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Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 7:04 pm
by Mike Cividino
boy am I glad Im canadian and live in Canada, we arent so paranoid all of the time. America picks fights and is now forever looking over its shoulder with an itchy trigger finger.

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 7:20 pm
by Wesley Tucker
Mike Cividino wrote: America picks fight and is now forever looking over its shoulder . . .
. . . at Canada!

(How's THAT for new material, ya' hoser?)

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 7:22 pm
by Mike Cividino
Wesley Tucker wrote:
Mike Cividino wrote: America picks fight and is now forever looking over its shoulder . . .
. . . at Canada!

(How's THAT for new material, ya' hoser?)
what are you coming to steal our freedom, or clean water? Or bad jokes?....we have a few left, wes didnt take em all yet. ;)

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 8:35 pm
by Etienne de Bary
OK, Andy and Wes, now. i do not think this is clear enough, a man who comes to an official for help is not very likely to be a terrorist undercover. Sorry to say, would he be, it would still be unforgivable to kill him, but it is a pure abstraction.
He might be a terrorist undercover pretending not to be a terrorist to hide he is a terrorist but probably not, more precisely there is less chances he, than anybody else.

Whatever you say basic and simple if this guy said anything understandable, he kind of asked for help. So we should call that terrorism "overcover". pure abstraction. He obviously was not. Kill anybody, but not he who comes to ask your help.

Killing a man who has comes to you for help is lower than anything one could think of, be him mentally ill makes no difference, ... or it actually makes it worst. You can kill your wife and kids, and your neighbours and yet be forgiven. But if a man ask your help and you wear a uniform you may not.

You are so stupid you only try to justify this because i'm french and you feel agressed, but the more you argue the lower you go. You don't even realise what you are trying to justify is just subhuman.

If you shoot a man that has come to you for help there is no argument period. You make your buddies ashamed, you make the name human a shame.
If you think everybody is suspect and should be killed, just start with your miserable selves.

THIS WAS FOR WES AND ANDY, to everybody else: OK the Marshall was not prepared and panicked, this is it.

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 8:39 pm
by Wesley Tucker
Hey, Etienne?

Whatever you do, don't drop it. Just keep at it. Keep it up. I'm sure if you keep at it and at it and at it that eventually you'll produce some bit of convoluted reasoning that will . . . accomplish nothing.

just plain silly

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 8:54 pm
by Andy Bittner
I think the key post in this recent conversation is when Mike Ohm asked Etienne what he would do. Although the question is really answerable as, live in another country and not be in the situation in the first place, I wonder whether Etienne can even project himself into the situation to give a real, practical answer to the question, and if so, what would his actions have been.

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 10:47 pm
by Etienne de Bary
i can't, i answered this question to Jadranko earlier on.

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 2:51 am
by Ted Hall
There is a simple fact at play here: anyone who screws around for whatever reasons in a high security environment can expect serious trouble. Defying law enforcement orders in an acute high security situation is to risk death; anyone who believes otherwise is simply stupid. Law enforcement is very hard work, and I respect the people who do it, even though I abhore violence of any type. I choose not to participate in violence, but I am wise enough to understand that there are others who do, including cops. If I am ever near any law enforcement agent who is on alert, then I make sure that my behavior is consistent with letting that agent know that I pose no threat to anyone. To act in any other manner is as I said, just plain stupid. An alerted law enforcment agent, in any circumstance, is going to act acutely if they perceive a threat. This is obviously what happened on that plane. It is indeed tragic, and I hate that someone had to die, but I understand why. Anyone who cannot behave appropriately in an airport, due to illness or anyother reason, really shouldn't be there (if this guy needed meds to function safely, why was he off his meds putting himself in a dangerous situation?). I don't like that this is the way our world is, but I am wise enough to recognize the reality of it. To assume that cops aren't going to shoot someone who they believe to be an acute threat to other lives, even though you may disagree with it, is foolish. There is no way to defend threatening behavior on an airplane -- we all know the stakes. If we aren't capable of controlling our behavior, they we cannot go into high security situations like that. Period.

