[2003] European Championships - Results & first impressi

European Races & Results (for Major, Main and Prime level races)

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Gareth Roe
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[2003] European Championships - Results & first impressi

Post by Gareth Roe » Sun Sep 21, 2003 4:13 am

<b>This just in from the European Championships on the French Riviera – Antibes France.</b>

<u>Special Slalom</u>

1. Maurus Strobel, Switzerland
2. Luca Giammarco, Italy
3. Francesco Ugolini, Italy
4. Michael Dong, USA/UK
5. Paul Price, UK
6. Jani Söderhäll, Sweden/France

<u>Giant Slalom</u>

1. Maurus Strobel, Switzerland
2. Luca Giammarco, Italy
3. Gianluca Ferrero, Italy
4. Paul Price, UK
5. Samy Cantieni, Switzerland
6. Michael Dong, USA/UK

<u>Super Giant Slalom</u>

1. Luca Giammarco, Italy
2. Dhyan Fischer, Switzerland
3. Maurus Strobel, Switzerland
4. Paul Price, UK
5. Michael Dong, USA/UK
6. Francesco Ugolini, Italy

Womens winners

Special slalom: Anastasia Wolfensberger, Switzerland
Giant slalom: Noemi Reichel, Switzerland
Super G slalom: Anne Semay, France

Juniors winners

Special slalom: Antoine Miranda, France
Giant slalom: Thibault Fautrel, France
Super G slalom: Florian Lombardo, France

Michael said that both Maurus and Luca, known for their tight slalom skills, “...totally dominated the Giant Slalom and Super Giant Slalom courses. They will do very well at Morro Bay.” I got these results via voice mail from Michael. The accuracy is only as good as my phone reception. Although, I am pretty sure that this is exactly what he told me.

<b>GREAT JOB MICHAEL – nice little warm-up for the Worlds!</B>



PS. I completed the results to allow for easier reading. /Jani

John Gilmour
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Post by John Gilmour » Sun Sep 21, 2003 5:42 pm

Wow. Some results!

Looks like a little shake up going on...

Stroble must be practicing like crazy.

So I'd like to know about the race...temperature, wind, timer used, duals or single track, course layout etc. Decks used etc. How fast were the speeds? Did cone penalties really change things- what were the time penalties per cone. Ramp heights?

Any wipeouts? DQ's?

Hans Koraeus
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Mon Sep 22, 2003 12:57 pm

<c><b>I N T R O</b></c>

The weather was perfect in Antibes. Sunny and warm. The courses where set with quite some offsets. Antibes is longboard territory. This I don't say as a complaint. The courses where ok. Just a little bit different than some are used to. The scene was very beautiful on the border of the meditarian sea. At the end of the hill you could see the dark blue water with luxury yatches passing by. It was going to be another record long day. From early morning to late night. It's starting to be a habit these days.

<c><b>P A I N</b></c>

For myself the day was more like a child looking through the glass into a candy store. With my shoulder still in pain it was hard watching it all happen from the side. I had hoped to be able to skate all the disciplines but I jumped over the special to save my shoulder a bit. My strategy was the the GS would be more gentle to my shoulder. Sadly it wasn't gentle enough even with my tactics. I couldn't swing my right arm very well and had to take cones where the offset was to painful for my shoulder. Normally I shouldn't have even entered but I didn't want to have done all this trip for nothing so now at least I have a result. Something to beat for next year.

<c><b>T H E   S P I C E</b></c>

What did put an extra spiece to the competition was that Michael Dong had come over. The question was where he would stand against Luca. And Michael's dream came through. He got his head to head run against Luca. But neither of them would be the king of the day. The show was stolen by Maurus Strobel who skated at his very best. He has been hot for a while and you had the feeling that it would happen sooner or later. I was to be sooner. But that it happened here at the European championships still was a surprise. It always is, I guess, when Luca is beaten. The courses had been set with some tuff offsets and maybe that was playing to Maurus favour this day.

