[2014] The Slalom Race 2014 Milan - June 14/15 (Main)

European Races & Results (for Major, Main and Prime level races)

Moderators: Jani Soderhall, Robert Thiele

Franco Di Giorgio
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[2014] The Slalom Race 2014 Milan - June 14/15 (Main)

Post by Franco Di Giorgio » Mon May 05, 2014 11:21 pm

World Championship Cup
Saturday 14th of June
parallel slalom,
Tight & Hybrid
at Parco Ravizza
in the center of Milan

Pick up & try:
you’ll can try longboard and Footbike

Sunday 15th of June
the Giant Slalom race in
Console Marcello street

Money prize 4.000 EUR

Web registration is open from 07th of May
payment via PayPal (http://form.jotformeu.com/form/41246622290348) until 6th June 2014

Registration fee

1 day/race:
25,00 Jr and Women
40,00 men AM and PRO

2 days/races
40,00 Jr and Women
60,00 men AM and PRO

5,00 euro more whether you pay after 6th of june

Soon on line the form to register and pay via Paypal

FREE for kids and spectators

Please Register yourself also on ISSA event:
http://www.slalomskateboarder.com/slalo ... ons&id=743
Event page:
https://www.facebook.com/events/8647217 ... 8/?fref=ts

Let me know your needs, here I add links to your accommodation for hotel or hostel:



Jani Soderhall
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Re: The Slalom Race 2014 Milan - June 14/15 (Main)

Post by Jani Soderhall » Mon Jun 16, 2014 6:43 pm

Overall Pro

Overall Women

Overall Junior

Overall Open


1. Janis Kuzmins, LAT
2. Mika Hadestrand, SWE
3. Viking Hadestrand, SWE
4. Christopher Dupont, FRA

1. Pierre Hazera, FRA
2. Daniel Navarro, ESP
3. Silvio Endrizzi, SUI
4. Federico Malventi, ITA

1. Lienite Skaraine, LAT
2. Natalya Dudina, RUS
3. Kathrin Sehl, GER
4. Anna Gailite, LAT

1. Arturs Liskovs, LAT
2. Zaccaria Di Giorgio, ITA
3. Toms Dreiblats, LAT
4. Lukas Knobloch, GER

1. Viking Hadestrand, SWE
2. Janis Kuzmins, LAT
3. Mika Hadestrand, SWE
4. Michel Dupont, FRA

1. Fabian Koula, SUI
2. Pierre Hazera, FRA
3. Edijs Jermacenko, LAT
4. Alfonso Perez, ESP

1. Kathrin Sehl, GER
2. Lienite Skaraine, LAT
3. Irene Di Giorgio, ITA
4. Anna Gailite, LAT

1. Zaccaria Di Giorgio, ITA
2. Arturs Liskovs, LAT
3. Toms Dreiblats, LAT
4. Lukas Knobloch, GER

1. Janis Kuzmins, LAT
2. Mika Hadestrand, SWE
3. Viking Hadestrand, SWE
4. Christoph Baumann, GER

1. Edijs Jermacenko, LAT
2. Fabian Koula, SUI
3. Martins Liepins, LAT
4. Maxime Lassale, FRA

1. Lienite Skaraine, LAT
2. Natalya Dudina, RUS
3. Anna Gailite, LAT
4. Irene Di Giorgio, ITA

1. Arturs Liskovs, LAT
2. Toms Dreiblats, LAT
3. Zaccaria Di Giorgio, ITA
4. Lukas Knobloch, GER

Mikael Hadestrand
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Re: The Slalom Race 2014 Milan - June 14/15 (Main)

