[2005] World Championships - Slalom Week - Schedule

North American Slalom Races & Results

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Jack Smith
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[2005] World Championships - Slalom Week - Schedule

Post by Jack Smith » Tue Jan 18, 2005 8:55 pm

Slalom Week 2005 - Schedule

Monday, September 12th, 7:00pm - Welcome Party

Tuesday, September 13th, 9:00am - Cross Country
Tuesday, September 13th, 1:00pm - Park Slalom

Wednesday, September 14th, 10:am - Super G (World Championship)

Thursday, September 15th, 10:am - Amateur Slalom Qualifying (Men, Women, Jrs.)
Thursday, September 15th, 2:pm - Pro Slalom Qualifying (Men)

Friday, September 16th, 10:am - Pro Tight Slalom Qualifying (Men)
Friday, September 16th, 2:pm - Am. Tight Slalom Qualifying (Men, Women, Jrs.)

Saturday, September 17th, 10:am - Am. Slalom Finals (Men, Women, Jrs.) WC
Saturday, September 17th, 2:pm - Pro Slalom Finals (Men) - WC

Sunday, September 18th, 10:am - Am. Tight Slalom Finals(Men,Women,Jrs.) WC
Sunday, September 18th, 2:pm - Pro Tight Slalom Finals (Men) WC

We are also working on putting together a surf/skate/snow film festival to be held at the Bay Theater in Morro Bay.

Construction has started on the Los Osos skatepark, site of the park slalom.
Last edited by Jack Smith on Fri Jul 29, 2005 4:36 am, edited 2 times in total.

Peter Klang
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Post by Peter Klang » Thu Jan 20, 2005 11:44 am

Wow, it's great so many event is planned for 2005. However, I think its time for those planning to also consider other events. If a Main/Major event is being planned. I think those with a history of a certain time of the year should be allowed to keep that date. If you’re planning a race, check and see if it collides with some other BIG event.

We are now facing a pleasant problem, but with an outcome of two great races missing out a lot of competitors: Morro Bay the Worlds and Antibes the last big race of the season in Europe.

If Morro keeps its schedule it will be almost impossible for any Europeans to attend, which pretty much make the whole contest an American Championship rather then the World Championships. Which I want it to be I might add. Antibes will not get any Americans, which make the starting field a little less attractive, we (we being us Europeans) always love having the Americans over. I predict two BIG great events with two washed out starting fields.

Morro Bay was in October last year, a great time of the year. It’s the great final of the season.
Please Jack move the event to a later date and you’ll get REAL World Championships with all the best racers in the world. Isn't it supposed to be the biggest and best race of the year? I personally want to attend both races by realize it’s impossible. So I will scream out all I got to change dates.

If this schedule problem don’t get solved within two weeks I think the Worlds should be moved to Gruningen or ?

Every racer has the right to know the schedule of all Major/main event of the year no later then February 28. There is a lot of time and money being spent so planning the year early helps getting cheaper airfares.

Respect the riders, without them there is no race.

PS. Jack, don't get me wrong. I do want the World's to be in Morro Bay. I just need a week to get out of jetlag. Last year I landed the day before the Super G, and we all know have I sucked. I suck anyhow, but not that much.


Pierre Samray
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Post by Pierre Samray » Thu Jan 20, 2005 11:24 pm

Six weeks ago : december 8th I have annouced officialy the date of Antibes races : It'll take place as usual on second week of september (because according to my work, it can't be an other date).
Since 2 years we are pryde to tell. 15 of 30 best slalomer be there with racers as Luca, Maurus, brits, sweden and american as Mollica, Dong, Mitchell...

Jack, if morrow bay is just some days after Antibes. I'm afraid we are both looser.
Americans stay in US and Europeans stay in Europe, because you can easily imagine that racing in the 2 events is impossible.

I expect you can move your event, may be to the end of september.

best regards


Jack Smith
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Post by Jack Smith » Fri Jan 21, 2005 2:43 am

Peter, Pierre and others...

There are numerous events in September. I cannot hold the race the first week of October due to a conflicting festival. I don't want to move it much later into October due to shorter daylight hours and also the coming rainy season.

If you looked at the schedule of events you will notice that the "real" events do not begin until Thursday. Well, I guess I should say Wednesday, the day of the Super G.

