[2005] European Championships, Stockholm, July 15-17, 2005

European Races & Results (for Major, Main and Prime level races)

Moderators: Jani Soderhall, Robert Thiele

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Post by HUYNH BACH SAC Frédéric » Wed Jul 20, 2005 2:04 pm

We had rain : It's a fact...
We had timer problems : It's a fact...
We didn't have as much qualification runs as we wanted : It's a fact...


Thanks again Peter, Marcus, Corky and others..... it was good to meet you all !

ps : Special Thanks to Jani and Anders...
Podium or pavement... but PAVEL !


David Rudnianski
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Post by David Rudnianski » Wed Jul 20, 2005 2:21 pm

Whoa.... Exept some timing problems; it was a perfect week in sweden. Evryone is super cool, i think that the french camembert racing team will be back!
Pics and video will come later ;)

Ps: I love sweeeedish girls.....
French Pirates are in the place...
Politic Longboard Activist...

Marcus Seyffarth
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Post by Marcus Seyffarth » Wed Jul 20, 2005 3:10 pm

marcus:next time you use your timing system-debug it before you decide to you it brand new on a world's race.you should also talk to clingfilm about your system and the times you had shown-this is a hint you should follow.
Thank you for the advice. The program was used in Paris 2003 and 2004 so I'm not sure if that's brand new, and yes I've asked race organizers around to try it before this season since the timing systems used at mose races last season sucked. I'm not sure if you were on the list of people I sent emails to last december, but the only one who responded was - you guessed it, Clingfilm, who have given me some good ideas.

Anyways here are some facts,
The software died a few times on friday due to the fact that we haven't been more than 20-30 persons at races before. In the GS all 80 starting was entered at once and the sorting thing took to much time. No times where lost though. The problem was fixed friday evening at home. I wouldn't program the timer at racesite. The sw worked fine the rest of the weekend.

On sunday it was a foot brake over one of the tapeswitches that caused one of the cables to stop working correctly. When the rain hit us the computer we used wasn't put away quick enough and stopped working so we used my laptop for the rest of the race.

While the rain was pouring I did do some programming to make sure the extra monitors could show DQ's, perhaps that's the debugging you are suggesting. So a hint right back is to know what you are talking about before starting giving advices away.

All in all it was a cable problem not a software problem, though still a timing issue...

If you would like to use the system or come with great ideas and input of how to make it better so that we some time in the future can have races where the racers know what times they get right away, what position they are at in the race and that way make races even more fun to attend, please don't hesitate to download the timer, or the source code - it's free.

I'm happy the swedish girls seems to have helpt us keeping the spirit up! At least that one will be difficult to do better at Brixlegg ;)

David Rudnianski
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Post by David Rudnianski » Wed Jul 20, 2005 3:20 pm

next year you should bring more girls into the public ;)!

here is a small video of the E.M.

French Pirates are in the place...
Politic Longboard Activist...

Claude Regnier
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Stockholm Vid

Post by Claude Regnier » Wed Jul 20, 2005 4:29 pm

Nice work David.

Tht is a very nice piece. I will show my skatecamp at the lunch break.

It will be nice for them to see a variety of skating and talents of some of the best riders in the world performing/competing.

Thanks for the event to everyone that took part.
Many Happy Pumps!

Peter Klang
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Post by Peter Klang » Wed Jul 20, 2005 4:59 pm

VERY NICE David please post more if you have more.

David Rudnianski
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Post by David Rudnianski » Wed Jul 20, 2005 5:51 pm

thanks. Sorry i don't have more video.

But now i got the pics:

riding pics: http://static.riderz.net/videos/LTC/stockolm/page1.htm

People pics: http://static.riderz.net/videos/LTC/sto ... /page1.htm

And i still enjoy swedish pizza!
French Pirates are in the place...
Politic Longboard Activist...

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Post by HUYNH BACH SAC Frédéric » Wed Jul 20, 2005 6:31 pm

I'll post others later....







Podium or pavement... but PAVEL !


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Post by HUYNH BACH SAC Frédéric » Wed Jul 20, 2005 6:35 pm










Podium or pavement... but PAVEL !


alavoine jean paul
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Post by alavoine jean paul » Wed Jul 20, 2005 9:46 pm

Here is the long awaited (and stinky?) answer to some of the things I have read above. I usually don’t post long comments but I thought Donald had been a little rough (understatement) with my Swedish friends, considering that sportsmanship and not putting down the events organized by our slalom mates should be our leading principles.

Peter and his friends are not responsible for the weather.

And despite the weather, WE FRENCH SKATERS HAD A GREAT TIME IN SWEDEN, as always.

