European Status Marshals 2008 (and 2009)

European Races & Results (for Major, Main and Prime level races)

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Peter Klang
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European Status Marshals 2008 (and 2009)

Post by Peter Klang » Fri Oct 19, 2007 9:24 am

Hello fellow Europeans and Citizens of this slalom racing planet.
I would like to inform you all of the new status marshals for the European region.
Stefhan Hinzen, me and Corky was doing it last year and I think we did a fantastic job.

To spread the task around ISSA wanted new guys but still keep one head marshal from the BOD. Corky have no time and Stephan Hinzen (great guy) have already served in 2007, so it was up to me. I think the two new guys will be an asset to us all. They travel more than anyone else and they are young and pretty, very sexy and very fast. It is with great honour I present to you

Ramon Köningshausen and Dominik Kowalski

Yours fastest

Ramón Königshausen
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Contact information

Post by Ramón Königshausen » Sun Oct 21, 2007 12:59 am

Contact information European Status Marshals 2008:

Peter Klang
cell: +46 70 698 29 29

Dominik Kowalski
cell: +49 1 636 360 333

Ramón Königshausen
cell: +41 79 676 21 24
address: Apfelmatte 1, CH-8833 Samstagern

Feel the flow – Airflow Skateboards

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Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Sun Oct 21, 2007 12:43 pm

Excellent. Is there only two this year, or is also Klang part of the gang?


Ramón Königshausen
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Post by Ramón Königshausen » Sun Oct 21, 2007 1:02 pm

Klang is part of it. He/we aso considered Christoph Baumann to be helping (Peter called when I was at Baumann's place). He might not have been able to provide quick internet representation (e-mail, posts) so we decided to take Dominik instead. But still I will keep Baumann up to date and also discuss with him from time to time to get his opinion about certain applications. - As fas as you are ok with that.

Feel the flow – Airflow Skateboards

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Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Sun Oct 21, 2007 3:19 pm

For democracy's sake we should probably vote on future selections of participants of such committees to assure variety (countries, teams, etc). For future guidance it would be good to know certain criteria that you use when you distribute statuses. Corky has defined some, but you may want to add more as you consider all the races of the coming season. Feel free to share those with us all.


Ramón Königshausen
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Post by Ramón Königshausen » Sun Oct 21, 2007 3:44 pm

Jani Soderhall wrote:For future guidance it would be good to know certain criteria that you use when you distribute statuses. Corky has defined some, but you may want to add more as you consider all the races of the coming season.
We have already looked at all of last year's criteria and are about to take them in account. I also started to think about altering them or adding new criteria.

I can post an updated sanction criteria soon - if you wish so - but I'd rather consider it as a guideline, not as a rule. I'm not yet making rules.

So is that right, that you'd like to be explained why a certain event was given a certain status?

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Donald Campbell
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Post by Donald Campbell » Sun Oct 21, 2007 4:17 pm

2008 looks good
we got a line going from sweden over germany to swasiland-perfect
nowwe need to get good contests going

Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Sun Oct 21, 2007 6:17 pm

Ramón Königshausen wrote:I can post an updated sanction criteria soon - if you wish so - but I'd rather consider it as a guideline, not as a rule. I'm not yet making rules.

So is that right, that you'd like to be explained why a certain event was given a certain status?
Of course it's a guideline. So many factors play a role. In the end you have to use your feeling and decide what you think is best for the sport. That's why you are in the committee, to take that personal responsibility and make the right decision for all of us.

If you want to publish something, then publish the guidelines - so we understand and that future committees can learn from it. No need to defend your decision on every race. That might lead to endless discussions.


Ramón Königshausen
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Post by Ramón Königshausen » Sun Oct 21, 2007 6:22 pm

Thanks. That's the kind of answer I was hoping for.

Feel the flow – Airflow Skateboards

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Janis kuzmins
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Post by Janis kuzmins » Fri Sep 19, 2008 3:40 pm

2008. for europe is going to finish line.
There were good and maybe not so good decisions in this year.
My big hope that some of this decisions and sometimes some pushing to organisers will be not motive to leave slalom organisation scene for good organisers as Polička, and great Grenoble.
Sometimes had feeling that for some riders self interests and getting advantiges in competition was more important that other racers interests, who maybe are not top racers.
I made table with the podiums for pro racers this year, maybe there its some small mistakes, but it loks for 95%corect.
Racer gigant hybrid tight overall
Dominik.k. 11
1st 4 3 2 9
2end 1 1 2