Post by Mikael Hadestrand » Wed Jun 18, 2014 10:36 pm

First of all i want to thank the Italian crew for making the contest and for all help when Viking went to the hospital.
You are all nice people!
Regarding the contest it self it was a disaster the time system showed sometimes not correct time so some riders got a
Qualification time that was not correct also when a rider got a clear DQ and after 5 minutes starts to complain and wants a rerun the judges after more then one hour doesnt even now how to handle the situation beacuse the rider didnt accept the
clear DQ finally they let the rider have a rerun even if they new it was wrong.it should never be like this at a contest all the other riders am,woman etc had to wait for this bullshit to end.On every contest it must be a person who are in charge and can make a fast and a fair decision according to the ISSA rules.
The race in Milano promised EUR 4000 prizemoney thats why we went to the race they didnt even had half of it so even this was a disapointment.There was a rider that got so upset so he packed his stuff and left the race because of all these problems.
We love to travel and race but we have been to so many bad organised races and this race made our decision easier
to stop racing outside Sweden.
We wish all the riders a nice summer!
Mika & Viking

Hans Koraeus
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Re: The Slalom Race 2014 Milan - June 14/15 (Main)

Post by Hans Koraeus » Thu Jun 19, 2014 10:34 am

The Slalom Race 2014 Ranking Event Result page

For the overall points we need to know what discipline was the tie-breaker.

Hans Koraeus
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Re: The Slalom Race 2014 Milan - June 14/15 (Main)

Post by Hans Koraeus » Thu Jun 19, 2014 11:17 am

Mikael Hadestrand wrote:First of all i want to thank the Italian crew for making the contest and for all help when Viking went to the hospital.
You are all nice people!
Regarding the contest it self it was a disaster the time system showed sometimes not correct time so some riders got a
Qualification time that was not correct also when a rider got a clear DQ and after 5 minutes starts to complain and wants a rerun the judges after more then one hour doesnt even now how to handle the situation beacuse the rider didnt accept the
clear DQ finally they let the rider have a rerun even if they new it was wrong.it should never be like this at a contest all the other riders am,woman etc had to wait for this bullshit to end.On every contest it must be a person who are in charge and can make a fast and a fair decision according to the ISSA rules.
The race in Milano promised EUR 4000 prizemoney thats why we went to the race they didnt even had half of it so even this was a disapointment.There was a rider that got so upset so he packed his stuff and left the race because of all these problems.
We love to travel and race but we have been to so many bad organised races and this race made our decision easier
to stop racing outside Sweden.
We wish all the riders a nice summer!
Mika & Viking
If we want higher level of ruling we need to have an ISSA representative on each Main/Major event in charge of all the difficult decisions that always shows up at events.

We have already had this up. But it need support. I.e. it need support by the racers themselves. I.e. the need for them to first of all be a member of ISSA for example. To support such a thing. Nobody will go there and do this "for fun".

We could of course also put this on the events themselves. To have high statuses you need to make sure an ISSA representative is on place. I.e. a cost for the organizer.

Or make the cost split between ISSA (cost supported by the riders themselves) and the organizer.

Now it is too sketchy. We know it. And it will be so until we do something about it. It's a mix of responsibility between organizers, ISSA and the racers themselves. So hard to point finger at any of them alone. We have to fix this together and not wait for any of the others to do it.

Hans Koraeus
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Re: The Slalom Race 2014 Milan - June 14/15 (Main)

Post by Hans Koraeus » Thu Jun 19, 2014 11:18 am

Maybe not all contest are the same. Meaning some manage to handle things well. But it doesn't help those that doesn't manage it.

We need a certain level on ALL Main/Major races.

Now it feels almost that it is more luck when an event goes well. It's harder than people think to make a good event. And it's a big difference doing an event for 20 racers or for example doing it for 50. It's not the same thing. The more racers the more important that all details run smoothly. You can get away with that with less racers. But with more racers it really creates big problems.

Franco Di Giorgio
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Re: The Slalom Race 2014 Milan - June 14/15 (Main)

Post by Franco Di Giorgio » Thu Jun 19, 2014 12:13 pm

This story told by Mika seems to be a little bit out of range. I invite everybody to see all the timing of all the races where everybody can see that all timing are right and consistent from fisrt to second run and only the "special run" of Petr seems to be strange. We ask him if he like to re-run, he didn't. What can we do more? It happened and there where non more reason to dubitate about the timing system.