I had as much fun watching some of my friends skate (and coming across some other I hadn’t met for sixteen years) during the pool session on Saturday as if I had skated myself. An English poet once wrote : BEAUTY IS TRUTH
Smooth skating is beautiful, difficult tricks are beautiful, endless lines are beautiful…
And that my fellow Frenchmen were dazzled by some of the Beauties who were surrounding us while we were watching the session is not beyond my understanding. I will never forget some of the girls’ smiles I’ve seen last weekend !

Why Steve and Dave decided not to skate during the pool session I don’t know. Babesland, I mean Sweden is a free country, maybe they were just tired (as we all were after the cyber) or wanted to save some JUICE for the next day. Dave certainly proved he did by beating our European hero Gianmarco on Sunday in the straight.

Don’t you enjoy watching a little freestyle session when a few drops of rain make the surface too slippery for slalom? Lillis made the most of the small area of dryness doing 50/50s, fingerflips, new variations of footworks and wheelies…

Why you didn’t hand out the stuff you had brought during the awards ceremony, I don’t know.

It doesn’t appear to me that the best word to describe Peter, Corky, Marcus and their friends is NEGLECT or NEGLIGENCE! DEDICATION must have been the word you were missing. The timing system failures, which caused a little delay and waiting, were not more numerous or important than elsewhere… We’ll see if you manage to do better when you organize your contest (will I still be invited after this?).

And I feel as if this whole contest was the best of meetings we could have, chatting with the other skaters in numerous languages, getting a clear view of the global level in every category, seeing the differences in styles, techniques, equipment and teams. A good contest speaks a thousand words and one only has to listen…

Thank you all for being there!

Special thanks to Mark who decided he would help the organizers rather than skate, speeding up the events a little by calling every skater by his or her first-name, while cheering us and coaching some Dudes who were here to THROW THE MEAT…

Ride safely but fast nevertheless…

The very happy popol.
jean paul aka POPOL:
"I was born yesterday...
but I stayed up all night!"

Jadranko Radovanovic
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Post by Jadranko Radovanovic » Thu Jul 21, 2005 9:19 am

Now it's the time for the ISSA to make some guidelines, how a competition must be held. (Starting, Timing, Courses and so on...)

J Rad

< Ed note: Post accidentally edited/deleted. Sorry /Jani>

Donald Campbell
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Post by Donald Campbell » Thu Jul 21, 2005 9:43 am

besides all my hollering and ranting about the orga part of the race i have to say that this was one of the best events so far.
everything mentioned before by a few folks was the way described
klangster and the rest DID a good job on that.
i won't forget peters desperate face sometimes,when things with the timing went astray.
i WAS feeling for you,bro and i wouldn't have been in your hide at that time.
bottom line is:that was one of the most competitive races ever,filled with surprises galore.

hack beats the idol
all in all #3 in the standings-i was so stoked for dave.
maysey pulls off the fastest raw time
kenny kills it in the giant-as he predicted himself before on ncdsa-the ruler...
dong comes out of nowhereland in the cyber and races to the top.

girls galore,the shuttle,the park,supernice giant-course,peter and the rest are there to make it happen.

just want to add this also to my previous rant-i've seen it all and i reflect on it all.

extra thanks for being very open to criticism on the event peter, marcus, corky.
you handled that very PROfessional.

thanks again for the event-see you guys soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ellena Senina
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Post by Ellena Senina » Thu Jul 21, 2005 10:17 am

Last edited by Ellena Senina on Mon Aug 08, 2005 7:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Peter Klang
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Post by Peter Klang » Thu Jul 21, 2005 10:54 am


Thanks for posting them.


Peter Klang
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Post by Peter Klang » Thu Jul 21, 2005 11:40 am

What happend to J-Rads post?????

Jani ???

Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Thu Jul 21, 2005 11:52 am

J Rad wrote:Now it's the time for the ISSA to make some guidelines, how a competition must be held. (Starting, Timing, Courses and so on...)
History repeats itself. The "old" ISSA guidelines were made so that people would know what to expect from a race. It was aimed at helping the organizers and let the skaters know the rules, in advance. OK, rain will inevitably always change things, but there needs to be a formal way to deal with it.

I think we all agree that this is needed and now! We'll follow up on that topic in another thread. We have a long winter in front of us - just a few more races and then we'll be there. Let's use that opportunity!


Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Thu Jul 21, 2005 11:54 am

Peter Klang wrote:What happend to J-Rads post?????

Jani ???
I screwed up. I wanted to quote it but hit the wrong button so it became an Edit. My brain was not clear enough with a lot of things happening around me so I didn't realize the mistake until after I hit the Submit button.