<c><b>P R E S S U R E   O F F</b></c>

Maybe this will all show later to have been veru good for Luca. Now he can go to Morro Bay with less pressure. Not that he seems to care too much about this anyway. He just want to go over and see what it's all about over in California. If he doesn't win he wont cry. For him it's just another skate experience. Michael Dong, though, is eager to show that he can do better. He will be highly motivated for Morro.

Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Mon Sep 22, 2003 1:33 pm

Luca looked unbeatable all during practise, going through his whole repertoire of 3dm wheels trying to find the perfect match for the special slalom which was difficult because it had quite a few cones with very large offsets, starting with the very first cones of the course. Nobody dreamed of beating him, except maybe Michael Dong who was saving his fastest runs for the moments when they were most needed almost taking out Luca, thus not revealing his true form until the head to head started.

Strobel won the race, but he had to work very hard for it. He didn't have the course under control and most of the time cones where flying all over the place, but then again almost nobody could do this course without hitting cones.

In my opinion the course setting was way too difficult for a mixed class, same course for all event. Most of the juniors didn't even try the course. Most of the girls had great difficulties too, this hill was simply giving you too much speed for a course with these kind of offsets. Had only a few cones been moved in we would have seen a much more appealing race. Anastasia Wolfensberger finally mastered the course and received a well deserved European Champion title.

Maybe now that the course was so, let's say unusual, there were quite a few shakups a lot of excitement. Italys Francesco Ugolini put in some extremely fast runs and Gianluca Ferrero was one of the few racers to make cleans runs. Oh boy, we could have ended up with an Italian triple at the podium.

Dong was taken out by Luca in the semifinal but he didn't seem to mind too much. He had raced so well that nobody, except the timekeepers could be sure of the outcome.

Strobel just got faster and faster as the runs went by and the final turned out to be one of the most exciting I've seen over the last year.

The giant slalom wasn't my cup of tea (either). It had a couple of difficult cones early on which forced most people to slide through them and plenty of skaters wiped out here and in other places in the course. Those with longboards or experience from longboarding got through easily though, so the race went on. 2 runs each and less exciting as the head to head final was taken out to save enough time to allow the optional Super G to be held as well. Strobel takes a second victory putting Luca in 2nd place once again. Gianluca takes third with style and precision. Paul Price looked extremely fast but was left with 4th place. Longboarder, downhiller and madman Sami Cantieni takes 5th.

The Super G was the highlight of the day in terms of riding pleasure for most of the riderz. The outlook from the top of the hill was such a pleasure with the wide street leading down the bars and the beach. The blue sea behind, a couple of expensive yachts and across the bay the center of Antibes and further to the right the Promenade des Anglais of Nice. What a view!
But more importantly the course was really enjoyable, easy enough for everyone to enjoy, yet fast and challenging as you don't want to wipe out at high speed. It was meant as an event for those with longer boards, but the shorter boards apparently had better pumps and Luca threw in a time 1.5 sec faster than all the rest (if I recall correctly). Approximately 27.5 secs with only 3 or 4 more doing times below 30 sec. The top 16 were meant to be given a second run, but because the night fell some moist gathered on the white paint on parts of the course and the race was called off during the second race, after Strobel, Dong and Ugolini all fell on the exact same spot, one after the other, all before the first cone! For the results only the first run counted.

- Thank's to Pierre and his whole staff for putting on the race and being nice and friendly yet having such a hard time pulling it all together.

- Thank's to all the top racers for creating such exciting races.

- Thank's to Strobel for taking Luca out, letting us know it is possible after all.

- Thank's to Strobel for taking me out so I could watch the race instead.

- Thank's to Gianluca for withdrawing his second run in the Super G which otherwise would have put him in 2nd place.

- Thank's to Michael Dong for being such a genuinly nice guy and for giving most of us majors scares with his fast and precise runs.

- Thank's to Luca for taking Michael Dong out so that the European title stays in Europe.

