North American Slalom Races & Results

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Gary Fluitt
Posts: 328
Joined: Fri Sep 27, 2002 2:00 am
Location: Colorado, USA


Post by Gary Fluitt » Fri Jun 13, 2003 2:50 am

Thank You
I’ve been absent from this site for a while trying to catch up on work and family, but now that I’ve caught my breath I want to thank some people for their help. I’m bound to blow it and miss somebody, so I apologize in advance.

First and foremost I want to thank all the racers that traveled from the East, from So Cal, the Northwest, New Mexico, Florida, and ENGLAND, to race with us here in Colorado.

I want to thank Ken Miller from the Breckenridge Resort Chamber for his unwavering support for the High Peaks Drifter. The Town didn’t want to touch this race with a ten foot pole when I first brought it to them last year (skateboarders, road closures, yeah right), but Ken took the risk and stepped up to support us with his time, reputation, and a lot of coaching for me. Without Ken, we would never have had an HPD02 or HPD03. If you feel so inclined, send a note to kmiller@gobreck.com with your appreciation.

Thanks to Bruce and Currie from Beaver Run Resort. I still can’t believe how these guys went out of their way to make sure we had a good time, from totally sealing off their registration entrance, to putting a torch jockey on the wet spot under the bridge. These guys really came through for us, they never stressed, and they let us take over their reort for a couple of days. Tell your friends about Beaver Run. They’re cool. Send em’ a thank you atsecurity@beaverrun.com

Don O., John Krisik, & Jen for bringing the whole FCR circus to town, setting up, tearing down, running the race, and generally making the event run smoothly. I was pretty much a wreck (in many ways) and these guys made the race carry off when I crumbled. John’s humor is always good for me, and Don’s leadership at the top of the course is a must when things get tense and chaotic.

Jack Smith for getting me into slalom 25 years ago, getting me back into slalom 2 years ago, and being there all weekend for every facet of the event, including the part when I didn’t think we had a hope of running a GS in a snow covered Breckenridge. Good to see you racing again old man. Thanks to Bahne Skateboards for their support.

Dan “spreadsheet geek” Gesmer for the many many hours he’s invested in that bracketing software that gives us the pairings, best times, cone penalties, dices, slices, and make Julian Fries. The poor guy sets in the sun and cold all day for what? A pat on the back and a lumpy coach to sleep on. Buy more Seismics. This guy supports slalom like almost NO manufacturer does.

The entire Mclearen Family who I abused non-stop all weekend with gate marshalling, fence construction, schleping hay bails, and anything else that needed to be done. Mike (Joe’s Dad) was always there asking “what’s next”? You can’t ask for a better supporter. I was so stoked to see Joe do well on both days. Josh, Dylan, Nik, you guys better practice for MB, Mighty Joe is on a training program starting Saturday.

Chris Barker for keeping me sane and stoked leading up to the event, driving the fence crew, getting everybody out to practice the weeks before, and being the slalom leader that you are out here. And podiums every race, not bad Bro.

Peter Caman for his original vision and hard work in the 70’s that paved the way for these events. Without the ARA we might not have known this is so fun. And for your sage wisdom and encouraging emails leading up to a weekend of sketchy weather. Peter was the one that made the ARA awards possible. Steve Sherman is the official ARA redux award winner, but all of you guys that are still racing today, Randy, Bobby, Mark, Jack, Steve, Jamie, Brent, Bruce, Paul Howard, David Pirnack are an inspiration to me and the AARP.

Following are the companies that are the true supporters of slalom. These are the companies you should buy from....

Thanks to Ick, Sk8kings, and All Boards for the T’s, and to Gary and Kathy Sandlin for their support.

More later.

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