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SLO Games - Grass Roots Race - Feb. 15, 2004

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 2:57 pm
by Jack Smith
San Luis Obispo, California - SLO Games Grass Roots Race

What a great afternoon of racing, friends and camraderie. We had 14 racers, some spectators and a good group of cone heads.

We ran a dual slalom format. Two qualifying runs, then head to head. It was two out of three in the head to head, higher qualifier received lane choice.

It was nice to see some new faces, Jeff and Andrew of Cal Poly both showed enthusiasm and promise, Johnny Miller was looking fast as were Brandon and JJ. A lot of you know Tim Oates from Payoso Skateboards, well he was smoking. Of course the Gordon Crew was present, Lauren as smooth as ever, Dylan was blazing...I think he qualified 3rd. Howard pushed me hard in the first round. Heidi was the official timer and scorekeeper. Another newbie was Tom from Central Coast Surfboards, who kept saying how much fun he was having and kept running the course after the racing was over.

Thanks again to Johnny Miller and crew for setting it all up. Sponsors included CCS, 3dm and Bahne.

1st - Tim Oates
2nd - Jack Smith
3rd - Johnny Miller

Howard if you or Heidi have the scoresheet could you please post more results?