[2004] Cambria Calling, May 23

North American Slalom Races & Results

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Jack Smith
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[2004] Cambria Calling, May 23

Post by Jack Smith » Tue May 11, 2004 8:02 pm


Inspired by the Bicknell Blitz.

Come race the legendary Cambria Hill. May 23rd. Please no Levis or Capris

Click for more info

First person to correctly identify the inspiration for the "Please no Levis or Capris" line wins a Bahne tee.


Post by Guest » Tue May 11, 2004 8:13 pm

Wish I could make this one....I've "stood" on the cambria hill but never skated it.....uggh!

Glenn S
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Post by Glenn S » Wed May 12, 2004 2:24 am

Not much notice for anyone needing to travel? Is this just a local thing? can't view ncdsa. Can you post specifics here?

Jack Smith
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Post by Jack Smith » Wed May 12, 2004 5:21 am

This is an outlaw race. We do not have permits for the hill. Travel and enter at your own risk.

The course will be somewhere between 40 and 60 cones, straight, approximately 6'6" centers. I visited the hill on Mother's Day and much to my surprise there was a permanently marked course. I didn't have a tape measure to measure the distance between cones. I paced off the cones and came to the 6'6" figure noted above. I also failed to count the marks but there are at least 50. There is also a patch across the road about 2/3rd of the way down the hill. It was also there for the original Cambria race and didn't present a problem.

As those of you have raced the Cambria hill know, the wind can pick up in the afternoon, so we have come up with an experimental format for race day. Here's how it works:

Check In - 8:30 - 9:OOAM

Practice 9-9:50AM

Rider's Meeting - 9:50AM

Racing from 10am - 1PM

It will be a jam format. You can take as many runs as you wish, or as few as wish. Cone penalty will be .3 per cone. Hit as many as you wish, our scorekeeper can handle the addition.

We will take your best time from each hour of racing, 10-11, 11-12, 12-1, and add them together the lowest total time wins.

The entry fee dough will be pay to third.

1st - 50%

2nd - 30%

3rd - 20%

There will also be merchandise prizes for 4th and below. If you would like to contribute a prize drop me an email or give me a call...805-610-3565.

Jack Smith
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Even More Fun

Post by Jack Smith » Wed May 12, 2004 7:15 pm

Just added: A barbque at the Smith compound will follow the racing. Our place is on Highway 41 between Morro Bay and Atascadero. Access to Highway 101 is 6 miles from our house.

Your hosts will be Jack and Maurine, along with Adrian and Tracie Pina. The "Mountain Man" Pina will be manning the flames.

Sign up now on the NCDSA contest calendar!

Steve Collins
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oh well

Post by Steve Collins » Thu May 20, 2004 9:47 pm

damn ... it turns out I won't be able to go. I was SO looking forward to this race.

My best wishes to all the fortunate racers who can attend.n I wish I could be there with you.

Hope you can catch the south swell too. It's going off down here, not as big as the last one but plenty good.

I promise Jack, I'll get to your next race.

You coming to the Pedro outlaw this fall?

Jack Smith
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Cambria Coneage

Post by Jack Smith » Sat May 22, 2004 5:29 am

Show what you know!

A certain Mr. PD may show on Sunday! Some Cambria locals are also in the mix, along with the Cal Poly crew, various members of the Gordon Clan, TK from LA, The Hamm man, MS. Lynn, David Baker, The Viking and The Mountain Man will all be present.

Will Judi Oyama risk martial bliss to run the gauntlet?

Barbeque at the Smith Compound (not to be confused with Kennedy compound) immediately following the race.

Racing, friends, fun, food and prizes...and why are you not coming?

Nick Krest
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Re: Cambria Calling, May 23, 2004

Post by Nick Krest » Sat May 22, 2004 5:43 pm

Jack Smith wrote:Come race the legendary Cambria Hill. May 23rd. Please no Levis or Capris

First person to correctly identify the inspiration for the "Please no Levis or Capris" line wins a Bahne tee.
Since no else is stepping up:

From "The New Rock" article in LIFE Magazine, June 28, 1968, by Frank Zappa:

"Our present state of socio-sexual enlightenment is, to a certain extent, attributable to the evolution of rock and vice versa. Our story begins back in...the good old days, at the recreation centers, no Levis or capris please. "School functions" and "teen hops" were real swell and keen and acceptable to Mom and Dad. They were also dull unless you liked to dance a fox-trot as the high school swing band fumbled through an evening of Combo Orks and reprocessed Glenn Miller. The kids would be holding on to each other desperately and sweating. The chaperon would come along and say, "Seven inches apart please," and hold a sawed off ruler between you and the girl."