Gianluca Ferrero
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Post by Gianluca Ferrero » Mon Sep 22, 2003 10:03 pm

it was very nice to meet and see Michael Donk skating with us with suvh a good styled technique.

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Post by Gianluca Ferrero » Mon Sep 22, 2003 10:12 pm






Hans Koraeus
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Mon Sep 22, 2003 11:35 pm

Ferrero, you really had me laughing here. I don't think Michael will though.
Better change his name to Dong before he reads this.

Pierre Samray
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Post by Pierre Samray » Mon Sep 22, 2003 11:56 pm

FERRERO make laugh a lot of people this weekend, but not me. He is like a fury against me and my contest. I can't accept that.
Sure it was not perfect, but when you see his several post, people can think it was a disaster. No it wasn't, thank Corky and Jany for you true report.
Gianlucca asked me for the result this morning at 11 and then asked me again for hours after. Yesterday we had the downhill with 3000 spectators, then we had to let the road and the place clean, I got no sleep this night and finished this morning at 8. I took the results from Dan Gesmer computer and I thank him for his prescence.
A lot of people, before going home came to thank me for the weekend, others as journalist call me to speak of these, we have to report in the paper, and 1 minute on the France 3 channel.
The complete results will be on riderz.net tomorrow morning.

Thank you all the riders
Maurus and Luca for the fabulous fight and the very good spirit
Gianlucca to write my name without majuscule.
20 people work hard to make this event, if I show them Gianlucca's post, I think they will be fed up for life to organize something.

Paul Price
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Post by Paul Price » Tue Sep 23, 2003 2:14 am

Thanks Pierre for putting on the contest.

The weather was perfect and seeing the beautiful people enjoying the beach was hard for a sweaty skater! But we were there to race.

And please thank all the helpers who worked hard ALL day. Dan Gesmer especially did the timings all day and didn't mind my constant questions on how people were doing!

I've been to a lot of events and nothing ever runs perfectly. Thats life. This race was no different. But I've enjoyed every one and love to race - its fun ! And to be part of this event and all the others is very special to me. Great to see so many people there.

Thanks to Sam Gordan for the company, and he went fast too.

The after party was amazing, imagine a vicars and tarts party in a private house on the French Riviera. Top totty everywhere.

Hope to see everybody soon! Cheers!

William Tway
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Post by William Tway » Tue Sep 23, 2003 3:33 am

I've been to a lot of events and nothing ever runs perfectly. Thats life. This race was no different. But I've enjoyed every one and love to race - its fun ! And to be part of this event and all the others is very special to me. Great to see so many people there.
Pretty work Paul. I wish the entire skate community had your attitude...it would be a much better place. See you in a few days.

Gianluca Ferrero
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Post by Gianluca Ferrero » Tue Sep 23, 2003 9:22 am

On 2003-09-22 17:56, Pierre Samray wrote:

FERRERO make laugh a lot of people this weekend, but not me. He is like a fury against me and my contest. I can't accept that.

Sure it was not perfect, but when you see his several post, people can think it was a disaster. No it wasn't, thank Corky and Jani for you true report.

Gianlucca ask me for the result this morning at 11 and asked me again for hours after. Yesterday we had the downhill with 3000 spectators, then we had to let the road and the place clean, I got no sleep this night and finished this morning at 8. I took the results from Dan Gesmer computer and I thank him for his prescence.

A lot of people, before going home came to thank me for the weekend, others as journalist call me to speak of these, we have to report in the paper, and 1 minute on the France 3 channel.

The complete results will be on http://www.riderz.net tomorrow morning.

Thank you all the riders Maurus and Luca for the fabulous fight and the very good spirit Gianlucca to write my name without majuscule.

20 people work hard to make this event, if I show them Gianlucca's post, I think they be fed up for life to organize something.

PIERRE SAMRAY ....PROBABLY you confused some of my words, because unfortunately things happened in these ways,....and I wasn't furious against you.

If people hasn't the force to tell you these, probably they aren't friendly as me.