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 4:18 am
by Pat Chewning
Etienne de Bary wrote: Whatever you say basic and simple if this guy said anything understandable, he kind of asked for help. So we should call that terrorism "overcover". pure abstraction. He obviously was not. Kill anybody, but not he who comes to ask your help.
Etienne: How do you make the leap from saying 'anything understandable' to asking for help? Lots of criminals say things that are understandable, but not pleas for help. Things like "Give me all the money in the register." "I'm gonna beat the shit out of you." Or my favorite: "I've got a gun and I'm not afraid to use it!" (Said to me as I was skateboarding in a local neighborhood.)

I don't see these, or statements like "I've got a bomb", as pleas for help. How can you?

Are you making this up, or are there actually some news reports that say the guy was asking for help?

-- Pat

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 10:57 am
by Etienne de Bary
if you want to bomb, you bomb, silent, you don't ask a marshall to show the way. (No Andy i do not have a practical experience of bombing). A bombing is not a bank robbery.
A guy who says he has a bomb says he need help turning it off, if he wanted to blast it he just would. The guy is your witness.

More violence and brutality rarely rimes with more efficiency, if you think such events prove there is "high security", it just means the marshalls know the planes fly unsafe and unchecked. It's rather clear that quite a few years after 9/11, things are still in the same state of permanent panic. More and more violence and less and less security. High security is expensive and invisible.

Typical security administration is the NSA, most expensive and you never hear about it, i don't know if the NSA does any good, but i can believe it's a security administration. The less i know the best it sounds.

Over there...

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 1:31 pm
by Andy Bittner
Wow! Firehoses and tear gas, just because some kids wanted to go to a party. I sure am glad I don't live in France.

(Pat... he's clearly making it up. That's a troll tactic. Not that I doubt he has a problem with what's going on in his own country, but do take notice of how much less energy and space he spends on that compared to the topics on which he knows he can attract the most vigorous and acrimonious argument. There's no argument/reward for him to come on here and start saying things like, "Gee, France sure is screwed up, right now." People would just agree with him, and what fun is that? The past few posts, about a guy asking for help, seem to be all about some kind of wild, psychological analysis of human behavior and the Miami situation that is going on in Etienne's mind, all so he can just keep arguing. He says that people who are really going to blow themselves up, do so silently. How could he possibly know this? Of course, he knows that because he's interviewed dozens of people who were standing and talking with suicide bombers as they detonated themselves. Ok... maybe not interviews, but from the numerous witness reports from people who were in the immediate physical proximity of a suicide bomber at detonation. The thing is... there just really aren't that many people who have had this particular experience and lived to tell about it. Nonetheless, Etienne knows exactly how it all goes down. Somehow, he's an expert. Don't get me wrong. I am not suggesting Etienne has anything to do with people who become suicide bombers or would ever support such people. I'm just saying there is apparently a world, inside of Etienne's head, where Etienne is an authoritative expert on everything, and just because it seems to him that something must happen a certain way, then it happens that way. The problem is, this unbalances Etienne in the real world, where everything doesn't necessarily happen the way it thinks it does, just because he thinks it should.)

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 3:06 pm
by Mike Cividino
I think america is just as messed up as france. At least the problems they have stay in France and they deal with them, You all, wait, ya`ll know thats not the american way. The american way is to get wrongly involved in wars, aside from WW2 of course. So at least France is not a global threat, sadly we all know america is. Canada aint perfect, but we keep to ourselves.

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 5:22 pm
by Etienne de Bary
Mike Cividino wrote:I think america is just as messed up as france.
We shout at one another just as much as they shoot one another. As americans are afraid of simple words, and of these obcene queers who dare express their feelings, they think we live in a civil war, but it's only a debate and we are all still alive at the end of the argument.

Tear gas, wow ! A deadly weapon: you might cry.

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 5:32 pm
by Wesley Tucker
Etienne de Bary wrote:We shout at one another just as much as they shoot one another
Really? So tell us, how many Algerians and Vietnamese died from all that shouting?