Let me look into the second week in October, that would be the 3rd through the 9th.

I'm sure something can be worked out.

All the best,

Michael Stride
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Post by Michael Stride » Sun Jan 23, 2005 10:36 pm

I can see why at first glance why two events so close could cause problems...BUT:

If a skater wanted to go to Jacks slalom week, then in all likelyhood they would be going for the week, or the later part, if based in the USA . A European skater would be likely to leave earlier in the week to reduce jet lag. So, it is perfectly feasable to go to Antibes, as that is a weekend event, then go to the Worlds in California. Nice has good flights to NY, or to Paris then LA. Its perfectly feasable.

I can see that US racer wont want to go to Antibes as they will fight jetlag twice, before racing at each event. But that may be the price to pay. I dont think that many US racers will choose to go to Antibes as they would already be using their precious holiday entitlement to do the worlds, even if it wasnt the same week. Euro racers get much more holiday enitement in general.

In all honesty I dont see THAT many skaters coming to the Worlds from Europe, those that were intending to go will still go, and in all likelyhood do Antibes too.

Its not a perfect World, but bottom line is a week of Skating in California is a big draw, and Antibes has its own attractions. I just dont see the need to move things to be that great .

Peter Klang
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Post by Peter Klang » Mon Jan 24, 2005 9:11 am

I just have one question for you Michael; < rude comment removed >

< Ed note: I have removed the unusually rude comment made here. /Jani >

Michael Stride
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Post by Michael Stride » Mon Jan 24, 2005 9:34 am

Sorry Peter, what are you talking about?

I am expressing a valid opinion, (more than you're doing).

I don't feel my post favours any of the events, in fact the timing is good for me, I intend to go to BOTH.
I find your comment totally pointless, and it doesn't add anything to your debate. You just made yourself look silly.

Peter Klang
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Post by Peter Klang » Mon Jan 24, 2005 11:20 am

Well Michael, I work pretty hard toward getting slalom skateboard a status we all can be proved of. I have a dream of an well-organized world cup where all parts of the world have races, Japan, Asia, South Africa, South-America and Australia. I put effort into getting all of us to work together, yes I do have a big mouth I speak when I see something I don’t think is correct or unfair, but I work hard and in a professional way to get slalom bigger and better event. Maybe you and your mates should try to put on something in England worth traveling to before you bitch at every race in Europe and then in USA you bite the pillow. It’s fine to have opinions, but be fair. If you don’t understand my point in the text above, well then I can’t help you, but it’s all about getting a real and great World Championship this year. I can’t see it happen so close to Antibes.


Jack Smith
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Post by Jack Smith » Mon Jan 24, 2005 2:55 pm


Did you receive my PM?

Did you read my post that I was looking into moving Slalom Week to Oct. 3 - Oct. 9?

Below is a copy of the post:

All the best,

PS - Michael has been one of the most vocal critics of problems we have encountered at the Worlds.
Hello Everyone,

There are numerous events in September. I cannot hold the race the first week of October due to a conflicting festival. I don't want to move it much later into October due to shorter daylight hours and also the coming rainy season.

If you looked at the schedule of events you will notice that the "real" events do not begin until Thursday. Well, I guess I should say Wednesday, the day of the Super G.

Let me look into the second week in October, that would be the 3rd through the 9th.

I'm sure something can be worked out.

Peter Klang
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Post by Peter Klang » Mon Jan 24, 2005 3:06 pm

I know how much work goes in to something like the Worlds, that’s why I’m concerned we all be there. I hope you don’t get me wrong. I am all for you hosting the Worlds. I be there, Ill skate, I promote it over here, and most of all support you fully on hosting it in October. It will be the GRAND FINAL of 2005. I know I´ll be in heaven.


Michael Stride
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Post by Michael Stride » Mon Jan 24, 2005 8:08 pm

Peter, you were being just plain rude.

I DONT see a problem with the events being so close. If jack decides to move the Worlds then fine.

BTW I dont organise events in the UK as I am an importer I support them in other ways. You'll find ALL the UKSSA's races are worth going to. And the racing will be as good as anything Europe has to offer.

Now, try not to be rude to people who have a different opinion from yours. If you want your 'dream' to come true I suggest you study diplomacy.