I've tried only to let you enable to do a sportive race....not changing rules and timetables as you did...

not for me but for everybody and for the future of this sport.

It's easy to BE FRIENDLY AND HAPPY ONLY BECAUSE YOU SAY NICE AND BLINDED THINGS, or tell nice jokes, or offer some beers, but being realist is also another way to help you.

Sorry for written your name without maiscoul but it wasn't wanted - in any case I am happy to see that the second day things worked for you.

Hope to meet you slaloming in some next session in Nice or Antibes, if you'll be in Italy I'll be honoured to have a fun ride session with you....

Greet all your organisation staff, expecially the guy at the start and the woman very cute on the pc organisation.

friendly GIANLUCA (with only a C as I wrote several times)

John Gilmour
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Post by John Gilmour » Wed Sep 24, 2003 6:22 pm

Well- whatever the case...I'm sure it was a great race and a great time.

I will make it next year and hopefully encourage some East Coast Skaters to make the trek with me.

Even though I wasn't there I want to thank Pierre for putting this event on. I also am critical of events after the fact, but I only want to help have a record for others to see so the same mistakes are lessened the next time. Pierre- no skater ever means bad feelings when they offer criticism, they just want to see the promoters improve to gain even more respect. Almost all the racers are in awe of the promoters for taking on such a large scale event. If you need anything for the next race let me know what I can do.

Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Wed Sep 24, 2003 9:58 pm

Forget about the criticism ...

Most races this year has had several items which could be considerably improved, Antibes was no different. But it's not because of that we all should start screaming and shouting. Let's be constructive instead (I know that is what Gianluca intends too, but he's a bit too vocal about to create the right effect).

Let us enjoy the memories we have of the weekend and let the organizers relax and do there "after-work" including media reports, thank you's to city councils etc, etc. Pierre you seem to have got more media coverage (including TV!) than any other event this year and that is worth a whole lot for our sport. Thank's!

Let's admire ...

For those following this thread let's leave the criticism and get into the little details of the results instead and let us all be impressed by the high level of racing. There were a handful of guys in the race that really deserves credit for showing the maximum abilities.

Consider these details (and be very impressed!) taken from the qualification and the final 4 runs of the special slalom:

Luca scares everyone by doing almost clean runs and qualifies first with 13.63. Ugolini is second with 14.03 and Strobel gets 14.08.

As the racers got used to the course (which required some getting used to in order to go really fast) Dong posts (raw) times of 13.72 and 13.73 showing that he's well in there with Luca when it comes to pure speed. Ugolini makes one run at 13.64 and hits only one cone proving he wants to be in the top as well.

Luca then pushes his (raw) times down to 13.40 and 13.32, with 2 and 1 cones respectively.

What's Strobels response?

12.86 and 12.94 (raw). It's absolutely incredible! He's improving more than one second compared to his already good times in the qualification. Anybody who has seen Luca race will have a hard time believing this. But those present in Antibes will testify that these two guys were making runs which really, really impressed all of us watching. This was top quality, top speed, entertainment. Strobel hits 4 cones in each of his two final runs and still wins both runs. Added together he beats Luca with 0.42 seconds. Most of us don't even dream of doing anything like that, but Maurus is apparently ready for the task.

The results does not lower my admiration for the skills of Luca, but it's time that Maurus gets the appreciation he deserves. He has won races before, but never like this.
Last edited by Jani Soderhall on Sun Oct 12, 2003 1:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Pierre Samray
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Post by Pierre Samray » Wed Sep 24, 2003 11:53 pm

So now we are quiet and have rest to have reflection.
It's time for me to analyze all the races.
Downhill was very incredible and so nice for the public. But slalom was not as I wanted.
Not a lot ofpublic, problem with time setter, error with ranking... some little thigs which poison an event
I think about what's wrong and try to correct it and use the experience for the next time. Certainly I don't mix no more the 2 disciplines (too hard to organize well).
Next year I think I take an easy spot and We had 2 days for slalom for every body in the world (not only european). Certainly one week before or after Paris event. Racers coming for one event can stay in France to make the two events. Show must go on!

Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Thu Sep 25, 2003 12:17 am

Way to go Pierre!

Here are the results (not the entire spreadsheets, but at least the complete ranking).

Saturday, September 20th

Special slalom
Giant slalom
Super G (not available yet)

Sunday, September 21st

Downhill, stand up
Butt board
Street luge

Combined (slalom and downhill)
Last edited by Jani Soderhall on Sun Oct 12, 2003 1:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Jon Warburton
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Post by Jon Warburton » Thu Sep 25, 2003 2:09 am

Hi all

First off i got to say thanks for pierre and all the team for a great weekend. I had a real rollercoaster. First, i was told id missed the cut in the tight by 1 spot, so went off to drown myself in the sea within sight of the race course. michael dong somehow fixed it with the organisers so they avoided a tragedy and he called me out of the water just in time to race. so this is when the triathlon started. 50m freestyle sprint / get dry and dressed on beach / sprint up racecourse / apply pads and helmet / race Luca. yeeeeah

I thought all the courses were great, but then I havnt been doing this race thing long so I probably shouldn't comment. I did see some people having trouble all day, but I also saw that most of those people were using kit I wouldnt be able to make the course on either. I think the fact that Anastasia started the day spraying cones and finished with an almost perfect run says a lot.
I used the same Comet board all day, and just a little tweak of the lazers to adjust to the different courses. I even ended up riding the GS with them looser than I did in the special. It felt goooooooood!

I'm going off topic now but the downhill on sunday was another epic (12 hours slalom sat, 12 hours dh sun). I used a formula that im afraid i cant share with you to ensure i only just made the cut in all 4 races(16,14,16 in slalom and 31/32 in downhill, this had Pierre wondering just what was going on and whether id been threatening his staff.
Had an astounding race in the first round with some guy I dont even know his name, including at least 5 changes of position, MAJOR contact in the right hand hairpin, a hearty handshake just before dropping to slide the steep, fast left hairpin, flaring off speed to postpone the pass, and eventually passing him just before the line. it were a reet blinder ah tell ee all at 50 mph.
It was good to have Price, Gordon and Dong to knock heads together with, I ride better when other people do the thinking for me;)
Sam - I can handle the ginger, and I can handle the posh, but good god man the bloody Daily Mail??????????????? have you taken complete leave of your senses?

I'm looking forward to next year already, but Pierre please tell there will be a downhill too, its an essential part.
uh yeah Jani the link to the combined results isn't working.
cheers all see ya soon

Mike Johnson
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Post by Mike Johnson » Thu Sep 25, 2003 8:27 am

Jon well done mate you are a true slalom monster..anyways a bit off topic but i been practicing for epic on the 4th and was wodering what the spacing was cone wise on the last comp, do you remember? only i've been saving me guiness cans for some practice sessions before hand and i've cut down a deck ready for it...give me a shout.

Love Mike aka longy

Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Thu Sep 25, 2003 10:55 am

The link to the combined results now working.

Jon, you placed 10th in the combination.

Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Fri Sep 26, 2003 4:54 pm

Last edited by Jani Soderhall on Sun Oct 12, 2003 1:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Jon Warburton
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Post by Jon Warburton » Fri Sep 26, 2003 11:10 pm

Hi all
Photos of slalom at http://groups.msn.com/JONNYXSK8PICS/sk8 ... PhotoID=64
Footage of downhill at
titled “biot”
more soon


Post by Guest » Fri Sep 26, 2003 11:51 pm


Some pictures!

thank you so much Jon...I hope there is more on the way.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Chris Stepanek on 2003-09-26 17:52 ]</font>

Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Sat Sep 27, 2003 12:50 am


Here's a few who's who on the pictures.

"Dong + ?" is Francesco Ugolini.
The next picture is Francesco Ugolini (too).
"Italy Dong" is Francesco too.
"Dhyan I think" is Dhyan Fischer.
"Italy I think" is Christoph Baumann (Germany).

