! And Adam congrats on your first! Hope you guys had a blast! Try to eat some pine needles.

Ron Barbagallo
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Post by Ron Barbagallo » Mon Jul 10, 2006 1:44 pm

Hey, are Rob and I banned from the Farm Race 'cause we broke Noah? :(
Evil Potentate
Team Fatboy - all hopped up on goofballs!

Still douchebags, but CLASSY douchebags ;)


Robert J Herten
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Location: Jersey

Post by Robert J Herten » Mon Jul 10, 2006 1:57 pm

We didn't break Noah, the NJ grass broke Noah. He lives here, he should've known that even the grass "don't take shit from nobody, you here, nobody" ;)

Anthony Pistono
Posts: 26
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Post by Anthony Pistono » Mon Jul 10, 2006 7:31 pm

fatboy pies...mmmmm

when can i look foward to seeing you next fats?
Team Fatboy

Ron Barbagallo
Posts: 757
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Post by Ron Barbagallo » Mon Jul 10, 2006 8:11 pm

are you hounding me for pie young man? ;)
Evil Potentate
Team Fatboy - all hopped up on goofballs!

Still douchebags, but CLASSY douchebags ;)


John Dillon
Posts: 435
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Post by John Dillon » Tue Jul 11, 2006 7:45 pm

Right, Fatboy?

Leonardo Ojeda
Venezuelan Racer
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Little Robbie's Birthday party slalom race.

Post by Leonardo Ojeda » Wed Jul 12, 2006 5:25 pm

"I`ll see you at the end of the hill"

Robert J Herten
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Location: Jersey

Post by Robert J Herten » Wed Jul 12, 2006 6:21 pm

Great pictures!! Thanks Leo!

Anthony Pistono
Posts: 26
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Post by Anthony Pistono » Thu Jul 13, 2006 2:37 am

Ron Barbagallo wrote:are you hounding me for pie young man? ;)
nah, more of an annoying thing like "are we there yet?"
Team Fatboy

Adam Daniels
Adam Daniels
Adam Daniels
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Post by Adam Daniels » Thu Jul 13, 2006 2:39 am

Mr. Apple McPiePie is no more....he has gone to the depths of my colon....
No vestido para mi


Karl Floitgraf
Posts: 584
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Post by Karl Floitgraf » Thu Jul 13, 2006 12:51 pm

Are we doing points standings for this series?

I imagine I'm somewhere under Adam daniels.... grudge match!

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