Speaking about Price Money we did a mistake when we didn't correct the total amount from 4 to 3.000 in order to respect a specific request of ISSA BOD: "don't give money to not Pros and limitate the cash". The real mistake on which we apologize was to not correct it in the sanction PDF on ISSA site and declare it only on communication support such as posters and flyers.

At the end "people" who want to change the result of a race appear in any race for different reasons. Everytime there will be a specific problem not ruled by Issa rules so the staff under stress from days and days have to decide on specific events real time. When a racer is disappointed on specific event related to the own run it takes time to understand and take decision supported in different times by differents point of you, and I don't speak about rumors, I speak about movies taken from different point of view. I'm also sure that this is not the right place to discuss about these topics but in the ISSA forum which is its natural site.

As usual we did our best but it seems that it isn't enough for some and more then enough for some other... death of this sport won't depend from people who do.

Hans Koraeus
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Re: The Slalom Race 2014 Milan - June 14/15 (Main)

Post by Hans Koraeus » Thu Jun 19, 2014 12:43 pm

This is in part two things.

One part is to discuss single event problems. Like problems racers see and feel at an event. Milan here for example.
All racers have a right to complain about problems they see. It can be discussed here.
And there will always be problems at events. Or praise of how difficult situations were handled.

The bigger part is of how to avoid them. It's not new but we get reminded of it in intervals.
We all also have the right to work to make it better for the future. Here we have the real problem. And were we all are a part of the problem.
This existing discussion can be continued here.

Petr Janousek
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Re: The Slalom Race 2014 Milan - June 14/15 (Main)

Post by Petr Janousek » Fri Jun 20, 2014 11:03 am

I didn´t want to interfere to this discussion... but when Lorenzo mentioned my name I have to.
The PRO riders (headed by Janis, Mika and Viking), who rode in the race, knows that I with Janis protested that the timer is not right. I said that Janis was at the finish line first and then I can´t have a better time. The family Di Giorgio didn´t agree with protest and said us that I much longer reaction time than Janis... I said that I think that the results aren't "fair play". I was again assured that timer works correctly ...
I couldn't do more ...
... but the "strange" results were more. For example: Lienite Skaraine had really fast time in GS. Her net time (without reaction time) was 18,872s. The times of professional drivers (without reaction time) were:
Viking Hadestrand: 18,616
Mika Hadestrand: 18,320
Christopher Baumann: 19,150
Petr Janousek: 19,116
Christopher Dupont: 19,603
Michel Dupont: 19,513
Pavel Holec: 18,938
Oleg Glushko: 18,654

Lienite was better then I, Baumann, Duponts and Holec... and she was very close to Hadestrands... Is it possible? Who knows.. Maybe yes, maybe no...
Petr Janoušek
Czech Republic, Prague

Lorenzo Galimberti
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Re: The Slalom Race 2014 Milan - June 14/15 (Main)

Post by Lorenzo Galimberti » Fri Jun 20, 2014 12:29 pm

Hi Petr your exam is perfect and nobody wants to accuse you, you are always so kind and calm so accusing you is my last thought, but the really strange time (for some Pors) was your one.
But as everybody saw sunday was really perturbated by wind and few drops of rain, but wind can change a world record also in running races so if a riders is on wheels going down a slope with wind on back maybe also I can be close to Pros' timing. At the end of the race wind was against us, not in favour, so I think that Lienite and some other who did good timing have been helped by wind... maybe.

Viale Certosa 89
20151 Milano – Italy

Petr Janousek
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Re: The Slalom Race 2014 Milan - June 14/15 (Main)

Post by Petr Janousek » Fri Jun 20, 2014 1:00 pm

Yes Lorenzo... I agree with you...
It was really nice to meet riders and Italian organizers again...
Petr Janoušek
Czech Republic, Prague