Donald Campbell
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Post by Donald Campbell » Mon Jan 24, 2005 10:11 pm

bang...there goes the neighbourhood....

i often have the problem that i sound rude,maybe it's because i'm from germany and my approach to speaking out or formulating contexts in a sentence structure sound harsh to "other"ears.i don't know if peter has the same problem.hopefully he's a fine guy to get along with and he just used the wrong words at the wrong time,which means,that he didn't want to put any harm to jack smith with the way he spoke out his feelings about several things.
since i don't know both people in conflict personnally,i sincerely do hope that we just have some sort of lingusitic misinterpretation on the swedish side,since this certainly doesn't reflect the feeling of the vast majority of skaters in the "rest"of europe which circles around the "swedish globe".

peter-to get this straight:hats off for putting that race together,but there's still some other folks in the world who need to be shown some respect,especially by you.
big mouth or whatever,try to show some etiquette in conversing with other people.

Peter Klang
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Post by Peter Klang » Wed Jan 26, 2005 4:16 pm

Well, If it looked like I was bagging on Jack, it´s all WRONG. I support his event all the way. That's why I wrote what I did so there would be NO missunderstanding of the importance in moving the event, which he did, and now we all can attend both Antibes and Morro, isn´t it wonderful.

About my remark on Michael... well, I think he bitches to much. If nobody can see what could of happened if Morro wasn´t moved...sorry, can´t help you, I think Michaels comment was undermining the objectives.


Michael Stride
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Post by Michael Stride » Wed Jan 26, 2005 4:41 pm

Peter, you are wrong.
Firstly you were WAY out of order with your rudeness. Secondly my opinion is different from yours, but you insist on using 'we'.

I and probably many others dont mind the dates as they stood. You may disagree, but PLEASE understand that if someone disagrees with you that does not mean they wrong!

Please apologise for your disgusting, rude and unessasary comment about me. Thanks.

Peter Klang
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Post by Peter Klang » Wed Jan 26, 2005 9:18 pm

I am sorry, sorry you took it so hard. If somebody speaks in metaphors it´s usually to spare the receiver the exposure of actual incidents. I will say I´m sorry, but I will NEVER stop fighting for a better world, a better slalom world.

For me this is a dead issue. I hope you and I can go H2H in Paris and shake hands after, regardless of whom passes the finish line first.

/Mr Pink

Jack Smith
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Slalom Week Dates

Post by Jack Smith » Thu Jan 27, 2005 1:43 am

As of today the Slalom Week dates have not changed.

I am in meetings with various city powers to see if a date change is possible.

Peter Klang
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Post by Peter Klang » Thu Jan 27, 2005 12:01 pm

I cross my fingers.

Best of luck Jack.


Michael Stride
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Post by Michael Stride » Thu Jan 27, 2005 5:26 pm

Whatever date the Worlds is I will be there. Wouldnt miss it for, er....the World!

I thought by your previous post, Peter, that the Worlds had been moved. English is a wonderful language, and totally open to double meanings, mis-understandings, and deliberate word games.

Jack Smith
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Post by Jack Smith » Sun Feb 06, 2005 11:50 pm

After days of meetings and phone conferences with city and county officials regarding a change of dates for "Slalom Week 2005", I must report that the dates will remain the same: September 12th - 18th.
I apologize for the inconvenience this may cause some racers.

In an effort to alleviate some of the hardships due to jet lag, the first World Championship event contested will be the Super G, which will be held on Wednesday, September 14th.

For 2006 I would like to suggest that the World Championships be held in Europe. "Slalom Week 2006" will be the home of the "2006 US National Championships".

Here is the schedule for the entire week:

Slalom Week 2005 - Schedule

Monday, September 12th, 7:00pm - Welcome Party

Tuesday, September 13th, 9:00am - Cross Country
Tuesday, September 13th, 1:00pm - Park Slalom

Wednesday, September 14th, 10:am - Super G (World Championship)

Thursday, September 15th, 10:am - Amateur Slalom Qualifying (Men, Women, Jrs.)
Thursday, September 15th, 2:pm - Pro Slalom Qualifying (Men)

Friday, September 16th, 10:am - Pro Tight Slalom Qualifying (Men)
Friday, September 16th, 2:pm - Am. Tight Slalom Qualifying (Men, Women, Jrs.)