I have written to him to ask if there is a chance that he'll re-write it.

I'm really sorry.


Pelle Gustafsson
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Post by Pelle Gustafsson » Thu Jul 21, 2005 12:04 pm

yes jadranko it was funny sorry for my balls ...hehe

Peter Klang
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Post by Peter Klang » Thu Jul 21, 2005 1:23 pm

Ha ha ha ha ha ha,
Jani I didn´t know you were such a hacker :-)

Hans Koraeus
Corky - World Ranking Master Mind
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Thu Jul 21, 2005 5:51 pm

Some thoughts around the event site as it was.
The original plans for the competition site were not implemented in the end beacuse we ended up with an outlaw event. This was not at all planned like this of course. We had got yes verbally from multiple instances. Then when papers were sent in the answer from the final authority said they had no time to do it because many of them were on vacation. This was 2-3 weeks before the event. It was too late to cancel and we just went ahead as normal hoping we would get away with it. The event site is very calm so the risk was not that big even though it was a risk. But having no official permit we had to keep a low profile. I.e. not pushing hard to get people out there, not setting up tents, not setting up barriers along the courses and so on. We apologize for this even though we still think it was the good descision to make under the circumstances. Even though some might say it was on the brink of disaster one could just as well say it was on the brink to be one of the coolest slalom events ever. It might have been stressful for many participants but probably nothing compared to what we felt ourselves seeing that our ultimate goal with this whole event would not be possible to achieve.

The format and all the ideas will live on and we will not let go of our dream to get all the pieces together one day.

Carsten Pingel
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Post by Carsten Pingel » Fri Jul 22, 2005 8:20 am

Look at Freds pictures ! :-) Who is that Girl in white in the background ? Chris Hart seems to be interested in her ??? ;-)

Steve Hinzen
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Post by Steve Hinzen » Fri Jul 22, 2005 4:54 pm


I had a fu....in' good weekend in Stockholm! It doesn't get better than this.

Some things could have worked better but this was definetely one of the better contests of this year. I appriciate the way the orga-team is dealing with criticism of all kinds. Thank You for explaining every detail and answering any question. Making things transparent helps to understand and do better one day. That's the way racers should be treated by any organizer of a slalomcontest, big or small.

Peter, Marcus and Corky, You guys took a big drop into the adventure of a Supercompetition in the small World of SkateboardSlalom and You made it!
Thank You.
raceboards with a soul!

Hans Koraeus
Corky - World Ranking Master Mind
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Thu Jul 28, 2005 12:45 am

True European Championship result lists now on the site (with only Europeans)

the European Championships in Skateboard Slalom
Corky before the race wrote:Prize money. I would say 400-500 euros for you Kenny.
I didn't want to give you any false hopes Kenny but of course I knew you would get at least those 600 euros in your hand. ;-)

Kenny Mollica
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Post by Kenny Mollica » Thu Jul 28, 2005 4:12 am

I read your prediction of the race and my placings. I had a great time in Sweden, but I must admit that my low point was when I talked to you on Saturday evening, with over 7 hours of light left, when you said we could NOT use your cones, because you wanted "fresh" ones for the race. I have never heard of anything quite so lame or gay since I began slalom racing 4 years ago. We came all the way over there as your guests and we came to ride and race slalom boards. If you, or anyone else ever came to the states for a race, I would NEVER act so lame towards you. That was pitiful. Fresh cones? What am I missing? Marcus and Peter worked their asses off, but I really did not see you do a single thing the whole weekend.

I will never understand why you acted that way, but I don't really care. There was a character named Corkey on an American show a few years back. It was called Life Goes on or something like that. You remind me of him sometime. Mildly retarded.

Hans Koraeus
Corky - World Ranking Master Mind
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Fri Jul 29, 2005 3:49 am

Oboy Kenny, that must have been boiling hard inside of you for quite some time. I got the feeling you had something against me on Sunday. Now I understand. So I told you you could not have the new cones to practice with. I don't really remember that but you are probably right. Well, that wasn't very nice of me. Sorry. I hope all the second hand cones wasn't that bad though.

Sorry also that my work got unnoticed for you. I will make sure I do frequent reports to you of my doings next time, Captain Mollica.

If you found me mildly retarded over the weekend that was probably a good observation. With my head spinning well before until well after the weekend I actually felt mildly retarded. That may explain the cone incident. The only thing spinning more than my head was the distance meter on my car. I was surprised how much distance I had gathered driving around in Stockholm during my car rental week.

Over and out. The event is over. Well not really actually. All bills not payed yet by our American guests. Fine guests indeed...

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