[2008] Thoughts on developing the ISSA...

International Skateboard Slalom Association

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Jadranko Radovanovic
Posts: 539
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[2008] Thoughts on developing the ISSA...

Post by Jadranko Radovanovic » Mon May 26, 2008 2:40 pm

(Editors note:
JRad's posts copied here from another topic, as it is a general ISSA matter, not related the that specific event. Text related to the cancelled/moved Euros has been edited out and kept in that topic. / Jani)

Jadranko Radovanovic on May 23, 2008 wrote:
... some ideas for the future.

I don't belive that it is a good idea that the organizers have to pay a fee to the ISSA. The Problem is the money for the most organizers if they have now to pay a fee to the ISSA than they have the money blocked somwhere on a bank account instead of using it.

There are possibilities for other systems like put the money together and distribute the money in the end of the season to the Top 10, than you can give the high statuses to the races where the price money is high. For this it will be needed to split in west- east atlantik and to have a one year ranking. Put the entry fees to around 60 Euros. The expenses for the Pro's goes down and they can compete perhaps on more races.

This is just one idea. What i want to say with this, is that it is very important to analyse what we are doing and where we want to go in the future. Inside the ISSA there are 4 stakeholder groups (Organizers, AM Skaters, PRO Skaters, ISSA-Members). I think the BOD should analyse the goals of this different groups trough a standardised questionnaire one time a year. Just talking is not enough, there is everytime the language barrier. We have the participants statistic which shows how many racers comepete, who compete, and where they compete. This numbers show us in which direction the sport is going.

For me the BOD can have the following structure. (It is the duty of the president to have his BOD-Members strukture and working plans together)

Developing organisational strukture and responsibilities of the BOD-Members
Responsible for the goals of the issa
Responsible for the strategical goals over a year
Control and Help person for the ISSA BOD

Vice President:
Responsible for the goals of the issa
Responsible for the strategical goals over a year
Control and Help person for the ISSA BOD

Technical Kommissar:
Responsible for the rules
Contact Person for the organizers for technical questions (rules)
Developing of the rules and the person where to adress changes

person which makes official statements from the BOD

Developing Kommisar West Atlantic:
Analysing the situation
Planing and developing organisational and struktural solutions for the ISSA

Developing Kommisar East Atlantic:
Analysing the situation
Planing and developing organisational and struktural solution for the ISSA

Status Kommisar:
assistance person for the Status Marshalls
Contact Person for the organicers if they are not happy with the decision
Giving out the criterias for the Event’s
Contest developing together with the organicers


Jadranko Radovanovic on May 23, 2008:
The point i mentioned is just to speak with each other. That point needn't to be taken into the decision, but there is an big differenz if i get a mail where the situation is explained behind the scene or when i have to read it on the Forum. This situation shows that the process of the statuses need to be overworked.

I'm not discussing about the decision which is done and okay for me.

I try to discuss what the role of the BOD is ? That is the big question !

I know it's a topic which a lot don't want to discuss about it. At the same time it's the most important thing for the whole scene and the future of the ISSA.

Since we have the BOD (2 years now), the issues of the BOD were not explained, no one knows how does the BOD work, even not the BOD-Members. What i tried to do when i was on the BOD was some Brainstorming, some struktural things like organigramm and decision making process. Some of the BOD-Members told me at this time it's not important to have this or that now.

I invested 20'000 swiss francs and over 800 hours to make an education in organisation the last 1,5 year. I think i learnd a lot there and if you ask me i think...

- It is important that the members of an organisation know how the organisation works.
- It is important that the members know what the goals of the organisation are.
- It is important that the members know what the method is to reach this goals.
- It is important that the members are informed about the actual standings of the projects.
- It is important that the members are managed (for those who want volunteer) trough the BOD-Members
- It is important that the organisation communicate outside the scene.
- It is important that the organisation analyse what their members want.
- It is important that the organisation is transparant in all his decisions and acts.
- It is important that the organisation has an action plan what they want to do during the year.

To be goal-oriented is very important for an organisation where the "time" the biggest problem is. The ISSA loses the time because we every time discuss about the same problems which could be dissolved with just a few organizational measure.

Who shuld be motivated to do somthing when he don't know what the goal is, when he isn't managed by one of the BOD-Members, when he doesn't know what the process is how his suggestions will be analysed/decided/and implemented from the BOD side.

An organisation is a group of People which want to reach a goal together. If an organisation has no goals, than there is no right for this organisation to exist.

For me as a Member the question about the goals gives me the answer if i want to be in this organisation or not.

I heard enough time that the ISSA goes step by step forward and in the right direction. The problem i had is just that i don't know where this direction is.

- To make an organigramm, with the departments, the duties, and to cooperate and communicate with each other, needs maximum 20 hours of work.

- To phrasing the goals for the next 5 years (including analyse the situation) can be done in 30 hours as well.

- To phrasing the goals for the current year can be done in 10 hours as well.

- To make an projektportfolio for the next 1-3 years can be done in 10 hours as well.

After 70 hours of work the ISSA is ready to go in the right direction and is ready to go more than one step forward in a year.

The big question is does we want to give ourselves an serious answer on the questions or not. Does we can and want to live with things that can change in the direction of our interests or not.

The whole organisation of the ISSA is the point why we don’t want a Status for the Over80Cones. There will be a new group of young people which will organise the Grueningen competition as a youth project next year again. The same for them without an truly organisation we step back from any statuses ans processes.


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