Saturday, September 17th, 10:am - Am. Slalom Finals (Men, Women, Jrs.) WC
Saturday, September 17th, 2:pm - Pro Slalom Finals (Men) - WC

Sunday, September 18th, 10:am - Am. Tight Slalom Finals(Men,Women,Jrs.) WC
Sunday, September 18th, 2:pm - Pro Tight Slalom Finals (Men) WC

We are also working on putting together a surf/skate/snow film festival to be held at the Bay Theater in Morro Bay.

Construction has started on the Los Osos skatepark, site of the park slalom.
Last edited by Jack Smith on Fri Jul 29, 2005 4:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

Jack Smith
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Post by Jack Smith » Wed Mar 02, 2005 2:33 am

The organizers of Slalom Week 2005 would like to welcome Alexander Valley Vineyards as a sponsor of this year's event.

Dave Gast, the Western Region Sales Manager, is an old skate dog who saw the listing on Ebay and gave me a call, by the way his voice sounds just like Hackett's. Dave recently got hooked up with Bruce Norski, who lives in the same area, to run some cones.

Paul Howard
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2005 Overall Men's World Champion

Post by Paul Howard » Sun Apr 17, 2005 12:53 am

I want to get this done good and early so here goes: I hereby nominate myself to be the 2005 Overall Mens World Champion. OK, if not I'll settle for being the new Pope or something.
I just dig slalom!

Jack Smith
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Post by Jack Smith » Thu Jun 30, 2005 2:42 am

I just received an email regarding holding the Worlds at the Madonna Inn in San Luis Obispo, it probably isn't going to happen this year.

The dates are firm. Morro Bay is a good place to book lodging. We may have events in a few different central coast locales, including Morro Bay, Los Osos, San Luis Obispo, Cayucos and Avila Beach.

Entry fee is $100, this includes all five events if you so choose.
Events are:
Cross Country
Park Slalom
Super G
Tight Slalom

Entry fees maybe be paid via PayPal: jack@justpushplay.com (PayPal ID)
Or by sending a check to:
16366 Morro Road
Atascadero, CA 93422

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Competition bib #1

Post by Jack Smith » Thu Jun 30, 2005 5:41 pm

Competition bib #1 at the Worlds will be worn by David Hackett. He was the first racer to pay his entry fee. Thanks, Dave.

Jack Smith
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Post by Jack Smith » Thu Jul 21, 2005 9:14 pm

Just a quick update...

Looks like the slalom and tight slalom finals will be held in Cayucos, which is four miles north of Morro Bay. The site is Cayucos Drive, a freshly paved (less than 2 months ago) street that runs toward the Pacific Ocean. The pitch is similar to Avila. Like Morro Bay the hill is smack, dab in the the middle of town. Cayucos is a very cool beach town. Below is a photo of the hill (the road that ends at the pier is Cayucos Drive) and a link to information on the town.


Cayucos Chamber of Commerce

Jack Smith
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Qualifying and Entry Info

Post by Jack Smith » Mon Jul 25, 2005 1:35 am

Qualifying for the Slalom and TS finals will be held on September 15th and 16th at a soon too be announced location. Qualifying runs will be single lane. Each racer will receive three qualifing runs.

The Slalom finals will be held on Saturday, September 17th at the site pictured below. Races will be conducted in the following classes:
Men's Pro - 32 racers
Men's Open - 32 racers
Women's - 8 racers
Jr. Men - 8 racers
Jr. Women - 8 racers

The Tight Slalom finals will be held on Sunday, September 18th at the site pictured below. Races will be conducted in the following classes:
Men's Pro - 32 racers
Men's Open - 32 racers
Women's - 8 racers
Jr. Men - 8 racers
Jr. Women - 8 racers

Entry deadline is September 5th, you are not officially entered until your entry fee is received. Please see the contest calendar for payment options.

Please update your entry on the contest calendar to reflect your racing class. You may include this information in the "comments" field. You may also email me this information. You will only be allowed to race in one class.

The 2005 Slalom Week website will be launched in the near future.

Thanks for your cooperation!

Here are some photos of Slalom and TS Finals Site.
At the start
Just Below the start
Near the finish
Looking up from finish area
Surface is less than two months old...butter.

Peter Klang
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Post by Peter Klang » Tue Jul 26, 2005 11:24 am

Looks great Jack,
now to the important info,
How big is the prize purse?
And how is it distributed?


