John Kerry [snipped from John Gilmour post]

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Adam Trahan
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John Kerry [snipped from John Gilmour post]

Post by Adam Trahan » Wed Aug 11, 2004 11:42 pm

John Gilmour wrote: [snipped]...Senator John Kerry skated my slalom course on the Charles River and said…"If anything happens and you get stuck, I have experience getting people out" and gave me his phone number.
John, is this true? You meet him and he skated cones?

How cool.

I am registered as a republican and have made some political "bad choices" in the past as in supporting Mr.Bush and the war in Iraq when it should have been the continued search for Osama.

Anyway, I've seen pictures of John Kerry kite surfing and now you say he skated one of your slalom course. Whoa, the guy can't be all that bad, he is a kite surfer, slalomer, the republicans tear him up and I listen to a lot of republican people. I don't want more war, it was a mistake and I supported it, I feel bad. I hate learning those kids of lessons.

Tell me more John, I want to know more about what you know about him as a person. I am considering voting for him as I think it is best for all concerned.



John Gilmour
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Kerry didn't even criddle a cone.

Post by John Gilmour » Sun Aug 15, 2004 9:09 pm

Yes John Kerry did skate my course. I see him out in Boston from time to time- he eats at Mistral Restaurant a lot. I was going to testify on the restaurants behalf - some scammers who were trying to sue to restaurant on a bogus set up. So I ended up going there more than I normally would.

I had set a slalom course up on the Charles River during lunchtime near Fairfield Street. It was an easy straight cone course with some slight offsets- some strategy was required to run it clean.

John Kerry was inlne skating on his lunch break with some attractive blonde following him. He stopped and watched me skate it a bit. It was 1990 Spring- and I was excited about going over to skate in Europe and was training for a race in Russia.

SO Kerry asked..."What is this course for? Are you training for something?" I replied "I'm going to race the Russians, Senator Kerry". I then explained what slalom was- he seemed to grasp it pretty quickly being a very active guy. He ran the course on his blades- pretty clean and with a good ski race style.

After that he said it was fun and said "If you get into any trouble over in Russia, here is my card" I said thanks and he went on to say he has had experience getting people out of jams in foreign countries.

He didn't have to extend the offer- I didn't ask for it.

Kerry seems like a guy who married well- and wasn't rich to begin with.

Kerry only served in Vietnam for less than 5 months- a pretty short record to run on... One other thing to consider is that Kerry's campaign strategist has never won a major election.

But he did make it though a Gilmour set course.
Last edited by John Gilmour on Sun Oct 31, 2004 1:19 am, edited 4 times in total.
One good turn deserves another
john gilmour

Jack Smith
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Post by Jack Smith » Sun Aug 15, 2004 9:22 pm

Johnny Boy,

You know the saying about assumptions...

I find the below statement amazing, coming from someone as intelligent and fair as you are.

"I don't think I would have expected the same treatment from the Bush family- I'd expect to get kicked off my slalom spot."

To think that someone cannot appreciate sport due to their political party or standing is unfair.

John Gilmour
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Post by John Gilmour » Sun Aug 15, 2004 9:37 pm

Does Bush surf?

But being as I try to be fair- I would like to hear some compelling reasons why one should vote for Either. Both froze during 911. Kerry for 40 minutes- Bush for 7.

Also how does the world view America since the war on Iraq? IMHO I think we fair better with completely covert ops- and technology has made us far more effective at those.
Last edited by John Gilmour on Sun Oct 31, 2004 1:20 am, edited 2 times in total.
One good turn deserves another
john gilmour

Jack Smith
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Does it Matter

Post by Jack Smith » Sun Aug 15, 2004 9:53 pm

Why would you think that Bush wouldn't embrace slalom?

I do know he is a sports fan, yes, he probably leans more to traditional sports like baseball and football. And as the press keeps bringing up every chance they get, he doesn't have the greatest balance in the world.

So who knows, he might have been totally blown away by your slalom ability and offered to build you a slalom run on the White House grounds with all that oil money. But then who knows maybe Mr. Kerry will build you a slalom run with that ketchup money.

Bush senior does have an adventurous streak evidenced by parachuting on his 80th birthday.

John, you know I'm just yanking your chain.

Your friend,

PS - I don't surf either.