If it's of any help.

Jon Warburton
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Post by Jon Warburton » Sat Sep 27, 2003 1:26 am

cheers jani

Glenn S
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Post by Glenn S » Tue Oct 07, 2003 7:02 pm

Just got a news letter email from Daniel Kunz of Indiana Skateboards with this video(avi) clip of Luca at Antibes attached:
<a href=http://www.slalomskateboarder.com/event ... ntibes.avi> LucaAntibes.avi</a>

Anyone know which event this was?

How did this event turn out? Was everyone happy with the way it was run and the courses set? Were the complete results posted somewhere? It seemed to get faded out by the FCR World Championships being the weekend after.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: glenn on 2003-10-07 13:29 ]</font>


I moved your post to the appropriate thread. Your questions are all answered here... /Jani

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Jani Soderhall on 2003-10-07 14:20 ]</font>

Glenn S
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Post by Glenn S » Tue Oct 07, 2003 7:22 pm

Thanks Jani, got it.
Here also was a picture that was sent in the same news letter:
<img src=http://www.slalomskateboarder.com/event ... inners.jpg>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Glenn on 2003-10-07 15:20 ]</font>

Hans Koraeus
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Wed Oct 08, 2003 3:58 pm

Just got to see my result in GS. Not very good but that was expected due to shoulder injury. So i didn't react too much at my placement. When I later saw Dan's spredsheet though I was in for a surprise. I was interested in how much I improved in my second run. First run was for safety. The second I went for it. To my big surprice my second run was DNR (Did not race). This is of course not correct. It does explain though why when I asked about my time just after my race why the guy (it wasn't Dan) couldn't give me the time. Hmm...

Sam Gordon
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Post by Sam Gordon » Thu Oct 09, 2003 2:47 pm


I thought you did too darn well for a sick man. Next year I'm relying on a pan-European epidemic to boost my position.

...and I'll start buying the Guardian newspaper to see the results printed troothfully to, right Jon?

Jon Warburton
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Post by Jon Warburton » Thu Oct 09, 2003 4:09 pm

i only buy it for steve bell
http://www.guardian.co.uk/cartoons/stev ... 50,00.html
its all the news i need!

Hans Koraeus
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Fri Oct 10, 2003 1:49 am

Sam, thanks for your encouragement. My result was not important for me or the history books. It's just that my initial goal was to make top ten and there is 68 hundreds of a second up to that place. My second run felt much faster. That's why it still goes around in my head. Would I have made it or not? I guess we will never know.

Marcus Seyffarth
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Post by Marcus Seyffarth » Fri Oct 10, 2003 10:57 am

Now I'm getting curious... Corky, did you run the course a second time, and didn't get any time and no one told you?!?! I mean timing equipment can fail, or you can make misstakes when you sit there and record the times a whole day, but if that happens, you gotta tell the rider and give him a re run...

John Gilmour
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Post by John Gilmour » Fri Oct 10, 2003 3:50 pm

Should we consider issuing a slip of paper to racers at the bottom- or even having the racers wait until they get their time and cone count?

Marcus- is there an easy way to "slave" a laptop to be used as a display to the main laptop?

Before I mentioned that perhaps the time board responsibility should be put upon the racers until a better solution was worked out. If a racer got his time handed to him on a post it note he could walk with it to the top and add it, he would also have the time during his walk up to see if anything was amiss.

I'm not saying this is the solution...I am just want peope to suggest solutions. And Hans.....you are getting fast.

If you did not DQ why did no one else suggest that something was wrong? Was the time of "no time" not announced?

Hans Koraeus
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Location: Stockholm, Sweden

Post by Hans Koraeus » Sat Oct 11, 2003 3:19 am

It was very hard to follow what was going on concerning the times during the day. I think you are on to something John when you say that a rider should always be told or given his/her time and cone penalty right after the run. This should be a standard procedure on all competitions.