Jack Smith
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Post by Jack Smith » Fri Jul 29, 2005 2:45 am

The Slalom Week 2005 Website is up.

We will continue to add information as it becomes available. My Bahne partner, Stan Strocher designed and built the site.

We also received an exciting and promising inquiry from a television network today.

Please get your entry fee in early.

As always, thanks for your support.

Jack Smith
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Post by Jack Smith » Sat Jul 30, 2005 6:53 pm

The contest calendar shows 84 entries for the Worlds. Just a reminder that you are not officially entered until your entry fee has been paid.

Official Entries as of July 30th:
David Hackett
Judi Oyama
Eddie Spearing - New Zealand
Richy Carrasco
Chris Chaput
Martin Drayton
Chicken Deck
Adrian Pina
Bill Boothby
Keli Benko

Slalom Week 2005 - Worlds Website

Jack Smith
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Cayucos location denied

Post by Jack Smith » Wed Aug 03, 2005 6:16 pm

I was just contacted by the San Luis Obispo County Roads Department. The Cayucos location has been denied by the California Highway Patrol.

I'll update you soon.

Jack Smith
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Post by Jack Smith » Sat Sep 03, 2005 5:33 pm

Slalom Week 2005 - Schedule

Monday, September 12th
7:00pm - Welcome Party - Pizza Port - Morro Bay

Tuesday, September 13th
9:00am - Cross Country - Morro Bay - Cloisters Park
1:00pm - Park Slalom - Los Osos Skate Park

Wednesday, September 14th
9:00am - Amateur/Women/Juniors - Super G (World Championship) -
Turri Road (Between Morro Bay and Los Osos)
12:00pm - Pro - Super G (World Championship) - Turri Road (Between Morro Bay and Los Osos)

Thursday, September 15th
9:00am - Amateur Slalom Qualifying (Men, Women, Jrs.) TBA
1:00pm - Pro Slalom Qualifying (Men) TBA

Friday, September 16th
9:00am - Pro Tight Slalom Qualifying (Men) TBA
1:00pm - Am. Tight Slalom Qualifying (Men, Women, Jrs.) TBA

Saturday, September 17th
10:00am - Am. Slalom Finals (Men, Women, Jrs.) Pacific St. - Morro Bay 1:00pm - Pro Slalom Finals (Men) Pacific St. - Morro Bay

Sunday, September 18th
10:00am - Am. TS Finals (Men, Women, Jrs.) Main St. - Morro Bay
1:00pm - Pro Tight Slalom Finals (Men) - Main St. Morro Bay
6:00pm - Awards Ceremony - Pizza Port - Morro Bay

Jack Smith
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Cross Country

Post by Jack Smith » Sun Sep 04, 2005 4:38 pm

The cross country event will be held at Cloisters Park in Morro Bay. The park is just off Highway 1. Take the San Jacinto exit exit towards the beach, then take the first left and follow the road to the park.

The race will take place on a bike/walking path. The course is exacty 1/2 mile long. We will run the race in heats, with a to be determined number of racers advancing to the final heat. There will be no timing, you will advance by your placing. There will be two divsions; 18 and over and 17 and under.

Jack Smith
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Post by Jack Smith » Tue Sep 06, 2005 1:02 am

Monday, September 12th
Welcome Party at the Pizza Port – 7:00pm.
The Pizza Port is located on the corner of Main Street and Morro Bay Boulevard in Morro Bay.

Tuesday, September 13th
Cross-Country at Cloisters Park in Morro Bay – 9:00am.
The race will take place on a bike/walking path. The course is exacty 1/2 mile long. We will run the race in heats, with a to be determined number of racers advancing to the final heat. There will be no timing, you will advance by your placing. There will be two divsions; 18 and over and 17 and under.

The park is just off Highway 1. Take the San Jacinto exit towards the beach, then take the first left and follow the road to the park.

Park Slalom at Los Osos Skatepark – 1:00pm
Two timed runs. Best time places racer. There will be two divsions; 18 and over and
17 and under. Cone Penalty will be announced at the park.

