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Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2003 6:43 pm
by George Gould
I asked a couple of questions on the NCDSA with no response. I am not trying to start sh*&. these questions are for me and are specifically not directed toward any racer.

Racer A is riding down a course, he criddles a cone and it goes forward into his own cone. How can you make a gate that isn't there? i always thought it was a D/Q. what should happen?

what happens when Racer A's cones hit/remove more than one cone on the course?

Racer C criddles a cone into his opponents lane Racer D. Racer D's cone is knocked out of the circle. what is supposed to happen?

I know that "back in the day" cones had to go in the appropriate direction, man i wouldn't want to try and judge that. i can accept criddling as removal of the cone from the course but still making the course?

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2003 7:11 pm
by Adam Trahan
George, I will look at the ISSA rules and get back with you. I don't know if FCR has rules written down that address this so my response will not apply to your situation but may help in knowing what another racing organization did in the past to address this. Somewhere online is the ISSA rules if you can find them. Try a search with "issa slalom skateboard rules" as the keywords.

ISSA Rules

I found it, try the above link and see if it is in there.

I am sorry that you were DQ'd at Elsinore FCR. You are a nice guy AND you need to stick up for yourself.

Good post, I am always a student and am learning from your experience and question.

Best Regards,

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Adam Trahan on 2003-04-03 12:48 ]</font>

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2003 7:28 pm
by George Gould
my second DQ'd run was a result of never getting proper front foot placement, my own fault. (and man was i mad at myself, oh well)

the questions i posed and am looking for answers arose from this weekend but did not, i say again DID NOT have anything to do with my race, or any others this weekend. what happened happened, if i wanted to make something of it i would have done so on the hill. i am learning and Chris C filled me in on why my first race was called the way it was. that is not always the case.

Tiger, who is a gentleman and a good guy gave me a little hint though. have someone in another class watch your race, that way you have a "buddy" to back your claim. if i thought about it i would have. too many coneheads don't know the rules. so if a cone is knocked over, it gets held up. reguardless of the issue. we as in all racers should look out for each other but that is hard to do, the buddy system is a good idea.

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2003 7:36 pm
by John Gilmour
I agree the buddy stem is a great idea. I also think that course inspections should be made a little more rigorously- and the easiest way I can think of to do that is to find a better marking system.

If we were to use flourscent washable spray chalk (available from Crayola in different colors) and a stencil of a cone circle when we mark the cones we can easily spot misset cones.

We should not continue to use wax markers as they "imprint" when rolled over and wax is a slippery thing- no need to make criddleing a time penalty nad an injury penalty. chalk grips (climber use it- so do pool players).

Also we must make a big red X through any course that is no longer in use- should we use the same hill.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: John Gilmour on 2003-04-03 12:39 ]</font>

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2003 7:56 pm
by George Gould
this is a good discussion. but does anybody want to have a go at the questions? I read the rules on the ISSA, seems a little vague in these areas.

Rider A, criddling his own cones into forward cones, what happens? diplaced cone penalty or DQ?

Rider C's criddled cones into Rider D's course, removing Rider D's forward cones, what happens re-run? DQ?

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2003 8:26 pm
by Eric Groff
Rider A, criddling his own cones into forward cones, what happens? diplaced cone penalty or DQ?

I believe he gets a cone penalty as long as he stays the course

Rider C's criddled cones into Rider D's course, removing Rider D's forward cones, what happens re-run? DQ?

This has 2 answers, as evident by what happened this past weekend.

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2003 8:30 pm
by Adam Trahan
George, this is the best that I can find from the ISSA parellel slalom rules:


7.1 The time penalty for each cone displaced shall be 0,1 second.

7.2 A cone displacement is defined when the whole cone is outside the circle drawn around the base of the cone or when the cone falls over. A cone hit by another cone from the same course and is displaced as described above is also counted as displaced.

A cone hit and displaced by a cone from the other course should not be counted as displaced.


I think this addresses your question but does not really apply since the FCR/TLP web site only addresses the FORMAT and not the rules at their web site.

A side bar: Depending who I was going to race, I was going to yell over to my opponent something to the extent that would try to make him stop. I asked Ed E about the legality of this but he could not comment, he didn't know, he was actually quite official and still Ed E about it. I wanted to win my race by "smack" if I was seeded against a "smack talker" since I may not have advanced by performance to prove a point and to have fun. I did not actually do this because my better judgement prevailed. I really wanted a fair race and that's what I did and I did better than I expected.


A large percentage of FCR racers talk smack and jeer about race antics. It is my perception that FCR allows this sort of behavior. I wanted to use it for my own benefit.

Now I have actually raced and my first FCR race was against a friend, John Ravitch, I couldn't see doing this and discounted such tactics as non sporting.

Looking at the ISSA rules, I would have been disqualified for unsportsmanlike behavior if those rules where in force.

Rules are necessary for competition. The ISSA has set rules and they are available then and now for disputes.

This was a part of my presentation to FCR/TLP to adopt ISSA approach to slalom skateboarding, rules and all before the TLP/FCR series was initiated.

The ISSA has in many ways set the course for the future of the sport. I hope that everyone involved in racing slalom skateboarding can respect having a visible set of rules, timely reporting of racing results and a not for profit web site dedicated to slalom skateboarding.


The bottom line is I am having a BLAST racing FCR Races and I support their efforts and am ready to contribute all that I can to promote and help support their efforts.

Best Regards George,

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2003 9:06 pm
by Jack Smith
Hi George,

Below I have responded to your questions. The answers reflect the way FCR, and myself as course marshall have handled these situations.

Racer A is riding down a course, he criddles a cone and it goes forward into his own cone. How can you make a gate that isn't there? i always thought it was a D/Q. what should happen?
<B>The racer receives a time penalty for both cones. As for making a gate that isn't there, this usually occurs in a stinger and the racer does one or two things; continues plowing cones or righting himself and making the gates that follow. I can't remember one time last year when a cone was criddled into another cone in a GS, or a offset cone in a hybrid or tight course. We will be reviewing this matter in the near future."</B>

what happens when Racer A's cones hit/remove more than one cone on the course?
<B>Same as above</B>

Racer C criddles a cone into his opponents lane Racer D. Racer D's cone is knocked out of the circle. what is supposed to happen?
<B>Racer D would not be penalized for the cone in his lane that was displaced by Racer's C's cone.</B>

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2003 9:27 pm
by Adam Trahan
Thanks for your personal attention to George's question. This is what is cool about FCR/TLP, you guys are there for us. Whoa, that is cool to be able to say!


Best Regards.


P.S. May I respectfully ask for the FCR Race Results for Elsinore for all classes? We all want to know what the official placements are. Thanks again.

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2003 11:26 pm
by George Gould
thanks Jack, i didn't know you were back, beinvenidos a los Estados Unidos otra vez. and if nobody else sez so, I missed you. i don't think people appreciate folks until they ain't around. no one should underestimate the efforts you put in. Howard took a tough task. i don't mind helping but when i am racing i concentrate differently. i could not tell you if i hit a cone or not.
that is why i like that buddy system idea.