Re: Over there...

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 5:32 pm
by Etienne de Bary
Andy Bittner wrote:inside of Etienne's head, where Etienne is an authoritative expert on everything, and just because it seems to him that something must happen a certain way, then it happens that way. The problem is, this unbalances Etienne in the real world, where everything doesn't necessarily happen the way it thinks it does, just because he thinks it should.)
It really takes an expert to tell a bomber needs stealth to reach its target. How is that brain donnor search going on by the way ?

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 5:35 pm
by Etienne de Bary
Wesley Tucker wrote:
Etienne de Bary wrote:We shout at one another just as much as they shoot one another
Really? So tell us, how many Algerians and Vietnamese died from all that shouting?
And the invasion of Rome by the Gallus harrg

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 10:49 pm
by Justin Pannulla
Im sure the guy would feel his death is justified by all the arguing and insults that are going around about this.

Re: Bias

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 10:53 pm
by Vincent Berruchon
Andy Bittner wrote:Once again, Etienne de Bary has trotted out his well-worn bias against the current US government and the socio-political and economic state of that nation. To do so, he has mis-stated facts, and selectively edited news articles at exactly the moment when he was sure he could get the greatest rise out of anyone not in agreement with his biased viewpoint. I've been aware of Etienne's ugly bias for some time now, and usually just ignore him when he gets this urge to flaunt his sense of personal (and national?) superiority. However, what has me interested (and dismayed?) this time is that otherwise intelligent individuals have chosen to take his bait, not only "wrestling with a pig" (where everyone gets dirty, and the pig loves the whole thing!), but not even challenging his clearly mistaken facts.
so funny..
butI hope it was the goal and you don't take all that too seriously


Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 10:59 pm
by Wesley Tucker

The French Government today just raised the terror alert from "cower" to "run like hell!"

Several threats were reported at the National White Flag factory on the outskirts of Paris.

Film at 11.

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 11:07 pm
by Joe Iacovelli

Did your in laws get "roughed up" or otherwise accosted and aprehended at an airport?


Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 12:04 am
by Vincent Berruchon
I never read this topic and I probably won't read it much in the future

but Mr.Tucker -who perhaps tried to be funny and was at least insultant-
except that your dear president and his clan encourage you to do it (probably they have their reasons for that ok)
do you have explanation for this systematic french bashing and anti-french campaign that come again and again (including so often lies and disinformation eve from masses media or important personalities) ?

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 2:12 pm
by Mike Elwood
I hear CBS is looking for a good replacement for Dan Rather. Etainne should apply.
It's a darn shame that there are bad people in this world. Plain and Simple. Therefore some folks get beat up or killed. I remember as a kid some bad people picking on a kid who after taking all he could would get all radical and HE'd be the one to get in trouble. That unfortunaltly is how bad folks operate. And somewhere there's always some dummy who defends them. Here in America we are hated by a bunch of folks who have no idea what they'd do in the situations that our enforcement folks deal with. And like Monday morning quarterbacks, they always have some way of doing it better. In my line of work (roadbuilding) we call 'em "after-the-fact-engineers". It's too bad a bipolar guy got shot. It's too bad a cop had to be hassled for doing his tough job and that he felt he had to kill someone. It's too bad that someone out there blindly hates someone for this. It's too bad we ate the apple way back when and now have to deal with all this. But as for me I love America w/ all it's faults. Like it or not in the words of Rick Flair "it's the best thing going today" Wooooooo!!!! USA,USA,USA

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 12:26 am
by Wesley Tucker
What's all this I hear about a nice jewish boy like Howard Stern going to Syria's radio?

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 3:54 am
by Mike Elwood
I reckon he thinx Martians and Vulcans want to hear his noise. Or maybe he's not making enough $ to pay all those fines AND allimony too. Or maybe his radio audience is shrinking and this is a grab at survival. Wonder if it's available in other languages.

Great Timing

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 3:42 pm
by Chris Chaput
Speaking of bombing...
This looks like a great time to drop a bombshell on you. A french bombshell that is. Pink Skateboards is proud to announce their latest and greatest rider, Celine.