Janis.k. 10
1st 5 5
2end 2 2
3trd 1 1 1 3

Ramon.k. 9
1st 1 1 2
2end 4 2 6
3rtd 1 1

Marcus.s. 2
1st 1 1
2end 1 1

Henrik.w. 3
2end 1 1
3rtd 1

other medalists
Mikael.h. 1 1
vincent.b. 2 2
Cristobh.b. 1 1
Fabian.b. 1 1 2
Maurus.s. 1 1

Looks that 2/3 from all podiums get 3 riders: Dominik, Janis, Ramon.
I think more above-board will be not to be somebody from these racers which always are on podium for euromarshall, because of the fairity.
Also the rotation sounds good and democratic. And I think amateur and maybe first time woman can be the marshall too, because last years pro racers was not so much thinking about this categories. These people need to be with experience in slalom scene, racers who attended enough races in last years.
Not so many people want to do this job, to be euro marshall, but I think there its some independent knowledges possibilities for 2009, from FRANCE, ENGLAND, LATVIA, SWEDEN, SWITZERLAND, GERMANY, CZECH, ITALY. (These countries have a lot of expirience full racers).

Janis kuzmins
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Post by Janis kuzmins » Fri Sep 19, 2008 3:44 pm

This table loks diferent and not so corect when i post them.(becose i made table in exel)
Any way its posible to see podiums in main and major in europe in the row after the name of racer.

Josef Stefka
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Post by Josef Stefka » Wed Oct 22, 2008 6:33 pm

The 2008 season finished and there are appearing some contest dates for 2009 on the calendar forum.

First of all we have to thank to the status marshalls, World ranking supervisor and to all contest organisers.
First step of all should be to have status marshalls for 2009. I agree with Janis, Dom and Ramon, they did a great job. Thanks.
It seems to me more objective that the status marshalls would be persons who will not prefer their own interests. It is important to reconcile to the fact, that every contest in every country is different. Somewhere the organiser prepares a tight slalom from a steep hill, the other country has the contest on flat with a lot of spectators. But it is important to have the exact description of the contest in the contest sanction and then everyone can decide where to go or not. Let’ s be broadminded, each rider likes something else but the most important is that the contest must be fun for majority of them.
My candidate for the status marshall is ie. Gints, Giullame or Sandrine, Sam Gordon?

Next issue is to have the deadline for sending in the contest sanctions. I propose the end of the year 2008. During the January 2009 the statuses should be finally assigned. So there should not be the situation again, that Europe /nor USA/ has not assigned all Prime statuses for 2008.

These are just a few of my proposals…

Czech slalom Cup is planning to have about 3 basic contests and 3 other candidate for the Prime status.

Guillaume Saint-Criq
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Post by Guillaume Saint-Criq » Thu Oct 23, 2008 12:00 am

thanks Joseph for thinking about Sandrine or me for marshal.

I fully agree with you that we must let organizers do in their own way, annouce what to expect for the race (and what will be!), and let the racers decide to go (or not) to the event.
I don't want status marshall to impose their own view.

I personnaly don't want to be candidate for this task .
I have enough work trying to promote slalom in france with coneRacing, and I will try to help Corky with the world ranking website. But never say never, I will see in appropriate time

I will let Sandrine talk for herself.

I also think Sam should be a good marshall ;)

Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Thu Oct 23, 2008 8:59 am

Guillaume Saint-Criq wrote:I also think Sam should be a good marshall ;)
Sam for President!


Ramón Königshausen
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Post by Ramón Königshausen » Thu Oct 23, 2008 12:47 pm

I thought Sam was the guy that recruites you to the army?

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Sam Gordon
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Post by Sam Gordon » Thu Oct 23, 2008 8:04 pm

Thanks gents, but like Guillaume I'm a little pushed for time, so couldn't make a fair crack at this role. Us Brits'll have a chat about it at the Hog Hill GS race on Sunday (if it rains).


Always avoided the army, although they do have some very fine discipline techniques.

Hans Koraeus
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Sat Nov 01, 2008 6:22 pm

The current guidelines for ranking marshalls is that there are...
- 1 head marshall from the ISSA BOD
- 2 marshalls selected from the slalom community

For the moment there is one group for each of these regions...
- West Atlantic (South America, North America)
- East Atlantic (Europe, Russia, Asia, Australia)

There were som guidelines set up here ... php?t=5379

But that is too late to follow those now. Even so it's time to get names in that is a problem in itself.
- First
Selecting one person from the ISSA BOD as head marshall.
- Second
Head marshall will have to be in charge of making the whole group complete for 2009.

