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How many races do you plan to attend in 2005?

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 4:14 pm
by Jani Soderhall
Around this time of the year plans on where to travel to race the coming season is often being made. It would be interesting to know how much you plan to race this year. In your home town or outside. In Europe or the US, add it all together.


Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 12:31 pm
by Jadranko Radovanovic
My plan:

Red Clay Cup Athens (USA)
Köln (? if it will be held)
Silverstone London (? if it will be held)
Zurich over 80 cones.
(Slalom Week not shure, to close to the Antibes race)

Total travel cost:

flights: arround 2'000 swiss francs.
petrol for the car: 800.- swiss francs. (split the cost trougth 4 people and it's only 200.- for the races in Hannover, Köln, Paris, Antibes)

Total cost for the 2005 season: 2'200 swiss francs. (1500 EUR travel cost for 10 races)

book early and save money !!!!!!


Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 9:49 pm
by Keith Hollien
2005 has already started for me and it will be very busy.

I have been to(2005).
1st(of 6)BLR/Radikal Outlaw - San Diego(1/16/05)
2nd(of 6)BLR/Radikal Outlaw - San Diego(2/20/05)

I am going to (2005)
Texas (FRIDAY)
Red Clay(GA)(4/05)
St. Louis(MO)(5/05)
6th(of 6)BLR Outlaw(CA)(6/05)
La Costa(CA)(6/05)
Lake Tahoe(7/05)
The Farm(CT)(8/05)
Morro Bay(9/05)
W. Virginia(10/05)

I may go to more, but it is alittle early to know.

Later Keith, Team Radikal.

freak bros world tour

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 4:32 am
by Chris Favero
april,misssippi and athens
may st louis
june gunnigen
july tahoe,chicago
august,the farm,breck
sept,slalom week,
october,west virginia
and november-DIVORCE COURT

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 11:50 am
by Marcus Seyffarth
In 'real' sports I get the feeling people talk about peaking their preformance close to championships. Since my race season will be pretty short and intense (apart from Paris) I guess I need to do that this year. My plans are:
Paris - May
Riga - July
Stockholm - July
Stockholm - Aug (Swedish Championships not posted yet)

I'd love to go to more races, but it won't happen, too much going on at home these days.

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 12:12 pm
by Chris Eggers

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 12:50 pm
by Ramón Königshausen
Burningwheels Tour (3 Races)
Madcow (Zürich)
Airflow Slalombrunch


Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 1:30 pm
by Lienite Skaraine
Hello ! My plans are:



Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 6:10 pm
by Peter Klang
I want to go to all races but my plans looks something like this:

Somewhere in the USA

I have noticed none of the European are planing for Morro Bay, I was afraid of that. That's why I still think the worlds must be moved, either by Jack changing dates or by ISSA to change the venue.


Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 10:59 pm
by Ramón Königshausen
I can't travel to Morro Bay because of the school. If the slalom week was one week later it would fix with my fall-holidays. I don't want to miss a whole week of high school....sorry guys!


Not as many as I'd like!

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 1:43 am
by Claude Regnier
I will likely make very few races this season. Sad to say. Along with our own camps and new 15,000 sq ft. sk8park we will be busy with sk8camps, comps and such. We have also been approached to run & operate another sk8park for the summer months as well as operate a few weeks of sk8camps.

We will also be running several other community centre sk8camps. So getting away will be tough. We will be hosting the July 1 & 2nd Dovercourt Open. It will be listed in the next feww days on the Contest Calendar on NCDSA.

I am going to aim for races I have not been too or no scheduled programming as of yet.
The Gathering, Da Farm, Gorge Games, Montreals Top Challenge if they host a Slalom.

Morro Bay is already booked and paid for so that one is for sure. Good Luck to everyone in Europe. I had to make a descision this morning to miss Paris. It looks like I will be building some more ramps for other programs.

tip my hat

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 5:03 am
by John Gilmour
I'd like to thank all the individuals organizers that have made this resurgence possible and the unity of the individual promoters who continue to carry the torch and provide the needed push we must have to continue this.

Now is the time that people have gotten some exposure to the sport through "Concrete Wave magazine" and fuel network as well as some of the TLP races that were televised.

Word is getting out. People are training, buying wheels and cones- even practicing on kick flipper decks ...there is a learning curve for people to figure this out- in a few years we may have over 3000 racers.

The better attendance from racers- will ensure that every race is exciting for the spectators and potential new racers.

In 1999, there were about 30 active "slalomers" in the USA and perhaps another 30 worldwide.

This website alone has over 500 registered.

I'm going to try and pull out the stops and hit as many races as I possibly can. I'm going to try and keep pace with Keith Holliens schedule- I don't think I'm going to be able to match him for attendance...but I'll give it a good try. This is going to require some creative use of "bump tickets".

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 11:58 pm
by Pierre Samray
my plan is

Paris (world cup)
Valberg (french championship)
Grueningen (world cup)
Stockolm (euro championship)
Ceuze (superG french championship)
Antibes (world cup)
+ Cote d'azur slalom challenge in november (regional unofficial race)

and certainly some french speed downhill with skate and street-luge.

Well I try!

How Many Races

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 1:43 pm
by Craig Condon

Red Clay
West Virginia


riding into the sunset

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 6:53 pm
by Steve Collins
There are ten or twelve races in California this year. I'm missing two of the Pump Stations and the Deathrace but intend to be at all of the other slalom races in the state. Life is good.

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 5:31 pm
by HUYNH BACH SAC Frédéric
Up to now :

- Munich,
- Paris,
- Hannover,
- St Germain,
- Stockholm,
- Antibes

How the Years Outlook Changed!

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 6:08 pm
by Claude Regnier
3 weeks away from my 10th event in 2005. I just looked back at my post from February and still can't quite figure it out.

A comitment to get me there from MB made it all possble. We were going to try and take a few days off in NC but we will settle for one day of relaxation.

Any guesses on 2006! EH!

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 6:11 pm
by Mike Cividino
claude, thats funny, I was reading that too and saw your post...I was like...hmmm, I think you hit more races this year than ever. Look forward to racing you again.

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 6:48 pm
by Keith Hollien
I just look at my post from February also and even though I did not go to 4 of the races I listed, I will still make 16(NC is #16) events in 2005. I look forward to seeing you and everybody else in North Carolina in a couple of weeks.

I think this is great, I go to 16 events in the US and Europe and I still missed more races then I attended.

It looks like another busy year in 2006. Although my 2006 season will not start until February, because of the shouder surgery I will have after the North Carolina race to repair the torn cartilage in my shoulder.

Keith, Teams Radikal & Pocket Pistols & Oust.