As you can see, she likes to bomb. Hills that is. And she likes to beat people. She often beats women and children. Racers that is. Celine is French. For all of you geographically challenged Americans, that means that she is from France, not Frenchland. She speaks fluid French. And again, for all of you silly Americans, fluid French is NOT a salad dressing, it's a language. The French language is the second most beautiful thing to come from one's lips, closely following the French kiss. Speaking of native tongues, I speak a little French myself. Oui. Like when I pronounce my last name "shaw-PEW". Unfortunately, it sounds a bit like "stinky cat" in French, so most of just go with "CHAP-it". You see, my ancestors are French. Some of my relatives are French Canadian. I am however, French American, which means that technically I am French, but I bathe and don't smoke. Being French American means that I get to protest all wars, but I appreciate it when someone saves my ass by bombing the "real" enemy. It means that I get a little whine with my cheese, and I get to simultaneously love and hate Lance Armstrong.

As the famous American skateboarder Descartes once said, "Ice skate, therefore I am"
As the famous French King once asked "Can't we all just get a longboard?"

Thanks for letting me set the record straight, on The Dark Side of the Cone

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 4:12 pm
by HUYNH BACH SAC Frédéric
Nice shot Chris !

We use to train very often with Céline, she is getting faster and faster !!!! ( really cool girl too ! ).

Pink Ladies

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 12:19 am
by Sam Gordon
Fast, French and feisty. Good going Celine!


So, who gets to be Rizzo?

A Little Light on the Dark Side

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 1:55 am
by Chris Chaput
I know that this is supposed to be the DARK side of the cone, but there's something about Celine that just lights up the room. Although I haven't met with her face to face yet, I am very impressed with her wonderful attitude, her sweet spirit and her beautiful smile. And hey, the girl can SKATE! So far, everyone I've heard from has nothing but nice things to say about her.

When she approached me about sponsorship, I told her that I couldn't think of a better person to help share the joy of skateboarding with. She joins Isabelle, Midget, Isa, Judith and others as some of the "girls to watch" in 2006.

Now everybody can go back to the DARK side. But remember all you slaves to fashion, Pink is the new black!

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 2:16 am
by Vincent Berruchon
Bravo Chris
You illuminated the Dark side with Celine ;)

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 11:11 am
by David Rudnianski
Wooow... Celine is a real star now...Good choice Chris ;)

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 7:48 pm
by Chris Chaput
Pretty In Pink

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 8:08 pm
by alavoine jean paul
Isn't she pretty in pink?


Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 8:13 pm
by alavoine jean paul
Wesley Tucker wrote:THIS JUST IN! THIS JUST IN!

The French Government today just raised the terror alert from "cower" to "run like hell!"
Run like hell, run like hell.

P.S.: Will there be any more song-quoting today? No milk today...

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 11:19 pm
by Etienne de Bary
At the #1 Paris Pirate there was a young Ella with terribly worn out wheels.

Thank Heaven, For Little Girls

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 8:29 am
by Chris Chaput
No French women should ever have to ride bad wheels again. Let's get her hooked up with Pink!

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 9:03 pm
by alavoine jean paul
Etienne de Bary wrote:At the #1 Paris Pirate there was a young Ella with terribly worn out wheels.

Ella Ella!


Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 9:30 pm
by Sam Gordon
Hands up:

Who knows a few words in French?
Who rides a deck that is exactly two-and-a-half times her age??
Who has beaten both Pink and Young Gun riders this Autumn???
Who has girly coloured footwear????


I said hands up.

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 11:14 am
by David Rudnianski
Ella or Celine? Who's the best? Let's see on the next season ! ;)


Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 6:06 pm
by Chris Chaput
I fully expect to see both of those nice young ladies to be riding Pink SickSicks and Seven-O's at all of the slalom races in 2006.

Can any super good guesser tell us how big (in millimeteres) the SickSicks are and how big the Seven-O's are?

Can anyone guess the color?