If nothing happens and nobody jumps off the current groups they will stay the same for 2009.

Donald Campbell
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Post by Donald Campbell » Sat Nov 01, 2008 6:26 pm

so why shouldn't they just stay the same?

did anybody here say thank you so far?

one guy:josef stefka!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Sat Nov 01, 2008 7:45 pm

Donald Campbell wrote:so why shouldn't they just stay the same?
A little change is good in every system, no matter how good it is. It could also be good to do a gradual change rather than a big bang.


Dominik Kowalski
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Post by Dominik Kowalski » Mon Nov 03, 2008 3:15 pm

well...I personly would love to do it one more time. And I would love to work with the ame group again. Maybe it's a better way to progress if the group stays togehter for another time.
I think we did a good job in general, and I think that we even can do better for next year. Working together with KLangster and Ramonski is fine too. We get along and we solve problems really quickly, and discuss alot, so far I can think of.
Well, the choice is not mine. I`m just saying I`m very motivated to do it all again. I think I speak for all the three of us.
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Carsten Pingel
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Post by Carsten Pingel » Tue Nov 04, 2008 12:57 pm

I vote for the "old" group!

Steve Hinzen
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Post by Steve Hinzen » Tue Nov 04, 2008 6:46 pm

Never change a winning team !

Donald Campbell
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Post by Donald Campbell » Tue Nov 04, 2008 7:20 pm

i also think they did a very good job and they are also very capable.

Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Tue Nov 04, 2008 8:11 pm

Donald Campbell wrote:i also think they did a very good job and they are also very capable.
Of course Donald, two out of three are on the Pavel payroll...

Despite that I respect their work and I actually agree that they should continue another year.


Donald Campbell
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Post by Donald Campbell » Tue Nov 04, 2008 10:18 pm

Jani Soderhall wrote:
Donald Campbell wrote:i also think they did a very good job and they are also very capable.
Of course Donald, two out of three are on the Pavel payroll...

ahhhh jani
what's your problem?

don't you like the way things are coming together finally?

i also don't have a payroll or anything like this,maybe that's your style,it definitely isn't mine.

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Post by Jani Soderhall » Tue Nov 04, 2008 10:45 pm

Donald Campbell wrote:i also don't have a payroll or anything like this, maybe that's your style, it definitely isn't mine.
Of course I would never suspect anything like that. Oh no, I was just presenting facts.


Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Tue Nov 04, 2008 10:50 pm

Janis kuzmins wrote:There were good and maybe not so good decisions in this year.


Sometimes had feeling that for some riders self interests and getting advantiges in competition was more important that other racers interests, who maybe are not top racers.
I made table with the podiums for pro racers this year, maybe there its some small mistakes, but it loks for 95%corect.


Looks that 2/3 from all podiums get 3 riders: Dominik, Janis, Ramon.


I think more above-board will be not to be somebody from these racers which always are on podium for euromarshall, because of the fairity.


Also the rotation sounds good and democratic. And I think amateur and maybe first time woman can be the marshall too, because last years pro racers was not so much thinking about this categories.
Maybe Janis post earlier in this post passed by too quickly. Maybe it's something to reconsider also before we move forward.

But, then again, are there any other candidates?


Robert Gaisek
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Post by Robert Gaisek » Wed Nov 05, 2008 7:30 am

Henke? Mika? Klock? Yoda? Marcus? Antonio? Fabian? ......and the list goes on...

Donald Campbell
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Post by Donald Campbell » Wed Nov 05, 2008 12:11 pm

why not just put these names on the list:jani,janis,pierre?
i am sure team coneracing will do a perfect job!

Dominik Kowalski
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Post by Dominik Kowalski » Thu Nov 06, 2008 1:05 am

yeah! Let´s all have a wiggle war! ok, here is mine:
Isn´t it a bit of a shame to have an official site which wants to be promoted, so despretly not showing it´s newest champions and final standings?...

hey donald? what is a payroll...:(? you never told me about that:(??? Was that the money I gave you lately? oh, no I´m mistaking....that was my roll of debts or debtroll...betrollen?:(???

yeah right, let´s all play stupid;b

Everyone will have their chance. We ALL have to make it work! slalomskateboarding is cool and we can all make us happy!