"Please no Levis or Capris" was a "no casual dress" rule typical of the early- to mid-60's.

Jack Smith
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I didn't know that

Post by Jack Smith » Sat May 22, 2004 6:05 pm


Man, you are the master, I was unaware of that reference. I actually stole the line from the 1978 Signal Hil Poster.

Regardless, we hace a winner! Now come to Cambria tomorrow and pick up your prize!

David Baker
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Cambria Calling

Post by David Baker » Mon May 24, 2004 4:06 am

As always , Mr Smith puts on a class event. Fun was had by all, and those that attended the BBQ were well fed! These are the events that keep racing alive.
Thank You Jack!

Jack Smith
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Cambria Calling

Post by Jack Smith » Mon May 24, 2004 4:42 am

Cambria Calling Results
A great day of racing. The weather was great, the wind didn't begin to really blow until we began the Combo Course. A big thanks to Bill and Steve, Cambria locals, who had the street looking pristine. Also a big thanks to Big Johnny and Tracie for timekeeping and coneheading all day. Johnny Miller provided some classic Tiki trophies and Bahne helped out with prizes. Adrian handled all the barbeque duties. A very special thank you to my wonderful wife, Maurine, for having the all the fixins' ready when the racers made their way to our house after the race. Slalom is fun!

Place Combined Time
1st Jack Smith 44.68
2nd David Baker 46.84
3rd Adrian Pina 50.06
4th Johnny Miller 50.59
5th Tim Kienitz 51.04
6th Lynn Kramer 51.59
7th Glenn Shotwell 52.43 Tie
7th Tom Hammond 52.43 Tie
8th Bruce Bjorski 55.25
9th Eric Cole 56.50
10th Dave Hamm 56.99
11th Lauren Gordon 59.15
12th Bill Boothby 60.83

Straight Tight 50 cones:
Place Time
1st Jack Smith 13.65
2nd David Baker 14.51
3rd Tim Kienitz 15.64
4th Johnny Miller 15.77
5th Lynn Kramer 15.84
6th Adrian Pina 15.96
7th Glenn Shotwell 16.72
8th Tom Hammond 16.92
9th Dave Hamm 17.11
10th Eric Cole 17.38
11th Bill Boothby 18.06
12th Bruce Bjorski 18.68
13th Lauren Gordon 19.92
14th Steve Rawlins DQ

Place Time
1st Jack Smith 14.34
2nd David Baker 15.27
3rd Tim Kienitz 16.15
4th Glenn Shotwell 16.50
5th Adrian Pina 16.57
6th Johnny Miller 16.71
7th Tom Hammond 16.77
8th Lynn Kramer 16.89
9th Lauren Gordon 17.75
10th Bruce Bjorski 18.06
11th Dave Hamm 18.24
12th Bill Boothby 20.74
13th Steve Rawlins 22.00
14th Adrienne Rawlins 27.08
15th Austin DQ

Combo Course (GS-Tight-Hybrid):
Place Time
1st Jack Smith 16.69
2nd David Baker 17.16
3rd Adrian Pina 17.53
4th Johnny Miller 18.11
5th Bruce Bjorski 18.51
6th Lynn Kramer 18.86
7th Tim Kienitz 19.21
8th Glenn Shotwell 19.25
9th Tom Hammond 19.32
10th Dave Hamm 20.64
11th Eric Cole 21.07
12th Lauren Gordon 21.48
13th Bill Boothby 22.03
14th Steve Rawlins 23.07
15th Jed 29.08
16th Nate 38.51
17th London 38.83

Glenn S
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Post by Glenn S » Mon May 24, 2004 7:06 am

Thanks for a great day of racing. The jam format was killer. I'd recommend this for most all Grassroots events. It was so beautiful up there today. Wind on our back for almost half the race or more. Super sunny crystal clear day but a cool ocean breeze, ocean view looking up to the pristine coastline of San Simeon. The ocean was especially blue.

Also it was good to watch you smoking the courses. Same Bahne board for all courses. Double pumping on the GS. Nice.

You're lucky to have such a movement up there. Super nice group of skaters in your area.

Slalom is fun! But .3 a cone'll kill ya.

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