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x-mas stories

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 9:11 pm
by Donald Campbell
some people have some me too

each year on christmas eve around 10.00 pm i drive down to my the entrance of the huge building complex there is a small booth with a security guy sitting and monitoring the area.
these guys are not normal security folks,just a few old men who are mostly doing nothing,just sitting and watching and waiting to help visitors finding the direction to my factory or anybody else's factory on the precinct.

so as it happens there is always one unlucky guy who has to do the nightwatch,all by himself,watching an abandoned area,nobody there.
each year i drive by with a plate full of cookies,chocolate and some liquor and i pass it on tho the one guy who is doing his duties there and as it seems i'm the only one on that big complex who is doing that which i find rather sad.

that's my little christmas story folks,think about it
maybe next year you surprise somebody too

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 4:38 am
by Mike Elwood
That rools how you give to the lonely security guy who I'd say is probably very grateful.
I give folks at toll booths a $5 bill and tell to keep the change or pay for whatever the stranger behind me purchasing at the coffee shop in the morning. Once while in Greensboro NC, while filling my gas tank, a homeless guy told me stories of his younger years of driving bulldozers etc but that liquor had killed his liver and taken his family. The guy never asked for a dime. One day upon returning from shopping in a well off town I saw the guy with on a corner with one of those signs that make most folks say "get a job ya bum". I gave him 100 bux on the spot. The following week he was driving a concrete truck on the project I was working at. Evidently he'd bought some boots and gloves with it and was confident enough to actually pass a job interview. I was stoked to see the guy driving this giant truck that would scare the piss out of most people.
There was a story in the local paper of a guy who collects change all year and turns it into paper and places the cash in a wallet which he tosses off some bridge onto a street below with a note inside telling the lucky finder it's not lost and that hopefully that person can have a Merry Christmas.