Marcus Seyffarth
Posts: 607
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Location: Stockholm, Sweden

slave display

Post by Marcus Seyffarth » Mon Oct 13, 2003 10:04 am

John, we actually have that feature in the timing system, though you gotta have two laptops/computers, one that is running the timing system, and the other connected via a normal network cable, showing the times fullscreen. We haven't used it that much since we have this huge ALGE display board (10 inch digits) that we have borrowed from an alpine skiclub which is of course even better since all spectators can see the times as well...

John Gilmour
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Second laptop

Post by John Gilmour » Mon Oct 13, 2003 12:58 pm

I think using a network cable is a great idea.

I don't know crap about computers....but how about a larger TV display...or since so many laptops now come bundled with WIFI or Airport....

is it possible to have a wifi connection that could easily span an entire slalom course? Anyone who brought a wifi enabled device or wireless lan card could see the results. (chaput, UR13 ) Using a wireless lan might relieve the organizers from having to set up monitors.

(is this reasonable?) /cost effective?

We would never have to bother the organizers for the PDF file afterwards because you could go home it already.

I searched on Ebay and found this. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi ... tegory=176

It says a range of 100 meters. If we put this device in the middle of a slalom course I guess we might be able to use it for a 200meter (600 foot) salom course. Fits 100 cones. Actually I don't think it is unreasonable to have people come walk up the course a bit to see times. Having various devices able to see times and cones + brackets would certainly keep up away from pestering time keepers. We would also know when our number is coming up to race.

Would Blue tooth enabled cameras also be able to send photos quickly for collection to one main laptop?

Or is bluetooth the wrong protocol to use as opposed to 802.11 or others. Are there protocols which as not limited to teh number of users, range, or less bandwidth limited?

HA ha ha You could get your run results over a PDA with wireless- or actually post them on the web in real time Fluitt and Riodan have those new PDA phones ( I suppose this is unreasonable)

Please don't respond in this thread.... go to the Wireless lan thread in
timing systems
... so we can keep this focused on European results.
One good turn deserves another
john gilmour

Pierre Samray
Posts: 261
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Location: France

Post by Pierre Samray » Thu Oct 30, 2003 8:51 am

Hello all : Just some words to say : DVD of the EURO CHAMPIONSHIP will be ready in some weeks (it's already ready but we have to make copies).
34 minutes of pure fun, fight, fun, sea, sun, sex, and the best falls of the weekend.
We'll have a party in Antibes to show it officially. It will be for sale : 15 euros. Including a cd with 700 photos.

Hans Koraeus
Corky - World Ranking Master Mind
Corky - World Ranking Master Mind
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Location: Stockholm, Sweden

Post by Hans Koraeus » Sun Dec 14, 2003 10:40 pm

Here is an appetizer for the DVD Pierre is talking about. It shows some action from the special slalom event.
9 Mb. Windows Media player 9 needed.

Special paralell slalom, European championships 2003, Antibes

I don't have too much film from GS and Super-G. Maybe a second part will be done later on. We'll see.

Pierre Samray
Posts: 261
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Location: France

Post by Pierre Samray » Sat Dec 20, 2003 9:45 am

Hey Corky!
Very nice film!
very different than the official, but very interesting to see the dual
Strobel/Giammarco with interview and impression.
The official DVD is now available. (42 minutes...22 minutes only slalom) + 600 hundreds pictures
Contact samray-pierre@wanadoo.fr
or send 15 euro with your complete address to
Pierre Samray
Antibes longskate
Residence Pierrefeu C2
1047 chemin des Ames du Purgatoire

Glenn S
Posts: 522
Joined: Wed Sep 04, 2002 2:00 am

Post by Glenn S » Sat Dec 20, 2003 12:42 pm

Excellent work. Pro quality editing there with the racing mixed with rider commentary. Thanks for that!

Also your videos in the Sweden forum too are great. Also it made me check out some good topics you guys have going on there.

Keep up the great work. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
