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What's It All About?

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 3:07 am
by Wesley Tucker
Simple: go to EACH RACE TOPIC and vote for the status you consider appropriate for that race. You can use whatever criteria you deem satisfactory: tradition, attendance, sponsorship, venue, overall weekend vibe, anticipated competition, locality, anything.

Do us just ONE FAVOR: please don't vote for EVERY RACE TO BE THE SAME STATUS. Punching in PRIME for everything really accomplishes nothing. It'll just cancel out your own vote across the whole ballot.

Once the voting winds down (meaning the number of hits starts to dwindle quickly,) I'll lock the topics and count the votes. It'll be done simply with a points system:

Main = 3 points
Prime = 2 points
Basic = 1 point

At the end of the day we'll see how the races shake out from top to bottom. And remember: we can have a tie and if all seven tie, we're right back where we started, BUT at least we gave this a shot. Don't consider this binding in any way. Let's just see what people really think about all the races we have going on here in the East.

Promoters and Organizers: Feel free to hype, promote, advertise, persuade or just get freaked about your event in each topic. DO NOT GO TO OTHER TOPICS, THOUGH, AND DENIGRATE OTHER EVENTS. Let's keep this on the up and up.

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 3:43 am
by Steve Collins
Wes, is your intention to try to get the status assigned to races this way?

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 3:49 am
by Wesley Tucker

My intention is to do something other than go around in the circles like it is in the WORLD RANKING forum.

Like I said, this isn't binding in any way. At least, though, promoters and other racers can see what's considered what. There's a real problem on the East Coast with a LOT of races in 2006 and only so many "Mains" and "Primes" available. And with the demise (maybe) of the Mountain State Slalom Skate, there's an East Coast Prime up for grabs. Where does it go?

This at least is some way of finding out what the racers want.

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 11:47 pm
by Guest
Me thinks theres some hanky panky nixing the pools, WT...


Hanky Panky?

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 12:06 am
by Wesley Tucker

I made a mistake, but it's not desperate: the forum was created and made "public" instead of "registered." That's been fixed. Seeing as how it looks as though only 15 people have voted, I don't think it's really skewed off course.

You now have to be registered. You can only vote once.You have to vote to see the results.

Is there any other way this can be "hanky-pankied?"

Open For How Long?

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 12:51 am
by Wesley Tucker
One other thing. . .

Now that many have seen this and know the concept, here's a question to answer without a poll:

How long do we keep the balloting open?

Do y'all want this wrapped up this week, before Christmas, New Years or do you want it to go on right up until the season starts with Luna (proposed. We still haven't heard from Ricky about whether or not this race is definite this year. They've had some bad weather in Jackson.)?

Anyway, if anyone bothers to offer an opinion, I'll take it as a direction to follow. If no one cares, this will wrap up December 30 and we'll know the results before the New Year.

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 12:58 am
by Christopher Bara
i know...lets set up a poll to decide when to end it!

heh heh heeee

12/30 sounds good to me

How this will work

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 4:53 pm
by Wesley Tucker
Just so there's no surprises at the end, here's what I plan on doing. These are the current standings in our little exercise in Democracy as of 10:30 AM, Sunday December 4:


I'm not going to do this update again until the poll closes December 30th. It's pretty self explainatory: more points for higher race status, total points for each race. I'm assuming at at the end of the poll all the races will be listed from top points to bottom and race status awarded accordingly.

This is my idea, not a requirement. Don't anybody get their nose out of joint over this. It's just a way to settle the "discussions" about who gets what without Corky just deciding what OUR races should be.

Oh, you can play along at home. Anyone can add up the points and do the math and keep track of who's ahead and who's got some electioneering to do. It's not a secret.

P.S. Earlier I got confused between the "Texas Sizzler", which is a USA WEST race and the Chicago Shoot Out. I had it listed as the Chicago Sizzler. This is now corrected.

Voting ends 12/15

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 7:34 pm
by Wesley Tucker
I've change my mind. I can do that because it's my poll:

Voting will end December 15, 2005.

The voting has slowed and there's no need to keep it open for two more weeks. Unless there is a great rush of participation in the next couple of days, I'll lock these topics 12/15.

Then the fun will start with all the results, statistics and twisting and turning trying to make the number work one way or the other.