Steve Collins
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Post by Steve Collins » Mon Aug 16, 2004 12:54 am

No, I'm sorry, it can not be true.

(fingers in ears, "la la la la la la la la la la la...")

I refuse to believe that Jack don't surf!

Dave Gale
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Post by Dave Gale » Mon Aug 16, 2004 5:02 pm

I've met up with Bush on 2 of his 6 visits to our lil' state. And get the impression that he would be a grand supporter of skating our style on public grounds than most any other politician I've spoken w/!! Being a fairly large personna in the #1 industry of West Virginia, I've had the honor and priv, to Meet several high powered socialites Rockefeller and Byrd are the 2 Democrats that impressed me most as open minded sport fans of all types Wiyh my fellow republicans, Bush Sr and Jr. right amoungst them. Kerry, well...he's to "flip flop" to "wiggle"
Chain yankin' sumore
ENJOY!! (while you can)

Derek Smith
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Post by Derek Smith » Mon Aug 16, 2004 6:17 pm

Kudos to you on your post John. When I only skated parks and ramps my reaction to slalom was that it looked boring. Then I tried it and realized that it's a blast. Guess I'm just a "flip flopper." Changing ones mind after differing points of view and experiences have taught you something is the sign of a true thinker.

-Stem Cell Smitty

Adam Trahan
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Post by Adam Trahan » Tue Aug 17, 2004 1:05 am

Whoa, I enjoy talking politics with people of the same sort of interests. It can be done and in good style. Respect for each other is paramount.

I went to see the movie Farenheit 9/11 and it disturbed me. So many things were said about our President. I don't know what is the truth, if ANY of it is, I am upset. I don't know how to find out these facts. I do know that we did not spend as much time, money and effort going for the person who everyone seems to say is the mastermind of the attack, Osama Bin Laden and from what I have heard from the news, he lives in Afganistan not in Iraq. I don't think anyone can deny the fact that the hunt for Osama has been overshadowed by the hunt for Sadam Husein. If anything, as a Republican, this movie opened my eyes to that fact. If everything else is a lie in that movie (I don't think this is the full case) the fact above makes me realize that politics are difficult no less.

DON'T see the movie if you don't want to, go see it if you want, matters not. Just think about the future of our country and how it will effect the world.

Jack, I believe that it was fair for you to say what you said to John and I understand why you said it and John, I understand what you said as well. Isn't it funny to see both sides of the story?

Unreal about a presidential candidate though, slalomer (inline is cool) and kite surfer? I make mistakes, I learn, I'm wishy washy sometimes, I am beggining to see the waffle house thing as not such a bad deal as John says...

Respect, it's about respect. I respect both of you.

Time to investigate who is the best person for our country, I'm a republican and proud of it but the more I think about it, I'm going to vote for the best person that I think will do the job, never mind politics.

Thanks for listening and thank you for having the balls to share your opinions too.

John Gilmour
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Post by John Gilmour » Tue Aug 17, 2004 8:43 pm

The USA was a hunter gather economy, then a Agarian economy, then the industrial revolution made us a manufacturing economy, we later became a technology based economy whilst transitioning into a service economy- finally we are a distribution economy.

The last three transitions have happened in the last 40 years- and the "generation times" that would alllow for mutation to adapt our government to our economy without losing our consitutional base have not been fast enough. Political parties are only focusing on winning elections and not on restructuring our government to streamline processes to met our goals. A two party system focuses on making the voter choose them instead of the other candidate- a multi party system focuses on showing a product the voters believe will enhance their lives.

Everything needs a constitution- or over time the government will lose its way- and without a defining entity goals can be lost.

That being said-

What should the goal of be? Can we as a group get together and think about what this site is for and how to enhance this site for its membership?
Last edited by John Gilmour on Mon Sep 27, 2004 12:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
One good turn deserves another
john gilmour

William Tway
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Buckethead for President

Post by William Tway » Wed Aug 18, 2004 12:14 am

Buckethead for President





Karl Floitgraf
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Post by Karl Floitgraf » Wed Aug 18, 2004 2:56 am

John Gilmour wrote: What should the goal of be? Can we as a group get together and think about what this site is for and how to enhance this site for its membership?
I think the goal for this site is to be an open user friendly (*cough*NCDSA) forum where pro's can discuss different aspects of the sport and where new skaters can easily access the information. Guys, it's just a website. I have several and I love working on the spot but is just a means of communicating. I really don't see how an ownership of this site can effect anything, it's a public forum we the contributers decide what's on it. Jack Smith payed some amount of money to be able to change the background color and put up some Bahne ads, so what. I say we use this forum and stop debating the website's destiny.