From Morro Bay:
Take MORRO BAY BLVD (you’ll be going uphill)
Merge onto Highway 1 South - 0.7 miles
Take the ramp toward LOS OSOS / BAYWOOD PARK. 0.1 miles
Turn RIGHT onto S BAY BLVD. 3.9 miles
Turn RIGHT onto LOS OSOS VALLEY RD. 0.6 miles
Turn RIGHT onto PALISADES AVE. 0.1 miles
End at Los Osos Skatepark

From San Luis Obispo:
Take LOS OSOS VALLEY RD Exit off Highway 101.
Take LOS OSOS VALLEY RD towards Los Osos 10.3 miles
End at Los Osos Skatepark

Wednesday, September 14th
Super G at Turri Road (between Morro Bay and Los Osos)
Open, Women’s, Juniors – 9:00am - Pros - Noon

Open, Women and Juniors run in the morning. Pros in the afternoon. This will make for less waiting between runs and a smaller wind window. Ramp start. Cone Penalty is .5 seconds. Two practice runs. Two timed runs. Fastest run places the racer.
From Morro Bay:
Take MORRO BAY BLVD (you’ll be going uphill)
Merge onto Highway 1 South - 0.7 miles
Take the ramp toward LOS OSOS / BAYWOOD PARK. 0.1 miles
Turn RIGHT onto S BAY BLVD. 3.9 miles
Turn LEFT onto LOS OSOS VALLEY RD. 2.9 miles
Turn LEFT onto Turri Road.
End at designated parking area.
(Do not enter Turri Road from South Bay Blvd. – No parking on this side)

From San Luis Obispo:
Take LOS OSOS VALLEY RD Exit off Highway 101.
Take LOS OSOS VALLEY RD towards Los Osos 6.8 miles
Turn RIGHT onto Turri Road.
End at designated parking area.

Thursday, September 15th – Slalom Qualifying
Open, Women’s, Juniors – 9:00am Pros – Noon

Friday, September 16th – Slalom Qualifying
Open, Women’s, Juniors – 9:00am Pros – Noon

The qualifying events will be held on a semi-private road 20 miles north of Morro Bay. This is a county maintained road, however the county was unable to grant a permit. This is due to the fact that the road was recently paved by the residents. We have received permission from the residents to hold qualifying on the road. There of course a chance that we could be shut down. If this happens we will move less than two miles to a back-up location.

Transportation will be provided to this location. Only Open, Women and Junior racers will be allowed on the provided transportation and on site for the morning session. When they are finished qualifying they must exit the location on the provided transportation. The pros will be transported to the location upon completion of the morning qualifying section.

For Friday’s qualifying session the Pros will be the morning session and the Open, Women and Junior racers will qualify in the afternoon. Once again, only racers who qualifying session is underway will be allowed on site.

Important notes about the qualifying site:
The road will not be closed to through traffic. There are only 4-5 ranches on the road, it is also not a through road. There is very little traffic.

We will only be using one lane for qualifying. It is imperative that you follow all instructions from race officials. When a vehicle needs to pass, practice/qualifying will be stopped until the vehicle has passed. If you do not heed a race official’s instruction to stop skating you will be disqualified on the spot. No second chances.

The road is smooth, 5-Star, black asphalt. (that’s a hint for wheel selection).

Please walk up on the course side of the road. Stay off the open lane.

Please pay attention at all times. Please be cooperative with race officials. Smile.

Practice time will be limited, so be ready to go when we open the course.

Three timed runs, your best time will seed you.

Ramp start.

The cone penalty for Slalom is 0.2 - 10 cone maximum. (11 cones equal DQ)
The cone penalty for Tight Slalom is 0.2 - 10 cone maximum. (11 cones equal DQ)

Saturday, September 17th
Slalom Finals – Pacific Street – Morro Bay
10:00am Open, Women, Juniors
1:00pm – Pros

False start penalty: DQ for that run.
DQ penalty for Slalom is 1.8 seconds

The cone penalty for Slalom is 0.2 - 9 cone maximum. (10 cones equal DQ)

The DQ penalty in the head to head portion of the race will be 1.8 seconds.

A qualifying order sheet will be posted. Please know who you follow in the qualifying order.

If you are not in the gate within 30 seconds of your name being called you will be DQed for
that run.

When an announcement is made that the course is closed, anyone who continues to skate will be DQed, no second chances. Yes, this rule applies to you!