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Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:29 am

In every comittee or cooperation or association you need a mix of people from different countries, different experience, different point of views, different taste, different skills etc. It's difficult to achieve that with only three people in a committee. Therefore it is good if there is a change every now and then. So, although I do not disagree with any of the work done, I just wanted to highlight the fact that change is good. If it's not now, probably it should be at the end of 2009.

Yes, I think the EU status marshalls have done their job. We had problems, they did what they could to solve it, so yes, they are more than qualified to continue. And for sure they are even better skilled to handle the next season. If there are no better candidates, they're surely the best candidates for 2009.

But imagine, if at the end of 2009, all three want to be relieved of their duty, then we'll have too much of a drastic change and no carry forward of knowledge/experience of this decision making. So maybe after all it's not so bad to replace one this year.

To follow up on Janis ideas: Is it good that we have the top riders selecting where the top events should be held? Should we have the top riders setting the courses at the most important events? Right now they're the most skilled, but is it fair. If we had a 100.000 Euro at stake at every event, we'd probably have to find a more neutral way.

Just thoughts...

PS. Love you Donald.

Donald Campbell
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Post by Donald Campbell » Thu Nov 06, 2008 1:06 pm

on the other hand it doesn't really make sense to recruit newbies to such a difficult task.
the top riders have their experience and a very informed view of the venues in general.

setting courses is something completely different
i would tend to say that this issue has nothing to do with the topic we discuss here at all.
also it is very very undesirable to have courses set by unexperienced riders anyway.
amsterdam has been set by me,frank,ramon,oliver otten and a few others i forgot-sorry.
if there is not only one rider involved in setting the complete course its fair to everybody,but a necessity to have riders with experience setting those.

we won't have a contest with a 100.000 dollar purse in the near future also.
so i would also tend to say that this is a wrong argumentation,jani,but i think you see that too.

if dom,peter,ramon continue to do their job,we still have over a year time to find other people that might want to do this job

a full year!

or is there another reason why you are trying to push things guys?

on a sidenote:pretending that people are on a payroll is absolutely uncalled for and in general you should excuse yourself for such malicious assumptions which besmear the credibility of the riders and also my integrity as a producer and event manager.

if this was just a funny joke you wanted to pull,please add your smileys to the end of the sentence to avoid irritations!
i guess it was a joke and we all misunderstood your humor jani,right?

ah yes i love myself too!

Guillaume Saint-Criq
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Post by Guillaume Saint-Criq » Thu Nov 06, 2008 3:32 pm

I will support the actual marshall team.
i think the thing we discuss here is about the necessity of having both categories representated in this team : Pros, ams and ladys.
We do not talk about newbies

Why not extend the team to 5 people?
i agree with Jani that it will be good for sharing knowledge/experience and not have to go from 0 at end 2009.

Ramón Königshausen
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Post by Ramón Königshausen » Thu Nov 06, 2008 6:55 pm

Guillaume Saint-Criq wrote: Why not extend the team to 5 people?
i agree with Jani that it will be good for sharing knowledge/experience and not have to go from 0 at end 2009.
I like your idea. That would also solve our continuity problem. By the end of 2009 we could have those two that joined for 2009 have continue to 2010 and find three new ones to replace us.

Feel the flow – Airflow Skateboards

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Donald Campbell
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Post by Donald Campbell » Thu Nov 06, 2008 8:50 pm

now,that's a good idea
why not get somebody from england:stridey,paul p or louis?
and holland:flavio
or italy:stefano

there are quite a few capable people out there....if they want to do that...

after all there is no real gratitude involved in doing this job.

Peter Klang
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Post by Peter Klang » Tue Nov 11, 2008 9:45 pm

Hello crime stoppers,
I know I been out of the picture for a long time, but now I am back. I even going to skate tomorrow. I agree with most of the above. I don´t really understand Janis table, but whatever, I hope Dominikski and Ramonski will stay on, I will if it dosent upset evryone, otherways I will step aside for now blood. I don´t yhink podium makes you a better marschal, speacially when some podiums this year was totally bogus.

I will update the ranking and I think Dominik should be in action on this page front. Not some kids not even skating (nothing wrong with dose kids) but come on Dom is the shits this year.

Anyway, till anyone makes any noise, send Me, Dom or Ramon your race forms and please make 2009 a year to remeber.

Biggest prize purse race ever, GBG June or august.
Midsummer race June 20-22, Stockholm. GS, TS, 100 cones and Cyber

How about
Czeck Rep

Whats your plans???????

Yours fastest