I know I am only a minor player in this sport but when it comes to website forum dynamics I know my stuff I have administrated several and owned about 3.

John Gilmour
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Post by John Gilmour » Wed Aug 18, 2004 4:36 am

The reason I asked the question is that I have a suspicion that our goals are the same.

1. To get more people involved with slalom on a local level.
2. To promote bigger and better races.
3. To ensure the future survival of the sport.
4. Make sure that we have fun while accomplishing the above.

I just know that over time some goals need to be defined again- not for Jack, Jani etc. but for others who follow.

I have never considered using hats in my race outfits, but seeing the patriotic colors Tway may be onto something. Its better than having my head tied on top of a bus.
One good turn deserves another
john gilmour

Wes Eastridge
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Post by Wes Eastridge » Wed Aug 18, 2004 5:41 am

Face it, John, you have a subconcious desire to race old men on go carts.
Join Folding@Home for the good of humankind, or at least for your loved ones (whatever species they may be). It's easy, free and fun, too!

Vlad Popov
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Post by Vlad Popov » Fri Sep 03, 2004 10:18 pm

Slalom! #15, February 1992, pg. 20 Facts and Rumors

Bush skating.

Congressman John Kerry (Massachusetts) was seen roller blade slaloming a 1.6 m center to center course recently. Halfway through he bailed out on the grass, but it's not too bad for a first try. With more politicians like him we might be able to get slalom courses included in the public parks. Now if we could just get George Bush on a Turner Summer Ski...

John Gilmour
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Post by John Gilmour » Sat Sep 25, 2004 1:05 am

I can't believe how badly Kerry's campaign is being run. Some talk show hosts in NE are refering to him as John Kerriakis (after Michael Dukakis).

Maybe Tony Hawk should run for President-
Last edited by John Gilmour on Sun Oct 31, 2004 1:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
One good turn deserves another
john gilmour

Wesley Tucker
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Post by Wesley Tucker » Sat Sep 25, 2004 2:14 am

In this time of trial, tribulation and war, I prefer the idea of a President in the White House every night.

Something unnerving about the possibilty of the Commander In Chief over at Walker every night running cones with Ohm!

Hans Koraeus
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Sat Sep 25, 2004 4:15 pm

Just heard about the big issue in California about people having to show ID when voting. I can't believe my ears. Does this mean that people so far have not been needing to identify themselves when voting? I thought that was one of the basics for any sort of election.

I hope the Iraqi elections will not use that system. The Fallujha district will then have 20 times more votes than the population itself. I can see the terrorist running tours around the election office changing loose beards. And why not invite their Jordan and Iranian friends over for the election weekend at the same time.

Ah, now I understand why Arnold got elected. I mean with all the costymes in the Hollywood warderobes. I can hear the election official on place:
"It's true that I was surpised to see the Prince of Persia voting. I even mentioned it to Spiderman."

Adam Trahan
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Post by Adam Trahan » Mon Sep 27, 2004 4:13 pm

I can understand your amazement but the fact of the matter is that everytime I have voted, I had to show my voter registration card along with a picture I.D. before I was afforded the opportunity.

If you want controversy, one only has to look at the last election where the vote count in Florida was askew. The govener in Florida at that time was the brother of one of the people on the balot. The count went to the supreme court for decision. It came down to the wire with Florida deciding who won the election. That is the way I remember it, hopefully there is fact in what I remember and what I write about in the last election.

I voted for Mr.Bush.

I supported his war effort. I see that I made a mistake trusting his direction. The war has gone too long and was not were it should have been. I've investigated the history of the middle East (never mind Michael Moore's movie) from people of both sides and political affiliations. There is a lot of twist that the media has spun on it all. I realize that Mr.Husein is bad guy because he kills people. His sons actions were atrocious. But I believe now, given what was investigated by the United Nations (Hans Blix and Koffi Anan) and what was told to our president and what was done, in reflection, I think it was a big mistake and I don't think Mr.Bush made his mistake to cover oil money. I think he made a mistake out of what was reported to him and how he was going to "win" for the American people and what had happened with his father's war.