Sunday, September 18th
Tight Slalom Finals – Pacific Street – Morro Bay
10:00am - Open, Women, Juniors
1:00pm – Pros

False start penalty: DQ for that run.
DQ penalty for Slalom is 1.5 seconds

The cone penalty for Slalom is 0.2 - 8 cone maximum. (9 cones equal DQ)

The DQ penalty in the head to head portion of the race will be 1.5 seconds.

A qualifying order sheet will be posted. Please know who you follow in the qualifying order.

If you are not in the gate within 30 seconds of your name being called you will be DQed for
that run.

When an announcement is made that the course is closed, anyone who continues to skate will be DQed, no second chances. Yes, this rule applies to you!

General Notes for all events:
No alcohol consumption at any race site. Any racer who cannot or will not abide by this rule will be immediately DQed from the event, no questions, no second chances.

Helmet, elbow pads, knee pads and wrist braces/gloves are required for all events.

It can be cold and foggy or sunny and hot within a few minutes time, bring extra clothes.

There will be no riding of any race site (except the skatepark) prior to race day. If you are observed riding any of the hills you will be disqualified.

The Super G site is in a beautiful hidden valley with dramatic vistas that include huge granite outcroppings. The course is surrounded entirely by private property. The owners of this property are very protective of their land. They are also very stoked that we are racing on the road that runs through their property. This being said, please respect the property owners wishes. Do not cross over the fences that border the course.

Any racer who does will be immediately DQed from the event, no questions, no second chances.

There is absolutely no reason to cross the fences. Thank you for your cooperation.

At the Super G site there will be a port-a-potty at the top of the hill, the port-a-potty at the qualifying site will be at the bottom of the hill, use them. Of course do not litter, let's leave the sites cleaner than when we arrived. No smoking, the central coast is in the middle of a serious drought and the hillsides are dry, meaning extreme fire danger. Any racer who cannot or will not abide by these rules will be immediately DQed from the event, no questions, no second chances.

At the Super G site there will be parking will be at the bottom of the course ONLY. If you attempt to park on the start side of the course your car will be towed. My old high school buddy owns a towing company and is looking to make a few extra bucks for his annual surf trip to Hawaii.

Awards Ceremony – Sunday 6:00pm at the Pizza Port.

Jack Smith
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Post by Jack Smith » Tue Sep 06, 2005 3:45 am

Qualifying time and events correction:

Here's the correct times and events:
Thursday, September 15th – Slalom Qualifying
Open, Women’s, Juniors – 9:00am
Pros – Noon

Friday, September 16th – Tight Slalom Qualifying
Pros – 9:00am
Open, Women’s, Juniors - Noon

Martin Drayton
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No spectating of the qualifying?...

Post by Martin Drayton » Tue Sep 06, 2005 7:55 am

Thanks for sorting out the qualifying venue, the surface sounds wicked!
The only thing that I was personally a little dissapointed with was that it seems that we can only be there when we are actually skating...Am I reading this right?
I was really looking forward to:
a)Watching/filming and learning from the Pros in action.
b)Cheering on/supporting my Roe team mates.
c)Videoing for two Pro friends that I rarely see now that I am in the US and who have travelled across the Atlantic/Pacific.

I know that some riders have coaches/advisors too, who are competing in the Pro while they are in the Am/Juniors/Women...Can they not be there either?
Is it because there might be too many people around therefore causing an obstruction? Is access to the area only through the provided transport for riders AND spectators? My wife and 5 month old daughter will be there and may want to leave before the qualifying is over, hence the hire car...

Please don't get me wrong, I am very grateful for the organisation, I just wanted to find out if I had it straight. If thats the way it is- fine, no problem.

Thanks again,

Jack Smith
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Post by Jack Smith » Tue Sep 06, 2005 4:09 pm

In order to use this hill certain concessions had to be made. One of them was that we would keep the number of people and vehicles on the hill to a minimum.

There is also the cost of transporting the racers to the hill. Coaches will be allowed. The transport is for racers and coaches only.

We have not advertised the qualifying venue at all.