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 10:58 pm
by Pat Chewning
Chris Chaput wrote:I fully expect to see both of those nice young ladies to be riding Pink SickSicks and Seven-O's at all of the slalom races in 2006.

Can any super good guesser tell us how big (in millimeteres) the SickSicks are and how big the Seven-O's are?

Can anyone guess the color?
I'm going out on a limb here: 66mm pink, 70mm pink

Foiled again

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 1:48 am
by Chris Chaput
Damn. These guys are good!

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 3:06 pm
by Peter Klang
You are more active then ever on SS and NCDSA,
are you newly in love or unemployed?

Oh cooooool, just realised this most be my last post ever, check the number, the number of the beast, the beast on your steet and every hill.


over and out on SS see you at NCDSA

An Active Chaput

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 10:20 pm
by Andy Bittner
Peter, A spike in Chaput activity could also indicate a spell of bad weather in Huntington Beach.

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 1:18 am
by Jean-Sébastien Dennebouy
Whow, i should come more often on this forum, where i can learn very interesting things !
Bravo Céline !

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 4:31 pm
by Wesley Tucker
This Just In:

"Updated: 09:36 AM EST
1970s Teen Idol Leif Garrett Arrested

LOS ANGELES (Jan. 18) - Seventies teen idol Leif Garrett was being held without bail after authorities said he was suspected of carrying narcotics and not having a subway ticket."

Another one of Joe Iacovelli's idols has fallen by the wayside.

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 5:00 pm
by Chris Favero
just last month i downloaded his song"i'll be at betty ford for xmas"i guess he wasnt kidding.

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 10:59 am
by Etienne de Bary
Wesley Tucker wrote:This Just In:

"Updated: 09:36 AM EST
1970s Teen Idol Leif Garrett Arrested

LOS ANGELES (Jan. 18) - Seventies teen idol Leif Garrett was being held without bail after authorities said he was suspected of carrying narcotics and not having a subway ticket."

Another one of Joe Iacovelli's idols has fallen by the wayside.
Another terrorist for sure...

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 1:25 am
by Gary Fluitt
I heard a prominant Hollywood studio has contacted Chaput's agent about the role in Garrett's made-for-tv story.

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 4:43 am
by Chris Chaput
Two ways that I have something in common with Leif Garrett:

1. We were both offered roles in the movie "Skateboard" in 1978
2. We both have substance abuse issues

1. I didn't get the job as his double when Leif decided to do his own stunts. "Tony Bluetile" and other skaters had to drag their feet and go slow so that "Brad Harris" didn't become Max Embarass.

2. In 8 days, I'll be celebrating 20 years of perfect sobriety. This means that for the last two decades I have had absolutley no alcohol, no weed, no coke, no mushrooms, no acid, no pain pills, and no sucking the nitrous oxide out of all the whip-cream cannisters, etc.

Apparantly Leif didn't get the memo.


Top 5 list

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 11:28 pm
by Jonathan Harms
I just saw a hilarious "Top 5" list--two of them, actually. Here's the first one. If you're not familiar with Christianity, you probably won't get 'em. I'm a recovering Lutheran, so I think they're hilarious. Warning: If you don't think joking about religion is appropriate, you probably won't like them very much.

A group of evangelists are trying to use wrestling
as a way to spread the gospel to youths. The group
holds "Wrestling for Jesus" shows, in which they
perform in masks and tights and have biblical names.

So what might be some of the names of the wrestlers, you ask? The Web site asked their contributors for their suggestions. Here they are:

The Top 5 Evangelical Christian Wrestlers
(Part I)

5. Apostle Creed
4. Wrathsheba
3. Clouting Thomas
2. The Ecclesiasskicker

and the Number 1 Evangelical Christian Wrestler...

1. Mary Manglin'

They did a second list, which is even funnier, I think. See

Now, how is this slalom-related?

Well, it's not. But maybe we can start our own Top 5 (or whatever number) list that *is* slalom-related. How about the top five "other names" for slalom? Or maybe for tight slalom? Top five excuses for losing a race? Post 'em here!