I would have liked to see his direction put all the energy into who really did it, al quida and osama bin laden. We should have taken all the resource (of the Iraq effort) and spent it in Afganistan and left Iraq alone. Far as I can remember, it was reported that there were no WMD in Iraq, no links to al quida (sp?). The USA trained Sadam, the USA armed him. If you are interested, you should investigate the history. Find out really why Kuwait was invaded back in 1990. Find out why Iraq invaded Kuwait back then, the reasons... This may shed light on your vote, probably not if you are voting for the incumbant but maybe so if you are on the fence.

I am a republican, I will be voting for Kerry. I think he will learn from the mistakes that were made.

Sorry for the ramble.

Hans Koraeus
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Tue Sep 28, 2004 2:26 pm

Presidental elections are approaching for USA. The only current super power nation. The rest of the world are keeping an eye on what's happening.

To bad for those of you who don't like Bush. Kerry doesn't look like a president to me. And he doesn't get any help on that point from his wife either. It's not an election between Bush and Kerry. It's between Bush and "Not Bush".

It's way too early to tell if the Iraq war is a success or not. Because of the election campaign people tend to want to draw the line now but the answer is laying 15-20 years ahead. What I think though is that if USA would pull back from Iraq right now it would increase the risk for the whole thing being not a success. Mistakes have been done and mistakes will continue to be done. There is no perfect world but hopefully it will get better. Separating politics and religon in this world of ours would be a good starter.

Blix did a good job. UN didn't. UN couldn't because Saddam had France and Russia in his arms. He knew that with them on his side UN could do nothing. And he was right. Little did he know though that USA would have the courage to go ahead anyway. That was his mistake. Since then there has been a big outcry against USA taking it on. Where was the big outcry against UN doing nothing during all the previous years with one useless resolution after another. With the latest UN-Iraq scandal you start to understand why.

UN is united nations. Not united people. When understanding this a lot of things becomes clear.

If Iraq had WMD or links to Al-qaida was never an issue to me. It was quite clear that something had to be done. Now you can say that in that case there are many other countries that would be ready for full scale invasion. And yes I agree. There have always been and there will always be. But there are many triggers that has to go off before it happens. Sometimes those triggers are related sometimes they are not. It doesn't matter, they are still triggers. Many of them are discussed but none of them alone are the answer. It's all of them and probably a little bit more.

What about that for a ramble?

Derek Smith
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Post by Derek Smith » Thu Sep 30, 2004 5:28 pm

Guess how Bush knew that Hussein had WMDs?

Bush still had the receipts.

Rumsfeld with Hussein in 83'

Mike Elwood
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Post by Mike Elwood » Tue Dec 13, 2005 12:44 pm

New to site. I have spent several hours reading the different areas of this site. I'm impressed. But this particular section was the first one I've responded to. Mainly because I'm real glad John Kerry wasn't elected. But also to point out what was said by the fellow from Stockholm was the most inteligant thing I've NEVER seen an American say. Recently my brother (a union brainwashed repuli-crat) said "it sux that we're gettin' our ass kicked in Iraq so that our president can make money for oil". Let's just say I was furious at this non informed comment that he's heard on some TV show and ran with it, telling all his freinds the same thing. Worst of all his kid believed too. But I changed that lemme tell ya!!!Then when the subject came up at work...same thing. It's sad to think that a whole lot of America is now thinking we are actually losing. No way!!!! I felt totally alone in my thinking until I read the statements from the fellow in Stockholm (please forgive me as I have lousy short term, over 40-ish memory).
I'd like to point out that when we invaded Iraq, many, many folks who were in Afaganistan and other places wanting to do their dastardly deeds to the west were immediately dispatched to Iraq and are now dead or captured. We have most of the rats in one cage now instead of chasing them all over God knows where mountain sides. That's my 2 cents worth. PS I enjoy slalom skating for FUN!!!
John 3:16

Mike Elwood
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Post by Mike Elwood » Tue Dec 13, 2005 12:47 pm

Both Hans and Adam are right on the money.
John 3:16

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