Batz Island 2022

Slalom Skateboarding in France

Moderator: Guillaume Saint-Criq

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Jani Soderhall
ISSA President 2011-2024
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Batz Island 2022

Post by Jani Soderhall » Wed Dec 21, 2022 5:38 pm

Vincent Tanguy wrote:
Tue Dec 20, 2022 8:34 pm
Event : Batz Island Slalom 2022
Date : december 28th
Location : ile de Batz (near the lighthouse) France
Courses : straight slalom and special slalom
Organizer : Vincent Tanguy
Other : We take the 11.30 am boat at Roscoff, lunch there and come back by the 4 or 5pm boat. No entry fee, the boat ticket is around 10€.

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