How to secure high level management on Main/Major races.

International Skateboard Slalom Association

Moderators: Jonathan Harms, Jani Soderhall

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Hans Koraeus
Corky - World Ranking Master Mind
Corky - World Ranking Master Mind
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How to secure high level management on Main/Major races.

Post by Hans Koraeus » Thu Jun 19, 2014 12:29 pm

So here we go again. Another big event with complaints about organization and management.
It's not new. And we do try to make things go forward. But it's going too slow.

The pattern seems to be...
1. Let's hope it gets better.
2. Problem does occur at an event.
3. Complain about the problems.
4. Back to point 1.

Of course people has the right to complain about whatever they see as a problem at an event.
But the right to actually work for that all big slalom events does get better is less popular.
Once a problem is hot there are a lot of people with energy and ideas. Once it cools down we are back at point 1. Let's hope it gets better.

One could say that ISSA has the main responsibility for everything.
But for that to work ISSA also need support from all. Both racers, organizers and sponsors.
ISSA are doing things and are trying to set up things to make all work better. But...
- In the end it's a question of man power.
- Enough people doing voluntary work.
- And for those things we can't expect 100% voluntary work, need of resources (money, ...) ,to make it happen anyway.

- Racers could for a start want to pay yearly member fee to ISSA to help make things work out.
- Organizers could listen more and take more help from ISSA for input on how to running their events.
- ISSA could push more for helping out and making sure events manage to live up to everything we expect from them.

ISSA has set up things to have better control. We have...
- Status Marshals (Handling event applications)
- National coordinators (Help as a link between racers/organizers and Status Marshals/ISSA)
- Event Calendar manager
- World Ranking manager
- Manager for this forum.
- And more...
- And many vacant positions also that would help filling up
- And the Board of directors themselves trying to oversee it all

Sure we can do things better. Help and ideas exist...

ISSA slalom event resource page
Slalom manifesto
Ideas for future races

...but it's a lot harder giving time to make it happen.

We are all busy with our lives. We are all wishing we had more money. This is the problem but thinking positive we there we also have the solution. Time and Money. So the question is not the problems how we should do things really. We know what the problems are and how to fix them. The question is...

How do we get more time and money for solving our problems?

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