Jack Smith
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Post by Jack Smith » Sat Sep 10, 2005 12:31 am

Thursday, September 15th – Slalom Qualifying
Open, Women’s, Juniors – 9:00am
Pros – Noon

Friday, September 16th – Tight Slalom Qualifying
Pros – 9:00am
Open, Women’s, Juniors - Noon

The qualifying events will be held on a semi-private road 20 miles north of Morro Bay. This is a county maintained road, however the county was unable to grant a permit. This is due to the fact that the road was recently paved by the residents. We have received permission from the residents to hold qualifying on the road. There of course a chance that we could be shut down. If this happens we will move less than two miles to a back-up location.

Transportation will be provided to this location. Only Open, Women and Junior racers will be allowed on the provided transportation and on site for the morning session. When they are finished qualifying they must exit the location on the provided transportation. The pros will be transported to the location upon completion of the morning qualifying section.

Pick up times and locations will be announced shortly.

Jack Smith
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new qualifying site

Post by Jack Smith » Tue Sep 13, 2005 7:37 am

The new qualifying site is in Paso Robles as Gary mentioned. Below are the directions to the site.

As I mentioned in previous post the Cambria hill was sketchy, permission wise. The new hill is legal, has nice facilities and a small lake. Plus family, friends and spectators are welcome.

The bus will still be available for those who wish to use it. On Thursday the bus for open, juniors, women and kids will leave at 7:30am from the top of the Morro Bay Tight Slalom course at the corner of Main and Dunes.

The pro bus will leave at 10:30am. If this changes I will let you know.

From: Main St & Dunes St Morro Bay - This is the top of TS course in Morro Bay
To: 2970 Union Rd Paso Robles, CA 93446-9320 US

Driving Directions
<B>Driving Directions
1. Start out going NORTH on MAIN ST - go about 1 mile
2. Turn Right on Highway 41 towards Atascadero - go about 18 miles
3. Enter US-101 North - go about 10 miles
4. Take the CA-46 exit toward FRESNO/BAKERSFIELD - go about 2 miles
5. Turn RIGHT onto UNION RD. go about .4 miles
6. Turn LEFT to stay on UNION RD.
7. End at 2970 Union Rd Paso Robles </B>

Here is a link to the qualifying site:
http://www.prcity.com/government/depart ... es/bsp.asp

Jack Smith
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Super G

Post by Jack Smith » Wed Sep 14, 2005 3:27 am

Wednesday, September 14th
Super G at Turri Road (between Morro Bay and Los Osos)

Open, Women’s, Juniors – 9:00am Please arrive by 8:30

Pros - Noon Please arrive by 11:30

Open, Women and Juniors run in the morning. Pros in the afternoon. This will make for less waiting between runs and a smaller wind window. Ramp start. Cone Penalty is .5 seconds. Two practice runs. Two timed runs. Fastest run places the racer.

From Morro Bay:
Take MORRO BAY BLVD (you’ll be going uphill)
Merge onto Highway 1 South - 0.7 miles
Take the ramp toward LOS OSOS / BAYWOOD PARK. 0.1 miles
Turn RIGHT onto S BAY BLVD. 3.9 miles
Turn LEFT onto LOS OSOS VALLEY RD. 2.9 miles
Turn LEFT onto Turri Road.
End at designated parking area.
(Do not enter Turri Road from South Bay Blvd. – No parking on this side)

From San Luis Obispo:
Take LOS OSOS VALLEY RD Exit off Highway 101.
Take LOS OSOS VALLEY RD towards Los Osos 6.8 miles
Turn RIGHT onto Turri Road.
End at designated parking area.

Jack Smith
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da bus

Post by Jack Smith » Thu Sep 15, 2005 6:41 am

Open class, women and juniors bus to qualifying leaves at 7:30am from the corner of Main and Dunes in Morro Bay (next to Taci de Mexico). Please don't be late. The pro bus leaves at 10:30am.

Jack Smith
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Slalom Quals

Post by Jack Smith » Thu Sep 15, 2005 6:45 am


Slalom Quals at Barney Schwartz Park in Paso Robles

Driving Directions
1. Start out going NORTH on MAIN ST - go about 1 mile
2. Turn Right on Highway 41 towards Atascadero - go about 18 miles
3. Enter US-101 North - go about 10 miles
4. Take the CA-46 exit toward FRESNO/BAKERSFIELD - go about 2 miles
5. Turn RIGHT onto UNION RD. go about .4 miles
6. Turn LEFT to stay on UNION RD.
7. End at 2970 Union Rd Paso Robles

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