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[2002] Wednesday Cup in Stockholm

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2002 1:55 pm
by Måns Haegert
The Wednesday cup is over for this season.
The Wednesday cup has been a real sucess story. One race every Wednesday in Stockholm over the summer with a total of 11 races.

The results from this season are found <a href="" target="tot">here</a><br>
Results from the last race <a href="" target="res918">here</a><br>

Homepage of <a href="" target="ettsexett">EttSexEtt</a> who organized the Cup.

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2002 5:55 am
by John Gilmour
What is your schedule looking like for next year? I would like to come over and race.

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2002 11:20 am
by Marcus Seyffarth

It would be awesome if you came over and did some racing with us, and that includes all of you who read this!

What happend this last year in Sweden was that we at EttSexEtt (Swedish for 161) started making boards that are fun to ride and have a surf feel to them. Our boards for 2002 are not slalomboards, they are fun riding boards that happened to be awesome for slalomracing... Not knowing that, half way through the summer we tried setting up some obstacles and did some slalom racing and found out how fun it was. Two weeks later the cup was started and that is basically how organized we are.

What we found out though, and what I personally feel is that lack of organisation can sometimes be good, if it cost you $150 (as the worlds in MB) no new people will enter and give it a go. It can make people feel more at home and newbies feel more comfortable trying the course if it feels like a bunch of people skating instead of a speaker system and structured everything. Though of course the timeing system and the course and all such must work 100%... Since there was no one there to tell us how to do things we built a portable starting gate, a timeing system and the rules was (are) that the guy who finished in third place in the last race sets the course. I think the distance between cones varies between 6-8 ft in a course. Probably not as tigth as 'euro style' but we want people to give it a go and have fun, and that won't happen if it's to difficult we think. Same thing with the entry fee, it's $1 (if you enjoyed it) and the winner gets a six pack.

So what I'm trying to say is that, we really don't have a clue what the next season will look like. Hopefully we will do some indoor racing in the subway, indoor car parking places and such during the winter, all propably with a notice of only two weeks. And then next summer we'll have maybe a spring and a fall cup depending on what it all looks like. Hosting one race every week was a lot of work, even though it is a lot of fun as well... Clear is that the number of slalomriders have gone from 0 to 20+ and having 20+ people racing every week is a great motivator for us...

Basically we'll get back and post info about what the next seasons reacing schadule will look like in Stockholm as soon as we know anything about it...!