Baltic Sea Cup 2010

European Races & Results (for Major, Main and Prime level races)

Moderators: Jani Soderhall, Robert Thiele

Gints Gailitis
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Baltic Sea Cup 2010

Post by Gints Gailitis » Thu Jul 15, 2010 7:33 am

Baltic Sea Cup 2010, July 24, 2010


I'm pleased to announce that the slalom season in Latvia continues with:

Baltic Sea Cup 2010 race in Liepaja.
Format: Special, parallel slalom, High jump
Date: 24 July in Liepaja 2010
Location: Latvia - Liepaja, Jurmalas street

We will have JUNIOR, OPEN, LADIES groups.
Entry fee - Ls 4 for Open and Ls 2, for Ladies and Junior
Sanction: highest super truper

Registration will be:

Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Sat Jul 17, 2010 7:54 pm

Poster pic added.


Donald Campbell
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Post by Donald Campbell » Sat Jul 17, 2010 10:47 pm

uhhhhhhh dom's a latvian these days?

Gustavs Gailitis
Posts: 182
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Post by Gustavs Gailitis » Sun Jul 18, 2010 11:42 am

Dominik is one of the Worlds fastest slalomers these days and he represents skate+party attitude as this race is a part of 3 day music festival ''ZZ Baltic beach party'' ;)
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Donald Campbell
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Post by Donald Campbell » Sun Jul 18, 2010 11:57 am

well then...

you should be on the pic gustavs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gustavs Gailitis
Posts: 182
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Post by Gustavs Gailitis » Sun Jul 18, 2010 11:22 pm

Few more wins on my GOG (Gang of Gustavs) trucks + a good shot = place on the next poster ;)!

Looking forward for ''Baltic Sea cup'' race!!!
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Gustavs Gailitis
Posts: 182
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Post by Gustavs Gailitis » Mon Jul 26, 2010 10:51 pm

It was a great race with some sick racing in all groups - open, women and junior! Besides a lot of injuries that kept back many guys from competing, the total number of participants still was greater than in Seismic World cup ;)

Huge THANK YOU to the organizers, sponsors and our guests, riders from Czech Republic and Lithuania!!! It was a fantastic weekend!

The next race in Latvia will be after 2 weeks in Aizpute city, where the Latvian championships will be held, but this weekend Latvians will go to Worlds in Czech Rep - Beware!!!

Results ( w-women, j-junior):

Tight slalom:
1.Jānis Kuzmins
2.Ainārs Jermačenko
3.Gustavs Gailītis
4.Mārtiņš Vidzenieks
5.Jaroslav Knetting CZ j
6.Remas Petrauskas LT
7.Stanislav Nožka CZ
8.Didzis Jasukaitis
9.Armands Sausiņš
10.Jakob Knetting CZ j
11.Lienīte Skaraine w
12.Peter Matouš CZ j
13.Gints Gaitenieks
14.Egons Papirtis
15.Edijs Jermačenko j
16.Edgars Skuķis
17.Vojta Valena CZ j
18.Jonas Petrauskas LT
19.Gedinas Merkelis LT
20.Guntars Gailītis
21.Andis Pelcmanis
22.Aksels Ruperts j
23.Toms Dreiblats j
24.Eduards Vitmanis
25.Vitek Hromadko CZ j
26.Krišjānis Cers
27.Anna Gailīte w
28.Dainis Drēžis
29.Sintija Erķevica w
30.Elīza Gailīte w
31.Marks Kiseļovs DQ

Special slalom:
1.Jānis Kuzmins
2.Armands Sausiņš
3.Ainārs Jermačenko
4.Remas Petrauskas LT
5.Gustavs Gailītis
6.Jaroslav Knetting CZ j
7.Didzis Jasukaitis
8.Marks Kiseļovs
9.Stanislav Nožka CZ
10.Mārtiņš Vidzenieks
11.Jakub Knetting CZ j
12.Peter Matous CZ j
13.Lienīte Skaraine w
14.Gints Gaitenieks
15.Edijs Jermačenko j
16.Jonas Petrauskas LT j
17.Vojta Valena CZ j
18.Edgars Skuķis
19.Egons Papirtis
20.Andis Pelcmanis
21.Guntars Gailītis
22.Toms Dreiblats j
23.Aksels Ruperts j
24.Gedinas Merkelis LT
25.Krišjānis Cers
26.Eduards Vitmanis
27.Vitek Hromadko j
28.Dainis Drēžis
29.Anna Gailīte w
30.Sintija Erķevica w
31.Elīza Gailīte w
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